Bramhall Photographic Society Monthly Competition Rules 1. Introduction The competition entries are divided into two sections: - Introductory, and Open. The ‘Open Section’ will generally include those members who previously won the Introductory Photographer of the Year Competition, or are placed in that section by reason of their ability or previous experience. The remaining members will comprise the ‘Introductory Section’ although an ‘Introductory’ member can choose to move to the ‘open’ Section at the start of a new season. Members are only eligible to enter one section in that year’s Monthly Competitions. Only ‘paid up’ members are eligible to enter competitions All members entering competitions will be required to utilize Dropbox as detailed in these rules. The Competition Secretary will organize this on request from the member. Independent Judges generally from outside the Society will be invited to judge the competitions, with each section and each category being judged separately, and marked out of twenty. Please note that by entering this competition you are agreeing to accept that these images can be used on Bramhall Photographic Societies official web site and for publicity purposes. Copyright for all images remains with the originator. 2. Entries A digital version (1400px x max 1050px or in portrait format max 1050px high) of all work entered (prints included) together with an entry form will be placed in the appropriate Dropbox folders any time up to 10 days before the competition date. Print entries will be delivered on the night of the competition and included in competition providing that they are correctly labelled, titled as per the entry form and arrive between 7:15pm and 7:30pm. File naming protocol for the entry form should be as follows: - Member number+comp date+chosen name. e.g. 251-180515 Approaching Storm PLEASE SEE NEW FORM There, are three categories in each section: (A) Mono prints, (B) Colour Prints (C) Projected Images An individual member’s entry for each ‘monthly competition’ will consist of a maximum of 5 images spread between the 3 categories with no more than 3 images in any one category. (For clarity – it is not necessary to have an image in all 3 categories) Where the entry in any section is still considered too large then the Competition Secretary has authority to reduce the entry to a lower number of images in a particular section. The Modified August 2015 from previous – October 2014 member’s entries as listed on the entry form will be assumed as the member’s order of priority for selection. Members who have entered the maximum of work allowed (i.e. 5) will be the first to have their entries reduced. 3. Prints Individual prints should be mounted on board of adequate strength for display. The overall size of the presented board on which the individual print is mounted must not exceed 50cm x 40cm. The longest side of any individual print must not be less than 8” (20cm). The print must not have any sticky tape or velcro that could damage other prints. It is a requirement that a backing paper the size of the mounting board is used to provide a flat surface to the back of the mounted print. (Please note - In order for your prints to be eligible for L & CPU competitions only images conforming to the 50cm x 40cm mount size will be considered by the L&CPU for their Folio or the PAGB exhibition) ‘The title or reference together with the members competition number should be written on the reverse side for identification purposes. Labels will be provided for this purpose. THESE SHOULD BE AFFIXED IN THE TOP LEFT HAND CORNER if possible. Under no circumstances should a members name appear on the print. 4 4.1 Projected Images Slides Traditional slides are not acceptable for presentation in Club competitions. If a member has an image on a transparency the Club will arrange for this to be scanned and presented as a PDI (Projected Digital Image) but cannot make any adjustments to the resulting image. It is the member’s responsibility to ensure that the transparency is suitable for this action. 4.2 Digital Files Digitally Projected images must be in either SRGB or Adobe RGB colour space. Images in Adobe RGB colour space will portray projected colours less well than those in SRGB colour space. Images must not exceed a maximum size of 1400 px in length or 1050 px in height. Note that images in portrait format must not exceed 1050 px in height All images must be must be in JPEG format. JPEG 2000 format is not acceptable. As the images are for projection only, a maximum resolution of 100 ppi is recommended. 5. General Notes Prints or dpi that have been entered in a previous monthly competition are not eligible unless the source ‘negative/positive’ has been used to produce a substantially different result. Images derived from the same source material no matter how modified are not acceptable in the same competition. This rule does not preclude an image being entered as a print in one competition Modified August 2015 from previous – October 2014 and a digital image in a subsequent competition, but does preclude simply changing a colour image to a mono or tinted image, unless the source media has been used to produce a substantially different result. In cases of dispute, the Competition Secretary’s decision shall be final For all entries the person entering the work must have taken the image and carried out any significant digitally manipulation. The Competition Secretary reserves the right to make a selection if the number of entries exceeds what can be reasonably judged, and to exclude material that falls below the expected standard, does not comply with the above rules or is in any way unsuitable. Every care will be taken with entries but no responsibility can be accepted for loss or damage. Members need to be aware that Prints mounted but not protected by a raised mount are particularly at risk. Please note that in submitting images for our competitions by default members are agreeing for their work to be exhibited on the club web site 6. Scoring Monthly competition points count towards the Photographer of the Year Award. Points will be awarded in each monthly competition as follows: For each first place 5 points For each second place 4 points For each third place 3 points Judges Award Additional 3 points Members will only have their top 3 entries counted towards the POY No score will be assigned where less than 2 members participate. At the judge’s discretion a maximum number of entries in each * categories, based on the total number of entries can be awarded Commendations. These images to be awarded 2 points. > 10 entries the judge can award 1 Commendation > 15 entries the judge can award 2 Commendations > 20 entries the judge can award 3 Commendations *(By categories it is meant commends in Projected Image, Colour Print and Mono Print) Modified August 2015 from previous – October 2014 Please follow the outlined protocol for naming files BRAMHALL PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY MONTHLY COMPETITION ENTRY FORM Membership No. _ _ _ _ _ Please Use Block Capitals Phone No._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Competition Date: _ _ _ _ _ Open subject or Theme? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ( Please underline appropriate section ): - Section: Open Introductory Please note that only 5 images may be entered and a maximum of 3 of any one type e.g. 3 colour prints. List entries in order of preference to indicate choice if a section has to be reduced to a manageable level for judging Image Title Indicate Digital (D), Slide (S), Col Print (C), Mono Print (M) Virus Checked? Please tick box when appropriate 1 2 3 4 5 Please note that by entering this competition you are agreeing to accept that these images can be used on Bramhall Photographic Societies official web site. Copyright for all images remains with the originator. Modified August 2015 from previous – October 2014