
Membership Pack for
Renewing Members
Be part of the largest Irish community network in Britain!
1 | Registered Charity Number 1092262
Irish in Britain is the lynchpin of the
community - making a difference to the lives
and experiences of Irish people across Britain.
Being a Member of Irish in Britain is about.....
Being a part of the only national strategic Irish network for the Irish in Britain
Benefiting from organisational support subsidised by the Irish government
Accessing advice from an organisation that understands your cultural heritage, approach
and concerns
Building a stronger Irish community voice and ensuring your community group is part of this
Making national connections
What do we do
Irish in Britain remains true to our roots. Established in 1973 we were created by the Irish
community, for the Irish community.
We lead
Through a shared vision we strive to galvanise action for the benefit of the Irish community in Britain
We connect
Linking people and organisations within our community with opportunities initiatives and solutions
We listen
To the voices and opinions that make up the Irish community in Britain and respond through our
words and actions
We champion
Supporting and representing the most vulnerable in our community and promote the strengths and
contributions the Irish make in Britain
We celebrate
What it means to be Irish in Britain today
What does it mean to be Irish in Britain?
This is a powerful question that will draw many different answers, stories and opinions depending
on who you ask: from the migrant that arrived in the 50s and 60s to the second generation person
miles away from ‘home’ or the Irish individual arriving in Britain today about to embark on their own
journey. But what unites us all is our pride in being Irish; the connection to ‘home’ and the evolving
notion of what it means to be Irish in Britain today.
Our organisation was the first to create a national body that brought together these many voices –
to share expertise, lobby, campaign and support the growth of the infrastructure of our community.
This offer stands today. The clubs, groups and societies that make up our membership play an
integral part in bringing ‘Irish in Britain’ to life. We want you to be part of this.
2 | Registered Charity Number 1092262
Is my organisation eligible to join?
Organisations interested in becoming Members must be:
Irish* organisations whose aims and objectives are in line with Irish in Britain’s.
Organisations that not primarily or exclusively working with the Irish community but deliver services
to, or work with, the Irish community can join as Associate Members and we welcome their
Types of Membership
Irish in Britain welcomes membership from all Irish organisations in Britain whose aims and
objectives are in line with those of our charity. We offer different types of membership to cater for
the diverse organisations serving the community.
Community Membership is for organisations that exist for the Irish community – whatever form
they take, including networks, clubs and centres, welfare services, cultural activity, sport and
heritage organisations. This is our full membership option and entitles each member organisation to
vote at our AGM and other national meetings.
We recognise that there are many smaller groups with limited financial resources and so a
concessionary membership fee of £20 is available by request; an annual turnover of £5k or less
would qualify an organisation for this fee. Those availing of the concessionary fee are full community
members and are treated the same as those paying the full fee.
Associate Membership exists to allow branches/chapters of larger umbrella bodies such as GAA or
Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann to join. It also allows organisations that not primarily or exclusively
working with the Irish community but deliver services to, or work with, the Irish community to join.
Network Membership is offered because also recognise that there are many informal groups that
exist online or that are in the initial stages of becoming a formal group.
Community Member
Community Member (concessionary)
Associate Member
Network Member
£75 per annum
£20 per annum
£20 per annum
£20 per annum
Individual Membership
For those who wish to support our work and develop an individual connection to Irish in Britain we
recommend our Individual Membership. This is open to anyone with an affinity to the Irish
community here in Britain and this membership supports our charitable work. You can read more
and join directly for £24 on our website
3 | Registered Charity Number 1092262
Benefits of
4 | Registered Charity Number 1092262
Community Groups Membership Benefits - Summary
For more detailed information about each benefit please read the following pages
Community Members
(Networks, clubs and centres, welfare
orgs., cultural orgs, business orgs etc)
Irish in Britain - Membership Benefits
Organisational Development Advice and Support
Advice on making representations to local MPs and Government Ministers
Free places at the Policy Advisory Forum – 3 meetings per annum
Free places at the Advice Workers Forum – 4 meetings per annum
3 printed ‘Irish in Britain’ magazines per annum with the opportunity for inclusion of your
news stories
9 e-bulletins per annum with the opportunity for inclusion of your news stories
3 Policy e-bulletins per annum
Promotion of your news stories and advertisement of your events through Irish in Britain
website (What’s On) and social media channels – Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn
Member Profile listing on the Irish in Britain’s website
Free advertising of vacancies and volunteer opportunities on Irish in Britain’s website
Free copy of Irish in Britain’s comprehensive guide to research on the Irish community in
Share your local, regional and national perspectives at our Annual General Meeting
Put forward your motions and vote at the Annual General Meeting
2 places at the Annual IN FOCUS conference
Places at the National meeting and AGM
Participation and access to materials relating to National Campaigns
Opportunity to be involved in member-specific collaborative projects and funding
Invitations to additional networking and information events organised throughout the year
Community Member
concessionary rate
Associate and
5 | Registered Charity Number 1092262
Communications Guide
for Members | Registered Charity Number 1092262
Information and Promotion
Spreading your news & celebrating your achievements
A key benefit of membership is access to our communications channels. Your successes are our news, so
please get in touch so we can share your achievements with the world.
Irish in Britain has a social media reach of almost 10,000 across Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and
growing; while our website attracts over 2,000 visits per month. Every issue of our Irish in Britain
magazine has a readership of around 5,000 and each of our eNews Bulletins reach over 9,500 people. As
a member, you can use our channels to promote your organisation. You can advertise your events for
free on our What’s On listings yourself via
Three essential pieces of info to access our information and promotion channels.
A. Irish in Britain magazine opportunities – Editorial Schedule
Each edition of the Irish in Britain magazine ‘Irish in Britain’ has a readership of over 5000 interested
We are particularly looking for Member organisations to put forward content in the following areas:
Future plans or events that we can promote
Opinion pieces/thought pieces relevant to the community
Spotlight on Community Member organisation
Individual profile for volunteers working in your organisations
Examples of best practice from your organisation
If you are interested in submitting content for any of these options please contact Michael Bourke: / 020 7697 4063/ 07880 383952 with your ideas.
NB – We can’t guarantee coverage for all news items but if we cannot include your contribution in
the magazine we will publish it online via our website, twitter and Facebook channels.
Deadlines for future editions in 2015-16 are as follows:
Publication date
March 2015
July 2015
November 2015
March 2016
News items – deadline for submission
End of January 2015
End of May 2015
End of September 2015
End of January 2016
Advertising opportunities
There will be a limited number of advertising opportunities in each edition at a reduced Member
price of £50-£100 depending on size.
Please contact Michael Bourke ( / 020 7697 4063/ 07880 383 952) if you
would like to advertise your service, website or activity. | Registered Charity Number 1092262
B. E-bulletin schedule
In addition to the printed magazine a 6 weekly eNews bulletin will be circulated keeping you up to
date with the Irish in Britain’s news and events and Members news, events and stories.
We have recently widened the circulation of the e-bulletin to include all of our contacts and
Facebook and twitter followers. This gives us a circulation of 9,500 individuals.
Priority is given to Member’s news in this e-bulletin and the wider circulation will ensure your
activity gets even wider exposure across the community.
The editorial schedule for this is as follows:
March e-bulletin 2015
April e-bulletin
May Policy e-bulletin
June e-bulletin
July e-bulletin
Aug e-bulletin
Sept Policy e-bulletin
Oct e-bulletin
Nov e-bulletin
Jan Policy e-bulletin
January e-bulletin 2016
Feb e-bulletin 2016
Closing date for news
Mon 9 March
Mon 20 April
Mon 11 May
Mon 1 June
Mon 13 July
Mon 24 Aug
Mon 31 Aug
Mon 5 Oct
Mon 16 Nov
Mon 4 Jan
Mon 11 Jan
Mon 22 Feb
Circulation date
Fri 13 March
Fri 24 April
Weds 13 May
Fri 5 June
Fri 17 July
Fri 28 Aug
Fri 4 Sept
Fri 9 Oct
Fri 20 Nov
Fri 8 Jan
Fri 15 Jan
Fri 26 Feb
Images where possible must be supplied for both the printed and digital newsletter as high res –
jpeg images.
If you have a special offer on tickets or anything else you would like to share with Members please
let us know which e-bulletin you might like to publicise this offer.
Please register your interest in any of the opportunities above with Michael Bourke: 020 7697 403
07880 383 952 | Registered Charity Number 1092262
C. Involve - Dates for your diary!
Summary 2015-16 Membership events programme
Irish in Britain run a number of Membership events throughout the year. This is a list of some of the regular
events that fill our calendar but is by no means exhaustive, please check our website and communications
for updates on upcoming events and workshops. Go to
Please make a note of the dates for diary below. (NB Dates might be subject to change)
11 April 2015
Clubs Forum
(Please contact John Gradwell about participating
21 April 2015
Funding Workshop
22 June 2015
Advice & Support Workers Forum – quarterly meetings
(Please contact Helen White about participating
25 June 2015
Policy Forum meeting
(Please contact Seán Hutton about participating
11 July 2015
Clubs Forum
(Please contact John Gradwell about participating
15 July 2015
Conference – topic to be confirmed
18 July 2015
Cuimhne Cup
St. Finbarr’s
21 September 2015 Advice & Support Workers Forum – quarterly meetings
(Please contact Helen White about participating
3 October 2015
National Meeting and AGM
10 October 2015
Clubs Forum
(Please contact John Gradwell about participating
22 October 2015
Policy Forum meeting
(Please contact Seán Hutton about participating
Dec 2015/ Jan 2016 Advice & Support Workers Forum
(Please contact Helen White about participating
9 January 2016
Clubs Forum
(Please contact John Gradwell about participating
January 2016
Emigrant Support Programme Workshops
24 Feb 2016
Policy Forum meeting
London &
(Please contact Seán Hutton about participating
March 2015
Advice & Support Workers Forum – quarterly meetings
(Please contact Helen White about participating | Registered Charity Number 1092262
Renewal Form | Registered Charity Number 1092262
Membership Renewal Form (please tick the appropriate box)
I am renewing as an Irish Community member (£75)
I am renewing as an Irish Community member and have applied for the concessionary
membership fee.
[This is only available to small organisations with a turnover of less than £5,000 and must
be preapproved by Irish in Britain]
I am renewing as an Associate member of Irish in Britain (£20)
I am renewing as a Network member of Irish in Britain (£20)
If you are renewing as Network or Associate Member of Irish in Britain please be aware that you will not
be a full voting member of Irish in Britain your application.
The signatories below confirm that our Board/management committee has agreed to renew /
apply (please delete as applicable) for Membership of Irish in Britain Signed by:
Data Protection – all your details will be held in accordance with our Data Protection Policy and not shared
with third parties. | Registered Charity Number 1092262
Contact details
Please fill out the form below. This form is an essential part of your Membership renewal and must be filled in fully. The more contact details you give us the more
people we can directly keep up-to-date within your organisation with e-bulletins and news alerts.
We will always liaise directly with your delegated primary contact on Membership and AGM issues. *This named contact will get all communications relating to
Membership and be responsible for cascading information throughout your organisation if additional contact details are not provided. If you are happy for us to add all your
staff/volunteers to our members contact list please send us a copy of your structure chart and associated contact details.
First name
Last name)
Role/Job title
Primary contact*
(if applicable)
Comms Contact
Additional Contact
Additional Contact
Payment details (please tick appropriate payment method)
Please invoice my organisation
Please find enclosed a cheque for Membership (Make payable to Irish in Britain)
We have made a BACS transfer to Irish in Britain and used this reference to identify our payment [NAME of your Org/IIB] _________________
Please return full Membership Application form to Ann Gould or Michael Bourke either electronically or by post via:
Email: or
Post: Irish in Britain, The Resource Centre, 356 Holloway Road, London, N7 6PA
NB – If emailing your form signatures must be added and a scanned copy sent through. Applications and renewals will not be accepted without signatures. | Registered Charity Number 1092262
Organisational contact information for our Database
Please note the information you provide here will be used to update your listing on our
database so please fill in as fully as possible – this is NOT publically available data.
We have recently upgraded our database so we would urge you to give as much detail as
Name of organisation
Description of organisation activity (150
Address 1
Address 2
Contact phone number
Email address (essential)
Facebook page
Twitter address
Charity or Company registration number
(if applicable) | Registered Charity Number 1092262
Member Profile Details for Website
Please provide the details you wish to have appear on your Member Profile on our website
– bear in mind that this will be publically available information.
If you do not have a venue/office and do not wish to use your personal contact details such
as address; please type in C/O IIB and we will add our own address.
Please email a logo to use on the website to
Name of Member
Contact Name:
Phone Number:
YouTube: | Registered Charity Number 1092262
Membership Renewal
Checklist | Registered Charity Number 1092262
We are delighted that you are renewing your membership with Irish in Britain. We would like to
make sure that we have all your details up to date. Please check that you have returned all relevant
documentation to us, this checklist is here to help you.
Please return the completed pages 11 - 14
Please email a logo to for your Member
profile page on our website [if you haven’t got one on your profile]
Please return payment either by cheque, BACS or request an invoice.
[If you have paid by BACS – What reference did you give that allows us to
identify the payment as yours?]
Don’t forget to check to see if you have already
Followed us on twitter @Irishinbritain
‘Like’ed us on Facebook – Irish in Britain
Connected to our LinkedIn Group – Irish in Britain
Checked the What’s On events listing on our website – Remember you can advertise your
events for free here by clicking
Thank you – we are stronger together.
Contact the Communications and Membership Officer with any
queries you may have:
Phone: 020 7697 4063
Email: | Registered Charity Number 1092262