ST. MONICA RCIA Class homework – October 7, 2013 The topic for this week was centered on “Mary, Mother of God and the Rosary” as presented by Elizabeth Nava. The readings are covered in Ch. 7 of the “The Faith Explained” textbook. A copy of Elizabeth’s presentation may be available. If needed, please contact David @ to inquire. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Please contemplate upon the following and consider transcribing your thoughts/responses to the following: 1. What’s the significance of the date, March 25, in the Church’s calendar? What the author states as “…the two natures…”? The mystery known as the “Incarnation”? The “hypostatic union”? (Trese, pp. 77-78, 80). 2. What is your response to the idea that Mary was predestined? (CCC 488-89). 3. In what capacity does “free consent” relate to Mary as the “Co-Redemptrix”? (Trese, p. 80). 4. There is a reference to Jesus’ “twoness” and to non-Catholics chastising Catholics for our “over-glorification of Mary.” What is your reaction to both? (Trese, pp. 81-82). 5. Regarding Mary’s divine motherhood, non-Catholics seem unable to reconcile “Mary, the Mother of God.” Your thoughts? (Trese, p. 81; CCC 495). 6. Jesus had two natures, human and divine; therefore, he also possessed two kinds of knowledge; infinite and human. His human knowledge consisted of three kinds. Please elaborate. (Trese, pp.85-86). 7. Jesus is called the “New Adam” and Mary, the “new Eve”. What is the significance of this compared with the original Adam and Eve? (CCC, 494; 504-511). 8. The belief that Mary was a virgin when she “conceived of the Holy Spirit” remains for many non-Catholics, a barrier they see as insurmountable. Reflect and share your thoughts on the Church’s teachings re: the Immaculate Conception. (CCC, 490-93; 497-503). 9. Since Mary never sinned, she did not suffer the consequence of death as imparted on us by Adam and Eve’s banishment from Eden. How is this reflected upon her death? (Trese, p. 80; CCC 966; 974; Romans 6: 23). 10. The Magi, seeking the newborn King, inquire of Herod where He is to be found. The evil Herod implores them to inform him of the Baby Jesus’ location, so he too may go and worship Him. But through the divine intervention of an angel, they take another route home and thereby avoiding the treacherous Herod. What does Bishop Fulton Sheen say regarding this event and those who partake in the majesty of the Catholic Church?