Leukemia 1. What is leukemia? + a) systemic disease of tumor



1. What is leukemia?

+ a) systemic disease of tumor nature, causing from hematopoietic cells with primary bone marrow b) symptomatic conditions characterized by a significant increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood with the emergence of a large number of young forms

2. What is leukemoid reaction? a) systemic disease of tumor nature, causing from hematopoietic cells with primary bone marrow

+ b) symptomatic conditions characterized by a significant increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood with the emergence of a large number of young forms

3. Leukemoid reactions can occur when:

+ a) hard ongoing infection (measles, diphtheria, scarlet fever) b) endocrine disorders

+ c) helminthoses d) posthemorrhagic anemia

4. Specify the etiological factors of leukemia:

+ a) oncogenic viruses; + b) chemical carcinogens; + c) ionizing radiation d) hard ongoing infections; e) neuro-psychiatric disorders; f) endocrine disorders

5. Name probable mechanism of leukemia:

+ a) mutation of genes or epigenetic dysregulation division and differentiation of hematopoietic progenitor cells b) disturbance of the immunological status with the emergence of clone "forbidden" cells

6. What is characteristic of leukemia cells? a) hypoplasia of the hematopoietic tissue; + b) metaplasia; + c) anaplasia; d) reversible hyperplasia; + e) irreversible hyperplasia; f) accelerated maturation of cellular elements.

7. Violation of the functions of the immune system in leukemia manifests:

+ a) a decrease in the phagocytic activity of leukocytes b) an increase in phagocytic activity of leukocytes

+ c) a decrease in antibody production d) an increase in antibody production

+ e) joining of secondary infection

+ f) autoallergic reactions.

8. Name acute forms of leukemia:

+ a) nondifferential b) myeloleukemia

+ c) myeloblastic d) lymphatic leukemia

+ e) promyelocytic

+ f) monoblastic

9. By acute leukemia in the bone marrow occur:

+ a) white blood elements hyperplasia b) lack of white blood metaplasia elements

+ c) decrease of the number of elements erythrocyte cell d) increase the number of elements erythrocyte cell

+ e) reduction in the number of megakaryocytes f) increase in the number of megakaryocyte

10. What changes in the peripheral blood is accompanied by the development of most of leukemia?

+ a) anemia b) erythrocytosis

+ c) thrombocytopenia d) thrombocytosis

11. Specify the feature of leukogram in acute leukemia:

+ a) the presence of leukemic hiatus (no intermediate forms between the blasts and mature leukocytes) b) the presence of intermediate maturing forms between blasts and mature leukocytes

12. "Hiatus leukemic" is: a) absence of young forms of leukocytes in peripheral blood

+ b) the absence of intermediate forms between blast maturing and mature forms of leukocytes c) lack of young and mature forms of leucocytes with a predominance of intermediate

13. What leukemia is characterized by the presence in smear of the peripheral blood

Botkin-basket cells?

+ a) lymphocytic leukemia; b) monocytic leukemia; c) myeloid leukemia.

14. The normal hematopoiesis in leukemia: a) compensatory enhanced; + b) is suppressed.

15. Hemorrhagic syndrome in leukemia is associated with the development of: a) anemia; + b) thrombocytopenia; c) lymphocytopenia; d) thrombocytosis.

16. Neoplastic diseases of the blood system with diffuse lesion of hematopoietic tissue is called: a) hematosarcoma; b) leukemoid reaction; + c) leukemia; d) agranulocytosis; e) pernicious anemia.

17. The basis of the development of leukemia is: a) increasing the ability of cells to the differentiation and maturation b) the increased activity of antineoplastic resistance of the organism

+ c) uncontrolled proliferation of hematopoietic cells d) reduced mitotic activity of cells e) reduced activity of proto-oncogenes and transforming oncogenes.

18. Leukemia is characterized by: a) hyperplasia of erythroidal sprout of the bone marrow

+ b) bleeding from the gums, the nose, the intestine

+ c) infectious complications

+ d) the appearance of leukemic infiltrates in the tissues e) reduction of blast cells in the bone marrow

19. The basis of division of leukemia to acute and chronic is:

+ a) clinical principle; b) biochemical principle; c) immunological principle; d) cytomorphological principle; e) the radioisotope principle.

20. Increase blast forms of granulocytes in blood and the absence of intermediate forms of maturation with a small number of mature cells (leukemic hiatus) is characterized for: a) chronic leukemia

+b) acute leukemia c) leukemoid reaction d) leukocytosis e) leucopenia

21. Manifestations of tumor progression in leukemia include the transformation: a) leukemia to leukemoid reaction

+ b) monoclonal leukemia to polyclonal leukemia c) normoblastic type of hematopoiesis to megaloblastic type d) hematopoietic stem cells to fat cells e) hematopoietic cells to hormone producing cells

22. leukemic "hiatus" (hiatus leukaemikus) - is: a) lack of basophils and eosinophils in leukocyte formula b) the appearance of a significant number of myeloblasts in the leukocyte formula

+ c) absence of the intermediate forms and presence of blast and mature forms of leukocytes

d) an increase in the mature forms of leukocytes e) the lack of blast forms of leucocytes

23. Leukemia , in which are all forms of differentiation of the granulocytes in blood is called: a) acute myeloid leukemia; + b) chronic myeloid leukemia; c) acute lymphocytic leukemia; d) chronic lymphocytic leukemia; e) monocytic leukemia

24. A large number of blast cells in the blood typical for:

+ a) acute leukemia; b) chronic leukemia; c) leukocytosis d) leukopenia; e) leukemoid reaction

25. To 90% of mature lymphocytes and lymphoblasts isolated in leucocyte count observed at: a) acute myeloid leukemia b) chronic myeloid leukemia c) acute lymphocytic leukemia

+ d) chronic lymphocytic leukemia e) monocytic leukemia

26. The presence of all forms of maturation of blood neutrophils (from myeloblasts to mature neutrophils) is characteristic for: a) acute myeloid leukemia b) acute lymphoblastic leukemia c) monocytic leukemia d) chronic lymphocytic leukemia

+ e) chronic myeloid leukemia

27. Leukocytosis with blasts of up to 60%, anemia, and thrombocytopenia are characteristic for: a) leukocytosis; b) agranulocytosis; c) leukemoid reaction d) chronic leukemia; + e) acute leukemia

28. High activity of myeloperoxidase is typical for leukemia: a) lymphoblastic; + b) acute myeloid; c) monoblastic; d) with undifferentiated cells; e) megacaryoblastic

29. The presence of the Philadelphia chromosome in hematopoietic cells of bone marrow is typical for: a) acute myeloid leukemia b) acute lymphoblastic leukemia c) chronic monocytic leukemia

+ d) chronic myeloid leukemia e) myeloma

30. Hemorrhagic syndrome in leukemia is caused by: a) leukopenia b) erythropenia c) hemolysis of erythrocytes

+ d) thrombocytopenia e) lack of antithrombin

31. For leukemoid reactions neutrophil type characteristic is: a) basophilic-eosinophilic association

+ b) hyperregenerative leukocyte shift to the left c) the appearance of plasma cells in the blood d) granulocyte cell atypia e) pancytopenia

32. For leukemoid reactions, unlike leukemia, is typical: a) diffuse, malignant metaplasia of the hematopoietic tissue

+ b) alopecia, reactive hyperplasia of hematopoietic tissue

c) leukemic hiatus d) the prevalence of blast forms e) tumor progression

33. Total number of leukocyte - 70 x 10 9 /L; myeloblasts - 1%; promyelocytes - 3%; myelocytes - 8%; metamyelocytes - 8%; band neutrophils - 15%; segmented neutrophils -

36%; basophils - 2%; eosinophils - 8%; monocytes - 3%; lymphocytes - 16%. Leukogram indicates - a) acute lymphoblastic leukemia b) acute myeloid leukemia

+ c) chronic myeloid leukemia d) chronic monocytic leukemia e) chronic lymphocytic leukemia

34. Total number of leukocyte - 80 x 10 9 /L; myeloblasts - 58%; promyelocytes - 0%; myelocytes - 0%; metamyelocytes - 0%; band neutrophils - 3%; segmented neutrophils -

30%; basophils - 0%; eosinophils -0,5%; monocytes – 0,5%; lymphocytes - 8%. This leukogram is typical for: a) chronic monocytic leukemia b) chronic lymphocytic leukemia c) chronic myeloid leukemia d) acute lymphoblastic leukemia

+ e) acute myeloid leukemia

35. What type of leukemia is more common in children? a) chronic myeloid leukemia; b) chronic lymphocytic leukemia

+ c) acute lymphoblastic leukemia

36. Indicate what changes of hematological parameters are characteristic for chronic myeloid leukemia? a) lymphoblasts in the blood; + b) myeloblasts in the blood; + c) myelocytes and metamyelocytes in the blood; + d) absolute neutrophilia; + e) relative lymphopenia.
