MS# 2013GL057976R Auxiliary material for Iron isotopic evidence for convective resurfacing of recycled arc-front mantle beneath backarc basins O. Nebel1*, R.J. Arculus1, P.A. Sossi1, F.E. Jenner2, T.H.E. Whan1, 1 Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia 2 Department of Environment, Earth and Ecosystems, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK Geophysical Research Letters Introduction The Auxiliary File is a text file that contains information about (i) the sample locations (in form of a figure), latitude and longitude are given; (ii) the analytical methods that were employed to create the data for this article, (iii) the tables containing the data used in the main article. The file contains Fe-Hf-Nd isotope data for 8 samples from the Central Lau Spreading Centre and Fe isotope data for 5 samples from the FAMOUS area located in the Atlantic Ocean. It further gives 5 Fe isotope replicate analyses of standard reference materials BHVO-2, and lists the major element composition of the CLSC samples, as plotted in figure 1 in the main manuscript. 1. Fs01.jpeg (Figure A-1): A: Location map of the Lau Basin showing the spreading centres and rifts (solid lines), contours of present and past subduction zones (dotted lines) and the outreach of active subduction components [Martinez and Taylor, 2002] (dashed line). RR–Rochambeau Rifts, NWLSC–North-West Lau Spreading centre, CLSC–Central Lau Spreading Centre, PR+ETZ–Peggy Ridge and Extensional Transform Fault, FRSC–Fonualei Rift Spreading Centre. The PR marks the plate boundary between the Australian plate and the Niuafou’ou microplates. B) Discrimination diagram [Pearce and Peate, 1995] for MORB-OIB vs. IAB for CLSC, FRSC, and FAMOUS samples in comparison with global MORB [Jenner and O'Neill, 2012]; 2. fs02.jpeg (Figure A-2); Seafloor bathymetry map and locations of Lau basin CLSC samples analysed in this study. 3. Text01.docx; Analytical methods used to create the data listed in tables 1, 2 and 3 and a full reference list for all references cited in the auxiliary material. 4. fs03.jepg (Figure A-3); Iron isotope results for the IRMM-014 standard reference material analysed in the analytical sessions during which the data were collected 5. TS01.docx (Table 1) Fe isotope data, iron isotope data for the samples used in this study, the data in this table is displayed in Figure 2B in the main manuscript. 5.1 column sample, name of the analysed sample 56Fe, the 56Fe/54Fe of all samples normalised to the bracketing standard 5.3 ±1 s.e., the standard error of the individual measurements in column 1.2 5.4 57Fe, the 57Fe/54Fe of all samples normalised to the bracketing standard 5.5 ±1 s.e., the standard error of the individual measurements in column 1.4 6 TS02.docx (Table 2) Standard reference material, SRM analysed in the course of this study 6.1 column 1. Lab, laboratory in which the data was obtained 6.2 column 2. Sample ID, name of the analysed sample 6.3 56Fe, the 56Fe/54Fe of all samples normalised to the bracketing standard 6.4 ±1 s.e., the standard error of the individual measurements in column 2.3 6.5 57Fe, the 57Fe/54Fe of all samples normalised to the bracketing standard 6.6 ±1 s.e., the standard error of the individual measurements in column 2.5 7 TS03.docx (Table 3) Hf-Nd isotope data, hafnium-neodymium isotope compositions 7.1 row 1, sample, the sample name 7.2 row 2, 176Hf/177Hf, the hafnium isotope composition of the samples 7.3 row 3, ±2 s.e., the standard error of the individual measurements in column 3.2 7.4 row 4, Hf, the hafnium isotope composition expressed in the epsilon notation 7.5 row 5, 143Nd/144Nd, the neodymium isotope composition of the samples 7.6 row 6, ±2 s.e., the standard error of the individual measurements in column 3.6 7.7 row 7, Nd, the neodymium isotope composition expressed in the epsilon notation 8. TS04.docx (Table 4) Major element composition, as displayed in figure 2B in the main manuscript 8.1 row 1, sample, the individual sample number 8.2 row 2, location, the location of the sample 8.3 row 3f., the composition of the major elements expressed as oxides in weight per cent