Module 3 Genetics and Genomics Investigation 3.1 Mendelian Genetics to Molecular Genetics DNA From the Beginning website – Classical Genetics Review Toothpick Fish Activity Human Genetic Traits Investigation 3.2 Genes and Disease Genes and Disease (recursos en Español) Gene Therapy Investigation 3.2 Human Genome Project Español) Chromosome maps (recursos en Module 3 Genetics and Genomics Investigation 3.1 Mendelian Genetics to Molecular Genetics Activity 1: Classical Genetics Overview DNA from the Beginning Website Click on Classical Genetics Click on Animation Activity 2: Tree of Genetic Traits Materials hondout Tree of Genetic Traits (Genetic Learning Center) Trait Tree (large on butcher block paper or poster) PTC paper scissors color pencils scotch tape Procedure 1. Have students color leaf cut-outs. You can have the male students color the leaves green and the female students color the leaves orange. 2. Have students check traits present or not present on their leaves. Have students place the leaf on the tree. 3. You can look at distribution of traits. 4. Are there any differences between male and female distribution of traits? _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Activity 3: Toothpick Fish (Adapted and modified with permission from the University of Washington Materials Colored toothpicks (8 green, 8 red, 8 yellow) Toothpick Fish handout Cup Procedure Background Information Review Meiosis Fish color is inherited by 2 alleles (one allele comes from the mother and one allele comes from the father). The colored toothpicks represent alleles or parts of a gene. Two alleles make up the skin color of our fish. Green fish color can be made up of 2 green alleles, 1 green and 1 red, or 1 green and 1 yellow. Red fish color is recessive to green. Red fish are made up of 2 red alleles. Yellow fish color is recessive to green. Yellow fish are made up of 2 yellow alleles. Orange fish color is a combination of 1 red allele and 1 yellow allele. 1. Count your toothpicks (8 green, 8 red, 8 yellow) and place them in a cup. 2. Color the fish and allele combination chart. FISH COLOR and ALLELE COMBINATION CHART FISH COLOR COLOR GENE (ALLELE) COMBINATIONS Green Red Yellow Orange 3. Show how two green fish mate and produce red fish offspring. X Draw the gametes (egg and sperm) possible and offspring. Can two red fish mate and produce yellow offspring? _____________ X Draw the gametes (egg and sperm) possible and offspring. 4. Can two orange fish mate and produce red offspring? ____________ 5. Place all of your toothpicks in a cup (8 green, 8 red, 8yellow). This represents the gene pool. 6. Without looking in the cup, pull out two toothpicks at a time and set them aside so they stay in pairs. This simulates how sperm and egg randomly fertilize. 7. Record your results in Table 1: Toothpick Fish First Generation Table 1: Toothpick Fish First Generation Toothpick combination (colors) Total Number of Fish Color Fish Color Total Number of Fish Green Red Orange Yellow 8. Remove all the yellow fish from the gene pool. They have been eaten by a predator! 9. Place the remaining toothpicks in your cup. This is now the new gene pool. 10. Without looking in the cup, pull out two toothpicks at a time and set them aside so they stay in pairs. This simulates how sperm and egg randomly fertilize. 11. Record your results in Table 2: Toothpick Fish Second Generation Table 2: Toothpick Fish Second Generation Toothpick combination (colors) Fish Color Second Generation Total Number of Fish Color Total Number of Fish Green Red Orange Yellow Questions a. Have all the yellow alleles disappeared?__________________ b. Has the population size changed? How? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ 12. Remove yellow fish from the gene pool. 13. Place the remaining toothpicks back in the cup and without looking in the cup, pull out two toothpicks at a time and set them aside so they stay in pairs. 14. Record your results in Table 3: Toothpick Fish Third Generation Table 3: Toothpick Fish Third Generation Toothpick combination (colors) Fish Color Third Generation Total Number of Fish Color Total Number of Fish Green Red Orange Yellow Questions a. Have all the yellow alleles disappeared? __________________ b. Has the population size changed? How? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ 15. Remove yellow fish from the gene pool. 16. Place the remaining toothpicks back in the cup and without looking in the cup, pull out two toothpicks at a time and set them aside so they stay in pairs. 17. Record your results in Table 4: Toothpick Fish Fourth Generation Table 4: Toothpick Fish Fourth Generation Toothpick combination (colors) Fish Color Fourth Generation Total Number of Fish Color Total Number of Fish Green Red Orange Yellow Questions What fish color is more abundant? __________________ What fish color is least abundant?__________________ How do the population of color fish from this generation compare with the other generations? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ An environmental disaster occurs! The green seaweed is disappearing and the green fish are now more vulnerable to being eaten than the red, orange or yellow fish! 18. Place your toothpicks back in the cup. Without looking in the cup, pull out two toothpicks at a time and set them aside so they stay in pairs. 19. Record your results in Table 5: Toothpick Fish Fifth Generation Table 5: Toothpick Fish Fifth Generation Toothpick combination (colors) Fish Color Fifth Generation Total Number of Fish Color Total Number of Fish Green Red Orange Yellow The green fish DO NOT survive. Record all the surviving fish except the green fish. Total Number of Fish Color Total Number of Fish Green Red Orange Yellow Questions Have any alleles disappeared entirely? ____________ Which color allele disappeared faster when there was an environmental change (i.e. predators, environmental disaster? __________________________________________________ NOTES: Investigation 3.2 Genes and Disease Activity 1: Your Genes, Your Health Dolan Learning Center – Gene Almanac Another very good website for genetic information is the ONLINE MENDELIAN INHERTIANCE IN MAN (OMIM) Look on the left side border and find Human Genome Resources – Click on Genes and Disease Materials Your Genes Your Health Student Worksheet Procedure 1. Go to 2. Click on Your Genes, Your Health 3. Have students work in pairs or teams and assign a genetic disorder from the site to share with the class. Your Genes, Your Health Student Worksheet Name _________________________________________________ Dolan Learning Center – Your Genes, Your Health Complete the table for your genetic disorder Name of your genetic disorder: What is it? What causes it? How is it inherited? What is it like to have the genetic disorder? Can the disorder be tested for before or just after birth? Other information Investigation 3.3 Human Genome Project Activity 1: Human Genome Project Information Materials PowerPoint presentation from the Human Genome Project Information website Free poster National Human Genome Research Institute Procedure 1. Go to the HPG Information Website and/or the National Human Genome Research Institute 2. Using the HPG website Click about the HGP Click on Education In box – Featured Educational Materials Click on Genomics and Its Impact on Science and Society The Human Genome Project and Beyond Click on the various topics PPT Presentation available 3. Using the NHGRI website Click on All About the Human Genome Project 4. Complete Human Genome Student Worksheet Human Genome Project Student Worksheet Name __________________________________________________ 1. What is the Human Genome Project? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 2. How many genes are in the human genome? _____________________ 3. What does DNA sequencing mean? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 4. What information can we learn and use from sequencing the human genome? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ 5. What are some of the future goals of the Human Genome Project?___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 6. Write down additional information you found interesting. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Websites DNA from the Beginning Tree of Genetic Traits Gene School Your Genes, Your Health Public Understanding of Biotechnology Human Genome Project National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Genes and Disease The Tech Understanding Genetics Biotechnology Institute – Your World Magazine online Access Excellence