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Case Teaching Notes For:
“Poison Pills” a Case Study on Drug Allergies with Concentration in the Immune System
Created by:
Brandii Berry, Rulx Pierre, and Armando Pravia, Group 3
This case study tells us the story of 81 year old women, who suffered an allergic reaction due to
the interaction of quinine. This pill was a poison to her causing her to be rushed to the hospital
by paramedics with the following symptoms: struggle to breath, light headed, nausea, pain in
right leg, vomiting, blood abnormalities and fever. All due to allergic reaction to quinine, a
medicine use to treat leg cramp although now restricted by the FDA for malaria treatment only.
Allergic reaction was develop by small dosage of such substance contain in tonic water drunk by
the patient.
This case study was written for first semester physiology students pursuing careers in health care
field, so that they can see how in real life the body reacts to medication in a positive or negative
outcome. A basic knowledge of the immune system is necessary for the understanding of allergic
reaction. A diagram illustrating the muscle and immune system is attached. It is important for
students to understand the importance of reading the labels for the foods and drinks to avoid
when using certain medication whether it is prescribed or over the counter. Also doctors and
health related personal should always listen to what the patient have to say in order to avoid
patients trip to the hospital for poison due to the interaction of medicine with foods/drinks.
Objectives: by the end of this case, the students should be able to:
visually understand the anatomy and physiology of muscle
understand the role of the immune system
know what an allergic reaction is
know how drug interactions affect the immune system
Classroom Management:
Students will be separated in groups of 5 for a class size of 50 at the beginning of class and be
given the case study. This will give students the opportunity to boost their confidence level in
understanding and explaining the material to each other and give the instructor the opportunity to
focus on the student’s specific challenge understanding the material on a one to one basis in a 50
minute period class. The case study will be read together as a group. Power point slides and
small clips will be used as a visual tool. After the discussion, the diagrams are shown as part of
the lecture. A question sheet is passed out as homework and to be collected the next class period
where their answers will be shared and compared with each other’s group.
What is an allergic reaction?
How does the immune system works?
How can poor circulation cause muscle cramp?
Can medication cause non blood flow to the body? If so then how?
Answer Key:
The following answers are just intended to help student have a broad general
understanding of what and allergic reaction is and how the immune and muscle system
works, however students are to investigate the answers above in a more in depth manner
and elaborate on it in class so they can answer the question in essay format for a quiz
A. Is caused by the body reacting to a substance that is invading the body
B. It is a system in the body that helps fight diseases and infections identifying and
killing pathogens
C. Poor circulation to the legs, which results in inadequate oxygen to the muscle
tissue, which can cause severe pain in the muscle
D. Yes, it may cause hemorrhage and other unwanted problems. But, also depends
on the medication as well.
University of Chicago Medical Center (immune system)
University of Maryland Medical Center (muscle physiology)
e-medicine health experts for every day medicine (drug allergies)
Health care Health ideas (immune system diagram)
Fundamentals of Physiology, a Human perspective
ISBN-13: 978-0-534-46697-8
ISBN-10: 0-534-46697-4