Marine litter retention projects are initiatives in which fishermen voluntarily bring ashore the litter they collect in their nets during regular fishing operations. [Name of the project] is looking for fishermen in the ports of […]. The project will start on [date] and will last for […] years. [Name of the project] is led by [Name of host organisation] in cooperation with [Name of partners]. [Name of the project] is funded by [for example, LIFE, the EMFF]. By participating in this project, fishermen will contribute to removing litter from our seas and demonstrate the important role fishermen play as guardians of the marine environment. [Name of the project] will provide fishermen with all the equipment they need to participate. [Insert a short description of your organisation and of the project team or project coordinator. You may wish to include a picture of the team or coordinator here.] If you wish to participate or would like further information, please contact [Name of contact person] at [Email / phone]. _________________ [Address of the organisation and online details (e.g. website, Facebook, Twitter)] [Insert the name of the project] [Insert location of project] What are the objectives of the project? Improve the marine environment in the intervention area by reducing marine litter. Raise awareness of marine litter issues and reduce littering at sea. Improve understanding of the marine litter problem in the area. Why should fishermen participate in the project? By collecting litter and returning it to the port, fishermen are protecting the marine environment and fish stocks for the future. Collecting marine litter helps demonstrate to the community that fishermen are committed to protecting the marine environment. [Name of the project] will support fishermen by ensuring that big bags and disposal of marine litter at ports is provided free of charge. What do fishermen need to do if they participate in the project? Contact [name of organisation or coordinator] you wish to participate in the project on [contact details]. Collect big bags to collect litter at the port or from [name of organisation or contact person]. Collect the litter from nets in the big bags while fishing and store the litter in the big bags. Bring the litter ashore. Deposit the big bags at the port facilities.