Relaxation -

Self- Regulation vs. Relaxation
Goal: To reduce stress?
Relaxation: Time away from activities of daily living. (unable to perform during
perfect relaxation).
Self-Regulation: What you can do while you are engaged in the activities of your
life. This skill is called introception.
Introception: Body awareness and softening of muscles.
Peripheral vision: Forces you to function from the Sympathetic to the ParaSympathetic nervous system. Put your attention to the periphery for 10 seconds.
Vagal nerve soft palate: Starts in the soft palate. Saying AH or R softens the soft
Diaphragmatic breathing: lacing fingers behind neck and stretching/leaning back
Relax the Psoas: Demonstration of the four points and relaxing the core muscles
 Touch memory with sits bones and hip bones.
 Imagine of a square or rectangular sheet of paper.
With a relaxed body you can live with intention.
With a tense body you will default to compulsivity.
Lanette R. Best Self-Regulation Guidelines