MRS. STURM’S NEWSLETTER September 28-October 2, 2015 HOMEWORK: REMINDERS Monday: Our Field Trip to the Greensboro Begin working on homework packet (Completed packet due Friday.) Science Center is on Thursday. Practice reading using the “Words to Practice” sheets (front and back) Please be sure to wear comfortable Cut out and Sort Spelling Words (these are found on the colored paper in your clothes and shoes as we will be child’s folder) doing a lot of walking. Permission Slips and Money need to be turned Tuesday: Choose 1 activity from the “Spelling Choice Board” (found on the front cover of spelling notebook) to complete in your spelling notebook. Practice reading the “Words to Practice” sheet (front and back) Continue working on homework packet in by Tuesday, September 29. Please remember to send a small snack with your child to school each day. If you are able to donate a package Wednesday: of goldfish, pretzels, crackers, etc, Choose 1 more activity from the “Spelling Choice Board” (found on the front for the class in the case of a cover of spelling notebook) to complete in your spelling notebook. forgotten snack that would be Practice reading the “Words to Practice” sheet (front and back) greatly appreciated. Continue working on homework packet folder and planner nightly. The Thursday: Remember to check your child’s planner should be signed by a Choose 1 more activity from the “Spelling Choice Board” (found on the front cover of spelling notebook) to complete in your spelling notebook (should have completed 3 activities now) and glue your spelling words into your notebook. Practice reading the “Words to Practice” sheet (front and back) Continue working on homework packet. Due tomorrow. parent each night. Please wear tennis shoes to school every day. Your child will miss P.E. if he/she doesn’t have tennis shoes. Also, flip-flops are not safe in the school, especially when we have Friday: Spelling Test fire drills. As the weather begins to get cooler your child may need a light jacket to wear in the classrooms in case they get cold. Students are not allowed to wear heavy coats during the school day. Contact Me: (276) 650-1193 If you would like to be added to my weekly email list please send me an email from the address you’d like to receive it at with your child’s name in the subject line.