Int. J. Chem. Sci. Vol. 7 No. 1, ISSN 2006-3550 PROXIMATE AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF WATER MELON SEED AND OIL FROM KALGO, KEBBI STATE, NIGERIA ijcs *Y. Yahaya; N. M. Samuel Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology Aliero Email address:; Phone number: +2348060653966 (Date Received: 12/11/13; Date Accepted 24/12/13) Abstract The proximate and chemical properties of water melon (Citrulluslanatus) seed and oil from Kalgo, Kebbi State were evaluated to know whether it could be exploited for consumption and other domestic applications. Values of 38.33%,19.89g/100g, 23.18g/100g, were observed for the oil yield, crude fibre and crude protein respectively. The mean values of 20.74 µg/g, 7135.45 µg/g, 2560 µg/g,1452 µg/g,570 µg/g,42.50µg/g,33.12 µg/g, and 15.72 µg/g, were obtained for Na, K, Mg, Ca, P, Fe, Zn and Cu respectively, as the mineral element composition of the seed. For the oil, the mean values of 0.816 Kg/dm3 for the Specific gravity and 1.31 for the refractive index both at 25oCindicated that the oil can be stored for some time. The mean values of 61.75gI2/100g,180.01 mg KOH/g,61.75gI2/100g,180.01 mgKOH/g, 12.22 mg KOH/g, 4.57 mg/g were observed for iodine, saponification, acid and free fatty acid respectively. Generally, the values indicated that both the seed and oil could be suitable for consumption and domestic applications. The high acidity observed in the oil makes it uneconomical for the traditional process of trans-esterification. Keywords: Proximate, chemical, properties, Citrulluslanatus seed oil. health andcitrulline, an amino acid that is commonly converted by kidneys and other organs into arginine and phenolic antioxidants(Finaet al., 2013). In some parts of the world, the young fruits and leaves are cooked and eaten as vegetables. The seeds are bruised and rubbed up with water to form an emulsion, which is used to cure catarrhal infections, disorders of the bowel, urinary passage and fever (Sabahelkhieret al., 2011). The seeds are also used for oil production at the subsistence level in many African countries and Middle East. Also, the seeds have been found to be good sources of INTRODUCTION Water melon (Citrulluslanatus) belongs to the family cucurbitaceae a medium sized plant family found in the warmer regions of the world. The fruit possesses a smooth exterior ring and a juicy red, yellow or orange interior flesh that contains over 90% water (Jeffrey, 2005). The plant is a valuable and portable source of water for desert situations and when natural water supplies were contaminated (Taiwoet al., 2008; Sabahelkhieret al., 2011). Water melon fruit is a good source of vitamin C, carotenoids (lycopene) which is important for bone 10 Int. J. Chem. Sci. Vol. 7 No. 1, pp 10-16, 2015 protein, vitamins, mineral elements and fatty acids (Mirjana and Ksenija, 2005). The fatty acid profile of edible oils play very important role in their stability and nutritional values. Monounsaturated (18:1) and polyunsaturated (18:2) fatty acids have been found to be effective in replacing saturated fatty acids as part of cholesterol – lowering diets. Though, researches have shown that oils with substantial amounts of unsaturation particularly 18:2 fatty acids (such as linoleic acid) are susceptible to oxidation and may produce products that contribute to arteriosclerosis and carcinogenesis (Mirjana and Ksenija, 2005). The oil from water melon seeds is reported to contain high amount of unsaturated fatty acids, it is viscous and has an indefinite shelf life when stored in a cool and dry places. Reports have also shown that the oil has high content of omega acids and linoleic acid which assist in the removal of excess sebum within the skin for ensuring that the skin cleansing. These properties have made the oil an all-purpose oil (Zahra and Ali, 2010). information on the nutritive composition of the leaves, seeds and seed oil of the plant from the area. The objective of this study was to determine the proximate and mineral element composition of the seed as well as the physico-chemical properties of water melon seed oil from Kalgo Local Government area of Kebbi State. This is with the view to make appropriate recommendation on the health and other domesticimplicationsof water melon seed and its oil. The demand for vegetable oil is increasing at a rapid pace due to increasing demand for non-food uses of vegetable oils such as in biodiesel, oleo-chemicals, lubricants, pharmaceuticals and cosmetic industries. Only few known plant species are currently commercially exploited to produce oils in order to meet up with the challenge (Zahra and Ali, 2010). In Nigeria, particularly in the North, water melon plant is mostly grown for the fruits. There are little or no effort on the extraction and utilization of its oil. This could be associated to lack of adequate Proximate Analysis Moisture, ash and crude protein contents of the dried powder samples of the seeds were determined in accordance with the methods described by (Nayak and Patel, 2010). The Total dietary fibre was determined by nonenzymatic-gravimetric method which was carried out by suspending 500 mg of each of the samples in two separate beakers with distilled water and incubated at 37oC for 90 minutes. This was followed by precipitating with four volumes of 95% ethanol. One of the washed, dried and weighed residues was MATERIALS AND METHODS Sample Collection and Preparation The fresh ripe water melon fruits were collected randomly from three selected agricultural fields surrounding Kalgo town. The seeds were removed, washed and dried in the sun for 48 hours. The seeds were crushed in to powdered form using plastic mortar and pestle to obtain a sample size that passed through 80- mesh sieve. The resultant seed materials were stored in a refrigerator at 5oC until required for analysis (Zahra and Ali, 2010; Kalkarniet al., 2012). 11 Proximate and Chemical Properties of Water Melon Seed and Oil from Kalgo, Kebbi State, Nigeria ashed at 525oC for 3 hours while the second portion was analysed for crude protein using Kjeldahl method. The weight of the residues after correcting for crude protein and ash corresponds to the Total dietary fibre(AOAC, 1998). The available carbohydrate was determined as the difference between 100 g dry mass of sample and the sum of the values for ash, fibre, crude lipid and protein (Stewente et al., 1974; Mcdonaldet al., AOAC, 1998). using refractometer at 25oC and titrimetry respectively as described by Nayak and Patel (2010). The specific gravity at 25oC and free fatty acid compositions of the oil were determined according to the methods described by AOAC (1998). Mineral Element Composition Wet ashing technique was used and the digestion processes were carried out in thrice by weighing 1.0g of each of the oven dried and powder sample into separate 100cm3Kjeldahl flasks, 30cm3 of 69.5% (w/w) HNO3 was added to each of the flasks and heated until about 10cm3 of each of the solution remained. This was followed with the addition of 2cm3 of 60% HClO4 acid, 10cm3 of 69.5% (w/w) HNO3 and 1cm3 of 98% (w/w) H2SO4 into each of the flasks. The mixtures were further heated in a fume cupboard until the appearance of white fumes. The resulting solutions after cooling were each filtered into separate 50cm3 volumetric flasks and diluted to the mark with distilled water (Miller-Ihli and Bakar, 2000; Daniel, 2003). A blank solution was prepared in the same way but without any sample. Na and K were determined by flame emission spectroscopy (Corning 400 model), P was determined by colorimetric (phosphor-vanadomolybdate) method using spectrophotometer (6100, Jenway, UK). Mg, CaFe, Zn and Cu were determined by AAS (S4 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer Thermo Electron, Cambridge, 2002). Extraction of Oil The oil was extracted by heating 100g of each of the ground samples with 200cm3 of n-hexane using soxhlet apparatus for 6h on a heating mantle. The excess of the solvent was removed by reduced pressure using a rotary vacuum evaporator. The recovered oil was freed of any traces of moisture by mixing it with small amount of anhydrous sodium sulphate before filtering. The resultant oil was capped in a brown bottle and stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of about 5oC for further analysis (Archanaet al., 2011). Oil Characterization The peroxide and acid values were determined by the methods described by (Louset al., 2011). Iodine and saponification values were determined in accordance with the methods described by (Archana and Bachheti, 2011). The refractive index and unsaponifiable matter were determined 12 Int. J. Chem. Sci. Vol. 7 No. 1, pp 10-16, 2015 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 1. Proximate and mineral element composition of water melon seed expressed in dry weight basis Parameter Value Moisture 6.47±0.53g/100g Ash 4.38±0.25g/100g Crude protein 23.18±2.48g/100g Crude fibre 19.89±1.76g/100g Crude lipid 38.33±2.25g/100g Carbohydrate 14.22±2.18g/100g Na 20.44±1.33µg/g K 7135.45±88.41µg/g P 570.92±05.37µg/g Mg 2560.34±76µg/g Ca 1452.22±90µg/g Fe 42.50±1.59µg/g Zn 33.12±87µg/g Cu 15.82±66µg/g Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation of three replicates Table 2. Physicochemical properties of water melon seed oil Parameter Value Colour Yellow Smell Spice like Nature of oil Liquid at room temperature o Specific gravity at 25 C (Kg/dm3) 0.816±1.00 o Refractive index at 25 C 1.31±0.25 Saponification value (mg KOH/g) 180.01±1.46 Iodine value (gI2/100g oil) 61.75±1.55 Peroxide value (mmol O2/kg) 4.48±0.06 Unsaponifiable matter (g/100g) 1.50±0.75 Acid value (mg KOH/g) 12.22±0.09 Free fatty acid (mg/g) 4.57±0.03 Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation of three replicates 13 Proximate and Chemical Properties of Water Melon Seed and Oil from Kalgo, Kebbi State, Nigeria Table 1 presents the proximate and mineral element composition of water melon seed. The moisture content value (6.47g/100g) indicated that the seeds can be kept for a long time without getting spoiled. The mean value of 23.18g/100g for crude proteinwas observed to be slightly high and closely relate with the values of 21.8g/100g for water melon seeds by Mirjana and Ksenija (2005) and was within the range of 19.36 – 26.21g/100g for winter melon seeds reported by Farooq et al. (2011). The value of 19.89g/100g for crude fibre is slightly lower, but can help in the supply of fibre particularly to those who take less vegetables. The values were lower than the range of 28.18 – 42.03g/100g reported by Farooq et al. (2011). The percentage oil yield of 38.33% was higher than 22.10g/100g reported by Mirjana and Ksenija (2005), but compared well with the values of 35% and 40%for black and white seeds of water melon respectively reported by Sabahelkhieret al. (2011). Similarly, the oil yield was lower than the values of 45.54% from water melon seed reportedby Zahra and Ali (2010) and 46.31% from Jatropha seeds by Nayak and Patel (2010). The seeds are therefore considered as good source oil. The mean values of 20.74 µg/100g, 7135.45µg/g, 7135.45 µg/g, 2560 µg/g, 1452 µg/g, 570 µg/g, 42.50 µg/g, 33.12 µg/gand 15.72 µg/g were observed for Na, K, Mg, Ca, P, Fe, Zn and Cu respectively. The values particularly for K, Mg, Ca, P, Fe are high enough to help man meet their body requirements. The low value for Na makes the consumption of the seeds safe for high blood pressure patients. The values generallycompared well with those reported by Mirjana and Ksenija (2005). Table 2 presents the physicochemical properties of the oil extracted from water melon seed. The yellow colour and spicy odour of the oil are important features that can encourage consumers to accept it (Farooq et al.,2011). The mean value for specific gravity displayed by the water melon seed oil fall within the range of 0.88 – 0.94g/cm3 recommended for consumption(Farooq et al.,2011). Valuesfor the specific gravity and refractive index compared well with those reported in oil from black and white water melon seeds by Sabahelkhier, et al. (2011) and Mirjana and Ksenija (2005). The refractive index and specific gravity are important physical properties that provide information on the purity of vegetable oils (Farooq et al., 2011; Montes et al., 2011). The saponification, iodine, acid and peroxide values were 180.01 mgKOH/g, 61.75 mgI2/100g, 12.22mg.KOH/gand 4.48mmol O2/kg, respectively.The saponification value compared well with the value of 188mgKOH/g reported by Mirjana and Ksenija (2005) and the range of 182.30 – 194.10mgKOH/g reported for oil from winter melon seeds by Farooq et al. (2011). Iodine value which is the measure of the average amount of unsaturation of fats and oils was lower than the values of 119 mgI2/100g and 80 -85mgI2/100g reported by Mirjana and Ksenija (2005) and Sabahelkhier, et al. (2011), respectively. The high iodine value observed in the oil is likely to be due to its high content of 14 Int. J. Chem. Sci. Vol. 7 No. 1, pp 10-16, 2015 unsaturated fatty acids. Oils with high iodine and saponification values are suitable for soft soap and cosmetic production as well as for edible applications. The acid value was much lower than the values reported for oil from black and white water melon seeds by Sabahelkhier, et al. (2011), but higher than the value of 1.00 mg KOH/g reported by Mirjana and Ksenija (2005). It compared well with 11.0 mg KOH/g reported forjatropha seed oil by Singh and Siroj (2009). The high level of acidity observed in the oil makes it uneconomical for the traditional process of trans-esterification. The peroxide value was slightly lower than the values of 12 mg KOH/g and 9 mg KOH/g reported by Sabahelkhier, et al. (2011) and 7.9 mg KOH/g by Mirjana and Ksenija (2005). 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