Eukaryotic Cell Structure Worksheet: High School Biology

Chapter 7: Cell Structure and Function
7-2: Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Points: _____________/87 Letter Grade: ______
Graded By: ________________________
Name: _____________________________________ Date: _______________ Period: _____
Directions: Answer the questions during the lecture. Use complete sentences.
1) What are the objectives of this lesson? (2 points)
a. __________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
2) What is a “nucleus”? (1 point)
3) What is “cytoplasm”? (1 point)
4) What are “organelles”? (1 point)
5) What is “DNA”? (1 point)
6) What is a “nuclear envelope”? (1 point)
7) What are “nuclear pores”? (1 point)
8) What is “chromatin”? (1 point)
9) What is chromatin made of? (1 point)
10) Where is chromatin located? (1 point)
11) Chromatin condenses into _________________________________________ when the
cell divides. (1 point)
12) What is a “nucleolus”? (1 point)
13) Label: Label the following on the picture below: (5 points)
nuclear pores
nuclear envelope
14) What are “ribosomes”? (1 point)
15) Where are ribosomes located? (1 point)
16) What is the function of ribosomes? (1 point)
17) What are the functions of endoplasmic reticulum? (2 points)
a. __________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
18) What is the function of rough endoplasmic reticulum? (2 points)
a. __________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
19) True or False: Rough endoplasmic reticulum releases proteins that are made. (1 point)
20) True or False: Ribosomes are found on smooth endoplasmic reticulum. (1 point)
21) True or False: Smooth endoplasmic reticulum has collections of enzymes that perform
specialized tasks. (1 point)
22) What are the functions of smooth endoplasmic reticulum? (2 points)
a. __________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
23) What is “golgi apparatus”? (1 point)
24) What is the function of the golgi apparatus? (1 point)
25) What are “lysosomes”? (1 point)
26) What are the functions of lysosomes? (3 points)
a. __________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________________
27) Why do people get certain diseases? (1 point)
28) What are “vacuoles”? (1 point)
29) What is the function of a vacuole? (1 point)
30) How many vacuoles are in a plant cell? (1 point) _______________________________
31) What are the ways in which cells get energy? (2 points)
a. __________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
32) What is the function of mitochondria? (1 point)
33) From whom do you inherit all or almost all mitochondria? (1 point)
34) What is the function of a chloroplast? (1 point)
35) What kind of pigment do chloroplasts contain? (2 points)
a. __________________________________________________________________
i. ____________________________________________________________
36) True or False: Chloroplasts and mitochondria have their own genetic information.
(1 point)
37) Explain “endosymbiotic theory”. (4 points)
38) What type of cell has a cytoskeleton? (1 point)
39) What is the function of a cytoskeleton? (3 points)
a. __________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________________
40) What is one type of main protein filament? (1 point)
41) What are microfilaments made of? (1 point)
42) What are the functions of microfilaments? (2 points)
a. __________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
43) What is another type of main protein filament? (1 point)
44) What are “microtubules”? (1 point)
45) What are the 3 functions of microtubules? (3 points)
a. __________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________________
46) Objective: Describe the function of the cell nucleus. (1 point)
47) Objective: Describe the functions of the major cell organelles. (19 points)
a. Nucleus:
b. Nucleolus:
c. Ribosomes:
d. Endoplasmic Reticulum:
1) _______________________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________________
e. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum:
1) ______________________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________________
f. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum:
1) _______________________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________________
g. Golgi Apparatus:
h. Lysosomes:
1) ______________________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________________
3) _______________________________________________________________
k. Chloroplasts:
1) ______________________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________________
3) _______________________________________________________________