Medical Interoperability Gateway (MIG) Care Record sharing agreement / SSISA Agreement name Information Sharing Agreement between GP Practice and Out of Hour Service and Walk in Services in Tower Hamlets We The XXXXXX Practice agree to share the following patient information via MIG as per the attached HGL Content Model Read Code Mappings to Record Elements (V0-3) with Tower Hamlets OOH and WIC services Purpose of the Sharing Agreement The purpose of the sharing agreement is to provide integration of the GP Detailed Care Record (DCR) service between practices in Tower Hamlets to the Out of Hours provider and Walk in Service Provider. The MIG works by the third party system, Adastra (OOH Services and Walk In Centres), requesting data from the GP clinical system via the MIG. The MIG then brokers the message to the GP clinical system and provides a response back to the MIG which then sends the message back to Adastra to access the data. Once the patient information has been viewed and closed it is not kept on any local servers. It is important to note that the information will only be READ Coded information and viewed by clinicians and will be read only. Access to the information will be controlled at the GP Practice level with the use of Information Sharing Agreements to agree scope of the record and information shared (see appendix 1 draft agreement). Healthcare Gateway will provide the MIG technology and hosting infrastructure to support the interoperability between GP Practice systems and Adastra. EMIS will be providing the streaming and hosting services of EMIS LV, PCS and Web practices. Advanced Healthcare who supply’s the Adastra system will be working with Healthcare Gateway to configure the system in the out of hours’ settings. Agreement details Patient Demographics Summary, including Current Problems, Current Medication, Allergies, and Recent Tests Problem view Diagnosis View Medication including Current, Past and Issues Risks and Warnings Procedures Investigations Examination (Blood Pressure Only) Events consisting of Encounters, Admissions and Referrals 1 What job categories can view shared data? Exclusion List All GPs working within OOH services and Walk in Centres Health Care Professionals Administrators HSA1-therap. Abort. Green form h/o venereal disease Hysterectomy and termination of pregnancy Dilation cervix uteri & curettage products conception uterus Curettage of products of conception from uterus NEC Suction termination of pregnancy Dilation of cervix and extraction termination of pregnancy Termination of pregnancy NEC Cervical Smear - Wart Virus Gonorrhoea carrier Venereal disease carrier NOS AIDS carrier Notification of AIDS Introduction of abortifacient into uterine cavity Treatment for infertility Genital herpes simplex Viral hepatitis B with coma Viral (serum) hepatitis B Viral hepatitis C with coma Viral hepatitis C without mention on hepatic coma Chronic viral hepatitis Unspecified viral hepatitis Cytomegaloviral hepatitis Acquired immune deficiency syndrome Human immunodef virus resulting in other disease HIV disease resulting in cytomegaloviral disease Chlamydial infection Chlamydial infection of lower genitourinary tract Chlamydial infection of anus and rectum Chlamydial infection of pelviperitoneum oth genitourinary organs Chlamydial infection, unspecified Chlamydial infection of genitourinary tract, unspecified Human papilloma virus infection Papillomavirus as a cause of diseases classify to other chapters Syphilis and other venereal diseases Trichomoniasis – trichomonas Phthisis pubis - public lice HIV disease resulting/other infection parasitic diseases Gender role disorder of adolescent or adult Dementia in human immunodef virus (HIV) disease [X]Gender identity disorders [X]Gender identity disorder, unspecified Cystitis in gonorrhoea 2 Prostatitis in gonorrhoea Prostatitis in tichomoniasis Chlamydial epididymitis Female chlamydial pelvis inflammatory disease Chlamydia cervicitis Legally induced abortion Illegally induced abortion Unspecified abortion Failed attempted abortion Complications following abortion/ectopic/molar pregnancies Failed attempted abortion Other specified pregnancy with abortive outcome Pregnancy with abortive outcome NOS Maternal syphilis in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium Maternal gonorrhoea during pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium Other venereal diseases in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium Laboratory evidence of HIV Complications associated with artificial fertilization Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus infection status Gonorrhoea carrier Hepatitis B carrier Hepatitis C carrier [V] Pregnancy with history of infertility [V] Admission for administration of abortifacient [V] In vitro fertilization Practice/organisation name CDB number Name and role Signed (on behalf of the practice/organisation) Date Details of Contact Staff for compliance, advice and arbitration issues concerning this SSISA. Name of party Job Roles Contact number and / or email Caldicott Guardian / Lead GP (Practice) Practice Manager Dr S W Ryan, Medical Director Bart’s Health Out of Hours Caldicott Guardian / Privacy 020 3416 5000 3 Officer Bart’s Health Out of Hours Lead Clinician Bart’s Health Out of Hours Service Manager Dr J Haque The Barkantine WiC Caldicott Guardian / Privacy Officer 020 7791 8080 Savitha Pushparajah St Andrews WiC Caldicott Guardian / Privacy Officer 020 8980 1888 Dr Jennie Reid Jane Baylis 02035940030 02035940030 4 Parties to the agreement - addresses, contacts & signatures Barts Health Organisation Address Contact Details Barts Health The Royal London Hospital Whitechapel Road Whitechapel London E1 1BB Signature Name: Dr S Ryan Designation: Medical Director Date: 11/7/12 Walk In Centre - Barkantine Organisation Barkantine Walk In Centre 121 Westferry Road Address E14 8JH Contact Details 020 7791 8080 Signature Name: Dr J Haque Designation: GP Date: 27/6/2013 Walk in Centre – St Andrews Organisation St Andew’s Walk in Centre 2 Hannahford Walk Address E3 3FF 5 Contact Details 020 8980 1888 Signature Name: Savitha Pushparajah Designation: Clinical Lead Date: 4/12/2013 Organisation Address Contact Details Signature Name: Designation: Date: 1. Record Sharing The GP Practice is the data guardian and controls access to the records therefore no data is shared unless the practice has agreed to do so via the data sharing agreement. This details the data to be shared. Each organisation must agree to the sharing agreement before the data can be shared or viewed. No data is ‘sent’ anywhere with data sharing, it remains within the organisation and the ‘sharing’ only enables others to view the data. Data cannot be changed or amended in any way be the viewing organisation. 2. Purpose of Agreement This agreement has been developed to document the flow of information between the named organisations to enable monitoring of patients being cared for and to provide accurate data for patient service delivery. Through this agreement all parties agree to ensure that staff are made aware of their responsibilities and comply with the law and demonstrate compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Department of Health Code of Confidentiality. 3. Scope of Agreement 6 The agreement covers the flow of information between the named organisations as to assist service delivery. Information can only be shared between the parties that are defined in this agreement 4. Approval This agreement can only be signed by the organisation’s Caldecott Guardian or an appropriate senior officer, nominated by an organisations’ Caldecott Guardian/Information Governance Lead. 5. Review of Agreement This agreement will be reviewed twelve months after implementation, and every twelve months thereafter. At review, compliance at local level will be assessed. Amendments to the agreement will be distributed to all parties for review and sign off. 6. Monitoring of Agreement Each organisation signed up to this agreement is responsible for ensuring full compliance of all staff within their organisation to the terms and conditions of this agreement. Any identified areas of non-compliance must be forwarded to the Nominated Senior Professional for resolution. 7. Access to Patient Information Clinical and personal details will only be available to any person who is involved with the care of the individual on a need-to-know basis. Professionals must be able to justify fully the reasons for their obtaining any particular detail about an individual. Before anyone can view the shared record there must be: A legitimate relationship with the patient Obtained permission from the patient to view the shared record or stated that there was an emergency override, for each and every access 8. Consent The Detailed Record Service is only available to clinicians working in an out of hours setting and not accessed by any other team members. The consent module used is similar to the Summary Care Record with the patient providing explicit consent to view the record and the clinician in the out of hours’ service records that the patient has provided consent to view. This information will be auditable. The Adastra system will also prompt the user to confirm patient consent prior to accessing the cared record at the time of consultation. Patients will have the opportunity to opt out if they wish to do so. Consent will be recorded in the electronic audit trail 9. EMIS Web Security Arrangements EMIS will not grant anyone access to patient records. The GP practice controls access to the records. By default, only users in the organisation that own a record can view that record. 7 Subject to mutual agreement, organisations can share records with each other when providing care for the same patient. Organisations can use access controls to restrict the viewing of and access to a patient record, or to individual items within a record. 8