CAPAV CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT POLICY1 Introduction Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the means by which practitioners broaden and deepen their knowledge, skills and awareness, to develop the personal and professional qualities necessary for the effective practice of counselling and psychotherapy. The CAPAV CPD requirements are intended to support the obligation of CAPAV Clinical and Associate members to keep up to date with their profession and new developments in counselling and psychotherapy practice. CAPAV CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) REQUIREMENTS To be in line with the Continuing Professional Development requirements approved by PACFA 2013 AGM, CAPAV has adopted the present Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Requirements. The present CAPAV Continuing Professional Development Requirements are effective from the renewal year commencing 1 July 2014. For CAPAV membership renewal purposes, a renewal year covers the period 1 July to 30 June. CAPAV membership renewal is based on fulfillment of CPD, Supervision and Professional Insurance requirements during the renewal year, i.e. a CAPAV Clinical member who applies to renew their membership 2015-2016 (due 30 June 2015) must have accrued the relevant CPD points and Supervision hours required by CAPAV between 1 July 2014 and 30 June 2015. The present CPD Scheme recognizes larger types of professional development based on accumulated PD points. The annual CPD Requirements are 40 points that can be accrued from three categories of which one is mandatory and two are optional: - - Category A – MANDATORY. One hour of CPD from Category A = 2 points. Minimum annual requirements: 30 points of which 10 points must be person-to-person activities; the remaining 20 points may be accumulated from person-to-person activities or from participation in online facilitated courses. Category B – OPTIONAL. One hour of CPD from Category B = 1 point. Maximum annual allowance: 10 points. Category C – OPTIONAL. One hour of CPD from Category C = 1 point. Maximum annual allowance: 5 points. The annual requirement of 40 CPD points may all be accrued from Category A or involve activities from Category A, B and/or C. GUIDELINES AND DEFINITIONS OF CPD ACTIVITIES Please see following table: 1 CAPAV – June 2014 1 CAPAV% new% Continuing% Professional% Development% Requirements% from% 1% July% 2014*% ! A% minimum% of% 40% CPD% points% must% be% accrued% annually.!There!are!3!categories!from!which!the!annual!40!CPD!points!may!be!accrued.! ! ! ! Minimum/maximum!! Category! Status! CPD!Activities! Definition! points!per!year! A! Compulsory! 30!points! ! 1!hour!of! CPD!Cat.!A! ! =!2!points! ! PersonGtoGperson!courses,!workshops,!seminars! and!conferences!relating!to!counselling!and! psychotherapy!(C&P),! ! Participation!in!online!facilitated!courses!relating! to!C&P.! It! is! compulsory! to! have! accrued,! from! category! A,! a! TOTAL!minimum!of!30!points! of! which! 10! points! must! be! personGtoGperson!activities.!! The!remaining!20!points!may! be!accumulated!from!personG toGperson! or! participation! in! online!facilitated!courses.! ! The!annual!requirement!of!40! points! can! be! accrued! from! category!A.! Online!facilitated!courses!take!place! in!an!online!learning!environment.!! The! presence! and! contribution! of! an! online! facilitator! is! required,! providing! a! component! of! synchronous! or! asynchronous! online!learning.!! An! example! of! online! facilitated! learning! is! an! online! course! that! includes! facilitated! online! discussions.! B! Optional! ! 1!hour!of! CPD!Cat.!B! =!1!point! Maximum!allowance!of!10! points!per!year! Facilitated!learning!groups!!are! groups!that!discuss!and!explore! counselling!and!psychotherapy! topics!or!resources,!with!the! presence!and!leadership!of! facilitators! C! Optional! ! 1!hour!of! CPD!Cat.!C! =!1!point! ! Participation!in!facilitated!learning!groups,! ! Imparting!knowledge!relating!to!counselling!and! psychotherapy!through!formal!presentations,! teaching,!research!and!publications,! ! Supervision!participation!above!the!annual! renewal!requirement.! ! Contributing!to!the!counselling!and! psychotherapy!profession!through!direct!! involvement!in!CAPAV!Committee!of! Management!or!PACFA!Committees,! ! SelfGdirected!learning,!logged!in!a!reflective! journal,!including:! G!reading!and!taking!notes!of!psychotherapy!and! counselling!journals!and!books,! G!participation!in!online!nonGfacilitated!courses,! G!participation!in!peer!learning!groups.! Maximum!allowance!of!5! points!per!year! Online!nonGfacilitated!courses!take! place!in!an!online!learning!environment! without!the!presence!and!contribution! of!online!facilitation!(ex.webinars).! Peer!learning!groups!are!groups!of! peers!who!meet!to!discuss!and!explore! C&P!topics!or!resources,!without!a! facilitator.! A!reflective!journal!is!a!written!record! (based!on!the!PACFA!proGforma)!that! reflects!on!the!learning!acticity! undertaken!and!how!it!relates!to!and! enhances!professional!practice.! ! ! (*)These!new!Continuing!Professional!Development!(CPD)!requirements!will!be!in!place!from!1!July!2014!starting!for!the!renewal!period!1!July!2014!to!30!June!2015.!! 2 CONTENT FOR CPD ACTIVITIES Professional Development activities content must be directly relevant to Clinical practice and to developing skills and core competencies in counselling and psychotherapy. Professional Development relating to other fields of practice besides counselling and psychotherapy are not accepted. o Training in mindfulness or meditation (for example) is accepted only where the training is directly applicable to the therapeutic use of these skills in the context of counselling and psychotherapy practice. Ongoing practice attendance in mindfulness or meditation (for example) is not accepted. o Training in natural or complementary therapies such as naturopathy, nutrition, massage therapy, Reiki and other similar therapies are not accepted. o Training in theology or wellness practices, such as yoga, is not accepted. CAPAV recommends that members consider undertaking some CPD relating to: Ethics in counselling and psychotherapy practice; Legal requirements relating to record keeping and case notes; Legal requirements relating to working with children and adolescents, especially for practitioners who work with children and adolescents. GUIDELINES FOR CPD PRESENTER These guidelines aim to ensure that Professional Development activities are led by suitably qualified and experienced practitioners, and to ensure that professional development undertaken by CAPAV members is of sufficiently high quality to make a contribution to their development as practitioners. CPD presenters: are qualified (at the minimum equivalent to CAPAV Clinical membership), or are recognised by the profession as having advanced expertise in the topic they address, employ teaching approaches conducive for adult learning, operate under a Code of Ethics relating to the profession of counselling and psychotherapy, have current professional indemnity insurance. CPD DOCUMENTATION and PROFESSIONAL PORTFOLIO To renew their annual CAPAV membership, CAPAV Clinical and Associate members have to fulfil, in addition to the CPD requirements, the Supervision and Professional Indemnity Insurance requirements (see CAPAV website for more details); CAPAV Student members have to fulfil the enrolment in a CAPAV recognised counselling/psychotherapy training course. To renew their membership, CAPAV members are invited to complete annually the CPD, Supervision and client-contact logs on the CAPAV Portal. In addition, it is the responsibility of all CAPAV members to maintain a Professional Portfolio, which is to be submitted to CAPAV when audited. 3 The Professional Portfolio of a CAPAV Clinical or Associate member will include: CPD documentation Supervision documentation Evidence of current professional indemnity insurance Details of any ethics breaches or ethics issues that may have arisen. The CPD documentation to be kept in the Professional Portfolio is: A schedule of CPD activities, based on the CAPAV pro-forma (see Appendix 1), setting out all CPD activities undertaken in the reporting period; Supporting evidence such as certificates of attendance, receipts and programme, or other documentary evidence that can verify that the CPD has been completed; If the member is completing formal courses at training/educational institutions: degree and academic transcript or certificates specifying units completed during the reporting period, Reflective journal entries, based on the CAPAV pro-forma (see Appendix 2), for CPD activities from Category C. The Professional Portfolio with CPD documentation should be kept securely by the CAPAV member for a period of no less than four years, or until the CPD documentation has been approved by the CAPAV or PACFA audit. AUDITING OF CPD DOCUMENTATION All CAPAV members will have their Professional Portfolio audited at random once every three years to assure their compliance with CAPAV membership renewal requirements. CAPAV members will be notified when selected for audit and required to submit all Professional Portfolio documentation as described above. For those CAPAV members who are also PACFA Registrants, the process will be administered by PACFA. All other CAPAV members will be audited by CAPAV. Failure to comply with the CPD requirements will usually result in removal from CAPAV membership. In exceptional circumstances, an unsuccessful audit may be referred to the CAPAV Membership Application Committee that may consider some other sanctions, such as additional CPD activities to be undertaken. Members have the right to appeal audit decisions. Please see AUDIT Guidelines on CAPAV website for further details. 4 Appendix 1 - CAPAV Continuing Professional Development – CPD LOG NAME: CAPAV Membership Nr: REPORTING PERIOD: Date CPD Activity Provider Category Hours Points Total Hours/Points All supporting documents must be held in your professional portfolio for a minimum of four years or until you have been audited by CAPAV or PACFA. For those CAPAV members who are also PACFA Registrants, the Audit will be administered by PACFA. All other CAPAV members will be audited by CAPAV. The annual CPD Requirements are 40 points that can be accrued from three categories of which one is mandatory and two are optional: Category A – MANDATORY. One hour of CPD from Category A = 2 points. Minimum annual requirements: 30 points of which 10 points must be person-to-person activities; the remaining 20 points may be accumulated from person-to-person activities or from participation in online facilitated courses Category B – OPTIONAL. One hour of CPD from Category B = 1 point. Maximum annual allowance: 10 points. Category C – OPTIONAL. One hour of CPD from Category C = 1 point. Maximum annual allowance: 5 points. The annual requirement of 40 CPD points may all be accrued from Category A or involve activities from Category A, B and/or C. For CAPAV membership renewal purposes, a renewal year covers the period 1 July to 30 June. 5 Appendix 2 - CAPAV Continuing Professional Development – REFLECTIVE JOURNAL (CPD Activity – category C) Your Name: Reporting Period: Activity Name: Activity Description: Reflection (suggested 150 words): Signed: Dated: 6