Trout Stream Data Question: Is this local stream able to support our trout? Prediction: Do you think the stream could support our trout? Why or why not? Chemical Data: Environmental Factors pH Temperature Nitrate Dissolved Oxygen Phosphate Turbidity Trout (Ideal conditions) Stream Trout tank 6.5-7.5 50°- 52° F Less than 5 ppm 6 ppm – 10 ppm Less than 1 ppm 0 JTU (clear) Stream Habitat: Are the stream banks lined with vegetation, shady areas with overhang? Yes or No Does the stream contain gravel in the streambeds? Yes or No Does the stream have calm shallow waters near the bank? Yes or No Does the stream have deep pools with smooth surface water? Yes or No Does the stream have shallow riffles with fast moving water? Yes or No Does the stream have rocks a variety of sizes? Yes or No Macroinvertebrate Survey: Taxa 1: ______x3=_______ Taxa 2: _____x2=_______ Taxa 3: ______x1=________ Excellent: >22 Good 17 – 22 Fair: 11- 16 Poor: <11 Conclusion: Could this stream support our trout? Why or Why not?