Internet Research

Unit 2
Internet Research
Search to find the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismicity online resource called “Seismic
1. How many earthquakes occurred today? How many occurred yesterday?
2. Identify the latitude, longitude, magnitude, and depth of one of the earthquakes that occurred
3. Identify the name, location (including latitude and longitude), bedrock, geology, and director of
one of the seismic monitoring stations in North America.
Paleomap Project
View the Climate animation page. What happens to the wet topical belt when the continents
are gathered in a supercontinent.
2. Find the map that shows how the Caribbean has evolved. According to this page, what is
happening to the Atlantic Ocean floor?
3. View a future map. What will happen to Australia in 50 million years?
Heimaey Eruption (1973)
Find information about the 1973 eruption of the Eldfell volcano on the island of Heimaey, Iceland.
1. When did the Eldfell eruption begin and how long did it last?
2. What effects of the eruption caused problems for the people of Heimaey?
3. What did the people of Vestmannaeyjar do to protect their homes and the town’s harbor? Were
their attempts successful?
“Dead” Grabens
Find information about the structural geology of Death Valley in California and the Dead Sea in
1. In geologic terms, how was Death Valley formed?
2. What is the elevation of Death Valley? What is the elevation of the Dead Sea?
3. Why are both Death Valley and the Dead Sea so salty?
Hazards in the Americas
Find the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program Website. Find maps that show recent
earthquakes in North and South America.
1. What are the most seismically active areas of North America?
2. What are the two plates at the major plate boundary of the the most seismically active
area in North America?
3. What explains the pattern of seismic activity in North and South America?
4. What causes earthquakes along the San Andreas Fault?
The Carbon Cycle
Find information on the carbon cycle which involves Earth’s atmosphere and oceans.
1. What role do volcanoes play in generating carbon dioxide?
2. What effect does the carbon dioxide produced by erupting volcanoes have on the plant
and animal life near it?