Minnesota County-level Indicators for Community Health Assessment Indicators Sorted by Link to Data Updated 3/4/14 Introduction The County-level Indicators for Community Health Assessment is a listing of measures across multiple public health categories and from various data sources. Links to these indicators have been gathered together in this document to assist Minnesota’s local health departments (LHD) and community health boards (CHB) in their community health assessment and community health improvement planning processes. However, LHD/CHBs are not required to use these specific measures, nor are these measures intended to represent the only indicators that LHD/CHB might want or need to examine to do a thorough community health assessment and plan. They should be considered as “first round” data sources, potentially leading to second, third, and even more rounds of data collection and analysis on specific issues on an “as needed basis.” Through this process, the LHD/CHB will not only identify but better understand community health issues and develop an effective community health improvement plan. “Round One” Data Gathering and Analysis According to the national standards for local health departments (PHAB Standard 1.1.2 T/L), a community health assessment must include descriptions of community demographics, health issues, and contributing causes of community health issues, based on an analysis of community health data. This document directs local health departments to initial sets of county level data from five main data sources: Minnesota County Health Tables (MCHT) Minnesota Student Survey Selected Single Year Results (MSS SY) Minnesota Vital Statistics State, County and Community Health Board Trends (VS Trends) Minnesota Public Health Data Access System (MPHDA) Local Surveys There are six tables in this document: one for each of the five main data sources mentioned above and one additional table containing the remaining six indicators that are from other data sources. At the beginning of each section, there is a link to the data source and a short description of the data source. Each table describes the indicators, provides the original source of the data, and indicates where the data are located within the main data source. In addition, the tables specify in which theme of The Health of Minnesota: 2012 Statewide Health Assessment (SHA) the indicator may fit. The SHA themes are: People and Place Opportunity for Health Healthy Living Chronic Disease and Conditions Infectious Disease Injury and Violence Example: The first table contains all the indicators found in the Minnesota County Health Tables (MCHT). The first indicator in this table is “Population by age and sex” (Column 1). These data are originally from the Census (Column 2) and can be found in the MCHT Demographic Table 1 (Column 3). This indicator would fit in the SHA theme “People and Place” (Column 4). The list of indicators is also available in a separate document that is sorted by Statewide Health Assessment theme. It contains the exact same information but is sorted differently. This document is located on the Minnesota County-level Indicators for Community Health Assessment website. Round Two (and more) Data Gathering and Analysis A wealth of additional data is available throughout the MDH website in virtually every program area, for conducting second, third and more “rounds” of data gathering and analysis to take a more in-depth look at specific issues. Each LHD/CHB should check the MDH website and feel free to contact MDH programs as desired for more information. The MDH public health nurse consultants can help LHD/CHBs make these connections; technical assistance with data is also available from MDH Center for Health Statistics staff Kim Edelman (kim.edelman@state.mn.us) and Ann Kinney (ann.kinney@state.mn.us). Data Source Page Number Minnesota County Health Tables (MCHT) .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Minnesota Student Survey Selected Single Year Results (MSS SY) ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Minnesota Vital Statistics State, County and Community Health Board Trends (VS Trends) ........................................................................................... 9 Minnesota Public Health Data Access System (MPHDA) ....................................................................................................................................................... 12 Local Surveys ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12 Remaining indicators ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Minnesota County Health Tables (MCHT) Minnesota County Health Tables are a compilation of public health data for Minnesota and its 87 counties. Link to Data: MCHT Minnesota County Health Tables (MCHT) Indicator Original Source Location within MCHT Statewide Health Assessment Theme Name Population by age and sex Census Demographics Table 1 People and Place Number of females aged 15-44 Census Demographics Table 3 People and Place Number and percent of children under age 5 Census Demographics Table 3 People and Place Number and percent of children aged 0-19 Census Demographics Table 3 People and Place Number of prekindergarten – 12th grade students by race/ethnicity MDE Demographics Table 9 People and Place Number and percent of people aged 65 years older Census Demographics Table 4 People and Place Year House Built Census 5 year ACS Demographics Table 12, 2012 MCHT Opportunity for Health Percent of households in which the resident is 65 and over and living alone Census Demographics Table 4, MCHT 2011 People and Place/Opportunity for Health Census Demographics Table 6 Opportunity for Health Census 5 yr ACS Demographics Table 6 Opportunity for Health Percent of population aged 25 years and older with less than or equal to high school education or equivalent (e.g. GED) Percent of people of all ages living at or below 200% of poverty County-level Indicators Sorted by Link to Data Minnesota Department of Health, Center for Health Statistics, Updated November 2013 1 Minnesota County Health Tables (MCHT) Indicator Original Source Location within MCHT Statewide Health Assessment Theme Name Percent of housing occupied by owner Census 5 yr ACS Demographics Table 6 Opportunity for Health Percent of children under 18 living in single parentheaded households Census 5 yr ACS Demographics Table 6 Opportunity for Health Census Demographics Table 4, MCHT 2011 Opportunity for Health/People and Place MN DPS Morbidity Table 5 Opportunity for Health MN DHS Demographics Table 11 Opportunity for Health/Healthy Living Percent of households in which the resident is 65 and over and living alone Number of children under 18 years arrested for violent crimes (Part 1) per 1,000 population 10 - 17 years old Rate of children in out of home care per 1,000 (aged 0-17) Carbon monoxide poisoning (hospitalizations and ED visits age adjusted rates per 100,000) MNHDD Percent of birth cohort tested with elevated blood lead levels MDH Lead Percent of children age 24-35 months up to date with immunizations (vaccine series) MDH MIIC Percent of adults who reported 30+ minutes of moderate physical activity on five or more days per week Local Surveys Percent of WIC children under aged 2-5 years who are obese according to BMI MDH WIC Percent of adults who are obese according to BMI Local Surveys MPHDA – CO Poisoning or MCHT 2012 Morbidity Table 15 MPHDA – Blood Lead or MCHT 2012 Morbidity Table 14 Morbidity Table 2 Morbidity Table 12, MCHT 2012 (use the MCHT only if local survey data are NOT available) Morbidity Table 13a, MCHT 2012 Morbidity Table 12, MCHT 2012 (use the MCHT only if local survey data are NOT available) County-level Indicators Sorted by Link to Data Minnesota Department of Health, Center for Health Statistics, Updated November 2013 2 Opportunity for Health Opportunity for Health Healthy Living Healthy Living Chronic Diseases and Conditions Chronic Diseases and Conditions Minnesota County Health Tables (MCHT) Indicator Original Source Location within MCHT Morbidity Table 12, MCHT 2012 (use the MCHT only if local survey data are NOT available) MPHDA-COPD or MCHT 2012 Morbidity Table 11 MPHDA - Asthma or MCHT 2012 Morbidity Table 9 MPHDA - Cancer or MCHT 2012 Morbidity Table 7 MPHDA - Cancer or MCHT 2012 Morbidity Table 6 MPHDA - Heart Attacks or MCHT 2012 Morbidity Table 10 Statewide Health Assessment Theme Name Chronic Diseases and Conditions Diabetes prevalence Local Surveys COPD hospitalizations (age adjusted rate per 10,000) MNHDD Asthma hospitalizations (age adjusted rate per 10,000) MNHDD Breast cancer incidence (age adjusted rate per 100,000) MDH MCSS Cancer incidence per (all cancer types combined, age adjusted per 100,000) MDH MCSS Heart attack hospitalizations (age adjusted rate per 10,000) MNHDD Number of tuberculosis cases* MDH IDEPC Morbidity Table 4 Infectious Disease Vector borne diseases (e.g. Lyme disease, West Nile virus)* MDH IDEPC Morbidity Table 4 Infectious Disease Premature Death Rate per 100,000 Age Adjusted (e.g. due to injury or violence) MDH MCHS Mortality Table 5, MCHT 2012 Injury and Violence Percent of motor vehicle injuries and deaths that are related to alcohol MN DPS Injury Table 5, MCHT 2012 Injury and Violence Rate of children maltreatment per 1,000 children aged 0-17 MN DHS Demographics Table 10 Injury and Violence County-level Indicators Sorted by Link to Data Minnesota Department of Health, Center for Health Statistics, Updated November 2013 3 Chronic Diseases and Conditions Chronic Diseases and Conditions Chronic Diseases and Conditions Chronic Diseases and Conditions Chronic Diseases and Conditions Minnesota County Health Tables (MCHT) Indicator Original Source Suicide deaths MDH MCHS Percent currently uninsured (under age 65) Census SAHIE Location within MCHT Mortality Tables 4 and 5, MCHT 2012 Morbidity Table 17, MCHT 2012 or MPHDA – Health Insurance Statewide Health Assessment Theme Name Injury and Violence Opportunity for Health *It is recommended that you contact your field services epidemiologist to review additional data related to STI, infectious diseases and vector borne diseases. Contact information on these MDH staff can be found at MDH Field Services Epidemiologists Acronyms Census 5 yr ACS - Census 2005-2009 American Community Survey Results MDE - Minnesota Department of Education Data Center MDH IDEPC - Minnesota Department of Health, Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Prevention and Control MDH MCHS - Minnesota Department of Health, Minnesota Center for Health Statistics MDH MIIC - Minnesota Department of Health, Minnesota Immunization Information Connection MDH ORHPC - Minnesota Department of Health, Office of Rural Health and Primary Care MDH WIC - Minnesota Department of Health, Women, Infants and Children MN DHS - Minnesota Department of Human Services MN DPS - Minnesota Department of Public Safety Census SAHIE – Census Small Area Health Insurance Estimates MDH Lead - Minnesota Department of Health, Lead Poisoning Prevention Program MDH MCSS - Minnesota Department of Health, Minnesota Cancer Surveillance System MNHDD - Minnesota Hospital Discharge Data maintained by the Minnesota Hospital Association County-level Indicators Sorted by Link to Data Minnesota Department of Health, Center for Health Statistics, Updated November 2013 4 Minnesota Student Survey Selected Single Year Results (MSS SY) The Minnesota Student Survey (MSS) has been administered every three years to 6th, 9th, and 12th grade students in regular public elementary and secondary schools, charter schools, and tribal schools since 1989. The MSS includes questions about a wide variety of youth behaviors, including risk behaviors such as alcohol, tobacco and other drug (ATOD) use, violence and sexual activity, as well as positive behaviors and connection to family, school and community. The results found in this document are single year results that are also found in the state and county standard MSS tables. This document differs from the report Minnesota Student Survey 1992-2010 Trends. The statewide results found in the Trends report include only those school districts that participated in each of the last seven administrations of the survey. While this data restriction is useful at the state level when examining results over time, restricting results at the county level to consistently participating schools districts results in too much missing data. Because this restriction is not in place, users of the Single Year Results document should be aware that apparent changes over time at may be at least partly due to the differing participation of school districts between survey years. Users are urged to review the list of participating school districts by year found at the end of each county’s report to determine if district participation has changed over time in that county. Link to Data: MSS SY Minnesota Student Survey Selected Single Year Results (MSS SY) Indicator Original Source Percent of 9th graders who have changed schools at least once since the beginning of the school year MSS Percent of 9th graders who skipped school one or more days in the last 30 days due to feeling unsafe at or on the way to school Percent of 9th graders who report that a student kicked, bit, or hit them on school property in the last 12 months Percent of 9th graders who report that they have hit or beat up another person one or more times in the last 12 months MSS MSS MSS Location within MSS SY Section 1: Academics, School Connectedness, School Safety and Time Use Section 1: Academics, School Connectedness, School Safety and Time Use Section 1: Academics, School Connectedness, School Safety and Time Use Section 2: Violent and Anti-Social Behavior County-level Indicators Sorted by Link to Data Minnesota Department of Health, Center for Health Statistics, Updated November 2013 5 Statewide Health Assessment Theme Name Opportunity for Health Opportunity for Health Opportunity for Health Opportunity for Health Minnesota Student Survey Selected Single Year Results (MSS SY) Indicator Original Source Location within MSS SY Statewide Health Assessment Theme Name Percent of 9th and 12th graders who participate in religious activities one or more times per week MSS Section 1: Academics, School Connectedness, School Safety and Time Use Healthy Living Percent of 9th graders who ate five or more servings of fruit, fruit juice, or and vegetables yesterday MSS Section 7: Other Health Behaviors Healthy Living MSS Section 7: Other Health Behaviors Healthy Living MSS Section 7: Other Health Behaviors Healthy Living MSS Section 7: Other Health Behaviors Healthy Living Percent of 9th graders who drank three or more glasses of pop or soda yesterday Percent of 9th graders who were physically active for 30 minutes or more on at least five of the last seven days Percent of 9th graders who engaged in strenuous exercise for at least 20 minutes on at least three of the last seven days Section 1: Academics, School Connectedness, School Safety and Time Use Section 6: Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Percent of 9th graders who spend six or more hours per week watching TV, DVDs or videos MSS Percent of 9th graders who engaged in binge drinking in the last two weeks MSS Percent of 9th graders who used alcohol one or more times in the last 12 months MSS Section 6: Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Healthy Living MSS Section 6: Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Healthy Living MSS Section 6: Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Healthy Living MSS Section 6: Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Healthy Living MSS Section 6: Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Healthy Living Percent of 9th graders who used alcohol one or more times in the 30 days Percent of 9th and 12th graders who drove a motor vehicle after using alcohol or drugs one or more times in the last 12 months Percent of 9th graders who rarely or often ride with friends after those friends have been using alcohol or drugs Percent of 9th graders who smoked cigarettes during the last 30 days County-level Indicators Sorted by Link to Data Minnesota Department of Health, Center for Health Statistics, Updated November 2013 6 Healthy Living Healthy Living Minnesota Student Survey Selected Single Year Results (MSS SY) Indicator Original Source Location within MSS SY Statewide Health Assessment Theme Name Percent of 9th graders who used chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip during the last 30 days MSS Section 6: Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Healthy Living Percent of 9th graders who used marijuana one or more times in the last 12 months MSS Section 6: Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Healthy Living Percent of 9th graders who used marijuana one or more times in the last 30 days MSS Section 6: Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Healthy Living Percent of 9th and 12th graders who have ever had sexual intercourse MSS Section 9: Sexual Behavior Healthy Living Among sexually active students: percent reporting always using a condom MSS Section 9: Sexual Behavior Healthy Living MSS Section 7: Other Health Behaviors Healthy Living MSS Section 4: Mental Health Healthy Living MSS Section 8: Families and Social Connections Healthy Living MSS Section 4: Mental Health Healthy Living Percent of 9th graders who report always wearing a seatbelt when riding in a car Percent of 9th graders who have felt nervous, worried, or upset all or most of the time during the last 30 days Percent of 9th graders who feel that people care about them very much or quite a bit (parents, other adult relatives, teacher/other adults, religious or spiritual leaders, other adults in the community, friends) Percent of 9th graders who felt sad all or most of the time in the last month Percent of 9th graders who report that a student/students have made fun of or teased them in the last 30 days Percent of 9th graders who report that a student pushed, shoved, or grabbed them on school property in the last 12 months MSS MSS Section 1: Academics, School Connectedness, School Safety and Time Use Section 1: Academics, School Connectedness, School Safety and Time Use County-level Indicators Sorted by Link to Data Minnesota Department of Health, Center for Health Statistics, Updated November 2013 7 Healthy Living Healthy Living Minnesota Student Survey Selected Single Year Results (MSS SY) Original Source Location within MSS SY Statewide Health Assessment Theme Name MSS Section 1: Academics, School Connectedness, School Safety and Time Use Healthy Living MSS Section 4: Mental Health Healthy Living Percent of 9th graders who tried to kill themselves in the last year MSS Section 4: Mental Health Healthy Living Percent of 9th graders who are overweight but not obese according to BMI MSS Section 7: Other Health Behaviors Chronic Diseases and Conditions MSS Section 7: Other Health Behaviors Chronic Diseases and Conditions MSS Section 3: Experiencing Violence Chronic Diseases and Conditions Indicator Percent of 9th graders who report that they have made fun of or teased another student in the last 30 days Percent of 9th graders who had suicidal thoughts in last year Percent of 9th graders who are obese according to BMI Percent of 9th graders who report that someone they were going out with has ever hit, hurt, threatened or forced them to have sex County-level Indicators Sorted by Link to Data Minnesota Department of Health, Center for Health Statistics, Updated November 2013 8 Minnesota Vital Statistics State, County and Community Health Board Trends (VS Trends) The Minnesota Vital Statistics State and County Trend Report contains demographic, natality and mortality on four blocks of 5-year trends for Minnesota, its 87 counties and Community Health Boards. This report provides information on several indicators including poverty, school drop outs, low birth weight, prenatal care, and selected causes of death. Link to Data: VS Trends Vital Statistics State and County Trends (VS Trends) Indicator Original Source Location within VS Trends Statewide Health Assessment Theme Name Total population Census Demographic Section People and Place Number of births MDH MCHS Natality Section People and Place Birth rate MDH MCHS Natality Section People and Place School enrollment for prekindergarten – 12th grade Census Education Section People and Place Child (under 15 years) dependency ratio (per 100 population 15-64) Census Demographic Section People and Place Number of households Census Demographic Section People and Place Number of deaths MDH MCHS Mortality Section People and Place Total population by race and ethnicity Census Demographic Section People and Place Percent of prekindergarten – 12th grade students with limited English proficiency MDE Education Section People and Place County-level Indicators Sorted by Link to Data Minnesota Department of Health, Center for Health Statistics, Updated November 2013 9 Vital Statistics State and County Trends (VS Trends) Indicator Original Source Location within VS Trends Statewide Health Assessment Theme Name Elderly (65+ years) dependency ratio (per 100 population 15-64) Census Demographic Section People and Place Four year high school graduation rate MDE Education Section Opportunity for Health High school dropout rate MDE Education Section Opportunity for Health Percent of prekindergarten – 12th grade students receiving special education MDE Education Section Opportunity for Health Unemployed rate - annual average MN DEED Socioeconomic Section Opportunity for Health Total per capita income Census Socioeconomic Section Opportunity for Health Percent of prekindergarten – 12th grade students eligible for free and reduced meals MDE Education Section Opportunity for Health Percent of people under 18 years living in poverty Census Socioeconomic Section Opportunity for Health Percent of all ages living in poverty Census Socioeconomic Section Opportunity for Health Percent of births to unmarried mothers MDH MCHS Natality Section Opportunity for Health Percent of mothers who initiated prenatal care in the 1st trimester MDH MCHS Natality Section Opportunity for Health/Healthy Living Birth rate per 1,000 population MDH MCHS Natality Section Healthy Living Number of births MDH MCHS Natality Section Healthy Living County-level Indicators Sorted by Link to Data Minnesota Department of Health, Center for Health Statistics, Updated November 2013 10 Vital Statistics State and County Trends (VS Trends) Indicator Original Source Location within VS Trends Statewide Health Assessment Theme Name Percent of births by race/ethnicity of mother MDH MCHS Natality Section Healthy Living Percent of mothers who smoked during pregnancy MDH MCHS Natality Section Healthy Living Percent of births to unmarried mothers MDH MCHS Natality Section Healthy Living Percent of mothers who initiated prenatal care in the 1st trimester MDH MCHS Natality Section Healthy Living/Opportunity for Health Percent of births that were born premature, less than 37 weeks gestation (singleton births) MDH MCHS Natality Section Healthy Living Percent of birth born low birth weight, less than 2,500 grams (singleton births) MDH MCHS Natality Section Healthy Living Number of infant deaths MDH MCHS Natality Section Healthy Living Teen birth rate per 1,000 females aged 15-19 years MDH MCHS Natality Section Healthy Living Leading causes of death - age adjusted rates per 100,000 (e.g. cancer, heart disease, stroke) MDH MCHS Mortality Section Chronic Diseases and Conditions Unintentional injury death - age adjusted rate per 100,000 MDH MCHS Mortality Injury and Violence Acronyms MDE - Minnesota Department of Education Data Center MDH MCHS - Minnesota Department of Health, Minnesota Center for Health Statistics MN DEED - Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, Local Area Unemployment Statistics County-level Indicators Sorted by Link to Data Minnesota Department of Health, Center for Health Statistics, Updated November 2013 11 Minnesota Public Health Data Access System (MPHDA) The Minnesota Public Health Data Access (MPHDA) website is an electronic gateway to Minnesota health and environment data. This web-based information system provides a "one stop shop" for data about health, the environment, and other risk factors. MNPH Data Access can be used to gather information about health and environment trends over time, and to conduct queries of state and countylevel data in Minnesota about diseases and conditions, such as asthma, cancer and heart attacks. Link to Data: MPHDA Minnesota Public Health Data Access (MPHDA) Indicator Original Source Location within MPHDA Statewide Health Assessment Theme Name Carbon monoxide poisoning (hospitalizations and ED visits age adjusted rates per 100,000) MNHDD MPHDA – CO Poisoning or MCHT 2012 Morbidity Table 15 Opportunity for Health Percent of birth cohort tested with elevated blood lead levels MDH Lead MPHDA – Blood Lead or MCHT 2012 Morbidity Table 14 Opportunity for Health COPD hospitalizations (age adjusted rate per 10,000) MNHDD MPHDA-COPD or MCHT 2012 Morbidity Table 11 Chronic Diseases and Conditions Asthma hospitalizations (age adjusted rate per 10,000) MNHDD MPHDA - Asthma or MCHT 2012 Morbidity Table 9 Chronic Diseases and Conditions Breast cancer incidence (age adjusted rate per 100,000) MDH MCSS MPHDA - Cancer or MCHT 2012 Morbidity Table 7 Chronic Diseases and Conditions Cancer incidence per (all cancer types combined, age adjusted per 100,000) MDH MCSS MPHDA - Cancer or MCHT 2012 Morbidity Table 6 Chronic Diseases and Conditions Heart attack hospitalizations (age adjusted rate per 10,000) MNHDD MPHDA - Heart Attacks or MCHT 2012 Morbidity Table 10 Chronic Diseases and Conditions Acronyms MDH Lead - Minnesota Department of Health, Lead Poisoning Prevention Program MDH MCSS - Minnesota Department of Health, Minnesota Cancer Surveillance System MNHDD - Minnesota Hospital Discharge Data maintained by the Minnesota Hospital Association County-level Indicators Sorted by Link to Data Minnesota Department of Health, Center for Health Statistics, Updated November 2013 12 Local Surveys Some Minnesota Counties have conducted local surveys that may provide data for these indicators. Listed below the table are the local surveys that were most recently conducted along with the counties for which results are available. Link to Data: Local Surveys Local Surveys Indicator Original Source Statewide Health Assessment Theme Name Percent of adults who consumed five or more servings of fruits and vegetables per yesterday Local Surveys Healthy Living Percent of adults who are binge drinkers Percent of adults who are current smokers Local Surveys or 2012 MCHT Table Morbidity Table 18 Local Surveys or 2012 MCHT Table Morbidity Table 18 Healthy Living Healthy Living Exposure to second hand smoke Local Surveys Healthy Living Colorectal cancer screening Local Surveys Healthy Living Breast cancer screening Local Surveys Healthy Living Percent of adults who are overweight according to BMI Local Surveys or 2012 MCHT Table Morbidity Table 18 Chronic Diseases and Conditions Heart disease prevalence Local Surveys Chronic Diseases and Conditions Stroke prevalence Local Surveys Chronic Diseases and Conditions County-level Indicators Sorted by Link to Data Minnesota Department of Health, Center for Health Statistics, Updated November 2013 13 Local Surveys – These three indicators are also available in the Minnesota County Health Tables (MCHT), use the MCHT only if local survey data are NOT available. Indicator Percent of adults who reported 30+ minutes of moderate physical activity on five or more days per week Percent of adults who are obese according to BMI Diabetes prevalence Original Source Local Surveys or MCHT 2012 Morbidity Table 12 Local Surveys or MCHT 2012 Morbidity Table 18 Local Surveys or MCHT 2012 Morbidity Table 12 Statewide Health Assessment Theme Name Healthy Living Chronic Diseases and Conditions Chronic Diseases and Conditions Local Survey Websites Bridge to Health 2005 and 2010 Results for Aitkin County, Carlton County, Cook County, City of Duluth, Itasca County, Koochiching County, Lake County, Pine County, St. Louis County, St. Louis County without Duluth Southwest South Central Adult Health Survey 2010 Results for Big Stone County, Blue Earth County, Brown County, Chippewa County ,Cottonwood County ,Jackson County, Kandiyohi County, Lac qui Parle County, Le Sueur County, Lincoln County, Lyon County, Murray County, Nicollet County, Pipestone County, Redwood County, Renville County, Swift County, Waseca County, Yellow Medicine County Metro Adult Health Survey 2010 Results for Anoka County, Carver County, Dakota County, Ramsey County, Scott County, Washington County Survey of the Health of All the Population and the Environment (SHAPE) 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010 Results for Hennepin County For Other Counties: 2010 MCHT, Morbidity and Utilization Tables 18 and 19 If your county is not listed, you can go to the MCHT website listed above for synthetic estimates of selected risk behaviors. Note that synthetic estimates are statewide estimates (percentages) from the BRFSS that are statistically adjusted using the age and sex distributions for each county. These estimates indicate the percentage of adults at risk for a particular health behavioral risk factor in a county given 1) the statewide percentage for that behavior and 2) that county’s age and sex composition. These estimates do not indicate the percentage of adults in that county who actually engage in the risk behavior. County-level Indicators Sorted by Link to Data Minnesota Department of Health, Center for Health Statistics, Updated November 2013 14 Remaining indicators Indicator Original Source Arsenic levels in MN Arsenic MDH Radon levels by zone (low, moderate, high) US EPA Number of physicians per 10,000 population Number of dentists per 10,000 population Location within Link MDH Arsenic US Environmental Protection Agency Arsenic Groundwater Map Map is located halfway down website MDH ORHPC Atlas Online Go to “atlas online, then Health” Opportunity for Health MDH ORHPC Atlas Online Go to “atlas online, then Health” Opportunity for Health Acronyms MDH Arsenic - Minnesota Department of Health, Well Management MDH ORHPC - Minnesota Department of Health, Office of Rural Health and Primary Care US EPA - US Environmental Protection Agency County-level Indicators Sorted by Link to Data Minnesota Department of Health, Center for Health Statistics, Updated November 2013 15 Statewide Health Assessment Section Name Link to Data People and Place People and Place The Minnesota Center for Health Statistics collects, analyzes and disseminates data on the health of Minnesotans to help develop public health policies and programs. For more information, contact the Center for Health Statistics at (651) 2013504 or healthstats@state.mn.us. This issue, as well as other Center for Health Statistics publications, can be found on our website: www.health.state.mn.us/divs/chs Minnesota Department of Health Center for Health Statistics PO Box 64882 St. Paul, MN 55164-0882