1 Harlem Bay Network PROS 116 E 124th Street, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10035 (212) 876-6083 Fax: (212) 876-6092 PROS Referral Form Applicant Information Name: _________________________________ Telephone: __________________________ Address: _______________________________ Date of Birth/Age: ____________________ _______________________________ SSN: _______________________________ Race/Ethnicity: __________________________ Able to communicate effectively in English? Yes Gender:__________ Veteran: Yes No No Preferred Language: ___________ Religion:____________ Income Source(S): ____________________ Foodstamps: Yes No Health Insurance(s): ___________________ Policy/CIN Number :_______________________ Marital Status: Employed: Y Highest Level of Education/Degree: N If Yes: Full-time Part Time Per-Diem/Seasonal Referral Source: Name: ________________________ Title/Relationship: _____________________ Agency:_______________________ Phone: ______________________________ Address: PROS program use only: Psych Eval/Diagnosis Phys Exam Psychosocial AOT I. Mental Health Information Psych Svc Notes:____________________________ _ PROS program use only: Date referral received: _______________ Date of intake(s): __________________ _________________________________ Date of admission: __________________ 2 Mental Health Information Current/Most Recent Mental Health Provider Name: __________________________________ Agency/Clinic: ________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________ Phone: ______________________ ________________________________ Diagnosis (applicant must have a primary diagnosis of a serious mental illness to qualify for PROS): AXIS I/Code or DSM5/Code: _____________________________________________________ AXIS II/Code: _________________________________________________________________ AXIS III/Code: _________________________________________________________________ Other: ________________________________________________________________________ GAF Score: _________ Current Medication (list medication, dosage and dosing interval): _________________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________________ ________________________________________ Prescribing Health Professional(s): __________________________Phone: _______________ Will the individual need to receive Psychiatric Clinic services at the PROS program? Yes No If Yes was marked above – How much of a psychiatric medication supply does the individual currently have? Please indicate the number of psychiatric ER visits in the last 24 months: Please indicate the number of psychiatric hospitalizations in the last 24 months: Physical Health Information Does the individual have a Primary Care Physician: Yes No II. listLiving Situation If yes, please name and contact information of PCP: Approximately was the last time the individual visited this PCP? IV. Livingwhen Situation How many ER or hospital admissions has the individual had in the last 6 months for medical concerns: 3 Living Situation What is the individual’s current living situation? How long has the individual been in their current living situation? Has the individual ever been Use homeless? Yes No II. Substance Information If Yes – approximately how many days in the last 6 months has the person been homeless? Does the individual currently have adult children? Yes No Does the individual currently have minor children? Yes No If yes – do the minor children reside in the household? Yes No If yes, please indicate names and ages: ________________________________________________ ___Substance Use Information Does the individual have an alcohol or other substance use history? Yes No If yes, please indicate substances used (including tobacco/cigarette use): _____________________________________________________________________________ Date of last use of alcohol: ___________________________ Date of last use of other substances: Date of last use of tobacco: Legal History Please list any criminal convictions (please include dates and current status if on parole or probation): _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Is the individual under Parole or Probation Supervision? V. Recommendations Does the individual have a current AOT court order? Yes Yes No No If Yes, would this PROS program be part of the AOT Treatment/Service Plan upon program admission? Yes No 4 Reason for Referral Reason(s) for referral to or interest in a PROS program: Please attach the following Supporting Documents*: 1. Most recent Psychiatric Evaluation containing a primary mental health diagnosis and a Mental Status Exam (within the last 6 months). 2. Most recent Physical Examination (within the last 6 months). 3. Most recent Biopsychosocial Summary (within the last 6 months). Signature of referral source: _____________________ Date: __________ *Please note: Omission of supporting documents may delay the referral/intake process.