Internal Competition Rules

(Revised February 2015)
1. Internal Monthly Competition Rules
General Rules
Club Competitions will be arranged in four sections:
a) Monochrome Prints, consisting of A and B Groups
b) Colour Prints, consisting of A and B Groups
c) Colour Slides, one Group
d) Digitally Projected Images (DPI), consisting of A and B Groups
A list of authors entering each Group will be displayed on the club notice board by the first monthly
competition in September. The Competition Secretary will adjust the make-up and size of each
group each year based on the number of authors expected to enter each section and their marks
achieved in the previous year.
New members, or current members who decide to enter a section not entered in the previous season,
will automatically be entered into Group B, where appropriate, of that section for their first season.
A total of eight (8) monthly competitions will take place during the season from September to April
and will be sub-divided to enable four (4) competitions for each of the four sections.
Month one Colour and Monochrome Prints, month two Slides and DPI’s – repeated 4 times.
In any Internal Monthly Competition a member may provide up to three (3) entries in each section. If
the Competition Secretaries consider that the total entries are likely to exceed a manageable number
they have the right to restrict or increase the number of entries from each author either before or on
the day of the competition.
The Competition Judge will award marks out of ten (10), using half marks where necessary.
Each author's two highest marks for each Group entered in each of the four competition sections
will be used to compile seven (7) league tables (one for each section Group). At the end of the
season, the author with the highest number of league points in each Group will be given an award.
In conjunction with Rule 2 the authors achieving the highest total marks in each of the Group B's
may be promoted to the respective Group A for the next season, with the authors having the lowest
marks in each Group A being relegated to Group B.
On each Internal Monthly Competition evening the scores from the previous months competitions
shall be displayed on the Club noticeboard.
10 No print, slide or DPI achieving a score greater than 7 may be entered, in its respective section, in
any Internal Monthly Competition more than once. Images scoring 7 or below may be entered in
future Monthly Competitions once more and will be included in the total allowable entries under rule
5. When an image is entered for a second time any new score received does not modify that awarded
on the first occasion.
11. The Judge's decision shall be final.
12. Digital image files for manipulation, printing and/or digital projection can be downloaded onto the
computer from either digital camera files or from scanned film negatives or slides. The copyright of
all parts of the final image must be that of the submitting author.
13. Titles of print and slide entries should be submitted to the Competition Secretary at least two days
before each competition. The titles can be submitted in writing, by telephone or via email. (01621
852740 for further details). DPI file entries, including titles and author's names, must be emailed
( or taken on a USB memory stick to the DPI
Competition Secretary at least a week before the competition. Images for all sections must be
numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. by the author in order that those designated as ‘least important’ can be deleted
by the Competition Secretaries in accordance with rule 5. Any entry not used can be entered in a
later competition. The Competition Secretaries have the right to refuse late entries since integration
might not be possible at short notice.
Rules Applicable to Individual Sections
Monochrome and Colour Prints
1. These sections will consist of 2 groups, A and B. Prints will be exhibited in a random order and have
no reference as to which group the author belongs. Judges will therefore judge all prints on an equal
2. Print and mount sizes:- For both groups in each section the author can use any size print on a mount
of maximum size 16” x 20” (40cm x 50cm). Oversize mounts will be disqualified for marking by
the Competition Secretary. (N.B. If the author intends to use the print in an East Anglian Federation
Competition it must be mounted on a 40cm x 50cm board).
3. The prints may be either trade or home processed and assistance may be obtained with mounting.
4. The authors name and print title must appear on the back of each print for identification.
(N.B. Monochrome prints are defined as being a black and white image or one which has been
modified by the addition of a single tone to the entire image. Colour prints are defined as all
images except those included in the monochrome definition. Black & white images which have
been modified by the addition of partial toning or by the addition of one colour to any part of
the image is a colour image).
Colour Slides
1. This section will consist of a single group. Slides will be exhibited in a random order.
2. Colour slides may be of any size within a 2” x 2” mount.
3. All slides must be marked for projection with a spot in the bottom left-hand corner when viewed
normally, plus the authors name and a title for the slide.
Digitally Projected Images
1. This section will consist of 2 groups, A and B. DPI's will be exhibited in a random order and have
no reference as to which group the author belongs. Judges will therefore judge all DPI's on an equal
2. Image file specifications for projection are:Image Size – Maximum width 1024 pixels x maximum height 768 pixels regardless of orientation.
Resolution - 72dpi
Colour Space – sRGB
Bit Depth – 8 bit colour or monochrome.
File Format – JPEG (.jpeg) at its finest setting (12 in Photoshop).
3. The file name must be in the format “Title by Author's name” (e.g. Winter Scene by George Smith).
The projection software recognises everything before “by” as the title and everything after “by” as
the Author's name. Please make sure “by” is lower case and avoid the use of the word “by” in titles.
Do not use underscores, dots, dashes, brackets or miscellaneous other symbols.
Notes:Instructions on how to prepare and submit the required Image File Specifications are available
from the DPI Competition Secretary and are on the Club website.
Image files may be submitted by e-mail or by hand, on memory sticks or CD's. E-mail
submissions are preferable. (
2. Photographer of the Year Competitions
1. Any member of the Club may enter this competition by submitting a panel of six (6) entries into any
or all of the sections – Monochrome Prints, Colour Prints, Colour Slides and DPI's. Members
should submit photographs on markedly different subjects to display their versatility.
Members submitting 2 photographs on similar subjects will place themselves at a disadvantage.
Print and slide sizes are the same as for Monthly Competitions.
2. The judge will assess each members work as a panel of photographs using whatever system
he/she prefers. The judge’s decision shall be final.
3. Prints, slides or DPI's that have been previously entered in other Club Competitions may be used
again in this competition. However, entries can only ever be used once in one (1) Photographer of
the Year Competition.
4. Entries will be required well in advance of the competition date and members will be notified by the
Competition Secretary of the entry deadline.
5. Print and slide panels will be judged by an external judge but DPI's will use an internally appointed
3. Annual Competition and Exhibition
1. Any member of the Club may enter this competition by submitting up to six (6) entries into any or all
of the sections – Monochrome Prints, Colour Prints and DPI’s.
2. Prints or DPI’s that have been previously entered in other Club Competitions may be used again in
this competition. However, entries can only ever be used once in one (1) Annual Competition. Print
and DPI sizes submission instructions are the same as for Monthly Competitions.
3. The entries will be judged individually and the judge will decide on the winner of the following
Best Overall Monochrome Print
Best Overall Colour Print
Best Overall DPI
Best Monochrome Print Group A and Best Monochrome Print Group B (excl. Best Overall
Monochrome Print)
Best Colour Print Group A and Best Colour Print Group B (excl, Best Overall Colour Print)
Best DPI group A and Best DPI group B (excl. Best Overall DPI)
Best Colour Print Portrait
Best DPI Natural History
Best Monochrome Landscape
Second and third places and Highly Commended awards in each category will also be made by the
judge as applicable
4. The judge’s decision shall be final
5. A public exhibition of the Prints may be held following this competition.
4. Summer Theme Competition
1. Any member of the Club may enter this competition by submitting prints or slides on a theme
announced earlier in the year. Limited to three (3) entries per member per category. Entries to be
submitted on the evening of the competition
2. The judge will decide which overall entry most closely meets the theme. The judge’s decision shall
be final. Judging will usually be in October/November.
5. Chairman v Programme Secretary Teams Print and DPI Battle
1. The Chairman and Programme Secretary will agree eight subjects to be used for the competition.
Prints (colour or mono) will be used for four subjects and DPI’s for the remaining four. Team
captains will each enter three images for each subject. One image a time from each team on each
subject will be randomly shown for the judge to mark. A mark out of ten will be given to each DPI
and print and the team with the highest total after all the prints and DPI’s have been marked shall
win the competition.
6. Six Small Prints on a Theme
1. The theme to be chosen by the author and the six (6) small prints mounted on a mounting board no
larger than 20” x 16” (40cm x 50cm).
2. Judging will be carried out by members.
7. General Rule
For competitions where both prints and DPI’s are shown and/or judged on the same evening the
same image cannot be presented in both print and DPI formats. A “parent” image can be used for
both methods of presentation but it must be edited such that each of the final images submitted are
different. (e.g. different cropping or different parts of the parent image selected).
Prints and DPI’s from the same image may be submitted where the above does not apply e.g. the
current format of monthly competitions.