University of Pittsburgh - School of Social Work BASW Second Semester Field Learning Plan Form Semester II AY 2012-2013 BASW Student’s Name: Tamara Student Agency Name: Women’s Resource Center Agency Address: 111 Frist Ave Lane Pittsburgh, PA 15298 BASW Field Instructor: Brenda F. Instructor Field Instructor Phone: 412-555-555 Field Instructor Fax: 412-555-556 Field Instructor Email: NA Task Supervisor (if applicable): Task Supervisor Phone: Task Supervisor Email: Student’s Weekly Field Schedule: 12-5 Mon. Tues. Wed. 9-4 Thu. 9-2 Fri. Field Instruction Weekly Supervision Schedule: Thursday Day of Week Time: 1-2 All students must engage in a minimum of one hour formal supervision each week. Required signatures: Student Date: Field Instructor: Date: Task Supervisor (if applicable) Date: BASW Faculty Advisor/Field Liaison: Date: Online: (Revised February 2012) 9-12 2 The BASW student engages in "generalist" practice in field placement. We define GENERALIST PRACTICE as being grounded in the liberal arts and the person and environment construct. To promote human and social well-being, generalist practitioners use a range of prevention and intervention methods in their practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. The generalist practitioner identifies with the social work profession and applies ethical principles and critical thinking in practice. Generalist practitioners incorporate diversity in their practice and advocate for human rights and social and economic justice. They recognize, support, and build on the strengths and resiliency of all human beings. They engage in research-informed practice and are proactive in responding to the impact of context of professional practice. Guidelines for the BASW Field Learning Plan 1. The Field Learning Plan is the educational plan for the term of field placement; each term is graded separately. The competencies for the Field Learning Plan are developed to reflect the standards of the Curriculum Policy Statement of the Council on Social Work Education as well as the curriculum of the Bachelor’s Degree Program of the School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh. To the best of their ability, Field Instructors are expected to teach students the learning tasks and monitor practice behaviors that address these competencies given the limitations of their respective settings or roles. The Field Learning Plan also serves as a guide for field instruction and supervision meetings. It further creates a basis for the evaluation and narrative that occur at the end of the term. 2. Responsibility for the Field Learning Plan is jointly shared by the Student and the Field Instructor. While additional learning tasks may be developed that go beyond the articulated practice behaviors, the Field Learning Plan should reflect the required learning for BASW level and term of field placement. The Student submits the plan by the appropriate due date to the Practicum Lab Instructor. 3. Measurement criteria can include, but not limited to the following: cases, journals, written assignments and material of all kind that is reviewed by the field instructor; oral presentations, clinical documentation, proposals, projects, and task group participation. Direct observation (shadowing) of the Student's work is expected. Feedback and evaluative information from other staff involved with the Student's effort should be incorporated into the evaluation criteria. 5. The Student's Practicum Lab Instructor / Liaison reviews and approves the Field Learning Plan. It is used as a focus for agency visits as well as for any issues that may require clarification or problem-solving collaboration between the Practicum Lab Instructor / Liaison and the Field Instructor. 7. The Field Learning Plan may be modified during the period of field placement to reflect identified learning needs of the Student as well as changes that may occur. Situations such as student absences beyond three days, irregular attendance, inability to complete the required number of hours, change of field instructor or change of field assignment may need to be brought to the immediate attention of and discussed with the Practicum Lab Instructor/ Liaison. 9. A copy of the Field Learning Plan is placed in the Student's academic folder. 3 BASW Field Learning Plan Semester 2 Competency #1: Identify as a professional social worker and conduct oneself accordingly (EPAS Competency 2.1.1) Practice Behaviors Tasks Specific Activities (where Due Dates applicable) Student advocates for client access to needed social work services. Student continues the practice of personal reflection and selfcorrection to assure continual professional development. Student continues to attend to professional roles and boundaries. Student will assess the need for advocacy on behalf of client system. Student will implement advocacy strategy. Student will share with supervisor her/his thoughts and feelings about client interactions. Student will seek feedback from supervisor and other systems. Utilizing feedback, student will develop and implement plan for self correction. Student will identify self as a student intern when communicating with staff and clients. Student will engage in assigned tasks appropriate for generalist practice. Student will maintain agency and client confidentiality. Student will uphold NASW Code of Ethics, specifically codes as they apply to field In partnership with clients, S will identify if there are unmet needs that require intervention, and develop an action plan to address. With client, S will define responsibility for carrying out each component of the plan, implement, and evaluate outcomes In supervision meetings, S will continue to come prepared to discuss the impact of client relationships on self 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester Supervisor feedback will be welcomed and utilized. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester S will keep a weekly log to discuss problems and client concerns during supervision. S will always identify herself as a social work intern throughout the internship. This should be reflected in both verbal and written communication. S will keep a copy of the NASW Code of Ethics and engage in discussion with the field instructor about situations where 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 4 Practice Behaviors Tasks Specific Activities (where Due Dates applicable) education. the code applies to field education. S will learn two specific codes of ethics - 1.02-Self Determination and 1.07-Privacy and Confidentiality. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester Student continues to demonstrate professional demeanor in behavior, appearance, and communication. Student will follow agency dress code. Student will treat clients and staff in a respectful and non-judgmental manner. Student will use clear and understandable language when communicating with staff and clients. S will discuss with field instructor why the dress code is important and what impact it can have on clients, staff and professional growth. S will submit all written assignments in a timely manner so they can be reviewed by the field instructor. S will discuss with FI why it is important to communicate clearly with clients and staff. S will identify 5 pitfalls if communication is not clear. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester Student plans for engagement in lifelong career learning. Student will investigate resources that support lifelong learning (ex: NASW chapter events continuing education opportunities, alumni mentoring). S will continue to seek opportunities for skill development and discuss her findings during supersion once monthly. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 5 Practice Behaviors Tasks Specific Activities (where Due Dates applicable) Student continues the use of supervision and consultation. Student will develop written lifelong learning plan. Student will be prepared for supervision. Student will seek supervision appropriately outside of formal meeting times. Based on career and life goals, student will develop long term plan to expand knowledge and skills. S will come prepared for weekly formal supervision meetings. S will proactively seek guidance outside of formal meeting time. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 6 Competency#2: Applies social work ethical principles to guide professional practice (EPAS Competency 2.1.2) Practice Behaviors Tasks Specific Activities (where Due Dates applicable) Student continues to recognize and manage personal values in a way that allows professional values to guide practice. Student makes ethical decisions by applying standards of NASW Code of Ethics. Student exhibits the ability to tolerate ambiguity in resolving ethical conflicts. Student applies strategies of ethical reasoning to arrive at principled decisions. Student will recognize and identify conflict between personal and professional values. Student will act to protect the clients’ interests. Student will accurately identify ethical dilemmas. Student will accurately employ specific appropriate Codes for making ethical decisions. In supervision, student will describe examples of his/her ability to tolerate ambiguity in resolving ethical conflicts. In consultation with field instructor, student will analyze decision-making strategies in resolving a particular ethical dilemma. Student will apply discussed strategy in resolving S will discuss personal values during supervision and give 3-5 examples how her values could conflict with professional values. S will use the code of ethics and supervision to help guide her decision to protect clients’ interests. S will learn an ethical dilemma problem solving model and explain the limitations of the model. S will learn two specific codes of ethics - 1.02-Self Determination and 1.07-Privacy and Confidentiality. S will discuss the emotional impact after resolving an ethical dilemma and give three reasons why second guessing the decision can be part of the professional growth process. S will identify two ethical dilemmas regarding confidentiality and self determination and consult with field instuctor on how to resolve them. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 7 Practice Behaviors Tasks Specific Activities (where Due Dates applicable) dilemma. S will give 3-4 specfic reasons to why the decision to resolve an ethical dilemma was the right one. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 8 Competency #3: Apply Critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments (EPAS Competency 2.1.3) Practice Behaviors Tasks Specific Activities (where Due Dates applicable) Student distinguishes, appraises, and integrates multiple sources of knowledge including research-based knowledge and practice wisdom. Student analyzes models of intervention and evaluation. Student will demonstrate decision making and implementation strategies for practice based on integration of knowledge from multiple sources, including coursework, relevant research and agency resources. Student will be able to identify various models of intervention relevant to population served by agency. Student will be able to compare and contrast models of intervention. Student continues to demonstrate effective oral and written communication in working with individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities, Throughout the field placement, S will identify and Student will seek out and use knowledge of use three community and/or services and resources available in the community government agencies that can for the benefit of the client/client system. provide services to her clients. Student will demonstrate the ability to evaluate the efficacy of intervention relative to population served. Student will verbally communicate clearly and effectively with clients and staff. Student will be able to clearly and concisely complete progress notes and service plans. S will explain and understand why multiple agencies may be needed to resolve a client's problem and how polices and research play a role in the service delivery system. S will give five reasons why a strength based interviention model works best with the population served by the agency and identify potential limitations of the model. S will identify changes in her client's behavior based on the strength based approach. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester S will submit all written assignments in a timely manner so they can be reviewed by the field instructor. S will discuss with FI why it is important to communicate clearly with clients and staff. S will identify 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 9 Practice Behaviors Tasks Specific Activities (where Due Dates applicable) and colleagues. 5 pitfalls if communication is not clear. S will complete a total of 10 progress notes per week and 5 service plans per month for the remainder of the field placement and adhere to the agency’s charting standards. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 10 Competency#4: Engage Diversity and Difference in practice (EPAS Competency 2.1.4) Practice Behaviors Tasks Specific Activities (where Due Dates applicable) S will give 3 reasons why it is important to understand the Student continues to impact of culture, values, Student will be able to identify own personal recognize the extent to which power, and privilege on the experience with groups different than s/he. a culture’s structures and Student will be able to candidly discuss the impact service delivery system. values may oppress, S will give 5 examples of how of her/his own personal experience on client marginalize, alienate, or interactions with supervisor. she is different from her clients create, or enhance privilege and how this could influence and power. her interactions with them. S will give 5 examples of how she is different from the clients Student will be able to identify personal values, within the agency and how this beliefs and assumptions evoked in relation to the difference could impact the demands of the agency setting. delivery of services. Student evidences the gaining With the direction of the field instructor, student will S will keep a weekly log and of self-awareness leading to develop appropriate strategies for managing biases note when she feels her biases practice behaviors that reflect ability to eliminate influences effectively in order to practice without may be interfering with of personal biases and values discrimination. providing effective treatment to in working with diverse her clients. This list will be Student will be able to work with clients of various groups. reviewed weekly in supervision. cultural, ethnic and racial backgrounds and with a variety of problems and value-sensitive issues. Student intervenes and evaluates the efficacy of intervention on clients who differ from them in terms of race, ethnicity, national origin, religious/spiritual beliefs, age, Student will be able to implement interventions based on needs, values, and strengths of diverse client systems. Student will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions implemented, both throughout the 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester S will demonstrate an understanding that every client is different and that cultural differences can determine intervention and treatment strategies. S will complete 5 culture profile and discuss 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 11 Practice Behaviors Tasks Specific Activities (where Due Dates applicable) ability, sexual orientation, class, and/or gender. Student advocates for agency change in policies and procedures, as indicated, to increase access by diverse populations as they recognize and communicate their understanding of the importance of difference in shaping life experience. intervention process and at completion. Student will assess impact of current agency policy and procedures on diverse populations. Student will design or redesign program’s policies and procedures to increase access to and best practices for vulnerable populations. Students evidences that they view themselves as learners and engage those with whom they work with as informants. Student will be able to describe the impact of culturally diverse factors at all system levels (micro, mezzo, and macro). Student will demonstrate effective and culturally competent interviewing skills Student will identify how agency policies and procedures affect diverse populations eligible for services. each in supervisison. After providing services to ten clients, student will discuss and identify what role race, ethnicity, religious/spiritual beliefs, sexual orientation, class, and/or gender may have played in the effectiveness of service. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester S will work with FI to identify any cultural needs that are not being addressed by the agency. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester S will identify an agency policy she would like to see changed and write a 3 page paper on how she would change and implement the new policy. S will give 3 examples of how cultural diverse factors impact clients on the micro, mezzo, and macro level. S will conduct 1-2 interviews per week with the field instructor present and have a brief discussion about her performance afterwards. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 12 Practice Behaviors Tasks Specific Activities (where Due Dates applicable) 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 13 Competency#5: Advance human rights and social and economic justice Practice Behaviors (EPAS Competency 2.1.5) Tasks Specific Activities (where Due Dates applicable) By understanding the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination, student implements advocacy strategy for human rights and social and economic justice at all system levels (micro, mezzo, and macro). Student continues to advocate for human rights and social and economic justice. Student continues to engage in just practice that advances social and economic justice. Student will engage in advocacy on behalf of all system levels Student will identify underserved needs of population served by agency. Student will develop advocacy strategies to meet these needs at all system levels (micro, mezzo, and macro). Student will identify her/his position of privilege and power in relation to client system. Student will acknowledge and honor difference between client system and self. S will convey a clear understanding of all system levels and identify three strategies for advocating within all system levels. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester By the end of the field placement will generate a list of needs that she feels the agency is not meeting or could do a better job of providing services to clients. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester S will acknowledge having privilege and power in relation to the client system and give 5 reasons to how this could work to her advantage and/or disadvantage. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 14 Practice Behaviors Tasks Specific Activities (where Due Dates applicable) Student engages in just practice. Student will work effectively in diverse organizational environment. S will demonstate appropriate professional demeanor at all times and spent time in all areas of serv 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 15 Competency #6: Engage in research informed practice and practice informed research (EPAS Competency 2.1.6) Practice Behaviors Tasks Specific Activities (where Due Dates applicable) Student uses placement/practice experience to inform scientific inquiry and implements research proposal. Student demonstrates the use of research evidence to inform practice. Student will collect and analyze data. Student will present findings and discuss practice implications at Poster Session. Student will evaluate evidence for validity and use in particular practice situation. Student will apply and appraise the efficacy of evidence based practice approach implemented. S will identify a research project based on the placement expericence. S will adhere to agency policies when gathering and research data. S will appropriately use all resources necessary to put together a polished poster presentation. S will write a short paper (2 pages) on evidence - based practice and identify how it is implemented within the agency. S will identify three clients where evidence - based practice was implemented and the outcome of each situation. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 16 Competency #7: Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment (EPAS Competency 2.1.7) Practice Behaviors Tasks Specific Activities (where Due Dates applicable) Student utilizes conceptual framework to inform processes of assessment, intervention, and evaluation. Student describes and utilizes conceptual framework to guide bio-psycho-socialspiritual-cultural assessment. Student has ability to critique and apply knowledge to understand person and Student will apply relevant HBSE theories and perspectives when assessing and working with assigned clients/client systems. Student will evaluate usefulness of various HBSE theories with respect to understanding and working with the client population in field. Student will be able to identify issues related to transitions over the course of the life cycle. Student will be able to relate social work perspectives and related theories. Student will be able to complete comprehensive, culturally sensitive, bio-psycho-social-spiritual assessments on clients and client systems. Student will be able to evaluate environmental impact upon client’s presenting concerns Student utilizes eco-systems theory to assess and S will utilize the Helping Process by following the Exploration, Engagement, Assessment and Planning, Implemenation, Goal Attainment, and Termination phases of this process. S will demonstrate knowledge of Systems Theory and explain how it works with clients served by the agency. S will do verbal case histories on 3 clients and discuss the clients’ transitions over the course of the life cycle. S will give five reasons why a strength based interviention model works best with the population served by the agency and identify potential limitations of the model. S will complete 20 bio-psychosocial-spiritual assessments by the end of the field placement. S will identify the environmental impact on each of her clients and recommend changes based on her interventions. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 17 Practice Behaviors Tasks Specific Activities (where Due Dates applicable) environment intervene to address client’s presenting concerns 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 18 Competency #8: Engage in Policy practice to advance social and economic well-being and to deliver effective social work services (EPAS Competency 2.1.8) Practice Behaviors Tasks Specific Activities (where Due Dates applicable) Including key stakeholders, student analyzes and formulates advocacy plan for policies that advance social well-being. S will review one agency policy and develop a plan to enhance the policy as it relates to advancing social well-being Student will build coalition for support and on a local, state, and national mobilization. level. Student will prepare implementation plan and S will utilize knowledge learned budget. Student will develop indicators to monitor progress in class to help understand how polices impact the service and evaluates impact. dilevery system. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester Student collaborates with colleagues and clients for effective policy action. Student will describe services and resources provided by the agency to its client systems. Student will identify and work with key stakeholders. S will give a through presentation at a staff meeting of her understanding of all the services the agency provides by the end of the field placement. S will utilize knowledge learned in class to help understand how polices impact the service dilevery system. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 19 Competency #9: Respond to contexts that shape practice (EPAS Competency 2.1.9) Practice Behaviors Tasks Specific Activities (where Due Dates applicable) Student continuously discovers, appraises and attends to the influence of context (locale, population, scientific, and technological developments, and emerging societal trends) on service delivery to provide relevant social services. Student provides leadership in promoting sustainable changes in service delivery and practice to improve the quality of social services S will visit two agencies that provide similar services. S will Student will seek out and use knowledge of compare and contrast the services and resources available in the community agencies and give a brief report for the benefit of the client system. to the FI about her findings. Student will provide feedback in promoting sustainable changes in service delivery and practice to improve the quality of social services. Student identifies agency policies and procedures that impact the quality of service delivery. Student generates ideas to improve service delivery and discusses with field instructor as to viability of proposed improvements. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester S will make three recommendations to improve the quality of service to clients by the end of field placement. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester S will make three recommendations to improve the quality of service to clients by the end of field placement. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester S will visit two agencies that provide similar services. S will compare and contrast the agencies and give a brief report to the FI about her findings. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 20 Competency #10: Engage, assess, intervene, and evaluate with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities (EPAS Competency 2.1.10) Practice Behaviors: Engagement Student continues to substantively and affectively prepare for action with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities by gathering, organizing, and interpreting data. Student continues to display empathy and other interpersonal skills to engage clients. Tasks Student will be able to gather relevant data in an organized manner. Student will be aware of, and can appropriately utilize, standardized measurement and diagnostic tools. Student will be able to create clinical recommendations to client systems based on information gathered. Student will be able to “start where the client is”. Student will be able to establish rapport with the client system. Student will be able to create and maintain a therapeutic relationship with clients. Specific Activities (where applicable) S will become proficient in using the agency’s assessment tools by the end of the field placement. S will address the clinical needs of all her assigned clients and make the appropriate recommendations and referral. S will address the clinical needs of all her assigned clients and make the appropriate recommendations and referral S will give 3 reasons why it is important to start where the client is and demonstrate this in her oral presentations during supervision. S will understand how every client is different and identify 5 techniques she can use to establish rapport. Due Dates 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 21 Student continues to develop mutually agreed on focus of work and desired outcomes with clients. Practice Behaviors: Assessment Tasks Student further collects, organizes and interprets data. Student assesses client strengths and limitations. Student develops mutually agreed upon intervention goals and objectives. Student, in concert with client system, will be able to develop clear and timely service goals. Student will be able to develop measurable objectives designed to meet agreed upon goals. Student obtains clients records follow agency policy. Under supervision, student interprets client data as appropriate. Through the interviewing process, the student will identify at least three areas of strength. Through the interviewing process, the student will identify at least three areas of challenge. Student, in concert with client system, will be able to develop clear and timely service intervention goals. S will write service goals using the agency’s format and standards. She will present her goals to the field instructor to be reviewed and sign before they are placed in the client’s chart. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester S will give 4 reasons why her service goals must be clearly understood by her clients. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester Specific Activities (where applicable) S will give 3 reasons to why not following the agency’s policy could impact her ability to gather and interpret client data. S will give 3 reasons to why not following the agency’s policy could impact her ability to gather and interpret client data. S will give 4 reasons why using a client’s strengths are so important in the helping process. Due Dates 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester S will list 2-3 challenges for all of her clients and give a realistic plan of action for each. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester S will identify 3 reasons to why time frames are important in helping clients achieve their goals. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 22 Student selects appropriate intervention strategies to promote goal attainment. Student will be able to develop measurable objectives designed to meet agreed upon goals. Student will be able to select from an array of intervention strategies. Student will be able to describe selected intervention and discuss why particular strategy has been chosen. S will practice writing measurable objectives to clearly understand why this important for the clients and for her. She will make a list of words that could assist her in writing her measurable objectives. S will spend the first half of the field placement learning various intervention strategies used by her field instructor and the last half of placement developing her own strategies based on her assigned clients. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester Practice Behaviors: Intervention Student initiates action to achieve organizational goals. Tasks Due Dates applicable) Under supervision, student identifies organizational goals and prepares for action. Using a theoretical framework, student and client work together toward goal attainment. Student connects client to appropriate resources and referrals to promote goal attainment. Student helps clients resolve problems. Student negotiates, mediates, and advocates for clients. Specific Activities (where 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester S will demonstrate knowledge of Systems Theory and explain how it works with clients served by the agency. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 23 Student facilitates transitions and endings. Student advocates for needed services for client. Student will be able to assess successful goal attainment and plan termination accordingly. Student will be able to successfully terminate in the helping process. In partnership with clients, S will identify if there are unmet needs that require intervention, and develop an action plan to address. S will utilize the Helping Process by following the Exploration, Engagement, Assessment and Planning, Implemenation, Goal Attainment, and Termination phases of this process. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester Student implements intervention strategies to promote goal attainment that enhance client capacities. Practice Behaviors: Evaluation Tasks 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester S will identify changes in her client's behavior based on the strength based approach. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester Specific Activities (where Due Dates applicable) Student critically analyzes, monitors, and evaluates intervention. Student will be able to implement and continually assess progress towards goal attainment. Student will be able to revise intervention plan accordingly. S will give five reasons why a strength based interviention model works best with the population served by the agency and identify potential limitations of the model. Student will be able to continuously evaluate intervention, not only at termination, but throughout process. Student will be able to evaluate results that test the efficacy of interventions used and monitor successes, failures, and progress in achieving S will reguarly monitor cleints progress based on the service/treamtent plan and make changes as needs. S will give FI bi-weekly reports on clients progress toward goal attainment. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 24 outcomes. Student will be able to develop future recommendations for favorable outcome strategies for goal attainment. Toward end of the placement, S will identify and explain four specific strategies that are crucial to enhancing goal attainment. 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 1st 4 weeks Mid Semester End of Semester 25 Field Education School of Social Work University of Pittsburgh FIELD PLACEMENT TIME SHEET Student Intern: Placement (Check one): BASW Semester (Check one): Fall Mon Week # Dates EXAMPLE Sept 7-11 Field Placement Site: Field Instructor: Field Liaison: Summer MSW Spring Tues Wed Thurs Year Fri 200 Sa/Su Weekly Total HOURS WORKED 8-3 9-5 ---- 9-5 8-3 ---- Field Instructor Initials 28 hours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 TOTAL Minimum Hours Required: BSW/300 per term STUDENT SIGNATURE DATE: FIELD INSTRUCTOR’S SIGNATURE: DATE: *Students are required to submit a completed time sheet at the end of the term. The signature of the field instructor and the student reflects that the student has met the required hours for the term. If the student needs to clock more hours after the end of the term to achieve the minimum hours required, please note this in the below comments section. Comments