CONVENTION ON LONG-RANGE TRANSBOUNDARY AIR POLLUTION (LRTAP) Review Mission Greece, Athens 3-4 November 2010 Venue :Ministry for the Environment,Energy and Climate Change Auditorium, 119 Mesogeion Av, 10192 Athens, Greecee Tel 210 6969877 – 8, Fax: 210 6969608 Members of expert review team (ERT) Marta Munoz Cuesta ( ) Larsolov OLSSON ( Ivan ANGELOV ( Ministry for the Environment Energy and Climate Change. Prof. Andreas Andreopoulos , Secretary General , Ministry for the Environment Prof. Kostas Mathioudakis , Secretary General, Ministry for the Environment Kyriakos Psychas, Chancellor to the Minister for the Environment Nikolaos Manalis, Ministry for the Environment, Director, Division Air Pollution and noise control Alexandros Karavanas, Ministry for the Environment, GHG Registry Administrator. Ilias Mavroidis, Ministry for the Environment ,Division of International and EU relations George Chronopoulos, Environmental Inspectorate, Ministry for the Environment Tasos Adamopoulos Ministry for the Environment, Division Air Pollution and noise control Dimitrios Athanasiou, Environmental Inspectorate, Ministry for the Environment Ministry for the Regional Development Charito Piperopoulou, Director National Committee for meeting 20-20-20 targets and other requirements Prof, Dimitris Lalas, Chairman Center for Renewable Center and Saving Kostas Tigas, Director of Division for Energy Policy and planning George Giannakidis, Head of Energy Systems Analysis Laboratory GHG Inventory Unit Prof, Ioannis Ziomas, National Technical University of Athens Ioannis Sempos (Sebos), National Technical University of Athens Athina Progiou, National Technical University of Athens Public Power Corporation Vaso Tsadari, Director Politopoulou Sofia , Division of the Environment Christou Athina, Division of the Environment Konstantinos Kotzinos, Division of the Environment Hellenic Petroleum Pinelopi Pagoni, Director, Health, Safety and Environment Division Dimitris Leventos, Health, Safety and Environment Division To be confirmed Program for the country mission to Greece following EB decision 2009/6 on compliance with the protocol on NOX Draft Agenda Indicative time Schedule 09:30 - 10:00 DAY 1 (3 November 2010) Welcome, acquaintance and introduction Introduction, Welcome Speaker Alexandros Karavanas, Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change Prof. Andreas Andreopoulos , Secretary General, Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change Prof. Kostas Mathioudakis , Secretary General, Ministry for the Environment 10:00 - 11:00 Clarification of EB decisions ERT Purpose of mission. Content of decisions. Findings of the IC on the latest submissions (reports). Discussion on how to improve reporting. 11:00 - 11:15 11:15 - 13:30 Coffee break Administration: organisation and responsibilities Greece, policy makers Environmental Policy in Greece. EU Climate and Prof D Lalas, Head of 20-20-20Committee Energy Package / 20 -20 -20 targets. Organizational aspects, responsibilities and competences, concerning legislation and policies, of the local, regional and national authorities. Alexandros Karavanas, Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change Policies and measures Status and implementation, compliance and enforcement of permitting legislation. George Chronopoulos, Environmental Inspectorate, Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change Monitoring mechanism for the air quality. NOx levels. Tasos Adamopoulos, Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change EU Climate and Energy Package / 20 -20 -20 targets. Implemented and planned national measures. Kostas Tigas, Director of Division for Energy Policy and planning, Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving Discussion 13:30 - 14:30 14:30 - 16:00 Lunch Break Emissions and Projections Organizational and Responsibilities for National Emission Inventories 16:00 - 16:15 16:15 - 17:00 17:00 - 18:00 Greece, policy makers Alexandros Karavanas, Ministry for the Environment Overview of institutional, legal and procedural arrangements of National GHG Emission System. Prof, Ioannis Ziomas, National Technical University of Athens , Inventory planning and preparation. Brief general description of methodologies and data sources used. Ioannis Sempos, National Technical University of Athens Methodology and energy model analysis George Giannakidis, Head of Energy Systems Analysis Laboratory, Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving General presentation on emission trends and projections of NOx. Quantification of policies impact. Ioannis Sempos, National Technical University of Athens Coffee break Sectoral presentation NOX: measures and effects Greece, experts and policy makers Refineries Pinelopi Pagoni, Dimitris Leventos Hellenic Petroleum Shipping Hellenic Coast Guard. Stationary combustion < 50 MW (households, commercial and agriculture). National policies and planned measures. Dimitrios Athanasiou, Environmental Inspectorate, Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change Sectoral discussion NOX: measures and effects Discussion All Time Schedule DAY 2 (4 November 2010) 09:30 - 10:15 Sectoral presentation NOX: measures and effects Power plant sector 10:15 – 11:00 Sectoral discussion NOX: measures and effects Speaker Greece, experts and policy makers Politopoulou Sofia, Athina Christou, Kotzinos Konstantinos, Public Power Corporation All Discussion 11:00 - 11:15 11:15 – 12:00 Coffee break Sectoral presentation NOX: measures and effects Road transport 12:00 – 12:45 Sectoral discussion NOX: measures and effects Greece, experts and policy makers Athina Progiou, National Technical University of Athens All Discussion 12:45 – 13:00 Close of meeting All