Thin HDI Test Vehicle August 26, 2014 - Minutes (9:00 AM Central) 1. Present on the call: 2. Chris Katzko – Project Leader – TTM Robert Smith – Facilitator – HDPUG Fei Xie - Engent Geoffrey Hazelett – Polar Instruments Ruben Bergman – HDPUG Discussion Details: Smitty started the meeting by asking Chris if he was planning to attend the Toronto meeting. Chris indicated that he was and that he would be getting there the evening before the meeting. Chris started the discussion by indicating that the 2nd iteration of the PCB TV has been checked out and a proof of concept has been completed. Chris then showed the new design with an actual picture of the TV. He went over the layout of all the coupons on the vehicle. This is a totally redesigned vehicle. (See attached file page 3) The coupons that are now on this board are: o Multi-purpose daisy-chains (0.40mm, 0.30mm and mixed 0.60mm, 0.50mm & 0.25mm through holes. o CAF 0.40mm, 0.30mm, 0.32mm layer to layer, 0.60mm & 0.50mm PTH to PTH, 75um line to space. o 4 point bend w/0.40mmBGA and ball shear/pull o Multi-pattern Delamination o Hi-Pot Line to line and layer to layer o High Current Type A & B o Stacked Via IST 0.30mm pitch o Peel Strength + Thermal Blank with/without copper Chris indicated that everything has checked out good and they will use these test parts for setup and show and tell at the Toronto meeting. The only thing that will change after that will be the high current type A & B to a 0.40mm IST coupon. The focus now will be the Drop test PCBA test vehicle. Chris wants to build the drop test vehicle before the Toronto meeting so he can have those checked out and use as show and tells also. This will also allow him to send the prototypes to Fei to approve them. Angela has started on the Drop test TV and she said that she can use exactly what Engent sent over. She will only have to adopt the design for Stack via, modify the component lands pattern according to the component requirements and then modify the fill pattern density to reflect the current design practice which is a little more difficult than the standard JEDEC standards. This will be a little finer cross hatch pattern that will bend a little easier. Once this is done the Gerber will be sent out to Engent to be checked. The BOM we had set the number of needs for all the testing. Chris would like us all to look at it and approve it. He would also like everyone to look at the estimated lead times on the draft schedule mainly for the procured materials. He feels if the lead times are to long they will take care of themselves. But, if they are too short we will never be able to make them up. In addition we needed to make a decision on the AATS parameters. A discussion followed and an estimate of the length of time for the chamber work would be about 50days or about 7 weeks with an additional week for prep for the chambers. This could be longer if there are no failures, we could go longer if the chambers are available. Smitty asked if we will leave the parts that fail in the chambers until time is up or will we remove them when they fail. Chris stated that they usually continue to the end before removing any. 5722 E. Sugarloaf Trail Cave Creek, AZ 85331 Email: 1 Phone: +1 480 951 1963 Fax: +1 480 951 1107 Thin HDI Test Vehicle August 26, 2014 - Minutes (9:00 AM Central) 3. 4. Action Items: Document and provide for the team the PCBA testing Parameters that Engent would like to use. o Owner: Fei – 9/8/14 Have the Panasonic technical team review the cross-section for comments/recommendations. o Owner: Tony – 8/26/14 (OPEN) Next meeting: 5. After a lengthy discussion the team agreed about the plan for the PCB. However Chris would like the requirements to come from Engent. Fei discussed what he would like, but he should document the parameters and send them to us. Fei summed up the parameters as: -40C to +125C, 30 min cycle time, for 1000 cycles. Chris will follow this path and do the calculations. Smitty ask Fei if he will be there at the Toronto meeting. Fei indicated that someone will be there probable he or Paul Houston. Smitty indicated that the assembly questions should be answered by the assembly house it will give more authority to the response. He will let us know. The next meeting is scheduled for September 9th at 9:00 am central. Meeting adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 9:51 am central. 5722 E. Sugarloaf Trail Cave Creek, AZ 85331 Email: 2 Phone: +1 480 951 1963 Fax: +1 480 951 1107