AAUW-Michiana Area Award for Excellence in Graduate Research

AAUW-Michiana Area Award for Excellence in Graduate Research for Women.
Submission deadline, March 15, 2013.
AAUW, the American Association of University Women, is a nationwide network of more than 100,000
members and donors, 1,000 branches, and 500 college/university institution partners. For more than 128
years, the AAUW has sustained a mission to advance women and girls through advocacy, education,
philanthropy, and research. To support burgeoning female scholars in our own community, three local
branches of AAUW – South Bend, Goshen, and Elkhart – are offering an annual $100
writing prize for graduate students, the AAUW-Michiana Area Award for Excellence in
Graduate Research. We warmly invite women who are currently enrolled as graduate students in the
Michiana area to participate.
Eligible participants should submit one conference-length paper (not exceeding 14 pages) within one of
these three categories: Science/ Social Science/Humanities, and a completed cover sheet verifying
eligibility. All application information and forms are available at the AAUW-South Bend website:
Submissions due March 15, 2013. Announcement of winners in each category expected by the end of
Please see materials below for submission information, or contact April Lidinsky, President of AAUW—
South Bend: alidinsk@iusb.edu
November 2012
Dear current female graduate students currently enrolled in programs in the greater Michiana area,
AAUW, the American Association of University Women, is a nationwide network of more than 100,000
members and donors, 1,000 branches, and 500 college/university institution partners, including Indiana
University South Bend and Saint Mary’s College, locally. For more than 128 years, the AAUW has
sustained a mission to advance women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and
research. To support burgeoning female scholars in our own community, three local branches of
AAUW – South Bend, Goshen, and Elkhart – have launched an annual $100 writing prize
for graduate students, the AAUW-Michiana Area Award for Excellence in Graduate
Research. We warmly invite women who are currently enrolled as graduate students in the Michiana
area to participate.
Eligible participants should submit one conference-length paper (not exceeding 14 pages) within one of
these three categories: Science/ Social Science/Humanities, and a completed cover sheet verifying
eligibility (see attachment for further details and evaluation rubric). Submissions due March 15,
2013. Announcement of winners in each category expected by the end of April.
We have recruited top scholars from local universities in each of the three disciplinary categories to do
blind evaluations of the submissions. Thus, winning this award carries both the recognition of AAUW and
the confidence of local scholars that your work is of outstanding quality. The monetary award comes from
locally raised funds and is given in the spirit of confidence in the winners’ ability to make a mark on their
respective fields through excellence in research and writing.
This award bears the name of a national organization that has been active in women’s education for over a
century, and we encourage you to further explore opportunities sponsored nationally by the AAUW,
including dissertation writing fellowships for female graduate students and research fellowships for earlycareer female faculty. (http://www.aauw.org/learn/fellows_directory/)
All best wishes for your future writing success.
April Lidinsky, Ph.D., President of the South Bend AAUW
Jacquilyn Weeks, Ph.D.
------------------------------------------------------Scoring rubric our evaluators will use:
AAUW- Michiana Award for Excellence in Graduate Research
Evaluation Rubric
Again, thank you very much for your participation. For this award, each paper will be ranked from 1-10 in 3
10 – Absolutely outstanding work. You have rarely seen a graduate paper of this quality.
7—Very strong writing. Definite promise for future publication.
5—Solid piece of work. The quality of this paper is what you might expect from pre-doctoral work.
3—Unremarkable work. Some significant flaws.
1—Poor work, sloppy and unsuitable for upper division work.
Originality/Contribution to the Field…………………………__________
Breadth/Depth of Research………………………………………__________
Clarity/Quality of Writing…………………………………………__________
Cover Form
AAUW- Michiana Area Award for Excellence in Graduate Research
Name: ___________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
Email: ________________________ Telephone: __________________
Department or Program: ______________________________________
Category of Submission (circle one):
Social Sciences
Semester Admitted: _____________________ Type of Degree: _________
Requirements for Paper Submission:
-Conference-length paper prefaced by a 200 word abstract; length should be
appropriate to the conventions of each discipline and should not exceed 14
pages (excluding notes and works cited).
-Papers must be double-spaced in 12pt Times New Roman with standard margins.
-Papers should be submitted with no reference to author’s name or institution
except in the cover form.
-Authors must be currently enrolled in a terminal graduate degree program located
in the greater Michiana area
-Limit ONE submission per author
-Please submit one cover letter and three print copies of the paper to:
April Lidinsky
2257 Wiekamp Hall
Indiana University South Bend
1700 Mishawaka Ave, PO Box 7111
South Bend, IN 46634
Student Signature:________________________________________
Date: ___________