Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 2007

NSW legislation
Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 2007
52 Registrable vehicles to comply with vehicle standards specified in
Schedule 2
(1) A person must not use a registrable vehicle on a road or road related area unless:
(a) in the case of a light vehicle:
(i) the vehicle complies with the applicable vehicle standards for the vehicle
NSW legislation
Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 2007
Schedule 2 Vehicle standards
61 Number-plates
(1) In this clause:
number includes a letter of the alphabet.
vehicle number-plate means a number-plate other than an auxiliary number-plate.
(2) The vehicle number-plate issued by the Authority for a vehicle must be permanently
affixed to the vehicle so that (assuming the vehicle to be on level ground):
(a) the number-plate is at all times:
(i) in an upright position that is substantially parallel to the vehicle’s axles, and
(ii) not more than 1.3 metres above ground level, and
(b) the number-plate is not obscured, defaced or otherwise not legible, and
(c) the numbers on the number-plate are clearly visible from a distance of 20 metres at any
point within an arc of 45 degrees from the surface of the number-plate above or to either side
of the vehicle, as shown in figures 1 and 2 of diagram 1 (in relation to heavy vehicles) and
figures 1 and 2 of diagram 2 (in relation to light vehicles)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Victorian Current Regulations
Affixing number plate
(1) The registered operator of a vehicle must ensure each number plate issued by the
Corporation for the vehicle is permanently affixed to the vehicle so that, when the vehicle is
on level ground—
the number plate is at all times in an upright position parallel to the vehicle's axles; and
the number plate is at all times not more than 1·3 metres above ground level; and
(c) for a motor cycle, the centre of the number plate is at all times at least 30 centimetres
above ground level; and
Reg. 48(1)(d) amended by S.R. No. 150/2013 reg. 13(a).
(d) the number or letters, or both, on the number plate are clearly visible from a distance of
20 metres from the number plate at any point within the space produced by a horizontal arc of
90 degrees and a vertical arc of 45 degrees, as indicated by the shaded areas in figure 5;
Queensland Consolidated Regulations
30 Position, visibility and legibility of number plate
(1) The registered operator of a vehicle must ensure that each number plate issued for a
vehicle is permanently attached to the vehicle so that, if the vehicle is on level ground—
(a) the number plate is—
(i) in an upright position parallel to the vehicle's axles; and
(ii) not more than 1.3m above ground level; and
(b) unless an accessory plate is attached to the vehicle in the way required under section 37—
the characters on the number plate are visible from 20m away at any point within an arc of
45&#deg; from the surface of the number plate above or to either side of the vehicle, in the
way shown in figures 1 and 2 at the end of this section;
Australian Capital Territory Current Regulations
Display of numberplates
(1) The registered operator of a registered vehicle must ensure that a vehicle
numberplate issued for the vehicle is securely attached to the vehicle so that (if the vehicle is
on level ground)—
(a) the numberplate is—
(i) upright and substantially parallel to the vehicle's axles; and
(ii) not over 1.3m above ground level; and
(b) the numbers on the numberplate are clearly visible from a distance of 20m at any
point within an arc of 45° from the surface of the numberplate above and to either side of the
vehicle, as shown in diagram 59.1, figures 1 and 2 (for heavy vehicles) and diagram 59.2,
figures 1 and 2 (for light vehicles); and
(c) any cover on the numberplate—
(i) is clear, clean, untinted and flat over the surface of the numberplate; and
(ii) has no reflective or other characteristics that would prevent the successful
operation of a traffic offence detection device.
Tasmanian Consolidated Regulations
63. Obligation to display number plate
(1) The registered operator of a registered motor vehicle or trailer must ensure that, within 7
days after the Registrar issues a number plate or number plates for the vehicle, the number
plate or plates are permanently affixed to the vehicle so that (assuming the vehicle to be on
level ground) the following requirements are complied with as far as practicable given the
design and construction of the vehicle:
(a) the number plate (or each of the number plates) must be at all times –
(i) in an upright position parallel to the vehicle's axles; and
(ii) not more than 1.3 metres above ground level;
(b) the registration number on the number plate (or each of the number plates) must be clearly
visible from a distance of 20 metres at any point within an arc of 45 degrees from the surface
of the number plate above or to either side of the vehicle;
(c) in the case of a motor vehicle (other than a motor cycle), one number plate must be
affixed to the front of the vehicle and another to its rear;
(d) in the case of a motor cycle, or a trailer that is a heavy vehicle, the number plate must be
affixed to its rear;
(e) in the case of a trailer that is a light vehicle, the number plate must be affixed at or near its
South Australian Current Regulations
24—Carriage of number plates
For the purposes of section 47(1) of the Act, the following provisions apply to the carriage of
number plates:
a motor vehicle must have attached to it—
in the case of a motor bike, motor trike or trailer—1 number plate at the
in the case of a tractor or agricultural machine—1 number plate;
in any other case—1 number plate at the front and 1 number plate at the
such that—
the bottom edge of the plate is not less than 30 centimetres above the
level of the ground and in such a position that every figure and letter of the registered number
is upright; and
in the case of a plate placed on the front of the vehicle—the whole of
the plate is visible from the front; and
in the case of a plate placed on the rear of a vehicle—the whole of the
plate is visible from the rear;
every letter and figure on a number plate must be—
clearly visible in daylight to a person standing on the same plane as the
vehicle at any point not less than 3 metres or more than 18 metres from the plate looking at
the plate along an imaginary line approximately at right angles to the plate; and
legible from left to right on a plane level with the ground; and
clean and legible at all times;
a number plate must be rectangular.
Western Australian Current Regulations
119 .
Number plate to be fixed on vehicle
(1) A responsible person for, or a person in charge of, a vehicle must ensure that each
number plate issued for the vehicle by the CEO or a corresponding authority is rigidly fixed
to the vehicle, kept rigidly fixed to the vehicle and displayed in accordance with the
applicable provisions of subregulations (2), (3) and (4).
for a first offence, a fine of 4 PU;
for a subsequent offence, a fine of 8 PU.
Modified penalty: 2 PU.
(2) A number plate issued by the CEO or a corresponding authority for a motor cycle, trailer
or jinker must be fixed and kept in a conspicuous place on the back of the vehicle, in an
upright position and so that the characters on the plate are clearly visible and legible during
the daytime and at night.
(3) If a motor vehicle other than a motor cycle, trailer or jinker has duplicate number plates
issued for the vehicle by the CEO or a corresponding authority, one number plate must be
fixed and kept in a conspicuous place at the front of the vehicle, and the other must be fixed
and kept in a conspicuous place on the back of the vehicle, in an upright position and so that
the characters on the plates are clearly visible and legible during the daytime and at night.
Western Australian Current Regulations
25 .
Number plate to be fixed on vehicle
(1) A responsible person for, or a person in charge of, a vehicle shall rigidly fix and keep the
identification tablet or number plates of the vehicle thereon so that —
(a) in the case of a motor cycle or a trailer or jinker as defined in the Road Traffic
(Vehicle Standards) Regulations 2002 , the identification tablet or number plate is fixed and
kept in a conspicuous place on the back of the vehicle, in an upright position and so that the
characters thereon are clearly visible and legible, by day and by night; and
(b) in the case of a motor vehicle not referred to in paragraph (a), where the identification
tablet or number plate is duplicated, one is fixed and kept in a conspicuous place in front, and
one is fixed and kept in a conspicuous place on the back of the vehicle, in an upright position
and so that the characters thereon are clearly visible and legible by day and by night; and
Northern Territory Consolidated Acts
Affixing of number plates
(1) Subject to subsection (3), the owner of a registered motor vehicle, other than a registered
motor cycle or trailer, shall, upon the issue to him of 2 number plates of a design, type and
material determined by instrument by the Registrar for such a motor vehicle, cause them to be
affixed, one to the front and the other to the rear of the motor vehicle, in accordance with the
requirements of Schedule 4.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), the owner of a registered motor cycle or trailer shall, upon the
issue to him of a number plate of a design, type and material determined by instrument by the
Registrar, cause it to be securely affixed to the rear of the motor cycle or trailer.
(3) The Registrar may, in his discretion, upon such conditions as he deems fit, by instrument
exempt a person from the requirements of subsection (1) or (2).