- projectgenie

Secure mail system deals with providing security for transferring of data from server to
client. Now a day’s enterprises are becoming increasingly interested in ease to use mail systems.
Security provided to the mail system i.e., data is encrypted at server side and decrypted at client
side, using encryption algorithm.
Encryption algorithm is mathematical procedure for performing encryption of data
through use of an algorithm. Information is made into a meaningless cipher text and requires use
of a key to transform data back into its original form using different algorithms, such as, RSA,
Encryption is fundamental security algorithm required to protect data communication
passing over public (internet) or private (leased lines) from hacker’s competitors and disgranted
Effective secure mail system keep sensitive information private prevent anyone from
tampering with contents of mail and authenticate the identity of both (sender and receiver).
A good secure system should rely on the strength of algorithm used (not the security) to
be string based and the size of used(larger key size should conform greater resistance) to
cryptanalysis and be equally efficient for all keys and a given key space.
In 1977, shortly after the idea of a public key system was proposed, three
mathematicians, Ron Rivest, Adil Shamir and Len Adelman at MIT gave a concrete example of
how such a method could be implemented. To honor them, the method was referred to as the
RSA scheme. The system uses a private and a public key. To start two large prime numbers are
selected and then multiplied together; n=p*q. The RSA algorithm involves three steps: key
generation, encryption, and decryption. In this algorithm we consider the following steps:
Contact: 040-23344332, 8008491861
Email id: info@projectgenie.in, www.projectgenie.in
1. Choose two large primes p and q.
2. Compute n=p*q and z= (p-1)*(q-1).
3. Choose a number relatively prime to z and call id d.
4. Find e such that e*d=1 mod z.
Let p is considered as the plain text. Let k be the largest integer for which 2(POW) k <n is true.
To encrypt the message p compute C=p(pow)e(mod n) and to decrypt the message C compute
P=c(pow)d(mod n).The encryption and decryption functions are inverses. To perform
encryption we need e and n. To perform decryption we need d and n. Therefore the public key
pair consists of pair (e, n) and the private key pair consists of (d, n).
Mail system is used for transferring of data between client and server. As the mail system is
used by everyone now-a –days there is no security for the data which is transmitted between the
client and server. For example sender A sends some data to the sender B then there may be a
chance for the intruder or the hacker to capture the data and modify the data .This modification
of data will cause a threat to the big organizations in which data is to be secured carefully
This proposed system is used to overcome the limitations of existing features of the mail
system. In this security will be provided to the data which is transferred between the sender A
and sender B, this is provided by using the RSA algorithms i.e., by using public and private keys.
In this the private key is applied to the plain text which is to be transmitted and there will be a
public key which is applied to the decrypted message.
Contact: 040-23344332, 8008491861
Email id: info@projectgenie.in, www.projectgenie.in
Hardware Requirements:
: Pentium Iv 2.4 Ghz
Hard Disk
: 40 GB
Floppy Drive
: 1.44 MB
: 15 Vga Colour
: Logitech.
: 1 GB
: 110 Keys Enhanced.
Software Requirements:
Operating system
:- Windows XP Professional
Front End
:- Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2008
Coding Language
:- C# 3.5
:- SQL SERVER 2005
Contact: 040-23344332, 8008491861
Email id: info@projectgenie.in, www.projectgenie.in