Vol V No 5

Report of the Month
REPORT OF THE MONTH, Volume V, Number 5
September - October 2001
from the North Carolina Statewide Program for Infection Control and
Bioterrorism Wall Chart
A Bioterrorist Agents Wall Chart, developed by the North Carolina Statewide Program for
Infection Control and Epidemiology, is the feature of Report of the Month for SeptemberOctober 2001.
The chart is available online in a printer-friendly version at
Recognition and prophylaxis of exposed persons will fall on primary care physicians, emergency
room physicians, EMTs and infection control professionals. Training of these persons on how to
recognize these rare diseases is critical. The wall chart developed by SPICE provides the
following information for the more likely biological weapons: common presenting
signs/symptoms, communicability, decontamination methods, recommended isolation
precautions, prophylaxis for exposed persons, and therapy. Diseases included are the following:
smallpox, anthrax, plague, and botulism. We also include critical notification numbers in the
event of a suspected case or cases.
Ms. Karen K. Hoffmann, SPICE Associate Director, has been coordinating the development of
this poster over a period of several months. Dr. David J. Weber has been the primary medical
consultant for the poster, in cooperation with the Epidemiology Section of the NC Division of
Public Health. Other SPICE staff include Dr. William A. Rutala, Director, and Ms. Eva P.
Clontz, Program Coordinator.
"Infection Control Part I: Clinical Surveillance of Healthcare-Associated Infections" will be held
May 6-10, 2002 at the Holiday Inn in Chapel Hill.
"Infection Control in Long-Term Facilities" will be held April 15-16, 2002 at The Friday Center
in Chapel Hill.
Contributors to Report of the Month: Karen K. Hoffmann, RN, MS, CIC; William A. Rutala,
PhD, MPH; David J. Weber, MD, MPH; Eva P. Clontz, MEd.
To subscribe to the Report of the Month, send email to spice@unc.edu
Report of the Month is also available on the home page of the Statewide Program for Infection
Control and Epidemiology at http://www.unc.edu/depts/spice/
The Statewide Program for Infection Control and Epidemiology (SPICE) is funded by the
General Assembly of North Carolina to serve the State. SPICE is not a regulatory agency but
provides education and consultation to North Carolina healthcare facilities.
Copyright 2001 North Carolina Statewide Program for Infection Control and Epidemiology