S.A. Lesmeister CV Sarah A. Lesmeister 2376 Crosby Herold Road Lincoln CA 95648 Email: Salesmeister@ucdavis.edu Phone (916) 847-6366 Education The University of California at Davis September 2009- Present PhD in Ecology (In Progress) The University of California at Davis January 2007-March 2009 B.S. in Evolution, Ecology and Biodiversity Sierra College August 2004-December 2006 Emphasis in Biological Science Honors in Organic Chemistry Publications Jacobs, B. S. and Lesmeister, S. A. 2012. Maternal environmental effects on fitness, fruit morphology and ballistic seed dispersal distance in an annual forb. Functional Ecology Ger, K. A., S. J. Teh, D. V. Baxa, S. Lesmeister, and C. R. Goldman. 2010. The effects of dietary Microcystis aeruginosa and microcystin on the copepods of the upper San Francisco Estuary. Freshwater Biology 55:1548-1559. Presentations Lesmeister, S.A. 2011. Acute Toxicity of Insecticides to the Calanoid Copepods, Eurytemora affinis and Pseudodiaptomus forbesi, of the San Francisco Estuary. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. Lesmeister, S.A. 2011. Acute Toxicity of Insecticides to the Calanoid Copepods, Eurytemora affinis and Pseudodiaptomus forbesi, of the San Francisco Estuary. Life Sciences in the 21st Century: A Focus on Water. Technical University of Munich. Munich, Germany Lesmeister, S.A. 2010. Evaluation of Acute Toxicity of Chlorpyrifos, Permethrin and Bifenthrin on the copepods Eurytemora affinis and Pseudodiaptomus forbesi of the San Francisco Estuary. 6th Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference. Sacramento, CA Lesmeister, S.A. 2010. Differences in Sensitivity of Eurytemora affinis and Pseudodiaptomus forbesi to Chlorpyrifos, Permethrin and Bifenthrin. 2010 Interagency Ecological Program Workshop. Sacramento, CA. Lesmeister, S.A. 2010. Acute Toxicity of Insecticides on the copepods Eurytemora affinis and Pseudodiaptomus forbesi, of the San Francisco Estuary. Northern California Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting. Berkeley, CA. S.A. Lesmeister CV Awards 2011-2013: Bay Delta Science Fellowship. The acute and chronic effects of pesticides on the calanoid copepods, Eurytemora affinis and Pseudodiaptomus forbesi, of the San Francisco Estuary 2011 Spring UC Davis Graduate Student Association Travel Award to attend Life Sciences in the 21st Century with a Focus on Water. Munich, Germany 2011 North America Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Travel Award to attend annual North America SETAC Conference. Boston, Massachusetts. Research Experience September 2009-Present Aquatic Toxicology Graduate Student Researcher Maintain live zooplankton and phytoplankton culture Develop and conduct aquatic toxicology and zooplankton experiments Analyze and interpret experimental data March 2009-September 2009 Aquatic Toxicology Lab Assistant Maintain live zooplankton and phytoplankton culture Develop and conduct aquatic toxicology and zooplankton experiments Analyze and interpret experimental data July 2007-March 2009 Aquatic Toxicology Student Assistant Maintain live zooplankton cultures Assist in laboratory experiments regarding ingestion of toxins, including Microcystis, and their effects on copepods January 2008-Present Independent Research Student of EVE 199 Under the guidance of Dr. Maureen Stanton and PhD candidate, Brooke Baythavong, designed and carried out an individual research project aimed to answer the question: How does maternal and current environment nutrient availability affect primary and secondary dispersal distances of Erodium cicutarium? Preliminary data analysis indicate plasticity and maternal environmental effects. January 2008-June 2008 Experimental Field Ecology Student of EVE 180 A/B As a class, under the guidance of Dr. Sharon Strauss and Dr. Maureen Stanton, we designed and executed two field experiments regarding the invasive plant species, Raphanus sativas. Addressed the following questions: How does neighborhood genetic relatedness affect plant size? And how does neighborhood flower color effect pollinator behavior? S.A. Lesmeister CV July 2007-November 2007 Population Biology Student Assistant Entered and updated experimental data Assist in greenhouse experiment regarding Erodium Cicutarium, nutrients, and fitness February 2007-June 2007 Animal Behavior Patricelli Lab Student Volunteer Assisted in obtaining data by evaluating videos of mating Sage Grouse to determine a relationship between sexual selection and acoustic communication. March 2007- June 2007 Herpetology Field Course Student of EVE 134F As a class, under the guidance of Dr. H. Bradley Shaffer, we designed and executed an experiment addressing the spatial distribution of two species of turtles, Emys marmorata and Trachemys scripta, in the UC Davis Arboretum Professional Society and Club Memberships Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Member (2009-Present) American Fisheries Society-Davis Sacramento Subunit President (2010-Present) Treasurer (2009-2010) Member (2009-Present) SEEDS Member (2007-Present) Sierra College Science Club Treasurer (2005-2006) Member (2004-2006) Research Interests Ecotoxicology Aquatic Food Webs Population Dynamics Estuarine Ecosystems Lower Trophic Level Organisms Community Ecology Ecosystem Ecology