Call for Nominations: IEEE Press IEEE Press Editor-in-Chief, 2016-2017, and Editorial Board Members, 2016-18 TO: FROM: DATE: IEEE Volunteers and Members Ken Moore, Director, IEEE Book & Information Services 11 Aug. 2015 On behalf of Editor-in-Chief Tariq Samad, we are pleased to announce that IEEE Press is seeking nominations for qualified candidates who are willing to serve, if elected, in the position of Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Press, or as IEEE Press Editorial Board Member. The nominating period will run until 8 Sept., with candidates asked to supply a two-page biography, using a template prepared by IEEE staff. According to the charter of IEEE Press, the Editor-in-Chief is appointed by the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board (PSPB) to a two-year term, and may serve for no more than two consecutive terms. The Member term is for three years, with the possibility of reappointment to one additional term. The EiC and any Member of the IEEE Press Editorial Board must be an IEEE Member, Senior Member or Fellow. The IEEE Press Editorial Board will nominate candidates to the PSPB Nominations & Appointments Committee, which in turn will recommend candidates to PSPB for approval at the 20 Nov. PSPB meeting. The N&A Committee normally submits two candidates for each position for PSPB consideration. Duties and Roles of the IEEE Press Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board The IEEE Press Editor-in-Chief presides over an Institute-wide board of no more than 13 Members. The primary responsibility of the IEEE Press Editorial Board is to provide technical and scientific expertise in the development of world-class, technical books. Board Members work on a continuing basis with the Editor-in-Chief and professional acquisitions editors to recruit authors, review their proposals and assist in identifying technical reviewers of proposals and complete book manuscripts. The Editor-in-Chief chairs the IEEE Press Editorial Board Annual Meeting, and any other board meetings that might be held in person or in teleconference throughout the year. The Editor-inChief sits on the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board and is invited to three PSPB meetings held each year. In the contractual relationship between IEEE and our copublishing partners at John Wiley & Sons, renewed in February 2014, Wiley editors replaced IEEE staff in acquiring book projects based on approvals by the IEEE Press Editorial Board. The IEEE Press Editor-in-Chief and Members of the Board have taken an active role in formally approving proposals based on reviews by experts in various technical fields. The principal responsibility of an Editorial Board Member is to review book proposals and decide in a timely manner whether they are acceptable for publication in the Wiley-IEEE Press joint imprint. It is highly desirable for an Editorial Board Member to have experience in book publishing, as an author or editor of published volumes. The IEEE Press Editorial Board is interested in achieving diversity in gender and geographical locations, as well as a technical scope that embraces the strength of its respective series. IEEE Press publishes in the full range of IEEE technical fields of interest, and currently has series that concentrate in communications, electromagnetics, biomedical engineering, power engineering, microwave technology, microelectronics, computational intelligence and professional engineering communication, systems science and engineering, network management, network security, magnetics and standards. Nominating Process Interested nominators should submit a biography of two pages, maximum, using the attached template, to demonstrate the candidate’s interest and technical experience. Self-nomination is permitted. Nominations are to be sent to Lani Angso ( up until midnight, 8 Sept. For additional information, please contact Ken Moore, Director, IEEE Book & Information Services, at