Elizabeth Golden Age Notes Continued Taken on: 1/3/12 and 1/5

Elizabeth Golden Age Notes Continued
Taken on: 1/3/12 and 1/5/2012
King Charles I: King of England, first king to be killed (beheaded) by the common man, believed
in Divine Right
Divine Right: The belief that God choose (King Charles) to be the king of England- King felt
Parliament: England’s Congress second issue for King Charles and Parliament: Taxes
a. House of Lords: Upper house (like our Senate), nobility and hereditary
b. House of Commons: Lower house: (like our House of Rep) gentry: landowners with
c. Puritans: small wealthy religious group, want to purify Anglican church in England
Petition of Rights: Law put into place to protect citizens
No material law-government can’t take away all privileges
King cannot tax without Parliament
No imprisonment without charges
No boarding of troops during peace time
Scotland: Religious war: Presbyterians begin religious war, King Charles needs money to fight
war, brings Parliament back in session
Long Parliament: King Charles brings Parliament back in session after 11 years of not together:
Ireland: revolt religious and Irish didn’t want to be controlled by England
English Civil War: King attempts to arrest Parliament and they fight back
Cavaliers: Pro King, favored Anglican Church
Roundheads: Pro Parliament; haircuts were bowl shaped, didn’t like Anglican Church
Oliver Cromwell: leader of the Roundheads and New Model Army
New Model Army: fighting against the king- Roundheads, defeat the king
*King loses against New Model Army-King is found guilty of treason and beheaded
Republic: without a king
Restoration King/Merry Monarch: Charles II took over England and re-established
Tories: supported the King
Whigs: Against the King
James II: Took over after Charles II, very Catholic, ends up fleeing England
Glorious Revolution: Parliament decided that would have a new king, resolve problems- also
known as Bloodless Parliament
William and Mary: next king and queen, Protestant
Habeas Corpus: “produce the body”
English Bill of Rights: William and Mary signed, rights for the people of England
Act of Settlement: never be a Catholic King of England
Act of Union: King now becomes Scotland and England
Limited Constitutional Monarchy: Monarch has limited power and run by Parliament
Movie Notes:
Sea Dogs: pirates
British East India Company: company created to help conduct business, started to make money
in America
Queen Elizabeth: Protestant
Bess: young lady who falls in love with Sir Walter Raleigh
King Phillip II of Spain: wants to defeat Queen Elizabeth for English throne, Catholic
Queen Mary of Scotland: queen that tries to kills Elizabeth
Babington Plot: Plan to kill Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary of Scotland gets executed
Sir Walsingham: Queen Elizabeth’s protector, figures out plots to kill her
Spanish Armada: King Phillip sends over Spain’s navy when Queen is killed, British were
quicker and were able to out run ArmadaSpeech to troops to Tilbury: Queen Elizabeth gives speech before Spanish Armada attacks