Approved generic tasks for GCSE Geography A for 2013 Fieldwork Enquiry Theme Generic title 1 Variations in the characteristics of a chosen stretch of river. 2 Factors influencing how and why people’s attitudes to climate change vary. Enquiry question from the specification that is assessed 1.1 What processes are associated with rivers? 1.2 2.2 How conclusive is the range of evidence for climate change? How can technology be used and people’s lifestyles changed to reduce the impact of climate change? 3 Why people continue to live in a hazard zone. 1.3 Why do people continue to live in hazard zones? 4 Population change in a local area. 1.2 What are the push / pull factors that produce rural – urban migration in LEDCs and urban-rural migration in many MEDCs? Decision-Making Exercise Generic title To what extent can the problem of river flooding be managed effectively? How conclusive is the evidence for climate change? or How effective is the preparation for climate change? To what extent is it possible to reduce the effect of volcanic eruptions and/or earthquakes? How can population change be managed effectively? Enquiry question from the specification that is assessed 2.1 How successful are different management approaches to the problem of flooding? 1.2 2.2 2.2 How might the effects of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes be reduced in MEDCs and LEDCs? 1.2 What are the push / pull factors that produce rural-urban migration in LEDCs and urban-rural migration in many MEDCs? How do differences in birth and death rates affect population numbers and structures in South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Western Europe? How may these differences change in the future? What are the benefits of globalisation and why do some see it as a threat? 2.2 2.3 5 The goods and/or services we receive from/sell to other countries. SJ/JF/W3p1(12) 1.1 1.2 How have changes in business and technology allowed increased interdependence between MEDCs and LEDCs? What are the benefits of globalisation and why do some see it as a threat? Is globalisation a benefit or a threat, and/or to whom? How conclusive is the range of evidence for climate change? How can technology be used and people’s lifestyles changed to reduce the impact of climate change? 1.2 Fieldwork Enquiry Theme 6 7 8 Generic title Variations in development in a local area using development indicators. Variations in the characteristics of a chosen stretch of coastline. Enquiry question from the specification that is assessed 1.1 How is economic and social development measured and what are the global patterns? 1.1 1.2 What processes are associated with the sea? What landforms result from these processes? Decision-Making Exercise Generic title How effective and accurate are selected economic or social development indicators in one region for measuring development? How can the problems of coastal flooding be controlled effectively? Enquiry question from the specification that is assessed 1.2 What are the regional patterns of economic and/or social development in one LEDC? 2.1 3.2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of hard and soft engineering strategies used to manage our coasts? What is the most sustainable way to manage our coastline in the face of rising sea levels? Variations in weather characteristics within a chosen area. An investigation of the characteristics of an ecosystem at a local scale. 1.1 What factors create the variations in weather and climate experienced within and around the British Isles? How can the impacts of weather hazards be managed effectively? 3.1 How can technology be used to (i) forecast extreme weather and (ii) to reduce the impact of its effects? 2.1 2.2 In what ways do people use ecosystems? How can ecosystems be managed sustainably? Can a specified large scale ecosystem be managed sustainably? 2.2 How can ecosystems be managed sustainably? What is the evidence that ecosystems are being used unsustainably? The impacts of tourism on a local area. 1.1 What are the factors, both physical and human, that affect the nature of tourism? What are the impacts of the development of tourism on: • people and the economy? • the environment? in one MEDC region and one LEDC region? How can tourism be developed sustainably? 3.1 How may tourism be developed in a sustainable way? 11 Retail change in a local area. 2.1 2.2 Where does retailing occur in the city? How is retailing changing and what affect does this have upon people and the environment? 3.1 What are the impacts of increasing consumer choice on people in developing countries, and on the global environment? 12 Patterns of employment in a specified area. 1.1 1.2 How do we classify work and employment? Is there any spatial pattern to this classification of work? How can increased consumer choice have an impact on in a specified region? How can impacts of employment change be managed effectively? 2.1 2.2 What is the future of employment in Wales? What may be the impacts of these changes? 9 10 SJ/JF/W3p2(12) 2.1 3.1