skin renewal night cream - Ascend Marketing Solutions

Concerned about aging skin? This urgent message could save you years of
frustration, because…
I Uncovered a Long-Forgotten, Secret
Expedition to the Amazon Rainforest
That Revealed How to:
 Make loose, sagging skin firm again
 Smooth out stubborn wrinkles
 Improve skin color and tone
 Erase the look of age spots
 Reduce the appearance of dry, rough skin
Dear Reader,
It almost didn’t happen.
There I was, on a dangerous trek deep inside the jungles of Peru. I’d heard rumors of a
secret expedition that stumbled on a miracle plant with special healing power. And, was
on my way to talk with natives in a remote village.
I could see it wasn’t going to be easy.
The narrow trail wound through the mountains. At times, we hacked at the underbrush
just to create a safe passage. It had just rained. So we struggled in the jungle heat to
keep our footing on the muddy slope.
But my guide pressed on.
Soon, we reached the village. Peruvian natives are known to be friendly, yet secretive. I
worried whether I’d find someone who would speak about the long-forgotten journey.
Then, an elder from the village began talking about a foreign journalist who came to
central Peru in the late 1950s. On a hunch and looking for a story, he joined a
mountaineering expedition. And there, in the Amazon rainforest, he met a shaman who
spoke of a plant with special healing power.
In that moment, I knew this was the long, lost journey I’d been searching for. The elder
continued on…
For 2,000 years, natives used the root bark of a sacred herb to treat a variety of health
complaints. Including asthma, joint pain, digestive disorders, stomach ulcers, skin
rashes, and more.
I realized then it was the first we’d heard of this secret healing herb. Astonished, I
wanted to know for more.
Except…the elder hesitated. Religious customs discouraged speaking freely to
foreigners about tribal secrets. Though on occasion, healers and priests felt compelled
to share what they knew.
Finally—and only after spending more time in the village—the elder seemed to relax,
and he began talking openly about their plant with special healing power.
A Little-Known Secret to Reverse Skin Aging
Hi, I’m Dr. Al Sears.
As soon as I found out what it was, I
immediately went to work researching
this sacred herb from the Amazon.
And I was stunned.
Dozens of studies showed this plant
contains powerful compounds that
protect against inflammation…keep joints
working smoothly…strengthen
immunity…quench dangerous free
radicals…and protect against the growth
of certain tumors.
But did these findings ever make it on
the front page of The New York Times or
the evening news? Incredibly, no!
In fact, few studies have ever been done
in the United States. Once again, the
FDA, big pharmaceutical companies, and
mainstream medicine would prefer you
keep using their own ineffective, toxic
treatments instead of safer, more
effective alternatives.
Meet Al Sears, M.D.
Uniquely Qualified to Keep
You Healthier for Life
Al Sears, M.D., is a medical
doctor and one of the nation's
first board-certified anti-aging
In 2010, Dr. Sears unveiled his
proven anti-aging strategies in
Reset Your Biological Clock.
As the first U.S. doctor licensed
to administer a groundbreaking DNA therapy that
activates the gene that regulates telomerase, Dr.
Sears made history by bringing telomere biology
to the general public.
An avid lecturer, Dr. Sears regularly speaks at
conferences sponsored by the American Academy
of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), the American
College for the Advancement of Medicine (ACAM)
and the Age Management Medicine Group
He is an author of 14 books, and enjoys a
worldwide readership and has appeared on more
than 50 national radio programs, ABC News and
Fortunately, scientists around the world continued to study the incredible healing power
of this jungle herb.
Then, I discovered an even more remarkable mechanism for healing.
That is, an extract of this natural herb appeared to “boost” your body’s ability to
protect—even repair—the integrity of your cell’s delicate DNA, the genetic “blueprint” for
how fast you age.
In one little-known study, Swedish researchers at the University of Lund gave adult
volunteers a supplement containing this natural herb. Those receiving the extract
experienced a significant reduction in DNA damage and a related increase in DNA
repair compared to a control group. Since then, other studies showed similar results.
That means, you could get younger-looking skin no matter how old you are.
With this “boost” in DNA repair, you can finally get rid of those ugly signs of aging and:
Firm up loose, sagging skin
Smooth out ugly wrinkles
Improve skin color and tone
Eliminate the appearance of age spots
Make dry, rough skin smooth and moist again
Incredibly, most makers of skin care products and cosmetics—even the big drug
companies—have completely overlooked this long-forgotten, skin-saving herb.
In fact, you won’t find it in any department store. Or hear about it from your
dermatologist. Yet, this natural herb can do for you what decades of prescription drugs,
surgery, or cosmetics haven’t.
Protecting your DNA is critical if you want to look and feel younger than your years. I’ll
show you in a moment how easy it is to get this “boost” in DNA repair. But first, it’s
important to know that…
You Finally Have Control Over How Old You “Look”
I’ve been sharing groundbreaking research in “DNA technology” with you for the past
few years now. It’s the most credible explanation ever discovered for how we age. For
the first time, scientists provided a “blueprint” for keeping cells young.
In fact, this life-changing discovery in anti-aging medicine won the Nobel Prize in 2009!
If it’s the first time you’ve heard of this cellular technology, here’s how it works…
Structures called telomeres (těl′-ә-mîr′) protect the ends of your DNA. These protective
“caps” tell every cell in your skin how old they are. Or more accurately, how old to “act.”
Yet each time your cells divide, your
telomeres get shorter. And the shorter your
telomeres get…the older your cells “act”.
That’s where some in the mainstream
medical establishment continue to get it
wrong. All these years, we’ve been taught
that when our cells divide, the new cells
were an exact replica of the old ones.
But with the discovery of the telomere, we
know this isn’t true. When older cells with
shorter telomeres divide, the new cells
actually grow weaker and older!
Telomeres are the “protective tips” or
“caps” at the end of each strand of DNA.
That’s the aging process at work. And, why each time you stare into the mirror, you
seem to look—and feel—older and older.
In fact, it’s what gives your aging skin those ugly wrinkles, dryness, fine lines,
roughness, age spots, redness, and more.
Yet now we know, the secret to changing your body’s cellular “blueprint” so you get
vibrant, younger-looking skin is to slow down the shortening—or maintain the length—of
your telomeres.
The good news is…we already know how to do it!
Because for the past five years, I’ve been showing people just like you…
How to Get Younger-Looking Skin…
Quicker and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible!
It’s the world’s first major breakthrough formula in skin rejuvenation based on this new
DNA technology.
This unique blend of age-defying ingredients helps my patients to visibly slow the aging
of their skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots.
Plus, it’s more powerful than those expensive formulas you find at your corner
In fact, people can’t believe how fast and
simple it is to get younger looking skin using
my first generation skin formula…all without
the help of their dermatologist or hassle of
getting a prescription.
Using the new cellular technology, I designed
my breakthrough formula to go deep into your
cells to fundamentally change your DNA.
How? By carefully hand-selecting only those
ingredients backed by science and proven in
clinical trials to help slow the shortening of your
“I have received several compliments…”
“My skin looks much more youthful. It has
taken away the fine lines around my eyes
and mouth and reduced the deeper lines. I
have received several compliments on how
youthful my skin looks…even from a friend
who works at a spa. She wanted to know
what I was using on my face that made me
look so good. I will be 50 in August and
feel like I’m 30 again!”
Bonnie C., IN
Just like the compound used in a recent study that helped volunteers get youngerlooking skin. Of the study participants:
 100% increased the level of moisture in their skin.
 100% noticed a reduction in the appearance of sun spots.
 Over 90% saw a decrease in the appearance of redness and pore size.
 75% experienced improvement in skin tone.
 75% felt roughness and the appearance of fine lines faded noticeably.
Results like these are unheard of in clinical trials!
Yet, using this powerful, scientifically-proven compound—and others just like it—my
age-defying skin breakthrough can help you get younger looking skin…no matter how
old you are!
But here’s the thing…
I Went Back to My Lab to Give
the New Telomere Technology an Added “Boost”
Based on these study results—and thousands of satisfied users—people were
surprised to hear I was working on a way to improve my already successful skin formula
that uses the Nobel Prize-winning DNA technology. And quite frankly, I was having
second thoughts about “fixing” what wasn’t broken.
That is, until I discovered the sacred herb from the Amazon. Once I heard the stories of
healing and saw the clinical trials, I knew it was just what I was looking for.
South American natives call it Saventaro. In the United States, it’s known as cat’s claw.
Active compounds in cat’s claw penetrate deep inside your skin to prevent—even
repair—damage to your cell’s delicate DNA. In fact, numerous studies like these show
an extract of this jungle herb rejuvenates damaged skin cells in both animal and human
So, I headed back to the lab…and reformulated my original anti-aging skin cream to add
in the healing power of cat’s claw.
INTRODUCING…my second-generation skin formula with DNA technology,
TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream.
With the very first use, TeloRevive works hard at protecting and repairing your cells’
delicate DNA. That means, it’s easier than ever to finally get rid of—even reverse—
those ugly signs of aging.
Look, protecting your telomeres is critical if you want to look and feel years younger.
With my new TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream, you can supercharge your
body’s ability to control how old your cells “act”.
And, with the addition of cat’s claw, you’ll get a “boost” in DNA repair that helps:
Make loose, sagging skin firm again
Smooth out unwanted wrinkles
Increase skin color and tone
Erase the look of age spots
Get dry, rough skin to appear smooth and moist again
But I didn’t stop there.
I added three more DNA protectors to TeloRevive.
No Serious Anti-Aging Skin Formula
Should Be Without This “Energy” Nutrient
As you can imagine, cells require an enormous amount of energy for normal every day
metabolism. Yet, energy levels in your cells usually drop as you age. Even
worse…diseases, environmental toxins, prescription drugs, and more deplete your
energy, making it harder to repair vulnerable DNA.
So giving your skin cells an extra boost of energy speeds up cellular repair. That’s why I
gave TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream a healthy dose of my most advanced
form of CoQ10.
CoQ10 is a key component of your cell’s ability to produce adequate levels of energy.
But what I liked most, it’s been shown in clinical studies to slow down skin aging by
protecting your cells’ DNA from free radical damage.
With CoQ10, skin cells simply last longer…and look better. Without CoQ10, cells suffer
an early death.
Interestingly, here’s another telomere protector that helps you…
Get Younger-Looking Skin While You Sleep
Everyone’s heard of melatonin. It’s best known for helping people fall asleep at night.
Yet, melatonin has been clinically-tested on more than 100 different diseases.
In fact, in one animal study, researchers demonstrated the remarkable anti-aging
properties of melatonin, suggesting it may prevent unwanted changes in your skin due
to aging.
Even more striking, a recent article published in the journal BMC Cell Biology showed
how melatonin could enhance DNA repair in human cells!
This makes melatonin the perfect ingredient for TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night
Cream. Just put it on before bed and forget about it. It’s designed to work through the
night. Now, not only will you sleep better, but you’ll rest easier knowing it’s helping your
cells grow younger…while you sleep!
What could be simpler than that?
Certainly not this next DNA protector. In fact, some consider this potent antioxidant to
The Most Controversial Nutrient in Your Body.
You probably guessed I’m talking about vitamin E. There’s a good reason why it’s so
Recent clinical trials attempted to malign vitamin E as the cause of some diseases. But
there’s something the sponsors of these studies neglected to tell you. The vitamin E
they used…was synthetic! That’s right. A man-made, chemical by-product of the oil
industry—called tocopheryl.
You may have heard me talk about it before.
Invariably, that’s the same vitamin E used in today’s most popular prescription and overthe-counter skin formulas. Sure, these synthetic, “engine oil” ingredients may help
cheaper skin products wipe on easier. But they can’t possibly protect your telomeres.
Instead, they often cause significant harm to your cells’ DNA.
Yet, natural vitamin E is a well-known skin-supporting nutrient. Dozens of studies
confirm its ability to protect cells against oxidative stress caused by sunlight, radiation—
even normal every day skin aging.
But there are two groups of natural vitamin E—tocopherols and tocotrienols. Both
exhibit powerful antioxidant properties that keep cells young and vibrant. Yet, recent
studies suggest tocotrienols are significantly more potent—up to 70 times more—than
It’s the reason I added tocotrienols to TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream. When
applied to the skin, they go deeper—right down to the cells’ delicate DNA—to form a
first line of defense against free radicals. In fact, one recent study published in the
journal Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity showed how tocotrienols help
maintain the length of your telomeres.
Look and Feel Younger With Your New Skin “Blueprint”
By adding these four DNA protectors to my reformulated TeloRevive Rejuvenating
Night Cream, your skin will act years younger, helping you reverse the appearance of
aging. Yet, your skin won’t just appear younger, it will BE younger.
Because TeloRevive repairs your DNA, creating a new “blueprint” that tells your
telomeres how old—or should I say—how young to act.
And, when your body accesses this new set of instructions, it immediately goes to work
telling your skin cells to grow stronger and younger, rather than weaker and older.
But remember, I didn’t just make TeloRevive better…I made it easier. Because
TeloRevive is a night cream. It’s designed to work while you sleep. Just put it on before
bed and forget about it.
It’s that simple.
Yet, even though TeloRevive is packed with powerful skin-saving ingredients…works
faster than any other formula on the market…and is MUCH easier to use…it won’t cost
you a penny more than my first generation skin cream!
That’s why I tell my patients…
If you don’t want to pay a lot for an effective skin
solution that you can just put on and forget about…
With my second-generation TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream, you now have the
power to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age spots, tighten up loose, sagging
skin, and make dry, rough skin smooth and moist again…while you sleep!
No more scary surgical procedures…dangerous chemical prescriptions…complicated,
step-by-step processes that take hours to apply…or waiting months to see if it works.
Only powerful, safe ingredients in an easy-to-use formula that gets results fast!
And, all for a fraction of the cost you’d pay for those inferior brand name creams you get
at your local department store or from your dermatologist’s office.
Because now, you won’t pay a penny more for my new and improved anti-aging skin
That’s right. TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream is only $99 (plus shipping and
handling)! Yet, stay with me and I’ll tell you how to get an even better price—along with
FREE shipping—in just a moment.
Remember, TeloRevive is not your ordinary skin cream. Unlike other cosmetics—those
that never make it past the top layer of your skin—TeloRevive gets absorbed at the
cellular level. Just apply it before you go to bed at night, so it can go to work repairing
your DNA and help you maintain the length of your telomeres.
That means, you’re no longer just covering up those ugly signs of aging on your skin.
You’re actually reducing the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and age spots in your skin.
So when you glance in the mirror, your skin looks colorful…firm…smooth…and moist.
While your friends keep aging and looking older, you’ll look like time is standing still.
Yet, We’re Just Getting Started…
When you order TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream today, I’ll send you a copy of
my Special Report, “Unlock the Genetic Secret of Aging.” It’s a $XX.XX value, but it
won’t cost you anything.
In “Unlock the Genetic Secret of Aging,” I’ll break down the complicated science of
cellular aging into a simple model for health that even a child can learn. The secrets
you’ll discover in this report are sure to supercharge your daily skin care regimen.
And they’re yours FREE just for test-driving my reformulated, second generation
TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream.
Here’s a quick look at what you’ll find inside “Unlock the Genetic Secret of Aging:”
 The three critical vitamins that prevent shortening of your telomeres. You’ll
learn exactly why these work so well in maintaining telomere length. As well as
which food sources are best for maximizing intake from your diet.
 The single, most popular source of telomere-supporting nutrients that
people use. However, I’ll show you one big mistake most people still make—and
if that’s you—what you can do to correct course. It’s easier than you’d think.
 The one nutrient your body needs, yet getting too much negatively affects
your telomeres. However, there’s a simple diet “trick” you can use to curb
excess intake and ensure you don’t age prematurely.
 An amino acid that accumulates in your tissues and triples your telomere
loss. You’ll learn where this compound comes from, how to know if your levels
are dangerously high, and what you can do naturally to bring it into balance.
Using this valuable information—together with my cutting-edge TeloRevive
Rejuvenating Night Cream—you will be well-armed to fight the devastating effects of
skin aging. Not only will you look better…you’ll feel better too!
And today, I want to help you do just that.
Because now, I’ve made it easier than ever to get TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night
Cream at a discounted price. Something many of my patients are already taking
advantage of.
Simply enroll in my VIP Auto Ship delivery service and I’ll make sure you get your
supply of TeloRevive right when you need it. Without ever needing to pick up the phone
or logging onto the website to order!
Plus, you’ll get my best price…reserved only for members of my exclusive VIP Auto
Ship program.
And if that weren’t enough, VIP Auto Ship members never pay a cent for shipping.
That’s shipping for as long as you’re enrolled—a savings of up to $XXX
a year!
But that’s not all.
You Must be Completely Satisfied…
or You Get Your Money Back!
If you’re like most people who tried our original formula for the first time, you were
surprised at how simple it was to finally get rid of those ugly signs of aging.
But to be fair, our reformulated TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream is brand new.
Plus, I know some of you are checking us out for the first time. So, you shouldn’t have
to risk a single penny just to give TeloRevive a try.
Of course, I know you’ll get noticeable results with TeloRevive. And, without spending
boatloads of money on harmful ingredients and useless fillers…struggling through
frustrating and time-consuming skin care regimens…or waiting months to see if it works.
Like you do with most other skin formulas.
Still, I want to take the worry out of discovering how to finally get smooth, colorful,
younger-looking skin…quicker and easier than you ever thought possible. And now, I
make it easy for you with my iron-clad Money-Back Guarantee.
In fact, I’m so confident TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream is exactly what you’ve
been looking for, that I stand behind it 100%. If at any time, or for any reason, you are
not completely satisfied, I insist you send it back for a full and prompt refund…no
questions asked!
Plus, you can keep your free bonus report as a special thank you just for trying
What are you waiting for? You’re not getting any younger... yet!
To your beautiful skin,
Al Sears, MD
P.S. Remember, you can try TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream without risk or
regret. If it doesn’t help you reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age spots or give
you firmer, younger-looking skin while you sleep, I’ll promptly return every cent you
paid…no questions asked! That’s my no-hassle guarantee.
Of course, if TeloRevive does help you, I’d love to hear your success story. And,
especially what your friends had to say about your new “look”. Either way, you can’t
P.P.S. Don’t forget…you save a full 25% by signing up for my fast, convenient VIP Auto
Ship program. I make it easy to get TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream without
delay…and without the hassles of re-ordering every month. Plus, you get FREE
Choose your package below…click the link…and get started today!
You’ll SAVE 25% when you order a 3-month supply of TeloRevive
Rejuvenating Night Cream for just $74.98 per jar—PLUS, FREE
shipping and handling!
And, you’ll get a FREE copy of Dr. Sears’ special report called
“Unlock the Genetic Secret of Aging.” That’s a Total Savings of
You’ll SAVE 10% when you order a 2-month supply of TeloRevive
Rejuvenating Night Cream for just $89.97 per jar.
Plus, you’ll get a FREE copy of Dr. Sears’ special report called “Unlock the
Genetic Secret of Aging.” That’s a Total Savings of $XX.XX!
Order a 1-month supply of TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream for just
$99.97 per jar.
Plus, you’ll get a FREE copy of Dr. Sears’ Special Report called Unlock the
Genetic Secret of Aging.