Who is a Abdiweli Ahmed?

Who is a Abdiweli Ahmed?
A highly competent Development and International Trade Economist with
over twenty years’ experience mostly in leadership positions within regional
and international development organizations including Islamic Development
Bank, World Bank, USAID, African Union/IBAR, COMESA, European
Union to mention a few. Proven track-record in resource mobilization;
building alliances and partnerships; negotiating and forging agreements; and
formulating and implementing development strategies, policies and
programs both at national and regional levels. Over the years, worked and
collaborated with UN specialized agencies, Economic Commission for
Africa (ECA), ECOWAS, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Arab
Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD), IGAD, GCC, Global
Dry land Alliance Initiative, Inter Agency Donor Group (IADG), OPEC,
Arab Funds for Development (Saudi Fund, Kuwait Fund, Qatar Foundation,
Asian Development Bank (ADB), and African Development Bank (AfDB).
Lived and worked in Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Zambia, Egypt,
Canada, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E. and Malaysia, and undertook work
and diplomatic missions to many others including but not limited to: Qatar,
Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Lebanon, Turkey, Algeria, Tunisia, Sudan, Jordan,
Uganda, Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda, South Africa, Malawi, D.R. Congo,
Nigeria, Cameroon, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Mozambique, United States,
Britain, Italy, Belgium, Germany, France, Sweden, and Russia, to mention a
Full Name: Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed
Date/Place of Birth: 1959,
Bardhera, Somalia
Nationality: Somali and Canadian (dual
Marital status: Married with children
Work and Residence
Address: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Personal Email: weli46@yahoo.ca
Somali (mother language), English (Fluent), Arabic (Fluent), Italian
(Fluent), and French (Good)
2010-Present: Senior Agriculture and Rural Development Officer at Islamic
Development Bank (IDB) – An International Multilateral Development
Bank based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Some of the achievements include the following:
• Developed East African Regional Dry land Program for IGAD member
countries. This is a multi-donor funded initiative worth of US$ 280
million with the objective of improving food security, reducing
vulnerability and building resilience of the resource-poor populations
in the dry land regions in Eastern Africa. Currently supporting the
formation of the Global Dry land Alliance, an initiative spearheaded
by the Crown Prince of the State of Qatar
• Developed National livestock and fisheries development programs for
Cameroon and Mozambique. The total financing of these programs is
about US$ 100 million.
• Led the initiation of Islamic Development Bank Group Trust Fund
Program for Somalia, in collaboration with Organization of Islamic
Cooperation (OIC), Government of Turkey and Arab Financial
Institutions. The objective of the Trust Fund is to mobilize and raise
funds for the social and economic reconstruction of Somalia.
• Managed and implemented a project portfolio covering more than 20
countries in Middle East, Asia, and Africa. The total financing of the
portfolio is US$ 500 million.
• Team leader for the development of Islamic Development Bank Group’s
Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy with emphasis on
livestock, pastoralism and fisheries.
2007-2009: Senior Livestock and Pastoralism Advisor to COMESA
(Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa), based in Lusaka with
offices in Nairobi and Addis Ababa.
Some of the achievements include the following:
• Co-founded the Alliance of Commodity Trade for the Eastern and
Southern Africa (ACTESA). This involved, among others, trade
negotiations and signing of agreements between countries in the
• Organized Ministerial level trade negotiations that facilitated economic
and trade partnerships between COMESA and GCC member
• As lead development expert, assisted COMESA member countries in
implementing the Comprehensive African Agricultural Development
Program (CAADP)/NEPAD, under the auspices of the African Union,
for the Development of Africa (NEPAD).
• Designed and implemented COMESA flagship development initiatives
including COMESA Food Security and Safety Nets Program.
2003-2006: Program Manager at African Union (AU)-IBAR – Red Sea
Livestock Trade Commission, based in Nairobi with offices in Djibouti and
Some of the achievements include the following:
• Developed and implemented Djibouti Regional Livestock Export Facility
• Led the design and implementation of USAID funded Regional Program
on Enhanced Livelihoods for Pastoral Areas (RELPA)
• Facilitated GCC-Horn of Africa inter-regional livestock trade dialogue
which resulted in the lifting of 15 years livestock export ban
• Organized and convened Regional Livestock Trade Fairs for IGAD
member countries in Dubai, Yemen, and Egypt which mobilized
financial resource and promoted trade partnerships
• Initiated, developed and managed East Africa Regional Livestock Export
1998-2003: University of Ottawa and Bank of Canada, based at Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada
• Analyst in International Development and Trade Economics
• Research Associate
• 1991-1998: CEO – MISK Enterprises with offices in Nairobi, Djibouti and
• Some of the achievements include the following:
• Consulted EC funded meat development project in Southern Somalia
• Consulted USAID funded Somalia/Kenya livestock Cross Border Trade
Support Project
• Lead export enterprise of Somali livestock to Egypt
19984-1990: Director General – Livestock Marketing and Health Agency,
Mogadishu, Somalia
Some of the achievements include the following:
• Established and maintained livestock trade agreements with major Somali
livestock export markets.
• Established livestock marketing and health regulations, polices and
• Mobilized donor funding amounting US $ 220 million for development of
livestock marketing infrastructure and institutions in North West,
Lower Juba and Lower Shabelle.
• Facilitated trade protocols with Egypt, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Algeria,
Yemen, United Arab Emirates and Qatar
• Conducted a series of studies on promotion and diversification of Somali
• Strengthened the capacity of livestock traders and associations
• Ph.D. Candidate in International Trade and Development. University of
Ottawa, Canada
• M.A. in Economics, University of Ottawa Canada
• Diploma in Computer Programming: Algonquin College, Ottawa, Canada
• Diploma in Animal Health Management, USDA, APHIS
• Diploma in Project planning and appraisal –SIDAM
• Diploma in Project management, USDA
• Lauria in Economics – Somali National University, Mogadishu
CV – Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed
• Arab-African International Development Professionals (AAIDP)
• Inter-Agency Donor Group (IADG)
• International Livestock and Pastoralism Development Network (ILPN)
Canadian Economics Society