FAS Undergraduate: New Course Course Number: Course Title: Credit: Semester to take effect: Abbreviation: Pre-requisites: Co-requisite: Special Notation: 01:013:144 Arabic Lab II 1.0 Fall 2011 Arabic Lab II Elementary Arabic 1, 01:013:140 or equivalent 01:013:141 Open only to students with limited prior knowledge of spoken and/or written Arabic Instructor-guided laboratory practicum for improving oral proficiency . Practice in aural/oral skills and communication styles. Evaluation of pronunciation and fluency. Catalog description: Type of meetings weekly: Lecture: Recitation: Laboratory: XX Other: Will this course require additional resources? If yes, explain. NO Has this course been discussed with and consented to by officers of those department(s) which offer courses with which it might overlap or which offer pre-requisite courses? If yes, name the department(s) and explain. Originated by (name of department or program officer): Title (Chair, Undergraduate Director, or Program Director): Department: Date: Maryam Borjian Program Director AMESALL March 14, 2011 Course Description/Rationale: This language laboratory course is designed to improve oral proficiency in Arabic for students at an elementary 2 level of study. It is a 1 credit course designed for students with a novice-mid level of proficiency (based of ACTFL Standards) in Arabic. The course meets once a week in LLB-119 on College Ave Campus. The main objectives of the course are: the systematic improvement of fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary enhancement, listening, and speaking skills. This course will help students to learn how to communicate in Arabic in the increasingly multi-cultural environment in the state of New Jersey. It is also expected that this course will enable students to achieve the rank of novice high on an oral proficiency examination based on national standards. Each lab class will begin with an audio program for listening, pronunciation and fluency practice. Following the audio practice, video will be incorporated as a stimulus to discussion. Students will work in groups on performance based tasks that will be monitored and evaluated by the instructor. Students will finish any uncompleted work at home and individually record their regular oral production assignments. 1 Sample Syllabus ARABIC LAB II, 01:013:144 Department of African, Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Literatures Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey New Brunswick Campus Spring 2011 Course Description This language laboratory course is designed to improve oral proficiency in Arabic for students at an elementary 2 level of study. It is a 1 credit course designed for students with limited prior knowledge of spoken or written Arabic. The course meets once a week in LLB-119 on College Ave Campus. The main objectives of the course are: Systematic improvement of pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary use, listening, and speaking skills. This course will help students to communicate in Arabic in the increasingly multicultural environment in the state of New Jersey. It is also expected that this course will enable students to achieve the rank of novice high on an oral proficiency examination based on national standards. Each lab class will begin with an audio program for listening, pronunciation and fluency practice. Following the audio practice, video will be incorporated as a stimulus to discussion. Students will work in groups on performance based tasks that will be monitored and evaluated by the instructor. Students will finish any uncompleted work at home and individually record their regular oral production assignments. Learning Objectives Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to comprehend and speak Arabic at a novice-high level as defined by the ACTFL Guideline. Understand short, learned utterances, particularly where context strongly supports understanding and speech is clearly audible but they will periodically request repetition and/or a slower rate of speech. Use Arabic words related to basic objects, places, and most common kinship terms. Produce short sentences to satisfy partially the requirements of basic communicative exchanges by relying heavily on learned utterances. Ask questions or make statements involving learned vocabulary and utterances. Pre and Co-Requisites: Pre-requisite: Elementary Arabic 1, 01:013:140 or equivalent Co-requisite: Elementary Arabic II, 01:013:141 Textbooks/Materials There is no required textbook for this course but the textbook that accompanies 01:013:141 (elementary Arabic 2) will be used. Handouts with oral production assignments will be distributed throughout the semester. Digitized video segments will be uploaded to the language laboratory server for students’ use. Course Requirements 1. An entrance oral proficiency exam will determine students’ skill levels. 2. Attendance is mandatory. 3. Students will be responsible for recorded oral production assignments weekly. 4. An oral proficiency midterm will determine students’ progress in the course. 2 5. An exit oral proficiency exam modeled on national standards will constitute the final exam. Students will make appointments with the instructor to schedule the exam. Course Requirements and Grading (Grade Definition Quality Points from Rutgers University Catalog) 92-100 = A (4.0) 88-91 = B+ (3.5) 82-87 = B (3.0) 77-81 = C+ (2.5) 70-76 = C (2.0) 60-69 = D (1.0) below 60 = F Attendance/participation Oral production assignments Midterm Final 25% 25% 25% 25% Course Session Outline This outline is negotiable and subject to alterations Week Week 1 Topic Introductions and Review Talking about oneself, family and friends Pronunciation Practice of Arabic sounds Assignments Due Week 2 Campus life and daily routine Oral production assignment 1 Week 3 Personal opinion and argumentation Sentence intonation Week 4 Relating about others Week 5 Carrying out simple Transactions, Part 1 Week 6 Carrying out simple Transactions, Part 2 Week 7 Midterm exam Week 8 Telling a short story Relating about actions in the past Week 9 Practice of time indication Making comparisons Week 10 Feelings, feelings, feelings! Week 11 We are getting ready for a trip! Practice of the future tense Week 12 Physical descriptions Week 13 Short training on presentational mode/ Review Week 14 Final exam preparation Oral production assignment 2 Oral production assignment 3 Oral production assignment 4 Oral production assignment 5 Oral production assignment 6 3