Evaluation of a Hybrid Genetic Tabu Search framework on Job Shop

Evaluation of a Hybrid Genetic Tabu Search framework on Job
Shop Scheduling Benchmark Problems
S Meeran and M S Morshed1
School of Management, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY, UK
E-mail: s.meeran@bath.ac.uk, Phone: 00 44 1225 383954
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK
Abstract: It has been well established that to find an optimal or near-optimal solution to job shop
scheduling problems (JSSP), which are NP-hard, one needs to harness different features of many
techniques, such as genetic algorithms (GA) and tabu search (TS). In this paper, we report usage of
such a framework which exploits the diversified global search and the intensified local search
capabilities of GA and TS respectively. The system takes its input directly from the process
information in contrast to having a problem-specific input format, making it versatile in dealing with
different JSSP. This framework has been successfully implemented to solve industrial job shop
scheduling problems (Meeran and Morshed 2011). In this paper, we evaluate its suitability by
applying it on a set of well-known job shop benchmark problems. The results have been variable. The
system did find optimal solutions for moderately hard benchmark problems (40 out of 43 problems
tested). This performance is similar to, and in some cases better than, comparable systems, which also
establishes the versatility of the system. However, for the harder benchmark problems such as those
proposed by Taillard (1993), it had difficulty in finding a new improved solution. We analyse the
possible reasons for such a performance.
Keywords: Makespan, Genetic Algorithms, Tabu Search, Job Shop Scheduling, Heuristics
The importance of as well as the requirement for scheduling in human activities are self-evident. In
production and service organisations, scheduling is one of the vital and critical elements in making
these organisations efficient and effective in the usage of scarce resources. When every job going
through a production or service unit is unique in its processing requirement, the scheduling is known
as the job shop scheduling problem (JSSP). Many organisations will be able to benefit from a solution
to the JSSP. However, a generic solution to the JSSP has eluded researchers until now, and the
problem is considered to be an NP-hard problem. Over the second half of the last century, many
traditional techniques coming from the traditional Operations Research community, ranging from
simple dispatching rules to complex and sophisticated parallel branch and bound algorithms and
bottleneck-based heuristics, have been employed to find a solution to the JSSP. In spite of such a
concerted effort, an efficient generic solution could not be found. However, in the recent past,
researchers from different fields such as biology, genetics and computing have proposed many new
algorithms and methodologies, such as neural networks and evolutionary computation, increasing the
possibility of finding a generic solution to the JSSP.
Although the conditions associated with the classical deterministic job shop scheduling
problem are well known to most readers, for completeness we reproduce the salient elements of the
problem as follows: The problem consists of a finite set J of n jobs {J i }in1 which need to be processed
on a finite set M of m machines{M k } k 1 . Each job Ji consists of a unique chain of mi operations that
must be processed on m machines in a predetermined order, a requirement called a precedence
constraint. The problem is further characterised by capacity constraints (otherwise called disjunctive
constraints) which stipulate that at any one time, a machine can process only one operation of any job.
The objective of the scheduler is to determine starting times for each operation in order to minimise
the makespan while satisfying all the precedence and capacity constraints.
The dimensionality of each problem instance is specified as nm, and each job has to be
processed exactly once on each machine. In a more general statement of the classical job-shop
problem, machine repetitions (or machine absence) are allowed in the given order of the job Ji  J,
and thus mi may be greater (or smaller) than m. The main focus of this work relates to the case of
mi  m-non pre-emptive operations per job Ji, unless otherwise stated.
The solution methods proposed to solve the JSSP could be broadly categorised into two types:
exact (sometimes called exhaustive methods or optimisation methods) and approximation methods,
although there have been some attempts to combine both exact and approximation methods. Although
the exact methods aim to find an optimal solution, invariably they consume a substantial amount of
time as they explore the solution space systematically, and hence their practical use has been
somewhat limited for large real-life problems. This encouraged the growth of the use of
approximation methods to find the solution to the JSSP. Although the approximation methods, as the
name indicates, do not guarantee an optimal solution, they do provide an approximate but useful
solution in a practicable time. The approximations methods have been generally categorised into four
groups: priority dispatch rules (Baykasoglu and Ozbakir 2010), bottleneck-based heuristics (Adams et
al. 1988, Zhang and Wu 2008), artificial intelligence (Jain and Meeran 1998, Weckman et al. 2008)
and local heuristic search methods, with many sub-techniques within them (Jain and Meeran 1999).
Many attempts have been made to find solutions to the JSSP using these sub-techniques, with
varying success. Also, some notable innovative improvements in these techniques, such as beam
search, simulated annealing (SA) and shifting bottleneck, have been implemented, resulting in
substantial enhancement of the quality of the solutions. However, the deviations from optimality are
found to be still high, and most of these methods require high computing effort to achieve their best
results. Hence the search for a solution continues! Out of the four sub-techniques of the
approximation methods mentioned above, the local heuristic search method attracted a healthy interest
among researchers because of its intuitiveness, as well as its ability in finding a good approximate
solution and sometimes optimal solutions reasonably quickly. In the recent past, there have been a
substantial number of publications in the area of applying the heuristic method to the JSSP. Although
there have been successes, the narrowness of the strength of the individual heuristic techniques used
has affected progress in finding a solution that is not problem specific. The natural progression, as is
to be expected, is trying to combine multiple techniques, exploiting different strengths of different
techniques. This paper uses one such framework, which combines GA and TS techniques in
exploiting their global diversification and local intensification strengths respectively. The GA and TS
techniques are fine-tuned to maximise the chance of finding an optimal solution. The rest of the paper
is structured as follows: in the following section, we will discuss the hybrid solution methods
available for solving the makespan JSSP in the literature and explore other existing GA and TS hybrid
systems. In section 3, we will describe the hybrid GA and TS framework that we have used, followed
by a section in which we assess the suitability of this framework for the job shop scheduling
benchmark problems by analysing the results obtained. We also compare the system performance
with other systems including recent ones which exist in the literature. In the last section, we draw a
conclusion from the tests.
Within the local search category, many methods have been proposed by various researchers. Satake et
al. (1999) proposed algorithms using simulated annealing (SA) to solve the JSSP, whereas Della
Corce et al (1995), Dorndorf and Pesch (1995), Mattfeld (1996), Park et al. (2003), Goncalves et al.
(2005), Jia et al. (2011) and Pérez et al. (2012) used genetic algorithms (GA) for the same purpose.
Glover (1989), Dell’Amico and Trubian (1993), Taillard (1994), Nowicki and Smutnicki (1996),
Thomsen (1997), Pezzella and Merelli (2000) and Eswarmurthy and Tamilarasi (2009) applied tabu
search (TS) to obtain solutions to JSSP. Techniques such as ant optimisation and genetic local search
(GLS) (Yamada and Nakano 1996, Zhou et al 2009), path re-linking (PR) (Nowicki and Smutnicki
2005), and Greedy Randomised Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) (Fernandes and Lourenco
2007) have been also tried. Out of these local search methods, tabu search, by virtue of its intensive
local searching capability, has provided impressive results by generating good schedules within
reasonable computing time. However, tabu search, like many other local search methods, has
oneoverwhelming strength, namely intensification, and does not have sufficient capability to explore
the search space globally. Also, TS requires fine-tuning of many parameters to suit each problem,
which is difficult to achieve. Similarly, all other heuristic techniques, as mentioned earlier, are unable
to solve the JSSP satisfactorily as individual techniques, although considerable progress has been
made in recent years. Another important issue is the fact that most of the heuristic methods proposed
do not guarantee a particular performance level for any arbitrary problem. Many in the scheduling
research community therefore postulated that if progress has to be made in breaking the current
barriers in attaining solutions to job shop scheduling problems, merging unique strengths of different
approaches is a candidate worthy of consideration.
One of the popular solution models considered by many researchers has been a hybrid
construction through amalgamating several methods with an over-arching strategy (known as metaheuristics) to guide a myopic local heuristic to the global optimum (Yu and Liang 2001 (NN&GA),
Wang and Zheng 2001 (GA&SA), Park et al. 2003 (parallel GA (PGA), Goncalves et al. 2005
(GA&PDR), Zhang and Gen 2009 (Hybrid Swarm optimisation), Seo and Kim 2010 (Ant colony
optimisation with parametric search), Azizi et al. 2010 (SA with memory), Nasiri and Kianfar 2012a
(GES/TS/PR) (GES is a variant of SA)). Although many of the authors reported improved
performance through hybridisation, it has been found to suffer from the requirement of substantial
computing time; also, simple hybridisation of the techniques in their raw form as such, has not
performed well in many instances. Further, formal methods have not been developed in order to
identify effective ways of finding suitable techniques as well as combining them; hence there is a
need for exploring various combinations of search techniques along with implementing possible
improvements in the individual search methods themselves. The framework used here is one such
attempt, combining the search techniques GA and TS in addition to using intelligent sub-techniques
such as genetic operators, restricted neighbourhood and innovative initial solutions.
There have been only a few systems in the literature that use the combination of GA and TS
to provide a solution to the JSSP (Meeran and Morshed 2007, Tamilselvan and Balasubramanie 2009,
Gonzalez et al. 2009, Chiu et al. 2007, Zhang et al. 2010). Tamilselvan and Balasubramanie (2009)
have used GA as the base search mechanism and TS to improve their search. They have demonstrated
the effectiveness of the combination of GA and TS, which is called GTA, against standalone GA and
TS, using only a limited number of example problems that they have devised. There is no evidence of
their system being tested on established benchmark problems or on real-life practical problems.
Gonzalez et al. (2009) presented a successful hybrid GA and TS system for the job shop scheduling
problem with set-up times. Obviously, they have tested their system on a different set of benchmark
problems. Most other systems (Chiu et al. 2007, Zhang et al. 2008b) have shown good progress in
solving a specific set of benchmark problems, albeit in some cases the benchmark problems used are
not from the established sets such as ORB (Applegate and Cook 1991), FT (Fisher and Thompson
1963), LA (Lawrence 1984) and ABZ (Adams et al. 1988). Also, there is no evidence from the
publications that most of these systems work well with real-life practical problems, as well as solving
standard JSSP benchmark problems. Hence, the suitability of most of the systems as generic solution
methods for solving the job shop problem is questionable.
The hybrid system used in this paper, no doubt as in the case of the small number of systems
mentioned above, exploits the complementary strengths of GA and TS. However, the framework
presented here has been tested for its versatility and suitability for solving a variety of scheduling
problems, such as real-life problems and benchmark problems. In this paper, we present the results
when the system is used to solve a large number of benchmark problems, including instances from
FT, LA, ABZ and ORB. Furthermore, the system was tested on some TA (Taillard 1993) problems to
evaluate how it performs in dealing with very hard instances.
3.1. Hybrid Framework
In the model used here (shown in Figure 1), during the hybrid search process, the system starts with a
set of initial solutions, on each of which TS performs a local search to improve them. Then GA uses
the TS improved solutions to continue with parallel evolution. Within TS, a tabu list (more details on
this are given later) is used to prevent re-visiting the solutions previously explored. Such a hybrid
system combining both GA and TS, using their complementary strengths of parallel search and
intensified search, has a good chance of providing a reasonable solution to global combinatorial
optimisation problems such as the JSSP.
An initial set of solutions necessary can be generated by different methods, such as priority
dispatch rules (PDR), random generation and mid-cut heuristic, details of which are as follows. From
the input processing data and precedence relations, a sequential chain of operations is created. This
string is cut between the first and the last genes at a random position, creating two sub-strings of
operations. The first sub-string is moved to the back of the second sub-string. This procedure
effectively maintains the total number of operations in a string, and creates a new solution string. This
process is continued until each job is at the first position of a solution string. Thus the total number of
solution strings created using this method equals the total number of jobs. For a 44 problem, there
will be four strings that are produced by this heuristics.
Let us elaborate this heuristic, using an example of a 44 problem. If all the jobs in this problem
had the same operations sequence of being machined in Machine 1, Machine 2, Machine 3 and
Machine 4 in this specified order, then the initial string would be [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4]. To
apply the mid-cut heuristic on this string, what we need to do first is to pick a random position in this
string. Let us say our random position is 3rd position. The initial string is cut at this position to make it
into two substrings, namely:
substring1 = [1, 2,
substring2 = [
] and
The substring1 (i.e. [1,2])is moved to the back of substring2, creating a new string,
[3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2]. (operations 1,2 are shown in italics to indicate these are added to
substring2). The above procedure of picking a random position is repeated and checked to see
whether the first gene after the cut is a 2 or 4. If not another random position is picked until this
condition (i.e. getting a 2 or 4) is achieved. (Probabilistically it should take only two attempts to get a
2 or 4). As done above, the second piece of the string (i.e. substring2) resulting from the cut with a 2
(or 4) as the first gene is moved to the front and the first piece (i.e. substring1) is moved to the back.
By this procedure we get another two strings starting with a 2 and a 4 respectively. In this process any
string which has a job that is already at the head of another string is rejected and hence the number
of strings produced is limited to the total number of jobs. These strings that are produced by midcut heuristic as initial solutions have been found to be better than the initial solutions created by the
random method, or by priority dispatch rules. More details can be found in Morshed (2006).
3.2. Details of GA and TS
3.2.1. Chromosome Representation
It is generally accepted that the capability of GA to solve a problem depends on having an appropriate
chromosome to represent a solution (i.e. a string of operations in the scheduling problem) (Cheng et
al. 1996). It is then essential to ensure that all chromosomes, which are generated during the
evolutionary process, represent feasible solutions. In the classical JSSP, if one considers there are n
jobs to be processed on m machines, then there are a total of n × m operations to be scheduled. One
needs a chromosome [gene1, gene2, gene3,…, genenxm] to represent such a schedule, which could be
an arbitrary list of n × m genes (operations in operation-based representation) to start with. This
chromosome could be translated into a schedule of any format, such as a Gantt chart, using certain
heuristics. The genetic operators, such as crossover and mutation, could operate on this solution string
to evolve better solutions and eventually to find the optimum schedule. A good crossover operator
should preserve job sequence characteristics of the parent’s string in the next generation. If the good
features of different strings are properly combined, the offspring strings generated may have even
better features.
There are two types of sequences which are relevant in the discussion of the job shop
scheduling problem: first is the process sequences of jobs, dictated by the technical requirements of
the manufacturing processes required to complete the jobs (i.e. the precedence constraints); second is
the sequences of operations to be loaded on the machines, which needs to be determined by a solution
method. In manufacturing domain, a synchronisation of process planning and scheduling has always
been considered a requirement for production efficiency (Nasr and Elsayed 1990). In our context, the
encoding should be able to deal with both these sequences, and the information with respect to both
has to be preserved simultaneously. In such a case, many crossover methods dealing with literal
permutation encodings (i.e. all possible permutations, many of them leading to infeasible solutions)
cannot deliver that. A chromosome could be either infeasible, in the sense that some precedence
constraints might be violated, or illegal in the sense that the same operations might be duplicated
while others were omitted in the resulting chromosomes.
The chromosome representation for the JSSP used here, based on Gen et al. (1994) and Cheng
et al. (1996), encodes a schedule (solution) as an ordered sequence of job/operations, where each gene
stands for one operation. For an n job and m machine problem, a chromosome will have ‘n × m’
genes. Each job appears in the chromosome exactly m times, and each repeating gene does not
indicate a specific operation of a job, but the operation of a job it represents is defined by the relative
position the gene occupies in the string. For an illustrative example relating to a 4 jobs × 4 machines
problem (shown in Table 1), a typical chromosome could be in the form [4 3 3
2 2
1 4
3 4 3 1 2
1 1 2]. In this chromosome, the gene ‘1’ stands for operations of Job 1 (J1), showing
it has four operations. The identity of these operations corresponds to the relative positions of the
genes ‘1’, i.e. their order of occurrence in the chromosome. Hence, any permutation of the
chromosome always yields a feasible schedule. In short, the genes are represented generically and not
anchored to a particular order or position. Trivially, the relative order between them is always valid,
whatever actual positions the genes occupy in the chromosome. The main concern here is to find the
correspondence between the traditional representation of schedules and the chromosomes with which
we would like to represent the schedule, so that we can use the GA to evolve these chromosomes to
find better schedules. Put simply, the machine requirements for the operations represented by the
genes in the chromosome and their processing times have to be linked.
The information on machine requirements, as well as the processing time for different
operations, could be extracted from the input data given in Table 1. These machine requirements are
gathered in a list and can be linked to the operations, i.e. genes in the chromosome. Such a list could
be [3 1 3 2 2 4 4 1 3 1 4 2 1 3 4 2 ] (which is called a machine list). This list corresponds to
the operations, one to one, in the current chromosome above, i.e. [4 3 3
1 4
3 4
3 1 2
2 2
1 1 2]. These two lists are linked by a mechanism of a shadow chromosome, which operates
in the background. Such a shadow Machine chromosome for this example is [43 31 33 42 32 44 34
11 23 21 24 12 41 13 14 22], as shown in Figure 2. The subscripts identify the machines in which the
operations are processed. This shadow chromosome is not operated by the genetic operators, but used
as ready reference for identifying the machines associated with the genes (i.e. operations) in the
chromosome. The first member, 43, in the shadow chromosome represents the first operation of Job 4
(J4), which is operated by Machine 3.
Let us see how to formulate a schedule (and represent the same in a format such as a Gantt
chart), given a chromosome. The first operation (gene) of the chromosome is scheduled first, and then
the second operation in the chromosome is considered, and the process continues. Each operation
under consideration is allocated to the earliest available time on the machine which processes this
operation. The process is repeated until all operations in the chromosome are scheduled. It can be seen
that the actual schedule generated in this manner is guaranteed to be an active schedule. (Active
schedules are the ones in which no job can start earlier without delaying other jobs). From the
machine list we can now deduce the sequence of operations for each machine. This is done by simply
scanning the machine list for a particular machine. For example, it can be seen that the operation
sequence (job processing order) for Machine 1 is [J3, J1, J2, J4] (refer to Figure 2). A full schedule
can be made by supplementing the job sequences with processing times taken from the input data.
3.2.2 Genetic Operators
The construction of the relative order crossover operator for JSSP, used here, can be described as
follows: at first, two parents are chosen randomly from the population pool and then a certain number
of jobs, q (when q = 2, the jobs could be Job 1 and Job 3) in these parents are selected randomly (Note
the ‘q’ is a random integer number which is greater than one and less than the total number of jobs).
These q selected jobs correspond to the q × m operations in each parent. A string (string1) is produced
from the first parent by picking out these operations with their order unchanged, while filling the
positions belonging to other jobs (in this case, Job 2 and Job 4) with holes (E). Then the string is
rotated forward or backward by r positions (where r is a random integer number), maintaining the
relative positions of individual genes. Another string (string2) is produced by selecting the same jobs
(i.e. Job 1 and Job 3) in the second parent and the positions belonging to other jobs are filled with
holes (E), as in the case of the first parent. This string is not rotated. The holes (E) in the first parent
are filled with the operations of the ‘not-selected’ jobs of the second parent, SubString2, while
maintaining the relative order of the not-selected operations. One child is produced this way.
Similarly, the other child can be produced with the selected operations of the second parent and the
non-selected operations of the first. The following is a step-by-step description of how the cross-over
works, and is shown pictorially in Figure 3 (i).
Let us start with two parents with the following solution strings
As mentioned earlier, these chromosomes have shadow chromosomes which show the machine
requirements for the operations. However, to avoid cluttering, they are omitted from the discussion
below. Incidentally, both the parents have a makespan of 28.
Next, we have to select ‘q’ jobs randomly. For example, in this case, J1 and J3 are selected in
parent1 : (which is shown below in bold in the chromosome)
The ‘not-selected’ operations are filled with ‘E’, and hence from parent1 the following string
(string1) is produced.
Similarly, string2 shown below is produced from parent2.
string2 =[1,1,E,3,1,3,E,E,E,E,1,E,E,3,E,3]
Then two sub-strings are produced from both parents respectively, having only the notselected operations of their respective parents (SubString1 [2,2,4,4,2,2,4,4] from parent1 and
SubString2 [4,2,4,4,2,2,2,4] from parent2).
The string1 is rotated one position forward (in order to have more diversity) and string2 is
rotated to ‘zero’ positions (i.e. left as such) to make string3 and string4 respectively:
string3=[ E,3,E,3,1,E,3,1,1,E,E,1,E,3,E,E]
string4 =[1,1,E,3,1,3,E,E,E,E,1,E,E,3,E,3]
Finally, the ‘child’ strings are produced by filling the holes of the strings as follows: (i)
string3 with SubString2 [4,2,4,4,2,2,2,4] to produce child1 (with a Cmax of 23, which is an improvement
due to the crossover operation) (ii) string4 with SubString1 [2,2,4,4,2,2,4,4] (i.e. the not-selected
operations from parent1) to produce child2 (with a Cmax of 25) .
child1=[ 4,3,2,3,1,4,3,1,1,4,2,1,2,3,2,4]
Just to demonstrate how the machine association works with these chromosomes, a shadow
machine chromosome for child2 is extracted as follows: Referring to Table 1, the four operations of
Job 1 are done in Machines 1,2,3,4 respectively and hence the four ‘1’s in child2 chromosome will be
associated with machines 1,2,3,4 in that sequence, the four ‘2’s representing Job 2 are associated with
machines 3,1,2,4 in that sequence and machines required for operations of other jobs are known
similarly. Hence the first two operations representing Job 1’s first two operations need Machines 1
and 2. The third operation in the chromosome stands for first operation of Job 2 which needs to be
machined by Machine 3 and hence the third gene of the machine chromosome would be 3. Continuing
this procedure will result in a shadow machine chromosome of [1 2 3 1 3 3 1 3 2 2 4 4 4 2 1
4 ]. This can be incorporated with the child2 chromosome to get the corresponding machine index of
child2 as follows:
child 2  11 12
31 13
34  . The machine
requirements of the operations of a job are not changed by the genetic operators as all the operations
of a job are denoted by the same gene and a particular gene is not anchored to its position. The gene’s
relative position among its fellow genes in a chromosome is simply its position in the operation
sequence. In the above example, the first ‘1’ in child2 chromosome is, as always, the first operation of
Job 1, which is to be machined by Machine 1.
The second genetic operator, mutation, can help GA to get a better solution in a faster time. In
this model, relocation (technically called reinsertion) is used as a key mechanism for mutation.
Operations of a particular job that is chosen randomly are shifted to the left or to the right of the
string. Hence the mutation can introduce diversity without disturbing the sequence of a job’s
operations. When applying mutation, one has to be aware that if the diversity of the population is not
sufficiently maintained, early convergence could occur and the crossover cannot work well.
Figure 3(ii) gives a pictorial representation of the mutation process.
3.2.3. Working of GA
Every solution (chromosome) was evaluated using makespan as the fitness function.
It follows that the lower the value of the string (in terms of makespan), the higher the fitness
of the string. We have considered a single value for each genetic string where normalisation is
not required. The initial population required was generated using various methods such as
random method, mid-cut heuristic and PDRs, as explained earlier. At the start of the GA-TS
search process, these solutions are improved through tabu search (TS). We apply the elitist
strategy for population selection; in every generation a certain number (which is dictated by
the parameter setting for the particular problem) of the strings with the highest fitness is
directly input into the population of the subsequent generation (which we call elite solutions),
while all strings in the whole of the population (i.e. elite and non-elite solutions) are
considered for applying genetic operations according to the specified cross-over and mutation
rates. The cross-over is enacted by choosing a pair of individuals from the whole of the
population by random sampling without replacement. By applying ordered crossover to the
chosen pair of individuals, a pair of children is generated. This process is repeated several
times depending on the crossover rate (pc) to produce several children. The mutation operator
is applied on a certain number (depending on mutation rate, pm) of chromosomes which have
not been operated by the crossover operator. The resulting strings from these GA operations,
along with the original strings, are ranked and an appropriate number of strings (equal to the
number of non-elite solutions), after discarding the non-chosen strings, is passed to the next
generation. These solutions and the elite solutions that have been already ear-marked for next
generation together make the population pool for the next generation. These solutions are
operated by tabu search to improve their quality locally. If an improved solution is obtained
by the local search, the resulting string replaces the original one and this GA-TS cycle process
continues for the specified number of generations. As can be seen above, in general the
population pool resulting from the GA is ranked for fitness to select the individuals for the
next generation. However, individuals with the lower rank may be selected because it is
prohibited for more than two identical individuals to exist at the same time in order to
maintain a diversity of population. Further, in order to increase the diversity, five randomly
generated new solution strings are also introduced to the new generation, replacing five
randomly selected non-elite strings. This model of information passing between generations is
identified as Lamarckian learning.
3.2.4. Neighbourhood structure for TS
The other aspect of the search mechanism is the local improvement procedure used in the
system based on Tabu Search (TS). In essence, TS is a simple deterministic search procedure that
transcends local optimality by storing a search history in its memory. In TS, a function (called a
move) that transforms a solution string into another solution string is defined. Hence for any solution
string, S, a subset of moves applicable will form the neighbourhood of S.
In order to achieve the best neighbourhood, all the strengths of the existing neighbourhood
structures were first investigated and, using that knowledge, more innovative ways of designing a
neighbourhood structure were explored. A good neighbourhood structure needs (i) to be suitable for
the data representation used in other parts of the system (i.e. capable of using the chromosome
representation of the schedules used in the GA side) and (ii) to have as small as possible a
neighbourhood, while not compromising the possibility of wide exploration of the search space. Ten
Eikelder et al. (1997) indicates that the time complexity of a search depends on the size of the
neighbourhood and the complexity involved in evaluating the cost of the moves. Accordingly,
different types of existing critical path based neighbourhood structures, such as the one proposed by
Nowicki and Smutnicki (1996), are identified. (These neighbourhood structures are formed by
swapping the operations in the critical path.) It has been widely accepted that Nowicki and Smutnicki
(1996)’s neighbourhood is the most efficient (i.e. most restricted) one, for example, having only two
improving moves in the solution shown for FT06 in Figure 4. (FT06 is one of the original benchmark
problems proposed by Fisher and Thomson (1963), which has always had a special place in
scheduling literature. Figure 4 illustrates the Nowicki and Smutnicki (1996)’s neighbourhood of
moves for FT06. One of the possible critical paths (CP) is identified as [1,3,5,8,14,17,28,30,31,33] as
given in Figure 4.)
In the system presented here, the strategy of Nowicki and Smutnicki’s neighbourhood
generation is adapted to suit the schedule representation, which is in the form of chromosomes, as
described earlier. The critical operations of a solution string, containing all operations to be scheduled,
needs to be identified by using simple earliest and latest operation completion times. Once the critical
path of operations is identified for any string, the system needs to find all critical blocks (i.e. critical
operations bunched together without any idle time on the same machine. If two critical operations are
on the same machine and the finish time of one operation is the same as the start time of the second
operation, then they could form a critical block). The move function is applied on relevant operations
of the critical blocks. For example, in a two critical blocks situation, only two moves are required,
namely at the last two operations of the first block and the first two operations of the second block
(Nowicki and Smutnicki 1996). Then, as in the case of generic TS, the new solution string, after a
move, will create another neighbour, which will be a new point on the search space. Every time the
move function gets a new improved solution string, this will be kept in the memory for further
exploration until after a specified number of iterations (i.e. tabu tenure), unless an optimal solution
string is found in the meantime. After the tabu tenure has finished, the stored string is used to explore
its neighbourhood for better solutions, using applicable moves. The aspiration criterion required in
traditional TS has been incorporated by the virtue of hybridisation of GA and TS. In the hybrid
framework, it is worth noting that TS is directly applied on every solution string of the solution pool
resulting from GA side of the system (or it could be said TS is applied on every solution going into
GA as the system operates GA-TS cycle) to improve its quality.
Although the above-described neighbourhood structure is most efficient, we attempted to explore
other neighbourhood generations directly from the solution strings (chromosomes). A few schemes
explored are (i) swapping the adjacent genes, (ii) in contrast to the previous scheme, swapping the
genes which are not adjacent but at a distance (distance could be any arbitrary length of more than
one, measured in terms of number of genes) and (iii) permutation swapping of multiple genes. All
these techniques helped to explore the search space with the aim of getting the optimum solution for
the JSSP quickly. Some details of the generation of the neighbourhood based on permutation
swapping of multiple genes are given in the following paragraph.
This neighbourhood function is comparable to the neighbourhood search based on mutation,
but linking different job numbers. In this, p number of different non-identical genes, which represent
different jobs, are selected. These genes are replaced, on the same places in the chromosome, by
different permutations of these genes. For example, if we have chosen three genes: 3, 5, and 1, the
permutations of these genes could be 3,1,5; 1,3,5; 1,5,3; 5,3,1; 5,1,3. Any move in this neighbourhood
will create a valid and legal solution for further exploration, as in the case of GA (i.e. any of these
permutations put in the original positions of 3, 5 and 1 will produce a valid chromosome). For a
problem such as the FT06 problem, the ‘5 move’ neighbourhood produced by such permutation
swapping is shown below.
Given String “1,4,1,3,3,2,2,3,5,6,1,4,6,2,6,1,4,5,3,3,4,5,2,3,6,1,4,2,5,6,4,2,1,6,5,5”(3,5,1)
String1 “1,4,1,1,3,2,2,3,5,6,1,4,6,2,6,1,4,5,3,3,4,5,2,3,6,1,4,2,5,6,4,2,3,6,5,5”(1,5,3)
String2 “1,4,1,3,3,2,2,3,5,6,1,4,6,2,6,1,4,1,3,3,4,5,2,3,6,1,4,2,5,6,4,2,5,6,5,5”(3,1,5)
String3 “1,4,1,1,3,2,2,3,5,6,1,4,6,2,6,1,4,3,3,3,4,5,2,3,6,1,4,2,5,6,4,2,5,6,5,5”(1,3,5)
String4 “1,4,1,5,3,2,2,3,5,6,1,4,6,2,6,1,4,1,3,3,4,5,2,3,6,1,4,2,5,6,4,2,3,6,5,5”(5,1,3)
String5 “1,4,1,5,3,2,2,3,5,6,1,4,6,2,6,1,4,3,3,3,4,5,2,3,6,1,4,2,5,6,4,2,1,6,5,5”(5,3,1)
3.2.5. System Parameters:
A number of combinations of parameter settings are experimented with in order to choose the best
combination of parameters for a given problem. The values of search parameters depended on
problem instance (in terms of size and complexity), representation, and interrelation between
parameters. As a consequence, the parameter values varied over a range for the group of problems
that we have tested. For example, the population size for a simple 4x4 problem is chosen to be 30
whereas the population size for the problem ABZ8 problem we used 200. However for most cases the
following parameters worked well: a population size of 200 (except for small problems), 300
generations (although in most cases after 90 generations there was no performance improvement), a
cross over rate of 0.80, a mutation rate of 0.10 and 5 elite solutions that are carried forward to the next
generation. For the tabu list length we did use a range varying between 6 and 36. Larger problems
(with number of jobs more than 8) had a tabu list length of 36 and for other problems the tabu list
length has been fixed equal to the number of jobs. All of this information is summarised in Table 2 in
terms of range of values for different parameters. In general it can be said, smaller problems adopted
the lower end of the values in the range and larger problems took the higher end of the values in the
range. Table 2 also shows the parameters we have chosen for the problem FT06.
The main focus of this paper has been to evaluate how the hybrid GA and TS framework used in this
paper performs on job shop scheduling benchmark problems. We have tested the system progressively
on harder problems, starting from easy-to-solve problems. In the first set, we have tested this system
on 43 well known traditional ORB, FT, LA and ABZ benchmark problems. These problems are
chosen to cover a range of simple and moderately hard problems. Most of the problems for testing the
system were chosen taking into consideration what other researchers have used in their systems, in
order to facilitate comparison.
Although many of these problems are ‘square’ problems, which are generally known to be
harder than rectangular problems to solve, they are not considered to be very hard (just moderately
hard) by the scheduling research community. The main thrust of the test, at this stage, was to see
whether the proposed system could solve these problems optimally. The test showed that the system
has done well in finding optimum solutions for 40 of these benchmark problems, while achieving an
average mean relative error (MRE) of 0.08%. Twenty-five runs with a population size of 200 are
conducted to achieve this result in 90 generations on the GA side of the system. On the TS side, a tabu
list length varying between 6 and 36 and a maximum number of iterations of 100 are used. Table 3
shows the makespan achieved by the proposed system for the 43 JSSP benchmark problems at
different generations of GA, culminating in producing 40 optimal makespans at the 90th generation.
We have implemented the system in VB (Visual Basic) and achieved a computational time
which varies between 0.10 sec and 60 min (quite a wide range!) for each generation for this set of
benchmark problems solved on a Pentium III 128MB 1GHz machine. The time for running small and
simple problems, such as LA14 and LA15, has been at the lower end of this range, whereas the timing
for bigger and complex problems, such as ABZ problems, has been very large (in the range of days)
to get to the optimal solution. Some problems such as ABZ7 did not attain the optimum even after
three days of running time. Even though the computer used is slow and basic and the coding language
used is simple and not the fastest, it is evident that these may not be the only reasons for not finding
optimal solutions for harder problems.
We attempted to compare the performance of the system presented here with that of similar
systems which exist in the literature. We faced a few problems in doing so. We could not find many
comparable systems which use GA and TS on the same benchmark problems. Hence the comparison
is widened to include the best GA systems and the best TS systems, as well as hybrid systems which
use TS and GA which had makespan as their objective function. `
The results suggest that the proposed system has been very effective in finding the optimum
solutions per se in comparison to similar systems that exist in the literature. Table 4 and Table 5 give
comparisons of the proposed system’s performance against older systems. Table 6 gives the
comparison with newer systems. In Table 4, the results obtained by the best GA based systems for
eight of these benchmark problems are given, and are compared with the results obtained by the
proposed model. As can be seen from Table 4, the proposed model has been able to achieve optimal
solutions for these eight problems, whereas other models (Pesch 1993, Della Croce et al. 1995,
Dorndorf and Pesch 1995, Mattfield 1996 and Yamada and Nakano 1996) did not report optimal
solutions for these eight cases.
In Table 5, results of the various Tabu Search techniques attained for several benchmark
problems are given and are compared with results of the proposed model. The proposed model has
been able to achieve optimal solutions for most of these 16 problems, whereas Dell’Amico and
Trubian (1993), Barnes and Chambers (1995), Nowicki and Smutnicki (1996) and Thomsen (1997)
did not report as many optimal solutions. It is evident from Table 4 and Table 5 that the proposed
model performs well in comparison with the best of both older GA and TS models.
With regard to the category of hybrid systems, the proposed system is compared with the
hybrid TS systems of Pezzella and Merelli (2000), which obtained an average MRE of 2.56%, and
with the GA hybrid system of Goncalves et al. (2005), which got an average MRE of 0.39% by
solving 31 out of 43 (not the same ones that the proposed system solved) optimally, while the
proposed system got an average MRE of only 0.08%. In summary, for these benchmark problems,
although the framework proposed here has done well in minimising the makespan, as far as the
computer timing is concerned, it has not done well (problems such as ABZ7 took an unreasonably
long time to find a solution).
The comparison was continued with the recent systems which use GA or TS or GA and TS to
minimise the makespan. We have found that in terms of obtaining optimal solutions, the system
presented here has done as well as, or better than, most systems reported in the literature (Hasan et al.
2009, Velmurugan and Selladurai 2007, Sevkli and Aydin 2006, Zhang et al. 2008b). The majority of
these systems appear to be performing at a similar level, at least in terms of the number and
percentage of optimal solutions that they have achieved, as highlighted in Table 6. However, it has to
be acknowledged that the percentage of optimal solutions that various systems have obtained does not
reflect the overall performance on all the problems these systems have solved. It is more pronounced
in the percentage that we have calculated for Sevkli and Aydin (2006). Although they attempted
solutions for many of the problems that we have attempted, they have given equivalent measures to
MRE for just six problems, namely ABZ7, ABZ8, ABZ9, LA21, LA24 and LA25 that are in our list.
In contrast to other researchers, they also did not provide the Cmax value they obtained explicitly for
any of the problems. We have observed in all of the above systems that the very hard instances, such
as TA problems, are not tested and we also noted that all of these systems are based on GA.
In general, the solutions to this set of hard problems (i.e. TA) are rarely reported except for a
few (see below), which may indirectly suggest that these problems are exceptionally hard. However,
to fully establish the capabilities and limitations of the proposed system, we have done another stage
of evaluation of the proposed system on a small sample of TA problems TA1, TA11 and TA21 of size
15 x 15, 20 x 15 and 20 x 20 respectively. These problems are chosen as representative sample
problems from the range of TA problems. Table 7 shows the results of this evaluation. The MREs for
these problems are 6.74%, 4.65% and 0.72% respectively. Although these results are promising, even
at the 100th generation (taking more than three days on a Pentium 1GHz machine) a better than
existing solution for these problems was not achieved. From the results, one could infer the proposed
system does not appear to be able to cope with very hard problems, such as Taillard’s problems. This
result, and other GA based systems not attempting TA problems, may suggest that the GA (at least in
its original form) needs to be further evaluated for its suitability as a tool for complex problems which
need a large number of generations and bigger population size.
Next, we have considered other recent systems proposed by Nowicki and Smutnicki (2005),
Beck et al. (2008) and Zhang et al (2008a), Nagata and Tojo (2009) and Nasiri and Kianfar (2012b)
that have tackled hard problems, including TA benchmark problems. All these systems have done
very well in finding quality solutions, taking only a very short computing time. One clear difference
we have noticed is that these systems are all bedded on a TS base, and did not use GA as one of their
local search methods. Although most of these systems also used other novel heuristics over and above
TS to achieve such an excellent performance, it appears that not using GA would have given an
advantage to these systems over the ones presented in Table 6, reducing the computer load that the
multi-point search of GA brings.
However, there have been some very recent systems which use GA as one of the local search
methods (Goncalves and Resende 2011, Qing-dao-er-ji and Wang 2012). We compared our system
with these systems. We found that Qing-dao-er-ji and Wang (2012) used a hybrid Genetic Algorithm
in which they optimally solved 33 out of 43 problems (three FT and 40 LA problems) that they have
attempted. They have used many novel ideas such as similarity between chromosomes in addition to
traditional fitness function in the selection of chromosomes for genetic operation to achieve such a
result. Of the 43 problems they solved, only 28 were from the list of problems that we tackled (i.e.
FT06, FT10, FT20 and LA01-25). They have solved 23 out of these 28 problems optimally, whereas
we have solved all the problems optimally except one (LA21). Although our system has been found to
be slow when the problems became bigger, we had no chance of contrasting the efficiency
performance of their system with ours as they did not also report the CPU times. Goncalves and
Resende (2011) report a system that they called ‘A biased random-key genetic algorithm’ which is
very fast in finding the solutions and is also very good at finding quality solutions. (For ease of
reference, let us call it ‘GR’ system). They used a biased random key generator to construct
chromosomes along with an extension of Akers (1956)’s graphical method to find feasible schedule
solutions. They solved a substantial number of problems optimally among the wider suite of 165
benchmark problems (comprising FT, LA, SWV, YN, TA, DMU, ORB and ABZ problems) that they
attempted and in addition they found 57 new, better solutions (i.e. new upper bounds). We found that
their chromosome construction is very similar to one being reported here in substance although the
GR system used a simpler scheme, which essentially involved a random number generation and a sort
operation. They also used Nowicki and Smutnicki (1996)’s neighbourhood to do a local search, as we
did. However, the GR system did use Taillard (1994)’s method in evaluating the moves quickly,
which we have not done. More importantly, their schedule encoding was done using an extension of
Akers (1956)’s graphical method and adjusting the resulting schedule, which is substantially faster
than the method we have used, which is a traditional method of building schedules by allocating the
operations to the earliest available positions without violating the precedence and disjunctive
constraints. Although both the systems have used GA and TS searches in very similar ways, probably
demanding similar amounts of computer power, notwithstanding the difference in power of computers
used, the substantial improvement in the GR system came from an appropriate faster encoding of the
chromosomes, efficient evaluation of the NS neighbourhood using Taillard (1994)’s method and
faster formation of schedules and evaluation of them using Akers’ method.
We have reconfirmed other researchers’ experience that when GA is used in a traditional way
of building a full schedule for every solution it produces and evaluating such a schedule, the
framework does do well in finding solutions quickly for simple and moderately hard problems by
virtue of its multi-point search process; however, for the complex problems, its requirement for
memory as well as computational time increases substantially. Maqsood et al (2012) also confirms in
their recent work this phenomenon of the systems consuming a substantial amount of computational
time when the population size and number of generations are increased. In contrast, the higher the
population size of GA, the better it is for small and medium sized problems. For example, optimal
solutions were found in seconds for simple problems, such as most of the LA and FT problems, on a
Pentium III 128 MB, 1 GHz PC.
In addition to what has been discussed above regarding faster evaluation of solutions, it is
worth exploring the possibility of cutting down the quantity of evaluations needs to be carried out. As
mentioned earlier, in the system presented here, GA is used in its fullest sense to minimise the
makespan by evaluating every solution in the GA solution pool for its fitness. The system also
evaluates the schedules after each move in TS, i.e. each change in the string. It can be noted that in
each generation, the system worked out the makespan for 5200 complete schedules on average, before
moving to the next generation, and eventually had to evaluate half a million schedules in each run.
One possible avenue for reducing the quantity of evaluations is to explore the use of binary encoding
of chromosomes in GA just to decide whether or not to retain a solution, which can be attractive in
reducing number of schedules that need to be evaluated fully (Rajendran and Vijayarangan 2001).
However, the reliability of pruning the solutions without full evaluation needs to be further
investigated. The way forward, could be a compromise between these two extreme forms of usage of
GA. Theoretically, it could be envisioned that a scheme could be developed in which GA solutions
could be evaluated quickly, without going through full evaluation of every single solution.
Even though many hybrid systems have been developed to provide a solution to the JSSP, only a
small number of systems appear to be using GA and TS. We have presented here one such hybrid GA
and TS framework. At the outset, it appeared that GA and TS could work together well, by exploiting
the complementary strengths of the global parallel search of GA and the local optimum avoidance of
TS for solving the JSSP. Furthermore, we have attempted to enhance the effectiveness of constituent
techniques, i.e. GA and TS, by incorporating features such as mid-cut heuristic to improve the quality
of the initial solution in GA and the restricted neighbourhood of Nowicki and Smutnicki (1996) in TS.
We focussed on developing a job shop scheduling system which is not problem-specific. The
framework suggested here was designed to cater for any arbitrary job shop scheduling problem, and,
for that matter, other scheduling problems such as flow shop. The input format of the system is
designed for intake of the raw production process data, such as job processing time, machine
information, and process sequence (normally given in any job process sheet) directly, and the same is
processed by the system through the use of a versatile chromosome to represent the schedule.
Furthermore, we used genetic operators on this chromosome representation, which always produced a
feasible schedule. Also, the system is designed in a way that a tabu search is done directly on the
chromosome representation of GA, making the input format common to both GA and TS. Due to its
ability to take raw process information and use it, the hybrid system appears to be one of the few
systems which can find a solution to any arbitrary job shop scheduling problem, rather than being a
problem-specific method. We have demonstrated that this system is capable of dealing with real-life
job shop problems (Meeran and Morshed 2011) as well as benchmark problems, without needing any
modification or adaptation, as shown in this paper. This complementary combination of GA and TS
solved 40 out of 43 benchmark problems from ORB, FT, LA and ABZ optimally; however, this was
done at a certain computational cost due to the generic nature of the framework. In particular, the
GA’s multiple solution searches did not allow the solution to be found quickly. When it came to TA
(Taillard 1993) problems, the system was not able to deliver the optimal (even improved) solutions
within a reasonable time.
We have compared the quality of the solution produced by the system proposed with that of
comparable systems. As shown in Table 4, Table 5 and Table 6, this system did better than
comparable systems on the problems that we have solved. All these systems have used GA as well as
TS in their natural form. However, there are other systems which have incorporated novel innovations
in GA and TS that have superior performance both in quality and computing time when it came to
hard problems such as TA problems. As mentioned elsewhere, we have to pay a price to produce a
versatile system which is not problem dependent. We wanted the system to deal with not only
benchmark problems but also real-life problems. We also wanted the system to deal with not only job
shop problems but also other types of scheduling problems. The cost of such a generic framework was
reflected in its performance when it came to hard problems.
We have identified two substantial improvements to speed up computing on the multi-point
search aspect resulting from GA: increase the speed of schedule evaluation as done by Goncalves and
Resende (2011) using methods such as Akers (1956) and reduce the number of full evaluations, in a
similar way to Ten Eikelder’s (1997) method. One could also explore the use of binary coding for
traditional GA representation (Rajendran and Vijayarangan 2001) and evaluation, which will be faster
in comparing schedules. Although it will not produce a working schedule itself, it will help prune
non-attractive solutions. It can be seen the proposed system did better than comparable systems
which have used GA in its traditional form in formulation and evaluation, the system did not do very
well when compared with the systems which used novel innovations incorporated in their GA search
and evaluation mechanisms. Hence yet another possibility is to add novel heuristics to the GA
mechanism as done by Zhang et al (2008b).
Other aspects of the system should also be looked into. We have chosen the parameters
manually, as mentioned earlier, and tuned them to get the perceived best performance. In any
possible future work, we will explore the adaptive memory feature more, and see whether the
parameters could be automatically optimised, which would improve the quality of the solutions. It is
agreed that automatic parameter selection is a complex problem especially considering multiple
factors involved in such a system as the one proposed here. However there has been some good work
done such as the dissertation by de Garca Lobo (2000) in the area of automatic parameter selection. In
this work parameters for GA are selected automatically to optimise the performance. Similarly, in the
work done by Burke et al (2003) the tabu search parameters are optimised. These could be a starting
point for a possible future addition to this work in automatic parameter selection. As the size of the
problem increases, the parameters such as population size of GA needed to get a good solution
increase tremendously, which automatically puts a high computational demand in terms of memory
requirement and computational time. Hence a higher specification computer, with more memory and
processor speed, should be considered for any further implementation of the system.
Both the authors would like to thank Prof. Ball, then Head of Mechanical and Manufacturing
Engineering, at the University of Birmingham for allowing the first author to provide partial
funding to the second author for his PhD which formed the basis of this paper.
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