/ AEC Approval Number Double Click to Select Header / /AEC : ITEM Animal Ethics Committee Form APPLICATION Registration. No. 019 Refer to the Australian code of practice for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes* (the Code). ‘Applicants’ are Staff or Students of the University. ‘Responsible Investigators’ are Staff who conduct, or supervise, a project on or off campus, in accordance with; AEC approval, the Code, the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001**, other relevant Commonwealth and State legislation and reporting to the AEC as required. A ‘Contact’ person can be nominated to correspond with the AEC. Submit one copy (see dates below) to the Office for Research N54 0.10D. Alternatively, if submitted by email attachment, scan or fax only signature pages to “AEC Secretary” (Fax 07 3735 7994). The University is registered to use live animals for scientific purposes including teaching.** The operations of the AEC ensure that the University complies with the Code* at all times. If a project is conducted at another institution independent approvals from each AEC must be obtained. AEC approved Standard Operating Procedures are available. AEC 2013 SUBMISSION DATES: 25 Jan.,22 Feb.,28 March, 26 April, 24 May, 5 July, 2 Aug.,6 Sept., 11 Oct., 14 Nov. Effective alternatives to using live animals must be considered. All use of animals for any purpose must be justified. Investigators have personal responsibility for all matters related to the welfare of the animals they use and must act in accordance with all requirements of the Code.* This responsibility begins when an animal is allocated to a project and ends with its fate at the completion of the project. Investigators have an obligation to treat animals with respect and to consider their welfare when planning and conducting projects. Other notices p6. Student Ethical Guidelines p7. To vary or report on Approved Projects see p8 or p9. Project Title Centre or School Responsible Investigators/Supervisors Title Family Name Given Name Qualifications Employer Other Investigators (Research Assistants & Postgraduate Students) Title Family Name Given Name Qualifications Employer Project Duration ≤ 3 yrs (Maximum) From: To: Funding Sources (Check box if outcome of funding application is not yet known) Animal Ethics Approved by another AEC? No Pending Yes AEC name ………………………………………………………………………………………………… No animals will be in Griffith Animal Facilities Complete this page only and attach copy of other AEC application. GU AEC Use Approved from As submitted / / to / After modification / Assessment Date / / After resubmission Chairman Griffith University AEC: …………………………………………….. Date Rejected / / Select Footnote: CTRL+ click to follow Link. *The Code is available as a PDF and downloadable at http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/publications/synopses/ea16syn.htm **Queensland DPI&F administers registration and a very useful website at http://www2.dpi.qld.gov.au/animalwelfare/10608.html See guidelines for the scientific use of wildlife or domesticated animals at http://www2.dpi.qld.gov.au/animalwelfare/10185.html Double Click to Select Header 1.0 PROJECT CLASSIFICATION 1.1 PROJECT PURPOSE 1.1.1 Primary purpose? Research Teaching 1.1.2 AEC Approval Number / /AEC (Check one box) Social relevance or significance? Conservation/Environment Medical Science 1.2 SUBJECT AREA 1.2.1 Primary subject? (Check one box) Behaviour Cell Biology Ecology Molecular biology Pharmacology Other (please specify) Diagnostic Product development Other (please specify) Veterinary Science Other (please specify) Basic Biology Biochemistry Clinical sciences Genetics/gene manipulation Nutrition Physiology Biomaterials Drug development Immunology Neurobiology Toxicology 1.3 PROJECT CATEGORY 1.3.1 Experiments involve. (Check one box) A. Routine animal procedures, observations and recordings of free roaming animals. 1.3.2 / B. Injections causing no more than minor discomfort, euthanasia to obtain tissues or samples for analysis, or in vitro, cell, tissue of organ studies. C. Experiments under anaesthesia with recovery - mild; with recovery - major; without recovery; procedures which may involve continued discomfort or distress requiring observation. D. Survival after an intervention which causes minor stress of short duration, e.g. for cannulation of blood vessels/organ under anaesthesia, administration of some pharmacological substances, laparoscopy, caesarean section, tissue perfusions, brief restraint of wild animals, supra-physiological food or water deprivation. E. Survival after intervention which causes major or prolonged stress, e.g. major surgery, major behavioural modification, prolonged restraint, administration of toxic or painful substances. Are any of the following procedures involved? (Check one or more boxes) Analgesia Behavioural deprivation Burns Foetal intervention Genetic manipulation Induction of serious disease Irradiation Malnutrition Neoplasia Toxicology If you checked any box in 1.3.2, and the project is not Category E in section 1.3.1 please justify this exclusion. Page 2 of 10 AEC Approval Number Double Click to Select Header 2.0 / / /AEC PROJECT AIM State the research or educational aims clearly without jargon, as if to the press. Include essential reference citations here or at 4.0 (Protocol). 3.0 ANIMALS REQUESTED 3.1 Explain why techniques which do not use animals are unsuitable. 3.2 If requesting animal tissue only, can tissue be obtained from euthanased animals used for other projects? NO YES with AEC approval no. / / /AEC. 3.3 Justify the use of animals for obtaining information which benefits the Primary Purpose (See 1.1.1). A justification for use of the selected species must also be provided. 3.4 ANIMALS REQUESTED — PER ANNUM Species 3.5 Strain Common Name No. p.a. Source Provide a justification for the numbers of animals requested including evidence that the numbers are minimal, but statistically robust to achieve the aims of the research. Include a table showing the numbers of animals to be used in treatments (and controls) in 4.0 below. The numbers of each wildlife species sampled per site per annum (see 6.2) should be justified, similarly. Page 3 of 10 Double Click to Select Header 4.0 AEC Approval Number / / /AEC PROTOCOL Insert a separate page headed ‘4.0 PROTOCOL’ with a detailed but concise description of experimental or survey protocol(s). Include prior experience of methods used (e.g. for trapping or tagging). Please refer to section 2.2.16 of the Code to ensure that you provide all the required information. Include and fully cite essential references. 5.0 ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 How long will individual animals be held and/or subjected to experimental manipulations? 5.2 How long will animals be held after they recover from experimental procedures? 5.3 Is this a repetition of a previous experiment? If yes, please justify the repetition of this experiment. 5.4 Have, or will, any of the animals be used in other experiments? If yes, please give AEC register number (if known) and justify their use in this project. 5.5 Does this project involve experimental studies of un-anaesthetised animals which may cause pain or distress and where analgesia will not be used? If yes, state and justify the end point for the experiment and indicate measures to be taken to minimise pain and distress. 5.6 Does this experiment pose any health risk to staff or other animals? If yes, how will this health risk be minimised? 5.7 Does this proposal raise any other ethical concerns? If yes, please elaborate. (E.g. What action would be taken if you encountered injured wildlife?) Page 4 of 10 AEC Approval Number Double Click to Select Header 6.0 SUPERVISION OF EXPERIMENT AND CARE OF ANIMALS 6.1 Who will conduct the experiments and maintain the animals, or capture wildlife? / / /AEC Responsible Investigators, Lecturers or Supervisors Assistant Investigators, Postgraduate Students or Demonstrators Animal Facility Supervisor Proposed Analgesic (dose rate and regime) 6.2 Experimental / Collecting Locations Specify intended Animal Housing Facility or Wildlife Sampling Areas to be used. (On-campus animal housing facilities are approved by the AEC and inspected annually. Indicate the numbers of proposed wildlife sampling sites within each of the named areas.) 6.3 Laboratory Animal Source (Select and check) Animals must be ordered through Animal Facility Supervisor Commercially available tissue only or other AEC Approved Project. A commercial supplier approved by Griffith University? Will University Staff be requested to maintain a breeding colony for this project? 6.4 ) No Yes (Details……………………. ) Out bred (Details……………………. ) No Other Animal Housing Requirements. (Select and check) Micro environment Macro environment Animal marking and genotyping methods 6.5 Inbred Yes (Details……………………. Housing Cage type Bedding Feeding Watering Group Conventional Normal Normal Normal Temperature Humidity Containment Ear clip + gel analgesic (AEC preferred) Ambient Ambient Normal Technical /Training requests YES Individual IVC Special Special diet Supplemented Micro-isolator Special regime Special regime Other (Details…………………….) Other (Details…………………….) SPF Other Justify methods at 4.0 (Protocol) (Select and check) Will Staff be requested to perform technical work on animals in addition to routine husbandry? Will Staff be requested to provide training in any techniques required? Yes (Details……………………. ) No Yes (Details……………………. ) No Requirements 6.3 - 6.5 have been discussed with the Animal Facility Supervisor? (Check) YES NO Animal Facility Supervisor (signature):............................................... Page 5 of 10 AEC Approval Number Double Click to Select Header 7.0 / / /AEC STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE I/we the undersigned have read the Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes and accept responsibility for the conduct of the experimental procedures detailed in this proposal in accordance with the guidelines contained in the Code. 7.1 Responsible Investigators, Lecturers or Supervisors Name Phone (W) 7.2 Phone (H) Signature Assistant Investigators, Postgraduate Students or Demonstrators Name Phone (W) Phone (H) Signature SCHOOL AND FACULTY RECOMMENDATION 7.3 Head of School/Centre Director Date ......../......./............................................................... (Signature) or Dean Date ......../......./............................................................... (Signature) Comments (if applicable): 8.0 OTHER APPROVALS Approvals / Permits applied for, or obtained. (Select and check) Quote permit numbers, or attach copies. No Are G M O’s involved? Yes (GU IBC Ref.No…………………) Scientific research and educational No Yes (………………………………….) purposes permit (ECOACCESS). No Fisheries permit. Yes (………………………………….) Notes / Reminders 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Select Address: CTRL+ click to follow Link. The AEC wants to know if you intend to use animal tissues from commercial sources or from other AEC approved projects because this is an example of Reduction by secondary re-use. Authenticating tissue sources is important to all. For GMO enquiries see Institutional Biosafety Committee (GU IBC) http://www.griffith.edu.au/ots/secure/ibc/ibc_home.html. Check the sum of animals used in the experimental Protocol (4.0) equals the number p.a. (x yr.) requested in 3.4. Request a maximum duration of 3 years to avoid minor extensions. Normally, renewal is for a fourth final year. The AEC’s decision on your application will be emailed to you 15-17 days after this application is submitted. For common practices use AEC-approved Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s). Copies of Student Laboratory Notes should form part of applications for teaching subjects. Student Ethical Guidelines (below) should be printed and used in classes. AEC Secretary (Ph 07 3735 6618) Page 6 of 10 Double Click to Select Header AEC Approval Number / / /AEC Ethical guidelines for students using animals or animal tissues for educational purposes Introduction The use of animals or animal tissues for educational purposes is a privilege that brings with it responsibilities. These responsibilities go well beyond the need to avoid cruelty to animals and involve a genuine commitment to their welfare and a respect for the contribution they make to your learning. Outlined below are principles to consider in helping you to meet these responsibilities. Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching www.adelaide.edu.au/ANZCCART Principles to Consider 1. Consider why animals or animal tissues are being used The justification for using animals should be that their use is essential for the achievement of educational outcomes, while recognising the potential harm to animals to achieve these outcomes. Always consider whether the outcomes could be achieved without the use of animals or animal tissues. Students and staff members should be mindful of the “Three Rs” (replacement, reduction, and refinement) when working with animals. 2. Consider the requirements for animal welfare and animal handling At all times the welfare of the animal you use is your responsibility, not just your supervisor’s responsibility. This can be considered as a "duty of care". If you are required to handle animals, it is important to follow the instructions of staff in the correct handling and restraining techniques for the species being used. 3. Consider the regulatory environment and obey the law The use of animals in research and teaching in Australia is regulated by State and Territory government legislation incorporating the Australian code of practice for the care and use of animals for scientific 1 purposes . The use of animals for research and teaching must first be approved by an Animal Ethics Committee (AEC). Gaining this approval involves justification for using animals (species and number), the means by which animals will be handled and, if required, humanely killed, and the potential research and educational outcomes of the work balanced against any potential harm to the animals used. The skills of the staff involved and the supervision of the students are also evaluated. In fact, the questions raised by AECs should be those asked by each student regarding the use of animals for their education. 4. Consider your own views in using animals or animal tissues You should discuss the use of animals or animal tissues with other students and staff. Opinions should be formed and aired, with appropriate justification, in an open and accepting environment. Feel free to suggest ways of improving future classes. Some institutions have developed policies for ethical objections by students to the use of animals. If you feel unsure of your options consult these policies or the relevant AEC. 5. Consider your responsibility to ensure that good use is made of the learning opportunity You should know what underlying principles are being taught and understand the details that illustrate those principles. This involves reading background material from lecture notes, references and laboratory manuals before attending class, and being generally prepared to maximise the learning experience. ANZCCART has the following objectives: • to promote excellence in the care of animals used in research and teaching and thereby minimise any discomfort that they may experience; • to ensure that the outcomes of the scientific and educational uses of animals are worthwhile; and • to foster informed and responsible discussion and debate within the scientific and wider community regarding the uses of animals. 1 “Australian code of practice for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes” (Seventh Edition, 2004: Australian Government; National Health and Medical Research Council): http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/publications/synopses/ea16syn.htm Page 7 of 10 AEC Approval Number Double Click to Select Header / / Animal Ethics Committee Form /AEC : ITEM VARIATION Registration. No. 019 AEC 2013 SUBMISSION DATES: 25 Jan.,22 Feb.,28 March, 26 April, 24 May, 5 July, 2 Aug.,6 Sept., 11 Oct., 14 Nov. Projects can be approved initially for up to 3 years. Use this form for simple changes to methods or numbers and types of animals specified in current approved protocols or, to add or delete names or contact details of people conducting projects. For the welfare of both animals and personnel approved protocols should remain up to date in these respects and progress reports should accompany requests for variations. Changes requested through Contact persons do not need authorising signatures. Renewals and variations that involve significant changes to protocols should be submitted as re-authorised new applications or, be accompanied by copies of the original applications. Requests to extend projects (only for a fourth year) before they lapse, should include up to date protocols and reports. Submit by email attachment or, mail one copy to the Office for Research N54 0.10D AEC Secretary (Ph 07 3735 6618), Project Title 1.0 Describe the proposed changes to the approved protocol. Indicate changes of University teaching or research personnel with either (+) or (-) before names in this box. Specify for each new member: contact details, their role in project, experience and prior training, and if animal facility induction / access is required. Include any substitutions of animal strains. Note: If the total number of animals used will be greater than what has been approved a new application should be submitted. 1.1 If changes are proposed, please provide reasons for each change. 1.2 If the previously indicated finish date needs extending, why has the project been prolonged? 2.0 Detail the numbers of each strain or species of animals (per annum) originally approved. Species Strain Common Name No. p.a. 3.0 Detail the numbers of each strain or species of animals used to date. Species Strain Common Name 4.0 No. p.a. Detail the requested numbers of each strain or species of animals for the renewal period Species Strain Common Name No. p.a. Select Footnote: CTRL+ click to follow Link. *The Code is available as a PDF and downloadable at http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/publications/synopses/ea16syn.htm **Queensland DPI&F administers registration and a very useful website at http://www2.dpi.qld.gov.au/animalwelfare/10608.html See guidelines for the scientific use of wildlife or domesticated animals at http://www2.dpi.qld.gov.au/animalwelfare/10185.html AEC Approval Number Double Click to Select Header / / /AEC : ITEM Animal Ethics Committee Form REPORT Registration. No. 019 AEC REPORT DUE: 31 December 2013, or earlier if covering all project activity in 2013. Use for annual or final reports on approved protocols or to indicate progress if requesting renewals or variations to current approved protocols. An annual report covers all project activity in a calendar year from 1 Jan to 31 Dec. Responsible Investigators must ensure project reports are provided to the AEC annually and on completion. Failure to submit an annual report will result in the AEC withdrawing approval for an approved protocol. Reporting may be delegated to a Contact person involved in conducting a project who may report as soon as project activity ceases in that calendar year. Submit by email attachment or, mail one copy to the Office for Research N54 0.10D. Reports are read by AEC members and audited. The data they contain is reported annually by the University to DAFF and NHMRC. AEC Secretary (Ph 07 3735 6618). Project Title 1. 2. Report Type (Check one box) Final report Annual (ongoing) Progress (to date) Project Activity AEC approval is 3 years (max.); use Variation to extend by 1 year (max.) or renew by Application. Ethics approval period expiring? Re-new any ongoing updated protocol by Application before the next AEC meeting! Not currently commenced. Date……………………………… (Comment at 3.) Not commenced and abandoned on… Date……………………………… (Comment at 3.) Commenced but abandoned on… Date……………………………… (Comment at 3.) Ongoing until expiry of current ethical clearance. Completion Date……………………………… Current ethical clearance needs extending until… Proposed completion Date……..……………………… ( Please also submit a Variation request with this report) Completed on… 3. Finish Date..……………………………… Conduct of Project Has the Project been conducted according to the Approved Protocol? (Check) YES NO Comment on abandonment or delay and any subsequent variations that may require prior AEC approval. 4. Animal Welfare Did the procedures in the approved protocol effectively negate, minimise and manage the risks to animal welfare? (Check) YES NO If no, give the details of those risks that were not addressed and the actions taken by the research team. Are there any ethical issues or complaints about the conduct of this protocol that you would like to bring to the attention of the AEC? Select Footnote: CTRL+ click to follow Link. *The Code is available as a PDF and downloadable at http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/publications/synopses/ea16syn.htm **Queensland DPI&F administers Griffith University registration and a very useful website at http://www2.dpi.qld.gov.au/animalwelfare/10608.html Animals Used (Check) / AEC Approval Number Double Click to Select Header 5. / /AEC Animals not on campus and reported to other AEC. Go to 6.0 Animals Used Species / Strain Check boxes for transgenic strains. 1 Jan to 31 Dec (or portion ) Number Approved p.a. Since started (project totals) Continue below or attach a list and report by-catch species. * Attach a single copy of a completed animal score sheet used in the laboratory during this project. 6. Results of the Project Have the aims of the Approved Protocol been achieved to date. (Check) YES NO Please provide a 200 - 400 word description of results achieved according to those aims. Include discussion of publications and other outputs (e.g. curriculum change, higher degree completion or services provided). Research Publication: Griffith University AEC approval numbers to use animals in research should be acknowledged in publications and details of analgesia use should be included in methods. 7. Declaration I confirm that the information provided in this report is accurate and that, to date, this project has been conducted (3. excepted) in accordance with the approved protocol and with the principles contained in the Australian code of practice for the care and use of Animals for scientific purposes and the Griffith University Animal Ethics Manual. * I have included a copy of an individual animal score sheet used during this project as part of this report. Signed Name (print) Date / / Check one I am the Responsible Investigator I am the Contact person I am a Research Team Member Page 10 of 10