The Reign of Louis XIV


The Reign of Louis XIV

Religious Wars & Intellectual Movement


How did Henry of Navarre end the crisis, restore order and what did he issue?

Converted to Catholicism

Issued the Edict of Nantes – Huguenots live in peace in France and worship how they wanted

 Rebuilt France and economic prosperity


How did Cardinal Richelieu strengthen the

French Monarchy?


Who are two of the French Intellectuals writing at this time and what do they begin to write about?

 Forbade Protestant cities from having walls – noble had to take down castles – weakened them

 Increased middle class agents power

 Got involved in 30 Years War against Hapsburgs

 Montaigne and Descartes

 Watched religious wars with horror – skepticism – nothing known for certain – which led them to begin to questions the church



How and when did Louis XIV come to power and what happened to Louis that would stay with him forever?

What are the steps Louis XIV takes to control the nobility, Why?

Louis XIV

 1643 – 4 years old – Cardinal Mazarin – “I am the state”

 Nobles hated Mazarin – rioted and threatened boy king’s life

 Others were tired of riots/fighting and allowed Louis to rule


 1621 – 22 years old takes over on his own

 Excluded them from his council

 Increased the power of intendants – collected taxes and adm. justice

 Made local officials check in regularly


In what ways did Louis XIV support the arts and how did he refer to himself?


What did Louis XIV build as a symbol of his power, how long did it take, how much money was spent, and what are some of its unique features?

 Popularized opera and ballet

 Supported writers such as Moliere

 Promoted art that glorified the monarchy and supported absolute rule

Palace at Versailles

$2.5 billion – 36,000 labors & 6,000 horses

Hall of Mirrors – 5,000 acres of gardens and 1400 fountains

Religious Wars & Intellectual Movement


How, when, and where did Louis XIV try to expand borders originally, what happened as a result?

 1667 invades Spanish Netherlands – ended 1678 minimal gains

 1680 European Alliance – balance of power

 1689 – League of Augsburg England, Spain, Hapsburgs, and Sweden

 Weaken by poor harvests, constant fighting, TAXES


What was the War of Spanish Succession fought for and what were the results?


What was the legacy of Louis XIV?


What steps did Jean Baptiste Colbert take to turn France into an economic power?

 Louis XIV grandson becomes king of Spain (died childless)

 1701 England, Austria, Dutch, Portugal and others to prevent from happening

 Lasted until 1714 Treaty of Utrecht as long as they did not unite

 GB gets Gibraltar – takes over slave trade

 made France a power in Europe and a model of culture, but

 laid the groundwork for revolution because of staggering debts and royal abuse of power

 followed a strict policy of mercantilism by taking steps to make

France self-sufficient,

 expanding and protecting French industries

 encouraging migration to France’s colony of Canada, where the fur

trade would add to French commercial strength
