The North Carolina Section of the American Water
Works Association (NC AWWA)
The North Carolina Member Association of the
Water Environment Federation (NC WEA)
Student Applicant Instructions: Please check the scholarship(s) for which you are applying, and give this form to your academic advisor to complete. Forms without scholarship options checked will be considered incomplete and will not be accepted.
Academic Advisor Instructions: This form does not have to be returned in a sealed envelope, and should be returned to the student to submit with their completed scholarship application.
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, that _____________________________________________________ (Student Name) is enrolled at
__________________________________________________ (Name of university of community college) and meets the enrollment requirements listed below during the 2016-2017 academic year for the scholarships that are checked.
Carol Bond Fund Community College Scholarship
Student is pursuing a degree in environmental sciences or environmental education
The Carol Bond Fund/The Lynn and Lars Balck Water
Environment Stewardship Fund/The Rivers & Associates, Inc.
Clean Water Education Fund Scholarship
Student is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in an ABET certified environmental engineering or environmental sciences curriculum with a concentration in the water environment
Crowder Construction Company Scholarship Fund
Student is pursuing a degree in a construction related program such as: construction management, construction science, construction technology, construction safety, engineering or architecture
The Environmental Manufacturer’s Representative
Scholarship Fund Scholarship
Student is in an ABET certified engineering curriculum with a concentration in the water environment
Advisor Signature
Advisor Printed Name
Advisor Department
Les and Elaine Hall Water Environmental Stewardship Fund
Student is in an ABET certified engineering curriculum with a concentration in the water environment
NC Safewater Fund Scholarship
Student is pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in a curriculum that emphasizes the protection of public health by providing healthful drinking water and/or protecting the quality and integrity of the water environment
NC Safewater Fund/GHD Clean Water Fund
Student is in an ABET certified engineering curriculum with a concentration in the water environment
Raftelis Financial Consultants Environmental Finance and
Management Scholarship Fund
Student is pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree with a concentration in environmental finance, environmental management, or related discipline
Frank and Susan Stephenson Water Environmental
Scholarship Fund Scholarship
Student is in an ABET certified engineering curriculum with a concentration in the water environment
Advisor Title
Advisor Telephone Number
2016-2017 NC Safewater Endowment Fund Scholarship Application - Academic Advisor Certification Page 1 of 1