Preceptor Development Study Day Level 1 2014 Overall Aim of the Day: To provide the participants with an overview of the role and responsibilities of the Preceptor and to introduce the participants to the underlying concepts of Preceptoring they will need to incorporate into their practice as a Preceptor. The sessions will provide the opportunity to discuss in groups the motivation and teaching techniques that can be applied to the preceptors educational practice in the workplace Aims and Expected Learning Outcomes: Introduction to Preceptoring Aim: To provide an introduction to the role of the Preceptor and the shared responsibilities of the Preceptor and Preceptee. After completing this session the participants will be able to: Define the concept of “being” a Preceptor Discuss the roles and responsibilities of both the Preceptor and Preceptee Source policies and resource people who can provide guidance, advice and mentoring for the Preceptor. Socialisation into the Clinical Environment Aim: To introduce the participants to the importance of socialising a new staff member to the clinical setting Expected Learning Objectives: After completing this session the participants will be able to: Define the process of Socialisation including Orientation Identify major barriers experienced by new nurses to a work area and explore solutions to these focusing on the potential or actual differences between a student nurse (BN or DEN), an RN undergoing competence assessment or return to nursing programme, a graduate nurse, an experienced nurse and internationally trained nurse Explore ways to assist the Preceptee to become an integrated member of the team Understand the four steps of reality shock (Honeymoon, Shock, Recovery and Resolution) Introduction to Adult Learning Principles and Transferring Theory Knowledge to Clinical Practice Aim: To introduce Adult Learning Principles, that is how adults learn, and how to encourage learners to transfer their knowledge to their clinical practice. This knowledge can be theoretical concepts or skill acquisition. The models underpinning this session are; Patricia Benner Novice to Expert Kolb’s Experiential Cycle of Learning Malcolm Knowles. Document1 Expected Learning Objectives After completing this session the participants will be able to: Identify the characteristics of the adult learner Identify the different adult teaching and learning styles Describe their own learning & teaching styles utilising Vark questionnaire Demonstrate how to apply the principles of adult learning to the preceptor role Identify ways of teaching technical skills and enhancing the learning from theory to practical Overview of Undergraduate BN programme as offered by CPIT Aim: To provide an overview of the undergraduate Nursing BN programme offered by CPIT, including changes to the curriculum, expectations of CPIT of their students and the Registered Nurses who provide Preceptorship and assessment. Expected Learning Objectives: After completing this session the participants will be able to: discuss the programme requirements for each clinical placement state who to contact for resource and guidance Overview of the NetP programme Aim: To provide an overview of the New Entry to Practice programme offered by CDHB, Expected Learning Objectives: After completing this session the participants will be able to: discuss the programme requirements NetP participants need to attain in order to complete the programme state what are the requirements of a NetP preceptor state the benefits of being a NetP preceptor Demonstrate the correct and accurate documentation associated with the Preceptoring of a NetP participant state who to contact for resource and guidance Speak Up Aim: To provide an overview of the Speak Up principles currently being introduced to the NETP nursing graduates Expected Learning Objectives After completing this session the participants will be able to: support new graduates to speak up when they experience situations in which they identify areas of self or practice concerns. Promote the concept of Professional Responsibility that forms part of the Nursing domains and competencies. Document1 Extra sessions as backup Preceptor Behaviour Aim; To provide an opportunity for the group to identify both the positive role modelling behaviour of a Preceptor and/or behaviour that will have a negative impact on the learning behaviours of the preceptee. Expected Learning Objective After completing this session the participants will be able to: Discuss the importance of fostering the critical thought processes to ensure the clinical decision making will bring about the best possible outcome. Discuss what is good role modelling Demonstrate an appropriate workload/learning load for the level the preceptee is Demonstrate supportive and inclusive behaviour. Discuss the importance of “attitude” when precepting. Direction and Delegation Aim: Provide an overview of how the NZNC Guideline can be applied to the Preceptorship Relationship. Expected Learning Objectives: At the end of the session the participant will be able to: State in their own words what the nursing council definition of Direction and Delegation means to their practice as a Preceptor. Discuss the benefits of safe direction and delegation for the Preceptor, Preceptee and the organisation Demonstrate the process of safe Direction and Delegation Apply the theory of critical thinking process to the process of Direction and Delegation Fostering the development of critical thinking and reflective practice Aim: to provide the theoretical framework of critical thinking and reflection, and how this can be utilised to promote reflective practice during the Preceptorship Relationship. Expected Learning Objectives: After completing this session the participants will be able to: Define critical thinking, reflection and reflective practice and be able to apply this to Kolb’s experiential cycle. Assist the Preceptee to develop reflective practice and critical thinking in their new clinical environment Demonstrate strategies to encourage the Preceptee to record and discuss their reflections. Document1