Matt Weberg Stream Habitat Management The Role of Stream Habitat Management in the Rehabilitation of Coaster Brook Trout in the Lake Superior Basin Problem Statement Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) are the only indigenous salmonid species in the Lake Superior basin. Once highly abundant, both species have experienced dramatic declines since the region’s settlement (Hansen 1994). Coaster brook trout are described as those that spend part of their lives in Lake Superior, and ultimately return to their natal streams to spawn (Figure 1). Upon migration to the lake, they prefer near shore habitats, and protected coves and inlets. Unlike lake trout, which were re-established through stocking and sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) management, coaster brook trout have yet to be rehabilitated after 50 years of management efforts (Schreiner et al 2008). By the late nineteenth century, word spread regarding the tremendous brook trout fishing that could be had in Lake Superior, and its tributaries (Hansen 1994). Coaster stocks were rapidly depleted due to its habitat preferences, and aggressive nature. This period coincided with the industrialization of the region. Poor land management, clear-cutting and log drives, along with installation of dams degraded many of the tributaries beyond recognition. Furthermore, the invasion of the exotic sea lamprey, and the introduction of brown trout (Salmo trutta) along with several species of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) likely impacted the coaster brook trout. Within 50 years, coaster brook trout had been extirpated from most streams and near-shore regions, with only a small number of remnant populations persisting. Around 1930, management agencies recognized the rapid decline of coaster brook trout, and began stocking as a means of re-establishing the coaster populations (Schreiner et al 2008). Not surprisingly, stocking efforts failed and declines continued. In 1960, agencies from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ontario began implementing more restrictive bag limits, which was a step in the right direction but were not considered restrictive enough. Stocking has remained prevalent in management plans, with no satisfactory returns on the investment seen to date. More recent efforts by management agencies appear to finally identify the root of the problem, degraded stream habitats. On the surface, habitat improvement seems like a straightforward answer to bringing this majestic fish back. However, inter-agency and geomorphic differences complicate the issue. Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake in the world (by surface area), bordered by Ontario, as well as Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Additionally, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and several Native American tribes are actively involved in fisheries management on Lake Superior. While collaboration between agencies exists on this issue, specific rehabilitation methods, and management plans differ. Nested within this issue are the geomorphic and ecological differences between regions, which vary greatly within the vast Lake Superior basin. I propose that a common framework is required to maximize agency collaboration, and provide unified assessments for use in habitat rehabilitation plans. Regardless of regional differences, stream functions can be generalized to identify limiting factors in the rehabilitation of coaster brook trout by investigating the hydrology, hydraulic, geomorphology, physiochemical, and biological fuctions (Fischenich 2006, Figure 2). By identifying current impediments to stream functions based on brook trout habitat requirements, rehabilitation efforts can be maximized. Using this framework provides the ability for inter-agency evaluation of projects to gauge their success, or failures to ensure rehabilitation moves forward. Identification of habitat requirements for coaster brook trout Minimum habitat requirements for stream dwelling brook trout are well described in the literature (cold, well-oxygenated water). Coaster brook trout though, often exhibit an adfluvial strategy in the Lake Superior basin and specific in-stream habitat requirements are not fully understood. Using a telemetry study, Mucha and Mackereth (2008) identified both habitat use and movement patterns of adult coaster brook trout in Nipigon Bay, Ontario. They found coaster brook trout utilized shallow, nearshore areas of the lake before beginning migrations into streams in the late summer, when pool habitats were heavily used until spawning began. Spawning events occurred in early October with strong site fidelity, indicating the importance of suitable spawning substrate. Van Grinsven et al. (2012) corroborated this conclusion by identifying specific spawning sites in the Salmon Trout River, MI were selected due to significant groundwater flux’s present in the river. Moore (2007) provided the most in depth analysis of stream habitat usage by coaster brook trout using a watershed and reach scale analysis to identify important variables for the persistence of brook trout in Lake Superior tributaries. Moore found that at the reach scale large wood (LWD), low conductivity, shallow depths, a high proportion of riffles, and steep gradient were habitat requirements for brook trout. Moore also examined young of the year (YOY) growth rates as a measure of fitness and related them to available habitat. This study indicated that brook trout require large substrate, low conductivity, and few competitors to persist (i.e. non-native salmonids). More importantly from a stream assessment standpoint, Moore defined important watershed scale characteristics as those with little development, high conifer abundance, few road crossings, greater volumes of standing water (wetlands). These findings provide the background I will use in developing a stream habitat assessment framework for coaster brook trout rehabilitation. Evaluation of current rehabilitation strategies Minnesota-(MN DNR 2008) There are 65 tributaries to Lake Superior found in Minnesota, most of which feature cascades, and barrier falls. While most of these tributaries flow through public or protected lands, significant habitat degradation has occurred through land-use practices such as mining, logging, and shoreline development. Limited groundwater supplies (surface water dominated) and sedimentation caused by said land-use strategies appear to be the main impediments to brook trout in the Minnesota tributaries. The goal for coaster brook trout stated by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR) is to “protect and maintain self-sustaining coaster stocks in original locations where practical”. The objectives of this goal focus primarily on habitat protection through watershed management, and more restrictive harvest regulations. Additionally, this plan cites improvements to road crossings, monitoring of spawning populations, and potentially identifying methods from creation of artificial upwelling to increase spawning habitat. Analysis The coaster brook trout plan laid out by the MN DNR is highly generalized. They recognize that impediments exist for brook trout rehabilitation. However, the plan doesn’t mention any assessment of current stream functions, or identification of limiting factors for coaster brook trout. Furthermore, they forego any strategy for habitat restoration beyond development of more spawning habitat despite citing a watershed management initiative. No reference streams were identified for spawning habitat rehabilitation activities. Michigan (Wiland et al. 2006, MI DNR 2008) The upper peninsula of Michigan possesses approximately 33 tributaries that are believed to have supported coaster brook trout, while Isle Royale and it’s tributaries continues to support a self-sustaining sub-population. Primary causes of habitat degradation to Michigan tributaries include logging and mining operations, an impoundments blocking movement. While no formal rehabilitation plan currently exists for Michigan Tributaries, there are a number of research projects ongoing which primarily focus on stocking of Lake Superior strain brook trout. Returns of stocked fish in these tributaries have been for the most part non-existent. The Salmon Trout River remains a stronghold for coaster brook trout in the Upper Peninsula, however rehabilitation strategies simply focus on more restrictive harvest limits, and a seasonal closure of the fishery. In a report supporting the listing of coaster brook trout as endangered species (MI DNR 2008), it states that future habitat assessments are planned for several tributaries, however no specific methodology is provided. Analysis The Salmon Trout River of Michigan possesses one of the only extant populations of coaster brook trout found in the United States. While many research projects have been conducted on this stream, there was no mention of its use as a reference for rehabilitation work in other Michigan tributaries. It appears that stream assessments are just getting underway in this region, although no distinct methodology was documented. Of the three states, Michigan is the only one which appears to be heavily invested in stocking efforts, despite limited returns over several decades of monitoring. Wisconsin-(WI DNR 2005) The geology of the Wisconsin shoreline consists primarily of red clay plain, leading to surface water dominated streams only able to sustain brook trout populations in the upper reaches above barrier falls. However, the Bayfield sand plain consists of deep aquifers that provide tributaries with steady base-flows annually, and high quality brook trout habitat. Clear-cutting, followed negative impacts by beavers (Castor canadensis) are blamed for the majority of habitat degradation in Wisconsin tributaries. The goal for coaster brook trout rehabilitation cited by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR) is” the protection and improvement of brook trout populations for both migratory and stream life history strategies”. Within their plan, the WI DNR lays out specific strategies for assessing each of the aforementioned stream functions. While no reference streams are available due to the degree of degradation, their plan cites the use of historical photography, and records to investigate pre-disturbance conditions to set rehabilitation goals. Additionally, they plan to develop a list of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for forestry, agriculture, road construction, and riparian zones. Analysis The management plan developed by the WI DNR is by far the most complete, and specific regarding habitat rehabilitation for coaster brook trout. Unlike rehabilitation plans developed by other agencies involved, the WI DNR provides a specific framework for assessment at the watershed scale, and they also provide strategies for ameliorating current impediments. More importantly, the plan focuses on restoring limiting habitat required throughout the life history of brook trout. Ontario-(Newman and Dubois 1996) The Ontario tributaries of Nipigon Bay, Lake Superior hold the most abundant coaster brook trout populations currently seen in the basin. Much of this region remains undeveloped or lightly developed. The greatest threat to brook trout persistence in this region is likely fishing mortality, and stream habitat degradation due to logging and hydroelectric operations. Being so, the Ontario Ministry of Natural resources have reduced bag limits and season lengths to mitigate harvest levels, and through cooperation with Ontario Hydro have developed flow regimes that protect spawning beds and nursery areas. A Nipigon strain captive brood stock is also being used to produce fish for stocking within the region. Analysis Ontario tributaries of Lake Superior likely have the greatest potential for use as reference streams. However, they recognize stream degradation remains an issue, warranting habitat assessment and rehabilitation action. Also, since brook trout remain somewhat abundant, and have been monitored for a long period of time, there is potential for the detection of changes in the population size through finer scale habitat rehabilitation. Federal and Tribal agencies (Wiland et al. 2006) Federal agencies such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), National Park Service (NPS), U.S. Forest Service (USFS), and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) are all involved to some degree in coaster brook trout rehabilitation. However, none of these organizations have completed a stream rehabilitation plan, but more so have participated actively in the planning stages for projects, and development of native strain brook trout brood stock for stocking in U.S. waters of Lake Superior. There are four tribal governments involved to some degree in coaster brook trout rehabilitation including the Bad River, Grand Portage, and Red Cliff Bands of Lake Superior Chippewa, as well as the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community. I could not find a specific management for any of these tribes, although they have all been cited as cooperators in past coaster brook trout rehabilitation efforts. Analysis Since none of these organizations appear to have a primary role in stream habitat rehabilitation, it is tough to say what their actual impact could be beyond providing fish for re-stocking efforts. While I don’t believe stocking is appropriate, it may have some utility if major rehabilitation of stream habitat is achieved, and the limiting factor is the presence of brook trout. A unified framework for coaster brook trout habitat assessment and rehabilitation Information gathering Only the WI DNR rehabilitation plan mentioned an information gathering phase, yet with the large amounts of data now available to managers and researchers this is an important step before any plan is formed. Critical data useful in understanding the historical status of Lake Superior tributaries include aerial photography and land surveys, hydrologic, and biological surveys. The mainstream accessibility of GIS and remote sensing data has greatly increased a manager’s ability to develop snapshot assessments of watershed and stream condition over time. Use of GIS analysis along with historical biological data (fisheries surveys, creel data, macroinvertebrate indices) should allow managers to develop a priority list of streams that currently or historically accommodated coaster brook, and an understanding of potential impacts to these streams. Habitat assessment Findings by Moore (2007) identified specific habitat parameters important to survival of coaster brook trout at micro- and macro-habitat scales. Van Grinsven et al. (2012), and Mucha and Mackareth (2008) also identified spawning substrate requirements of coaster brook trout necessary for rehabilitation. Therefore, we can focus on these critical parameters at a course scale when assessing stream functions to identify sources of habitat impediments for rehabilitation strategies, and potential reference streams (Table 1). Once reference streams are identified (those that meet all habitat requirements, and possess a viable coaster brook trout population) benchmarks can be set for each assessment parameter, and stream specific rehabilitation plans can be developed based around findings from the assessment. Hydrology Hydrology relates to the processes involved in transport of water from the watershed to the stream channel (Fischenich 2006). Based on Moore (2007), brook trout were positively correlated with high levels of standing water at the watershed scale. Critical parameters to assess hydrology (and ultimately wetland and riparian functionality) are precipitation to runoff relationships, percent impervious area, and flow duration. Hydraulic Hydraulic stream function is defined as the transport of water in the channel, on the floodplain, and through the sediments (Fischenich 2006). Hydraulic stream functions are often closely related to results from hydrologic assessments. Important parameters include bank height ratios to assess floodplain connectivity, and groundwater to surface water exchange to assess spawning habitat suitability. Geomorphology The greatest number of habitat requirements identified by Moore (2007) fall under the geomorphology stream function, and therefore may require a significant assessment effort. From Fischenich (2006), geomorphology is defined as the transport of wood and sediment to create diverse bed forms and dynamic equilibrium. Based on Moore’s findings critical parameters to assess include volume of LWD, percent riffle and pool, riparian vegetation density and composition, sediment composition, and sediment transport capacity. Also, the number of road crossings should be identified as this variable was an important predictor of brook trout presence. Physiochemical Physicochemical conditions required by brook trout are well documented. Limiting parameters that should be identified include seasonal water temperature and dissolved oxygen levels. Also Moore (2007) found that conductivity of a stream is important for brook trout survival. Biology Changes in the native fish communities of these streams must be addressed to understand the streams current conditions, and their potential for rehabilitation. Since non-native salmonids stocked into the Lake Superior basin typically require similar habitats as coaster brook trout, this parameter can be used as an indicator of a suitable stream. Since competition is likely occurring between the non-natives and brook trout, abundance of competitors should also be identified. Also, the WI DNR has identified negative impacts to coaster brook trout by beavers. The density of beavers along a stream should be assessed to determine if the population is at a level that may negatively impact brook trout migration, and reproduction. The next step toward coaster brook trout rehabilitation in Lake Superior Through my analysis of current management and rehabilitation plans of involved agencies, I found there are few commonalities when it comes to stream habitat assessment or rehabilitation. I feel the framework I have presented allows for a unified strategy for determining the current status of coaster brook trout streams along Lake Superior. This framework also allows agencies to identify priority areas for stream rehabilitation, making efforts more efficiently focused. For example, millions of brook trout have been stocked into Lake Superior and its tributaries over the last 50 years with no observable increases in coaster brook trout populations and no understanding of why this was the case. Using my framework, agencies can identify impediments to stream functions in a step by step process of assessment, giving them a true understanding of rehabilitation required. I also think this framework opens the door to even greater learning and collaboration between agencies, heightening the chances for coaster brook trout recovery. I avoided citing specific techniques for habitat rehabilitation. This is mainly due to the high variability in geology and accessibility seen throughout the Lake Superior Basin. Similarly, stream habitat rehabilitation project costs can vary greatly depending on the methodology, making the choice of techniques likely dependent on funding available. Regardless of the rehabilitation technique, before and after monitoring must be included in the project design to allow for greater efficiency and success as more streams are addressed. Additionally, some variation in specific techniques may be beneficial in distinguishing best management practices, assuming sufficient monitoring allows for conclusions such as this. Beyond stream rehabilitation techniques, agencies will likely be faced with difficult fisheries management questions. Nonnative salmonids provide a large source of revenue to both agencies and local economies, making attempts to extirpate non-natives extremely controversial. However, continued stocking and management plans in favor of these species may forever prevent coaster brook trout from making a comeback. Figure 1.—Example of a coaster brook trout caught in Nipigon Bay, Lake Superior. Coaster brook trout exhibit an adfluvial life history strategy, and can achieve much larger sizes than that of stream resident brook trout. Figure 2.— Example of stream functions assessment framework for coaster brook trout rehabilitation in Lake Superior, adapted from Fischenich (2006). Table 1.—List of stream functions used in coaster brook trout stream habitat assessment and important parameters to assess based on identified habitat requirements. Stream function Hydrology Key parameters for brook trout rehabilitation Precipitation to runoff relationship Percent impervious area Flow duration Hydraulic Bank height ratios Groundwater to surface water exchange Geomorphology LWD volume Percent riffle and pool Sediment composition Riparian composition and density Sediment transport capacity Number of road crossings Physiochemical Conductivity Dissolved oxygen Temperature Biology Fish community Abundance of competitors Beaver impact Literature Cited Cramer, Michelle L. (managing editor). 2012. Stream Habitat Restoration Guidelines. Copublished by the Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife, Natural Resources, Transportation and Ecology, Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office, Puget Sound Partnership, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Olympia, Washington. Fausch, K.D., and R.J. White. 1986. Competition among juveniles of coho salmon, brook trout, and brown trout in a laboratory stream, and implications for Great Lakes tributaries. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 15:363-381. Great Lakes Fishery Commission. 2003. A brook trout rehabilitation plan for Lake Superior. Miscellaneous publication 2003-03. Grinsven, M.V., A. Mayer, and C. Huckins. 2012. Estimation of streambed groundwater fluxes associated with coaster brook trout spawning habitat. Groundwater 50:432-441. Hansen, M. J., editor. 1994. The state of Lake Superior in 1992. Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Special Publication 94-1, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Hearn, W.E. 1987. Interspecific competition and habitat segregation among stream-dwelling trout and salmon: a review. Fisheries 12:24-31. Huckins, C.J., E.A. Baker, K.D. Fausch, and J.B.K. Leonard. 2008. Ecology and life history of coaster brook trout and potential bottlenecks in their rehabilitation. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28: 1321-1342. Michigan Department of Natural Resources. 2008. Status review response: petition to list coaster brook trout under the endangered species act. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. 2008. Status of coaster brook trout in the Minnesota waters of Lake Superior. Mucha, J.M., and R.W. Mackereth. 2008. Habitat use and movement patterns of brook trout in Nipigon Bay, Lake Superior. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:12031212. Schreiner, D.R., K.I. Cullis, M.C. Donofrio, G.J. Fischer, L. Hewitt, K.G. Mumford, and D.M. Pratt. 2008. Management perspectives on coaster brook trout rehabilitation in the Lake Superior Basin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:1350-1364. United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 1996. Status of brook trout in Lake Superior. Ashland Fisheries Resource Office, Ashland, WI. Wiland, L., S.A. Moore, and L. Hewitt. 2006. The Coaster Challenge: Restoring a Native Brook Trout Fishery to Lake Superior. Trout Unlimited special publication. Trout Unlimited National Office, Arlington, Virginia. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. 2005. Wisconsin Lake Superior basin brook trout plan.