district 1210 young photographer 2014 – 15

These are the rules for the District Competition. They relate to each Rotary Club. It does not matter how many
schools have entered in your individual competition so far, (or have been selected in any way), and the entries from a
club may of course be from different schools or even one individual.
This competition is not connected with the RIBI competition. The 1210 competition has no partcular theme, leaving
entrants to use their own preference as to their style and presentation of photography.
Each Rotary Club may submit entries for:
Three Categories: a Primary School Category, a Senior School Category and a College Category.
Primary Category: age up to 11yrs … up to school year Yr 6
Senior Category: age 12 to 16yrs (High Schools) … i.e. school Yrs 7 to 11
College Category (including 6th Forms): age 16+ to 18yrs
Middle Schools are classed in the Senior Category if their pupils are over Primary Age
Clubs can enter the following number of prints into the District Final:
Colour prints:
up to 3 prints per age group
Black and White Prints:
up to 3 prints per age group
up to 2 portfolios per Club. (Each Portfolio must contain 10 photographs by at least
5 pupils)
Please use a separate entry form for each category
Size of prints:
For the sake of uniformity and except for portfolios (which may be any
format but maximum A4),all prints must be on A4 size paper, the actual
image size may be less than A4. Prints must be unmounted for ease of
The back of each print, (except for self contained portfolios which should
be separately labelled), must have the name of the Rotary Club, the name
of the entrant, the school of the entrant and if possible an email address.
Each photograph should have a title, again written on the back.
There should be no entrant identification on the front of the print.
Unmarked, untitled or unclear entries unfortunately have to be excluded
All entries should be accompanied by a memory stick or disc with the
photograph on it
Entries must be the sole work of the young photographer but commercial printing is acceptable, as is the use of a
printer from an outside source (parent, friend etc.) Also, any manipulation of the photograph must have been carried
out by the young photographer.
Common faults with printing are ‘burnt out highlights’ and ‘blocked up shadows’. If anyone has image editing
software (e.g. Photoshop), then these problems may be avoided by the young photographer if the original
photograph has enough information in the file.
Please encourage your entrants to supply prints on good quality photographic paper, (not photocopy paper which can
ruin a good photograph)
For each Print Category
Best Colour Print, Best Black and White Print, Runners up.
Additionally, Highly Commended and Commended awards may be
given dependent on number of entries.
For each Portfolio Category (subject to the number entered)
Best Portfolio, Runners up
Additional awards may be given at the discretion of the judges, for example, Best Natural History print, Best
Landscape print, Best Portrait print.
Closing date for Entries
Entries should be with me at 18 Thornham Close, Westbury Park, Clayton, Newcastle, Staffs ST5 4LR no later than
MONDAY 18th May 2015.
Judging will be carried out by judges who are experienced photographers. The judges’ decision is final.
Results will be emailed to Clubs during the week commencing 1st June 2015
Presentation Evening
The Presentation evening will be held at 6.45pm on Tuesday 16th June 2015 at the Ironbridge Gorge Museum,
Ironbridge by kind invitation of the Ironbridge Rotary Club
Help and Assistance
Should any clubs require help with regard to the nature, compostition or technicalities of photography as well as the
editing and printing of the photographs, so that they may then pass this information on to the young people, they
should contact:
DAVID and JANET STUBBS (email address: holyroodstubbs1@yahoo.co.uk) who will be only too willing to assist those
clubs in ZONES 5, 6, & 7
ROGER WHITTAKER (email address: whittakers18@yahoo.co.uk) will be available to assist clubs in ZONES 1,2,3 & 4
Copyright and Reproduction
The copyright of all entries remains with the photographers. Rotary International District 1210, and should it be
necessary The Royal Photographic Society, reserve the right to reproduce, without payment, any accepted images
for Rotary International District 1210 and publicity purposes and The RPS’s publicity and promotion purposes
including The Society website www.rps.org.
Acceptance of the Rules and Regulations
Submission of any entry implies acceptance of the rules and regulations.
Notes and General Advice
It does not matter how you obtain your entries from your Club, whether these are from your own competition for a
number of schools, whether they are from one school or even if they are from one individual who is good with a
Every effort will be made to return photographs, however we cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage.
Thank you for your participation. I do hope the young people enjoy taking part and I wish you the very best of luck.
Any queries whatsoever please come back to me. Advice is given with pleasure.
Roger Whittaker
whittakers18@yahoo.co.uk tel: 01782 630466