Student Information

Student Nurse Information.
Who are we?
Four full time childrens diabetes nurses Grace Parfitt – Team Leader
Suzanne Hackling
Nick Owen
Jill Coombes
Wider multidisciplinary team includes –
3 consultant paediatricians
Dr. Hawkes and Dr. Pryce are based at the Royal Gwent Hospital and
have clinics at RGH, Serrenu, Chepstow and Ystrad Ysbyty Fawr
Dr. Shetty is based at Neville Hall Hospital and has clinics at Ysbyty
Aneurin Bevan and Brecon
1.4 wte DietitiansGill Regan, Claire Baker and Helen Penny work throughout the Health
We directly refer to psychology or podiatry services
Where do we work?
The nursing team are based at Richmond House Diabetes centre at The
Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport.
We provide diabetes services from various sites throughout the whole of
the Health Board.
Who do we look after?
We have a caseload of 265 children with diabetes. 260 children have
Type 1 diabetes and 5 children have Type 2 diabetes. Age range is
from birth to the year of their 17th birthday.
What do we do?
Newly diagnosed intensive education programmes
Family support and ongoing education
Insulin treatment and dose adjusting
Medical clinics
Joint nurse and dietitian education clinics
Home visits
School visits and school staff education programmes
Assessment of school staff
Insulin pump initiation, education, review of pump downloads and
patients follow up
Blood glucose sensor insertion
Attending social service case conferences/core group meetings
Ward patient visits
Ward staff training
Medical staff training
Education/activity days for patients and families
Routine telephone contacts for all patients between clinic appointments
Out of hours emergency telephone contacts
The following Documents/Policies and procedures are
available on the intranet
Health and Safety at work
Lone worker
Child protection
Needle stick
The following are available on the internet/office book shelf
National Service Framework for diabetes
International Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes guidelines
Making every child with diabetes Matter
Resources available from team-
Eating well and keeping active diabetes folder
Carbohydrate counting and insulin adjustment
Diabetes and sports leaflet
Sick day rules
Hypo leaflets
Streetwise leaflets
Website Gwent Children’s Diabetes Homepage
Useful websites
Ispad guideline for Diabetes in Childhood and Adolescence (2011)
Type 1 diabetes NICE guideline (July 2004)
Other useful information
Car parking available at Mendleglief Road opposite front of Royal Gwent
Own transport is essential
Dress code is smart casual with ID
Refreshment facilities are not always available therefore packed lunch
and own drinks recommended