Reflection Rubrics – Classroom Compilation- 1st Draft Marking Rubric Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Analysis: Ability to come up with a reallife problem/question and the process taken to the solution/answer; making appropriate connections -demonstrates excellent understanding and consideration into real life example/question -provides solutions to questions in a wide range of perspectives -shows critical thinking ability in writing or presentation -shows profound understanding and consideration into real life example/question -provides a few solution to the problem suggested - shows understanding of the topic and explores little more deeply about real-life example/question -lacks finding solution or alternative methods to the problem/question suggested -merely states knowledge of the topic with no real-life example/question -no reflection made about the topic Communication: Utilization of a diverse set of learner-style based tools with clear and concise diction - Arguments are welldeveloped and are provided with plenty of evidence that supports the arguments - Overall writing is clear and concise -covers all of the learner-style base tools -Arguments are welldeveloped and evidence supports the arguments -accurately communicates the intended meaning - covers most of learner-style based tools -Arguments are well-Arguments are weak developed but lacks the and not supported evidence that supports the -The ideas are arguments underdeveloped and/or -Words are ambiguous and/or not clear gives possibility of misunderstanding -covers only few of learnerstyle based tools Direction: Delivering appropriate content based on relevant ideas and concepts -Arguments are well connected and focused on relevant topics -demonstrates a clear and a consistent understanding of the concepts -Overall writing maintains a solid consistency -Arguments are well connected to concepts/topic -displays solid control over writing -organization is clear but more explanation is needed for clarity -Arguments are somewhat connected to the concepts while few ideas irrelevant to the concepts -Lacks ability to smoothly connect different arguments on the concepts -Arguments are not consistent with concepts -No connections between points in writing Critical Thinking -demonstrates critical thinking advanced -demonstrates understanding -demonstrates and basic critical thinking understanding critical thinking and some -demonstrates limited understanding and basic critical thinking Personal Connection -connect personal learning to -connects personal -demonstrates limited -demonstrates few/no a larger scope(s) understanding to immediate personal understanding connections between surroundings personal understanding and larger context International Mindedness demonstrates international context local/ -considers local/ international -reflects context environment immediate -does not consider immediate environment nor global context Logical and Clear Progression of Thoughts Written Communication Depth of Engagement -thoughtful response and articulate -logical flow and comprehend Written expression is always clear, and is marked by no errors in grammar and spelling. Style is highly developed, and organizational flaws are extremely rare. - Asking provoking Written expression is generally clear, and is marked by few errors in grammar and spelling. Style is well developed, and organizational flaws are fairly rare. - Asking suitable Written expression is sometimes clear, and is marked by some errors in grammar and spelling. Style is slightly developed, and organizational flaws are fairly common. - Understand content Written expression is rarely clear, and is marked by many errors in grammar and spelling. Style is undeveloped, and organizational flaws are extremely common. - Able to questions questions to promote from class, offer summarize Able to engage in discussion opinions about content from Able to ask questions content but don’t class, little to in dialogue provoke further no personal Content has formed discussion input dialogue - easy to -concepts and ideas are -concepts and ideas understandable with a few are difficult to minor errors comprehend - Content has formed several tangible ideas - and provoked several tangible ideas questions beyond without provided the expected “guiding questions” material without - - Content has formed a - tangible idea - Shows minimal No evidence of critical thought - Little to no Shows moderate interest in the interest in the interest in the content content content provided “guiding questions” - Shows profound interest in content Breadth of Engagement Extraordinary input of Adequate input of thought; Minimal input of thought; thought; well-rounded adequate consideration of minimal consideration of consideration of alternative alternative perspectives alternative perspectives perspectives General Draws Deep Connections Clear understanding required expectations of Lack of focus and clarity Contextualize Experiences Meets all criteria Relativity between focused topic and greater context Demonstrates clearly thought process Demonstrates Deep Personal Connections and Contextual Understanding Demonstrates Thinking Critical Summarizing rather than demonstrating deep critical thinking the Does not demonstrate clear understanding of the topic of reflection Summary of work, without any input of thought; no consideration of alternative perspectives