Patient Information and Condition Form.d[...]

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Patient Information and Condition Form
Date of Birth_____________________Age__________________Sex:
Social Security # (for insurance purposes only)___________________________________
Emergency Contact & Phone#_____________________________________________________________
Name of Spouse or Guardian )if minor)_____________________________________________________
Your Occupation_______________________________________________________________________
Home Phone_______________________________Work Phone_________________________________
Cell Phone__________________________________E-Mail_____________________________________
Who is your Primary Care Physician (PCP)?__________________________________________________
Where is your PCP located?_______________________________________Phone__________________
How did you hear about us?______________________________________________________________
If you find our facility on the internet, please indicate where and how (example: Google, Facebook,
searched for back pain__________________________________________________________________
Do you have health insurance: Yes No
Insurance Company Name:_______________________________________________________________
Name of Subscriber:____________________________________________________________________
Relationship to Patient (self) (spouse)(parent)________________________________________________
Subscriber Date of Birth_________________________________________________________________
Subscriber Social Security #:______________________________________________________________
Insured ID #_______________________________________Group #______________________________
Patient Information and Condition Form
Core Spine & Wellness LLC 180 Tices Ln East Brunswick, NJ 08816 (732)253-5451 (732)253-5451 fax
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List your chief complaints in order of severity:
1.__________________________________________________For how long_______________________
2.__________________________________________________For how long_______________________
3.__________________________________________________For how long_______________________
Auto Accident? Y N
Work Related? Y
Have you had any type of diagnostic test for your chief complaint? If yes, please indicate where and
date of test:
X-Ray_________________________________________ EMG__________________________________
MRI__________________________________________ Other__________________________________
Have you received any prior medical treatment? Please indicate when and for how long you received
Physical Therapy_______________________________________________________________________
Any type of injection____________________________________________________________________
Circle any activities that aggravate the condition:
Walking lifting coughing sitting bending sneezing sleeping standing other
Circle any activities that alleviate the condition:
Rest standing heat exercise lying down ice sitting standing massage other
Do you currently have, or have you had any of the following conditions or symptoms?
Core Spine & Wellness LLC 180 Tices Ln East Brunswick, NJ 08816 (732)253-5451 (732)253-5451 fax
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_____Knee pain
_____Neck pain
_____Low Back Pain
____Hip Pain
____Wrist or Hand pain
____Chest pain
____Heart Condition
____High Blood Pressure
____Shortness of Breath
____Loss of smell/taste
____Stomach Problems
____Ringing in Ears
____Loss of Balance
____Shoulder Pain
List any hospitalizations, operations, and /or serious illnesses:
List all medications you are currently taking:
Please list any allergies:
Core Spine & Wellness LLC 180 Tices Ln East Brunswick, NJ 08816 (732)253-5451 (732)253-5451 fax
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Please indicate on the diagram where you are experiencing pain
Does your pain travel? Yes No If yes, please draw this on the diagram
Do you have numbness/tingling in your arms, hands, legs, or feet? If so, please mark on the diagram
where you are experiencing these symptoms by writing Numbness or Tingling
What is the severity of your problem? (You may also write numbers on the diagram if you prefer)
(best) 1
10 (worst)
How are your symptoms affecting your lifestyle? (i.e. job, relationships, recreational activities,
household chores)
Core Spine & Wellness LLC 180 Tices Ln East Brunswick, NJ 08816 (732)253-5451 (732)253-5451 fax
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Please indicate any activities you have difficulty with performing:
No Difficulty
A lot of
Unable to
Opening a Tight Jar
Turning a Key or Screwdriver
Pushing Open a Heavy Door
Hair Care
Placing Objects on High Shelf
Dressing of Upper Garments
Rising from Seat (w/o using arms)
Getting up from the Floor
Getting In/Out of a Car
Putting on Shoes/Socks
Lifting Gallon of Milk
Lifting Objects up off of Floor
Washing Back
Walking Between Two Rooms
Walking Two Blocks Without Rest
Typing/ Use of Mouse
Carrying Objects More than 10lbs
Walking One Mile Without Rest
Standing for a Total of One Hour
Sitting for a Total of One Hour
Rolling Over in Bed
Carry Shopping Bag/Case
Please list any other Activities not listed that you have difficulty
Core Spine & Wellness LLC 180 Tices Ln East Brunswick, NJ 08816 (732)253-5451 (732)253-5451 fax
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I understand and agree that health and accident insurance policies are an arrangement between my
insurance company and myself, not between my insurance company and this office. I agree to pay my
estimated patient responsibility and further understand that the estimated responsibility is neither a
guarantee of payment by my insurance company , nor necessarily an accurate reflection of my actual
responsibility as determined by my insurance company upon processing of my claims. In the event that
my insurance company does not pay on my charges at the estimated rate or within a reasonable period
of time, upon request of this office I will immediately pay the balance owing on my account unless
otherwise agreed to in writing. I understand that an interest charge may appear on all accounts over 90
days. I further understand and agree that if this office must take any action to collect an outstanding
balance on my account, I will be responsible for payment and will reimburse this office for all costs of
such collection efforts, including, but not limited to, all court costs and attorneys’ fees.
I authorize this office to release any medical information relating to my treatment to any insurance
companies which may be responsible for paying benefits for me, and to any attorneys who may be
representing me due to my condition, and to complete any usual and customary reports and forms at no
charge to assist in collecting from my insurance companies, attorneys, or other payers.
I have read, understood, and agree to the foregoing. The information which I have provided is true and
complete to the best of my knowledge.
Patient’s Signature:___________________________________________________Date______________
Signature of Parent or Guardian if a patient is a
Core Spine & Wellness LLC 180 Tices Ln East Brunswick, NJ 08816 (732)253-5451 (732)253-5451 fax