Appendix 1. Search strategies MEDLINE: Set 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 History facial expression/ or pain measurement/ or disability evaluation/ or symptom assessment/ or visual analog scale/ or exp Psychological Tests/ or adaptation, psychological/ or attitude/ or attitude to death/ or attitude to health/ or health knowledge, attitudes, practice/ or catastrophization/ or defense mechanisms/ or acting out/ or exp emotions/ or human activities/ or "activities of daily living"/ or social participation/ or exp leisure activities/ or (symptom* adj5 (assess* or screen* or severity or tool or tools or checklist* or evaluat* or scale* or inventor*)).mp. or (symptom*.mp. and (models, psychological/ or patient outcome assessment/ or psychometrics/ or risk assessment/ or questionnaires/ or needs assessment/ or social behavior/ or social support/ or social adjustment/)) or ((psychologic* or conceptual) adj5 model*).mp. or survivors/px exp neoplasms/ or stem cell transplantation/ or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation/ or peripheral blood stem cell transplantation/ or oncology/ or terminally ill patients/ or palliative care/ or terminal cancer/ or (neoplas* or cancer* or oncolog* or leukemi* or leukaem* or palliative*).mp. 1 and 2 limit 3 to "all child (0 to 18 years)" Pediatrics/ or (infan* or neonat* or child* or adolescen* or teen* or girl* or boy* or youth* or tot or tots or toddler* or paediatric* or pediatric*).mp. 4 or (3 and 5) limit 6 to yr="2014 –Current” Results 991238 Comments Symptom assessment terms 2991060 Neoplasms terms 59528 11457 3319617 Base clinical set Age Group limit Age group Textword search terms 12740 285 Age group limit results *Publication year limit and FINAL Results Results 1205526 Comments Symptom assessment terms EMBASE Set 1 History symptom/ or symptomatology/ or symptom assessment/ or symptom distress scale/ or (symptom* adj5 (assess* or screen* or severity or tool or tools or checklist* or evaluat* or scale* or inventor*)).mp. or facial expression/ or pain assessment/ or exp adl disability/ or expanded disability status scale/ or visual analog scale/ or exp psychologic test/ or adaptive behavior/ or defensive behavior/ or acting out/ or defense mechanism/ or attitude/ or attitude to death/ or attitude to health/ or attitude to illness/ or attitude to life/ or exp emotion/ or human activities/ or daily life activity/ or social participation/ or leisure/ or (symptom*.mp. and (conceptual framework/ or psychological model/ or outcome assessment/ or treatment outcome/ or psychometry/ or risk assessment/ or questionnaire/ or open ended questionnaire/ or structured questionnaire/ or needs assessment/ or social behavior/ or social support/ or social adaptation/)) or 2 3 4 5 6 7 ((psychologic* or conceptual) adj5 model* adj5 symptom*).mp. or (survivor/ and psycholog*.ti,ab exp *neoplasm/ or exp *cancer therapy/ or exp *cancer chemotherapy/ or exp *cancer immunotherapy/ or exp *stem cell transplantation/ or *cancer patient/ or *cancer palliative therapy/ or (neoplas* or cancer* or oncolog* or leukemi* or leukaem* or palliative*).mp. 1 and 2 limit 3 to (infant <to one year> or child <unspecified age> or preschool child <1 to 6 years> or school child <7 to 12 years> or adolescent <13 to 17 years>) Pediatrics/ or (infan* or neonat* or child* or adolescen* or teen* or girl* or boy* or youth* or tot or tots or toddler* or paediatric* or pediatric*).mp. 4 or (3 and 5) limit 6 to yr="2014 -Current" 3434800 Neoplasms terms 114598 13606 Base clinical set Age Group Limit 3119986 Age group Textword search terms 17980 1000 Age group limit results *Publication year limit and FINAL Results Results 299250 Comments Symptom assessment terms 44060 Neoplasms terms 11212 1147 Base clinical set Age Group Limit PsycINFO Set 1 2 3 4 History symptom checklists/ or symptoms/ or acting out/ or (symptom* adj5 (assess* or screen* or severity or tool or tools or checklist* or evaluat* or scale* or inventor*)).mp. or facial expressions/ or grimaces/ or smiles/ or pain measurement/ or exp pain perception/ or pain thresholds/ or disabilities/ or disability evaluation/ or (visual adj2 analog adj2 scale*).mp. or measurement/ or exp psychological assessment/ or adaptive behavior/ or adjustment/ or emotional adjustment/ or coping behavior/ or exp emotions/ or "resilience (psychological)"/ or social adjustment/ or defense mechanisms/ or acting out/ or exp emotional states/ or activity level/ or "activities of daily living"/ or social interaction/ or leisure time/ or hobbies/ or exp recreation/ or relaxation/ or (symptom*.mp. and (psychometrics/ or psychometrics/ or risk assessment/ or questionnaires/ or mail surveys/ or exp surveys/ or telephone surveys/ or needs assessment/ or social behavior/ or social support/ or social adjustment/)) or ((psychologic* or conceptual) adj5 model*).mp. or survivors/ exp neoplasms/ or antineoplastic drugs/ or oncology/ or (stem adj2 cell adj2 transplant*).mp. or terminal cancer/ or terminally ill patients/ or palliative care/ or (neoplas* or cancer* or oncolog* or leukemi* or leukaem* or palliative*).mp. 1 and 2 limit 3 to (100 childhood <birth to age 12 yrs> or 120 neonatal <birth to age 1 mo> or 140 infancy <2 to 23 mo> or 160 preschool age <age 2 to 5 yrs> or 180 school age <age 6 to 12 yrs> or 200 adolescence <age 13 to 17 yrs>) () 17 [***Age group Textword search terms***] () 18 16 or (15 and 17) [****Age group limit****] () 19 (118) 5 6 7 Pediatrics/ or (infan* or neonat* or child* or adolescen* or teen* or girl* or boy* or youth* or tot or tots or toddler* or paediatric* or pediatric*).mp. 4 or (3 and 5) limit 6 to yr="2014 -Current" 377293 Age group Textword search terms 2115 118 Age group limit results *Publication year limit and FINAL Results History "symptom assessment" OR (MH "Facial Expression") OR (MH "Pain Measurement") OR (MH "Pain Threshold") OR (MH "Visual Analog Scaling") OR (MH "Instrument Scaling") OR (MH "Disability Evaluation") OR (MH "Psychological Tests+") OR (MH "Adaptation, Psychological") OR (MH "Acting Out") OR (MH "Defense Mechanisms") OR (MH "Emotions+") OR (MH "Attitude") OR (MH "Attitude to Death") OR (MH "Attitude to Health") OR (MH "Attitude to Illness") OR (MH "Attitude to Life") OR (MH "Health Beliefs") OR (MH "Human Activities") OR (MH "Activities of Daily Living+") OR (MH "Leisure Activities+") OR (TX symptom* N5 (assess* OR screen* OR severity OR tool OR tools OR checklist* OR evaluat* OR scale* OR inventor*)) OR (TX symptom* AND ((MH "Models, Psychological") OR (MH "Outcome Assessment") OR (MH "Treatment Outcomes") OR (MH "Outcomes (Health Care)") OR (MH "Psychometrics") OR (MH "Risk Assessment") OR (MH "Needs Assessment") OR (MH "Social Behavior") OR (MH "Support, Psychosocial") OR (MH "Social Adjustment")) OR (TX (psychologic* or conceptual) N5 model*) OR (MH "Cancer Survivors/PF") (MH "Neoplasms+") OR (MH "Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation") OR (MH "Oncology") OR (MH "Radiation Oncology") OR (MH "Cancer Patients") OR (MH "Terminally Ill Patients") OR (MH "Palliative Care") OR (TX neoplas* OR cancer* OR oncolog* OR leukemi* OR leukaem* OR palliative*) S1 and S2 Limiters - Published Date: 20140101-20151231 Limiters SubjectAge: - all child Results 275,046 Comments Symptom assessment terms 251,330 Neoplasms terms 25,639 1655 132 Base clinical set Publication year limit Age Group Limit FINAL Results CINAHL Set S1 S2 S3 S4 S5