Alternative: allow changes in either architecture or implementation Matching assumptions Requires round-trip mappings and maintenance strategies Easy to construct intra- and inter-process P&F applications Can be assisted (to a point) with automated tools Concurrency can be an issue; many calls are blocking Efficiency Architecture Implementation Frameworks Ideal approach: develop architecture based on a known style, select Users have fine-grained control over, e.g., buffering technologies that provide implementation support for each architectural Very high efficiency mechanisms (memory mapped I/O, channels) not element available (but are in java.nio) This is rarely easy or trivial Recall the C2 Style Few programming languages have explicit support for architecture-level Layered style constructs with event-based Support infrastructure (libraries, operating systems, etc.) also has its own communication sets of concepts, metaphors, and rules over two-way To mitigate these mismatches, we leverage an architecture implementation broadcast framework buses Definition: An architecture implementation framework is a piece of software Strict rules on that acts as a bridge between a particular architectural style and a set of concurrency, implementation technologies. It provides key elements of the architectural dependencies, style in code, in a way that assists developers in implementing systems that and so on conform to the prescriptions and constraints of the style. Many frameworks developed for different languages; focus on two Canonical Example The standard I/O (‘stdio’) framework in UNIX and other operating systems alternative Java frameworks here Perhaps the most prevalent framework in use today Framework #1: Lightweight C2 Framework Style supported: pipe-and-filter 16 classes, 3000 lines of code Implementation technologies supported: concurrent process-oriented Components & connectors extend abstract base classes operating system, (generally) non-concurrent language like C Concurrency, queuing handled at individual comp/conn level Messages are request or notification objects More on Frameworks Frameworks are meant to assist developers in following a style Evaluating Lightweight C2 Framework But generally do not constrain developers from violating a style if they Platform support really want to Available with all Java implementations on many platforms Developing applications in a target style does not require a framework Fidelity But if you follow good software engineering practices, you’ll probably end Assists developers with many aspects of C2 but does not enforce these up developing one anyway constraints Frameworks are generally considered as underlying infrastructure or substrates Leaves threading and queuing policies up to individual elements from an architectural perspective Matching assumptions You won’t usually see the framework show up in an architectural model, e.g., Comp/conn main classes must inherit from distinguished base classes as a component All messages must be in dictionary form Efficiency Same Style, Different Frameworks For a given style, there is no one perfect architecture framework Lightweight framework; efficiency may depend on threading and queuing Different target implementation technologies induce different frameworks policy implemented by individual elements stdio vs. iostream vs. Framework #2: Flexible C2 Framework Even in the same (style/target technology) groupings, different frameworks 73 classes, 8500 lines of code exist due to different qualitative properties of frameworks Uses interfaces rather than base classes vs. java.nio Threading policy for application is pluggable Various C2-style frameworks in Java Message queuing policy is also pluggable Evaluating Frameworks Evaluating Flexible C2 Framework Can draw out some of the qualitative properties just mentioned Platform support Platform support Available with all Java implementations on many platforms Target language, operating system, other technologies Fidelity Fidelity Assists developers with many aspects of C2 but does not enforce these How much style-specific support is provided by the framework? constraints Many frameworks are more general than one target style or focus on a Provides several alternative application-wide threading and queuing policies subset of the style rules Matching assumptions How much enforcement is provided? Comp/conn main classes must implement distinguished interfaces Matching Assumptions Messages can be any serializable object Styles impose constraints on the target architecture/application Efficiency Frameworks can induce constraints as well User can easily swap out and tune threading and queuing policies without E.g., startup order, communication patterns … disturbing remainder of application code To what extent does the framework make too many (or too few) assumptions?Implementing Pipe and Filter Lunar Lander Efficiency Framework: Frameworks pervade target applications and can potentially get involved in Implementing as a multi-process application any interaction Each component (filter) will be a separate OS process To what extent does the framework limit its slowdown and provide help to Operating system will provide the pipe connectors improve efficiency if possible (consider buffering in stdio)? Going to use just the standard input and output streams Other quality considerations Ignoring standard error Nearly every other software quality can affect framework evaluation and Ignoring good error handling practices and corner cases for simplicity selection A note on I/O: Size Some messages sent from components are intended for output to the console Cost (to be read by the user) Ease of use These messages must be passed all the way through the pipeline and Reliability output at the end Robustness We will preface these with a ‘#’ Availability of source code Some messages are control messages meant to communicate state to a Portability component down the pipeline Long-term maintainability and support These messages are intercepted by a component and processed We will preface these with a ‘%’ Middleware and Component Models This may all sound similar to various kinds of middleware/component First: GetBurnRate component frameworks Loops; on each loop: CORBA, COM/DCOM, JavaBeans, .NET, Java Message Service (JMS), etc. Prompt user for new burn rate They are closely related Read burn rate from the user on standard input Both provide developers with services not available in the underlying Send burn rate to next component OS/language Quit if burn rate read < 0 CORBA provides well-defined interfaces, portability, remote procedure Second: CalcNewValues Component call… Read burn rate from standard input JavaBeans provides a standardized packaging framework (the bean) with Calculate new game state including game-over new kinds of introspection and binding Send new game state to next component Indeed, architecture implementation frameworks are forms of middleware New game state is not sent in a formatted string; that’s the display There’s a subtle difference in how they emerge and develop component’s job Middleware generally evolves based on a set of services that the developers Third: DisplayValues component want to have available Read value updates from standard input E.g., CORBA: Support for language heterogeneity, network transparency, Format them for human reading and send them to standard output portability Instantiating the application Frameworks generally evolve based on a particular architectural style that java GetBurnRate | java CalcNewValues | java DisplayValues developers want to use Takeaways Why is this important? provides a number of useful facilities By focusing on services, middleware developers often make other decisions Stream objects (, System.out) that substantially impact architecture Buffering wrappers E.g., in supporting network transparency and language heterogeneity, CORBA OS provides some of the facilities uses RPC Pipes But is RPC necessary for these services or is it just an enabling technique? Concurrency support In a very real way, middleware induces an architectural style Note that this version of the application would not work if it operated in CORBA induces the ‘distributed objects’ style batch-sequential mode JMS induces a distributed implicit invocation style We had other communication mechanisms available, but did not use them to Understanding these implications is essential for not having major problems conform to the P&F style when the tail wags the dog! We had to develop a new (albeit simple) protocol to get the correct behavior Resolving Mismatches Implementing Lunar Lander in C2 A style is chosen first, but the middleware selected for implementation does Framework: Lightweight C2 framework not support (or contradicts) that style Each component has its own thread of control A middleware is chosen first (or independently) and has undue influence on Components receive requests or notifications and respond with new ones the architectural style used Message routing follows C2 rules Strategies This is a real-time, clock-driven version of Lunar Lander Change or adapt the style First: Clock component Change the middleware selected Sends out a ‘tick’ notification periodically Develop glue code Does not respond to any messages Leverage parts of the middleware Second: GameState Component and ignore others Receives request to update internal state Hide the middleware in components/connectors Emits notifications of new game state on request or when state changes Does NOT compute new state Building a New Framework Occasionally, you need a new framework Just a data store The architectural style in use is novel Third: GameLogic Component The architectural style is not novel but it is being implemented on a platform Receives notifications of game state changes for which no framework exists Receives clock ticks The architectural style is not novel and frameworks exist for the target On clock tick notification, calculates new state and sends request up platform, but the existing frameworks are inadequate Fourth: GUI Component Good framework development is extremely difficult Reads burn rates from user and sends them up as requests Frameworks pervade nearly every aspect of your system Receives notifications of game state changes and formats them to console Making changes to frameworks often means changing the entire system Lastly, main program A task for experienced developers/architects Instantiates and connects all elements of the system New Framework Guidelines Takeaways Understand the target style first Here, the C2 framework provides most all of the scaffolding we need Enumerate all the rules and constraints in concrete terms Message routing and buffering Provide example design patterns and corner cases How to format a message Limit the framework to the rules and constraints of the style Threading for components Do not let a particular target application’s needs creep into the framework Startup and instantiation “Rule of three” for applications We provide the component behavior Choose the framework scope Including a couple new threads of our own A framework does not necessarily have to implement all possible stylistic We still must work to obey the style guidelines advantages (e.g., dynamism or distribution) Not everything is optimal: state is duplicated in Game Logic, for example Avoid over-engineering Limitations of the Distributed Systems Viewpoint Don’t add capabilities simply because they are clever or “cool”, especially if The network is reliable known target applications won’t use them Latency is zero Simulation-Based Analysis in a Nutshell Analysis Goals – any These often add complexity and reduce performance Bandwidth is infinite Analysis Scope – any Limit overhead for application developers The network is secure Analysis Concern –behavioral, interaction, and non-functional properties Every framework induces some overhead (classes must inherit from Topology doesn’t change Architectural Models – formal framework base classes, communication mechanisms limited) There is one administrator Analysis Types – dynamic and scenario-based Try to put as little overhead as possible on framework users Transport cost is zero Automation Level – fully automated; model mapping may be manual Develop strategies and patterns for legacy systems and components The network is homogeneous Stakeholders – any Almost every large application will need to include elements that were not WWW’s Architecture built to work with a target framework The application is distributed (actually, decentralized) hypermedia Develop strategies for incorporating and wrapping these Architecture of the Web is wholly separate from the code Example – XTEAM eXtensible Tool-chain for Evaluation of Architectural Models There is no single piece of code that implements the architecture. Concurrency Targeted at mobile and resource-constrained systems Concurrency is one of the most difficult concerns to address in implementation There are multiple pieces of code that implement the various components of Combines two underlying ADLs Introduction of subtle bugs: deadlock, race conditions… the architecture. xADL and FSP Another topic on which there are entire books written E.g., different Web browsers Maps architectural description to adevs Concurrency is often an architecture-level concern Stylistic constraints of the Web’s architectural style are not apparent in the An OTS event simulation engine Decisions can be made at the architectural level code Implements different analyses via ADL extensions and a model interpreter Done carefully, much concurrency management can be embedded into the The effects of the constraints are evident in the Web Latency, memory utilization, reliability, energy consumption architecture framework One of the world’s most successful applications is only understood adequately Consider our earlier example, or how pipe-and-filter architectures are made from an architectural vantage point. concurrent without direct user involvement Closing Remarks REST Principles Architectural analysis is neither easy nor cheap [RP1] The key abstraction of information is a resource, named by an URL. Generative Technologies The benefits typically far outweigh the drawbacks With a sufficiently detailed architectural model, various implementation Any information that can be named can be a resource. Early information about the system’s key characteristics is indispensable artifacts can be generated [RP2] The representation of a resource is a sequence of bytes, plus Multiple analysis techniques often should be used in concert Entire system implementations representation metadata to describe those bytes. The particular form of the “How much analysis?” Requires extremely detailed models including behavioral specifications representation can be negotiated between REST components. This is the key facet of an architect’s job More feasible in domain-specific contexts [RP3] All interactions are context-free: each interaction contains all of the Too many will expend resources unnecessarily Skeletons or interfaces information necessary to understand the request, independent of any requests Too few will carry the risk of propagating defects into the final system With detailed structure and interface specifications that may have preceded it. Wrong analyses will have both drawbacks Compositions (e.g., glue code) [RP4] Components perform only a small set of well-defined methods on a With sufficient data about bindings between two elements resource producing a representation to capture the current or intended state of The Mapping Problem Implementation is the one phase of software engineering that is not optional that resource and transfer that representation between components. These Maintaining Consistency Architecture-based development provides a unique twist on the classic problem Strategies for maintaining one-way or round-trip mappings methods are global to the specific architectural instantiation of REST; for It becomes, in large measure, a mapping activity Create and maintain traceability links from architectural implementation instance, all resources exposed via HTTP are expected to support each Maintaining mapping means ensuring that our architectural intent is reflected elements operation identically. in our constructed systems Explicit links in a database, in architectural models, in code comments can [RP5] Idempotent operations and representation metadata are encouraged in all help with consistency checking support of caching and representation reuse. Common Element Mapping Components and Connectors Make the architectural model part of the implementation [RP6] The presence of intermediaries is promoted. Filtering or redirection Partitions of application computation and communication functionality When the model changes, the implementation adapts automatically intermediaries may also use both the metadata and the representations within Modules, packages, libraries, classes, explicit components/connectors in May involve “internal generation” requests or responses to augment, restrict, or modify requests and responses in middleware Generate some or all of the implementation from the architecture a manner that is transparent to both the user agent and the origin server. Interfaces Recall Pipe-and-Filter An Instance of REST — Data Elements Programming-language level interfaces (e.g., APIs/function or method Components (‘filters’) organized linearly, communicate through characterResource signatures) are common stream ‘pipes,’ which are the connectors Key information abstraction State machines or protocols are harder to map Filters may run concurrently on partial data Resource ID Configurations In general, all input comes in through the left and all output exits from the right Representation Interconnections, references, or dependencies between functional partitions Framework #1: stdio Data plus metadata May be implicit in the implementation Standard I/O framework used in C programming language Representation metadata May be externally specified through a MIL and enabled through middleware Each process is a filter Resource metadata May involve use of reflection Reads input from standard input (aka ‘stdin’) Control data Design rationale Writes output to standard output (aka ‘stdout’) e.g., specifies action as result of message Often does not appear directly in implementation Also a third, unbuffered output stream called standard error (‘stderr’) not REST — Connectors Retained in comments and other documentation considered here Modern Web Examples Dynamic Properties (e.g., behavior): Low and high level operations client - libwww, libwww-perl Usually translate to algorithms of some sort getchar(…), putchar(…) move one character at a time server - libwww, Apache API, NSAPI Mapping strategy depends on how the behaviors are specified and what printf(…) and scanf(…) move and format entire strings cache - browser cache, Akamai cache network translations are available Different implementations may vary in details (buffering strategy, etc.) resolver - bind (DNS lookup library) Some behavioral specifications are more useful for generating analyses or tunnel - SOCKS, SSL after HTTP CONNECT Evaluating stdio testing plans Platform support REST — Components Non-Functional Properties Available with most, if not all, implementations of C programming language User agent Extremely difficult to do since non-functional properties are abstract and Operates somewhat differently on OSes with no concurrency (e.g., MS-DOS) e.g., browser implementations are concrete Fidelity Origin server Achieved through a combination of human-centric strategies like inspections, Good support for developing P&F applications, but no restriction that apps e.g., Apache Server, Microsoft IIS reviews, focus groups, user studies, beta testing, and so on have to use this style Proxy Matching assumptions Selected by client One-Way vs. Round Trip Mapping Architectures inevitably change after implementation begins Filters are processes and pipes are implicit. In-process P&F applications Gateway For maintenance purposes might require modifications Squid, CGI, Reverse proxy Because of time pressures Efficiency Controlled by server Because of new information Whether filters make maximal use of concurrency is partially up to filter Derivation of REST Key choices in this derivation include: Implementations can be a source of new information implementations and partially up to the OS Layered Separation (a theme in the middle portion of diagram) is used to We learn more about the feasibility of our designs when we implement increase efficiencies, enable independent evolution of elements of the system, Framework #2: We also learn how to optimize them Standard I/O framework used in Java language and provide robustness; Keeping the two in sync is a difficult technical and managerial problem Object-oriented Replication (left side of the diagram) is used to address latency and contention Places where strong mappings are not present are often the first to diverge Can be used for in-process or inter-process P&F applications by allowing the reuse of information; One-way mappings are easier All stream classes derive from InputStream or OutputStream Limited commonality (right side) addresses the competing needs for Must be able to understand impact on implementation for an architectural Distinguished objects ( and System.out) for writing to process’ universally understood operations with extensibility. design decision or change standard streams -The derivation is driven by the application(!) Two way mappings require more insight Additional capabilities (formatting, buffering) provided by creating REST: Final Thoughts Must understand how a change in the implementation impacts architecturecomposite streams (e.g., a Formatting-Buffered-InputStream) REpresentational State Transfer level design decisions Style of modern web architecture Evaluating One strategy: limit changes Platform support Web architecture one of many in style If all system changes must be done to the architecture first, only one-way Available with all Java implementations on many platforms Web diverges from style on occasion mappings are needed Platform-specific differences abstracted away e.g., Cookies, frames Works very well if many generative technologies in use Fidelity Doesn’t explain mashups Often hard to control in practice; introduces process delays and limits Good support for developing P&F applications, but no restriction that apps Commercial Internet-Scale Applications implementer freedom have to use this style Akamai Analysis Technique Categories Inspection- and review-based Model-based Simulation-based Architectural Inspections and Reviews Architectural models studied by human stakeholders for specific properties The stakeholders define analysis objective Manual techniques Can be expensive Useful in the case of informal architectural descriptions Useful in establishing “soft” system properties E.g., scalability or adaptability Able to consider multiple stakeholders’ objectives and multiple architectural properties Inspections and Reviews in a Nutshell Analysis Goals – any Analysis Scope – any Analysis Concern – any, but particularly suited for non-functional properties Architectural Models – any, but must be geared to stakeholder needs and analysis objectives Analysis Types – mostly static and scenario-based Automation Level – manual, human intensive Stakeholders – any, except perhaps component vendors Example – ATAM Stands for architectural trade-off analysis method Human-centric process for identifying risks early on in software design Focuses specifically on four quality attributes (NFPs) Modifiability Security Performance Reliability Reveals how well an architecture satisfies quality goals and how those goals trade-off ATAM Business Drivers The system’s critical functionality Any technical, managerial, economic, or political constraints The project’s business goals and context The major stakeholders The principal quality attribute (NFP) goals ATAM Scenarios Use-case scenarios Describe how the system is envisioned by the stakeholders to be used Growth scenarios Describe planned and envisioned modifications to the architecture Exploratory scenarios Try to establish the limits of architecture’s adaptability with respect to system’s functionality operational profiles underlying execution platforms Scenarios are prioritized based on importance to stakeholders ATAM Architecture Technical constraints Required hardware platforms, OS, middleware, programming languages, and OTS functionality Any other systems with which the system must interact Architectural approaches that have been used to meet the quality requirements Sets of architectural design decisions employed to solve a problem Typically architectural patterns and styles ATAM Analysis Key step in ATAM Objective is to establish relationship between architectural approaches and quality attributes For each architectural approach a set of analysis questions are formulated Targeted at the approach and quality attributes in question System architects and ATAM evaluation team work together to answer these questions and identify Risks these are distilled into risk themes Non-Risks Sensitivity points Trade-off points Based on answers, further analysis may be performed Model-Based Architectural Analysis Analysis techniques that manipulate architectural description to discover architectural properties Tool-driven, hence potentially less costly Typically useful for establishing “hard” architectural properties only Unable to capture design intent and rationale Usually focus on a single architectural aspect E.g., syntactic correctness, deadlock freedom, adherence to a style Scalability may be an issue Techniques typically used in tandem to provide more complete answers Model-Based Analysis in a Nutshell Analysis Goals – consistency, compatibility, internal correctness Analysis Scope – any Analysis Concern – structural, behavioral, interaction, and possibly nonfunctional properties Architectural Models – semi-formal and formal Analysis Types – static Automation Level – partially and fully automated Stakeholders – mostly architects and developers Model-Based Analysis in ADLs Wright – uses CSP to analyze for deadlocks Aesop – ensures style-specific constraints MetaH and UniCon – support schedulability analysis via NFPs such as component criticality and priority ADL parsers and compilers – ensure syntactic and semantic correctness E.g., Rapide’s generation of executable architectural simulations Architectural constraint enforcement E.g., Armani or UML’s OCL Architectural refinement E.g., SADL and Rapide ADLs’ Analysis Foci in a Nutshell Architectural Reliability Analysis Reliability is the probability that the system will perform its intended functionality under specified design limits, without failure A failure is the occurrence of an incorrect output as a result of an input value that is received, with respect to the specification An error is a mental mistake made by the designer or programmer A fault or a defect is the manifestation of that error in the system An abnormal condition that may cause a reduction in, or loss of, the capability of a component to perform a required function A requirements, design, or implementation flaw or deviation from a desired or intended state Reliability Metrics Time to failure Time to repair Time between failures Assessing Reliability at Architectural Level Challenged by unknowns Operational profile Failure and recovery history Challenged by uncertainties Multiple development scenarios Varying granularity of architectural models Different information sources about system usage Architectural reliability values must be qualified by assumptions made to deal with the above uncertainties Reliability modeling techniques are needed that deal effectively with uncertainties E.g., Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) Architectural Reliability Analysis in a Nutshell Simulation-Based Analysis Requires producing an executable system model Simulation need not exhibit identical behavior to system implementation Many low-level system parameters may be unavailable It needs to be precise and not necessarily accurate Some architectural models may not be amenable to simulation Typically require translation to a simulatable language Caching to the max Google Google distributed file system (GFS) MapReduce Data selection and reduction All parallelization done automatically Architectural Lessons from Google Abstraction layers abound: GFS hides details of data distribution and failure, for instance; MapReduce hides the intricacies of parallelizing operations; By designing, from the outset, for living with failure of processing, storage, and network elements, a highly robust system can be created; Scale is everything: Google’s business demands that everything be built with scaling issues in mind; By specializing the design to the problem domain, rather than taking the generic “industry standard” approach, high performance and very costeffective solutions can be developed; By developing a general approach (MapReduce) to the data extraction/reduction problem, a highly reusable service was created. Decentralized Architectures Networked applications where there are multiple authorities In other words Computation is distributed Parts of the network may behave differently, and vary over time Grid Protocol Architecture Coordinated resource sharing in a distributed environment E.g., Folding-at-home GLOBUS A commonly used infrastructure “Standard architecture” Fabric manages low-level resources Connectivity: communication and authentication Resource: sharing of a single r. Collective: coordinating r. usage Peer-to-Peer Architectures Decentralized resource sharing and discovery Napster Gnutella P2P that works: Skype And BitTorrent Peer-to-Peer Style State and behavior are distributed among peers which can act as either clients or servers. Peers: independent components, having their own state and control thread. Connectors: Network protocols, often custom. Data Elements: Network messages Topology: Network (may have redundant connections between peers); can vary arbitrarily and dynamically Supports decentralized computing with flow of control and resources distributed among peers. Highly robust in the face of failure of any given node. Scalable in terms of access to resources and computing power. But caution on the protocol! Insights from Skype A mixed client-server and peer-to-peer architecture addresses the discovery problem. Replication and distribution of the directories, in the form of supernodes, addresses the scalability problem and robustness problem encountered in Napster. Promotion of ordinary peers to supernodes based upon network and processing capabilities addresses another aspect of system performance: “not just any peer” is relied upon for important services. A proprietary protocol employing encryption provides privacy for calls that are relayed through supernode intermediaries. Restriction of participants to clients issued by Skype, and making those clients highly resistant to inspection or modification, prevents malicious clients from entering the network. Mobile Robotics Manned or partially manned vehicles Uses Space exploration Hazardous waste disposal Underwater exploration Issues Interface with external sensors & actuators Real-time response to stimuli Response to obstacles Sensor input fidelity Power failures Mechanical limitations Unpredictable events Flight Simulators: Key Characteristics Real-time performance constraints Extremely high fidelity demands Requires distributed computing Must execute at high fixed frame rates Often called harmonic frequencies Coordination across simulator components All portions of simulator run at integral multiple of base rate e.g. if base rate = 60Hz, then 30Hz, 15Hz, 12Hz, etc. Every task must complete on time Delays can cause simulator sickness Continuous evolution Very large & complex Millions of SLOC Exponential growth over lifetime of simulator Distributed development Portions of work sub-contracted to specialists Long communication paths increase integration complexity Expensive verification & validation Direct by-product of above characteristics Mapping of Simulation SW to HW components unclear Efficiency muddies abstraction Needed because of historical HW limitations How Is the Complexity Managed? New style “Structural Modeling” Based on Object–oriented design to model air vehicle’s Sub-systems Components Real-time scheduling to control execution order Goals of Style Maintainability Integrability Scalability Style principles Pre-defined partitioning of functionality among SW elements Restricted data- & control-flow Data-flow through export areas only Decoupling objects Small number of element types Results in replicated subsystems Objects fully encapsulate their own internal state No side-effects of computations Narrow set of system-wide coordination strategies Employs pre-defined mechanisms for data & control passing Enable component communication & synchronization F-Sim In The Structural Modeling Style Five basic computational elements in two classes Executive (or infrastructure) Periodic sequencer Event handler Synchronizer Application Components Subsystems Each of the five has Small API Encapsulated state Severely limited external data upon which it relies Takeaways A great architecture is the ticket to runaway success A great architecture reflects deep understanding of the problem domain A great architecture probably combines aspects of several simpler architectures Develop a new architectural style with great care and caution. Most likely you don’t need a new style. What Is an NFP? A software system’s non-functional property (NFP) is a constraint on the manner in which the system implements and delivers its functionality Example NFPs Efficiency Complexity Scalability Heterogeneity Adaptability Dependability Designing for FPs Any engineering product is sold based on its functional properties (FPs) TV set, DVD player, stereo, mobile telephone Providing the desired functionality is often quite challenging Market demands Competition Strict deadlines Limited budgets However, the system’s success will ultimately rest on its NFPs “This system is too slow!” “It keeps crashing!” “It has so many security holes!” “Every time I change this feature I have to reboot!” “I can’t get it to work with my home theater!” FPs vs. NFPs – An Example Microsoft Word 6.0 Released in the 1990s Both for the PC and the Mac Roughly the same functionality It ran fine on the PC and was successful It was extremely slow on the Mac Microsoft “solved” the problem by charging customers for downgrades A lot of bad publicity Challenges of Designing for NFPs Only partially understood in many domains E.g., MS Windows and security Qualitative vs. quantitative Frequently multi-dimensional Non-technical pressures E.g., time-to-market or functional features Design Guidelines for Ensuring NFPs Only guidelines, not laws or rules Promise but do not guarantee a given NFP Necessary but not sufficient for a given NFP Have many caveats and exceptions Many trade-offs are involved Overarching Objective Ascertain the role of software architecture in ensuring various NFPs At the level of major architectural building blocks Components Connectors Configurations As embodied in architectural style-level design guidelines Efficiency Efficiency is a quality that reflects a software system’s ability to meet its performance requirements while minimizing its usage of the resources in its computing environment Efficiency is a measure of a system’s resource usage economy What can software architecture say about efficiency? Isn’t efficiency an implementation-level property? Efficiency starts at the architectural level! Software Components and Efficiency Keep the components “small” whenever possible Keep component interfaces simple and compact Allow multiple interfaces to the same functionality Separate data components from processing components Separate data from meta-data Software Connectors and Efficiency Carefully select connectors Use broadcast connectors with caution Make use of asynchronous interaction whenever possible Use location/distribution transparency judiciously Architectural Configurations and Efficiency Keep frequently interacting components “close” Carefully select and place connectors in the architecture Consider the efficiency impact of selected architectural styles and patterns Complexity IEEE Definition Complexity is the degree to which a software system or one of its components has a design or implementation that is difficult to understand and verify Complexity is a software system’s a property that is directly proportional to the size of the system, number of its constituent elements, their internal structure, and the number and nature of their interdependencies Software Components and Complexity Separate concerns into different components Keep only the functionality inside components Interaction goes inside connectors Keep components cohesive Be aware of the impact of off-the-shelf components on complexity Insulate processing components from changes in data format Software Connectors and Complexity Treat connectors explicitly Keep only interaction facilities inside connectors Separate interaction concerns into different connectors Restrict interactions facilitated by each connector Be aware of the impact of off-the-shelf connectors on complexity Architectural Configurations and Complexity Eliminate unnecessary dependencies Manage all dependencies explicitly Use hierarchical (de)composition Scalability and Heterogeneity Scalability is the capability of a software system to be adapted to meet new requirements of size and scope Heterogeneity is the quality of a software system consisting of multiple disparate constituents or functioning in multiple disparate computing environments Heterogeneity is a software system’s ability to consist of multiple disparate constituents or function in multiple disparate computing environments Portability is a software system’s ability to execute on multiple platforms with minimal modifications and without significant degradation in functional or non-functional characteristics Software Components and Scalability Give each component a single, clearly defined purpose Define each component to have a simple, understandable interface Do not burden components with interaction responsibilities Avoid unnecessary heterogeneity Results in architectural mismatch Distribute the data sources Replicate data when necessary Software Connectors and Scalability Use explicit connectors Give each connector a clearly defined responsibility Choose the simplest connector suited for the task Be aware of differences between direct and indirect dependencies Avoid placing application functionality inside connectors Application functionality goes inside components Leverage explicit connectors to support data scalability Architectural Configurations and Scalability Avoid system bottlenecks Make use of parallel processing capabilities Place the data sources close to the data consumers Try to make distribution transparent Use appropriate architectural styles Adaptability Adaptability is a software system’s ability to satisfy new requirements and adjust to new operating conditions during its lifetime Software Components and Adaptability Give each component a single, clearly defined purpose Minimize component interdependencies Avoid burdening components with interaction responsibilities Separate processing from data Separate data from metadata Software Connectors and Adaptability Give each connector a clearly defined responsibility Make the connectors flexible Support connector composability Architectural Configurations and Adaptability Leverage explicit connectors Try to make distribution transparent Use appropriate architectural styles Dependability Dependability is a collection of system properties that allows one to rely on a system functioning as required Reliability is the probability that a system will perform its intended functionality under specified design limits, without failure, over a given time period Availability is the probability that a system is operational at a particular time Robustness is a system’s ability to respond adequately to unanticipated runtime conditions Fault-tolerant is a system’s ability to respond gracefully to failures at runtime Survivability is a system’s ability to resist, recognize, recover from, and adapt to mission-compromising threats Safety denotes the ability of a software system to avoid failures that will result in (1) loss of life, (2) injury, (3) significant damage to property, or (4) destruction of property Software Components and Dependability Carefully control external component inter-dependencies Provide reflection capabilities in components Provide suitable exception handling mechanisms Specify the components’ key state invariants Software Connectors and Dependability Employ connectors that strictly control component dependencies Provide appropriate component interaction guarantees Support dependability techniques via advanced connectors Architectural Configurations and Dependability Avoid single points of failure Provide back-ups of critical functionality and data Support non-intrusive system health monitoring Support dynamic adaptation Security “The protection afforded to an automated information system in order to attain the applicable objectives of preserving the integrity, availability and confidentiality of information system resources (includes hardware, software, firmware, information/data, and telecommunications).” National Institute of Standards and Technology Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability Confidentiality Preserving the confidentiality of information means preventing unauthorized parties from accessing the information or perhaps even being aware of the existence of the information. I.e., secrecy. Integrity Maintaining the integrity of information means that only authorized parties can manipulate the information and do so only in authorized ways. Availability Resources are available if they are accessible by authorized parties on all appropriate occasions. Design Principles for Computer Security Least Privilege: give each component only the privileges it requires Fail-safe Defaults: deny access if explicit permission is absent Economy of Mechanism: adopt simple security mechanisms Complete Mediation: ensure every access is permitted Design: do not rely on secrecy for security Separation of Privilege: introduce multiple parties to avoid exploitation of privileges Least Common Mechanism: limit critical resource sharing to only a few mechanisms Psychological Acceptability: make security mechanisms usable Defense in Depth: have multiple layers of countermeasures Architectural Access Control Models Decide whether access to a protected resource should be granted or denied Discretionary access control Based on the identity of the requestor, the resource, and whether the requestor has permission to access Mandatory access control Policy based Connector-Centric Architectural Access Control Decide what subjects the connected components are executing for Regulate whether components have sufficient privileges to communicate through the connectors Provide secure interaction between insecure components Propagate privileges in architectural access check Participate in deciding architectural connections Route messages according to established policies Decentralization No centralized authority to coordinate and control entities Independent peers, with possibly conflicting goals, interact with each other and make local autonomous decisions Presence of malicious peers in open decentralized applications Need for measures to protect peers against malicious attacks Some Threats of Decentralization Impersonation: Mallory says she is Bob to Alice Fraudulent Actions: Mallory doesn’t complete transactions Misrepresenting Trust: Mallory tells everyone Bob is evil Collusion: Mallory and Eve tell everyone Bob is evil Addition of Unknowns: Alice has never met Bob Decentralized Auctioning Open decentralized application Independent buyers/sellers Potentially malicious participants Need to counter threats Background: Trust Management Trust Trust is a particular level of the subjective probability with which an agent assesses that another agent will perform a particular action in a context that affects his actions [Gambetta, 1990] Reputation Expectation about an entity’s behavior based on past behavior [AbdulRahman, 2000] May be used to determine trust Two types of trust management systems Credential and Policy-based Reputation-based Role of Trust Management Each entity (peer) must protect itself against these threats Trust Management can serve as a potential countermeasure Trust relationships between peers help establish confidence Two types of decentralized trust management systems Credential and policy-based Reputation-based Architecture and Trust Management Decentralized trust management has received a lot of attention from researchers [Grandison and Sloman, 2000] Primary focus has been on developing new models But how does one build a trust-enabled decentralized application? How do I pick a trust model for a given application? And, how do I incorporate the trust model within each entity? Approach Select a suitable reputation-based trust model for a given application Describe this trust model precisely Incorporate the model within the structure (architecture) of an entity Software architectural style for trust management (PACE) Result – entity architecture consisting of components that encapsulate the trust model additional trust technologies to counter threats Key Insights Trust Cannot be isolated to one component Is a dominant concern in decentralized applications and should be considered early on during application development Having an explicit architecture is one way to consistently address the crosscutting concern of trust Architectural styles Provide a foundation to reason about specific goals Facilitate reuse of design knowledge Allow known benefits to be leveraged and induce desirable properties Design Guidelines: Approach Identify threats of decentralization Use the threats to identify guiding principles that help defend against the threats Incorporate these principles within an architectural style focused on decentralized trust management PACE Architectural Style Basis: C2, a layered event-based style Allows the natural structuring of the four functional units according to their dependencies Facilitates reuse Extensive tool support The resultant architectural style is called PACE (Practical Architectural approach for Composing Egocentric trust) Functional Units Communication Responsible for external interaction with other peers including data collection and transmission; does not depend upon data storage or analysis Information Store all data including internal beliefs and reported information Trust Responsible for trust computation and managing credentials; depends upon internal data for computation Application Application-specific components including user interface; Builds upon services provided by the other three PACE: Communication Layer Multiple protocol handlers. Translate internal events into external messages and vice-versa Creates and manages protocol handlers Signs requests and verifies notifications PACE: Information Layer Separates internal beliefs from reported information Stores internal beliefs persistently PACE: Trust Layer Incorporates different trust models and algorithms; can assign trust values to notifications receivedStores internal beliefs persistently Generates unique public-private key pairs Maintains local cache of other peers’ identities; requests public keys from peers and responds to revocationsStores internal beliefs persistently PACE: Application Layer Domain-specific trust rules; includes context of trust User-interface and application-specific components Countering Fraudulent Actions User sends request for trust information Others respond Responses are verified and tagged with trust values User sees these messages and makes an informed decision Post-interaction, user can change trust information What Are Deployment and Mobility? Deployment is the process of placement of a system’s software components on its hardware hosts Changing the deployment of a component during runtime is called migration or redeployment Migration or redeployment is a type of software system mobility Mobility entails a superset of deployment issues Deployment and Mobility Challenges Widely distributed target processors Target processors embedded inside heterogeneous devices Different software components may require different hardware configurations System lifespans may stretch over decades Software system evolution is continuous (requiring redeployment) Mobile code may mandate that running, stateful components be redeployed Software Architecture and Deployment A system is deployed to a set of hosts or sites Each site provides a set of resources needed by the system’s components Hardware Network Peripheral devices System software Other application software Data resources Resources may be exclusive or sharable How Is Deployment Changing ? Then Complete Installation procedure for software system on CD ROM Entire software system installation Now Software producers and consumers cooperating and negotiating. “Update” of Software Systems Deployment, Architecture, and Quality of Service Deployment Architecture: allocation of s/w … … → — — — — Two-node “SCARI” SDR with just device drivers loaded SDR in xADL 2.0 Same radio with one waveform deployed SDRs in xADL 2.0 By applying product line techniques to SDRs Can manage different configurations of the radio Deploying components on alternative hosts Deployments with No waveforms One waveform Different combinations of waveforms Can show radio in different states as radio starts up or transitions from one waveform to another Adaptation Change is endemic to software perceived and actual malleability of software induces stakeholders to initiate changes, e.g.: Users want new features Designer wants to improve performance Application environment is changing Adaptation: modification of a software system to satisfy new requirements and changing circumstances Goals of this Lecture Characterize adaptation, showing what changes, why, and who the players are Characterize the central role software architecture plays in system adaptation Present techniques for effectively supporting adaptation, based on an architecture-centric perspective Sources and Motivations for Change Corrective Changes Bug fixes Modification to the functional requirements New features are needed Existing ones modified Perhaps some must be removed New or changed non-functional system properties Anticipation of future change requests Changed operating environment Observation and analysis Changes Arising from Product Line Forces Creating a new variant Change at branch point E.g.: Adding an integrated TV/DVD device to a TV product line Creation of a new branch point Merging product (sub)lines Rationalizing their architectures Motivation for Online Dynamic Change Non-stop applications software cannot be stopped because the “application” cannot be stopped E.g., 24/7 systems Maintaining user or application state stopping the software would cause the user to lose (mental) context saving and/or recreating the software’s application state would be difficult or costly Re-installation difficulty applications with complex installation properties E.g., software in an automobile Stewart Brand’s Shearing Layers of Change “How Buildings Learn – What happens after they’re built” examines how and why buildings change over time Categorization of types of change according to the nature and cost of making a change Shearing Layers in a Building The Six Shearing Layers Site: the geographical setting, the urban location, and the legally defined lot its boundaries and context outlast generations of ephemeral buildings. Structure (“the building”): the foundation and load-bearing elements perilous and expensive to change, so people don’t Skin: exterior surfaces change every ~20 years, to keep up with fashion, technology, or for repair The Six Shearing Layers (cont’d) Services: working guts of a building: communications wiring, electrical wiring, plumbing, sprinkler systems, etc. Reference architectures are still architectures (since they are also sets of Space Plan: interior layout – where walls, ceilings, floors, and doors go principal design decisions) Stuff: chairs, desks, phones, pictures, kitchen appliances, lamps, hair brushes Distinguished by the presence of explicit points of variation (explicitly things that switch around daily to monthly “unmade” decisions) The Six Shearing Layers Site Different Kinds of Reference Architecture Complete single product architecture Structure A fully worked out exemplar of a system in a domain, with optional Skin documentation as to how to diversify Services Can be relatively weak due to lack of explicit guidance and possibility that Space Plan example is a ‘toy’ Stuff Incomplete invariant architecture Changing Component Interiors Points of commonality as in ordinary architecture, points of variation are A component’s performance may be improved by a change to the algorithm indicated but omitted that it uses internally Invariant architecture with explicit variation Capabilities that facilitate component adaptation Points of commonality as in ordinary architecture, specific variations Knowledge of self and exposure of this knowledge to external entities indicated and enumerated Knowledge of the component’s role in the larger architecture Pro-active engagement of other elements of a system in order to adapt Example Reference Architecture Structural view Change of Component Interface of Lunar Lander In many cases adaptation to meet modified functional properties entails DSSA changing a component’s interface Invariant with Adaptors/wrappers are a popular technique to mitigate “ripple effect” explicit points but, subsequent changes to previously unmodified methods become even of variation more complex Satellite relay Connector Change Sensors Typically changes to connectors are motivated by The desire to alter non-functional properties Product Lines A set of related products that have substantial commonality such as distribution of components, fault-tolerance, efficiency, In general, the commonality exists at the architecture level modifiability, etc. One potential ‘silver bullet’ of software engineering increased independence of sub-architectures in the face of potential Power through reuse of failures Engineering knowledge improved performance Existing product architectures, styles, patterns The more powerful the connector the easier architectural change Pre-existing software components and connectors E.g., connectors supporting event-based communication What is the downside? Domains vs. Product Lines Domain Change in the Configuration Consumer electronics Changes to the configuration of components and connectors represents Avionics fundamental change to a system’s architecture Compilers Effectively supporting such a modification requires working from an explicit Video games model of the architecture Product Line Many dependencies between components will exist, and the architectural Sony WEGA TVs model is the basis for managing and preserving such relationships Boeing 747 Family Change Agents and Context (1) GNU compiler suite Change Agents – Identity and Location Suite of games built on same engine The processes that carry out adaptation may be performed by human Business vs. Engineering Product Lines Business Product Line automated agents A set of products marketed under a common banner to increase sales and a combination thereof market penetration through bundling and integration If an adaptation agent is part of a deployed application from the outset, the Engineering Product Line potential is present for an effective adaptation process A set of products that have substantial commonality from a Agent may have access to contextual information technical/engineering perspective E.g., periodically a user of a desktop OS is notified when an OS or Generally, business product lines are engineering product lines and vice-versa, application upgrade is available but not always Change Agents and Context (2) Applications bundled after a company acquisition Knowledge Chrysler Crossfire & Mercedes SLK V6 Agent might need knowledge to mitigate adaptation risk Agent has to know the constraints that must be retained in the modified Capturing Product Line Architectures Common: features common to all products system A: features specific to product A If the system’s architectural design decisions have been violated, B: features specific to product B architectural recovery will be required Product A = Common + A Degree of Freedom Product B = Common + B Freedom that the engineer has in designing the changes Greater freedom large solution space A Product-Line Architecture Definition: A product-line architecture captures the architectures of many By learning the constraints of the system, the coherence of the architecture related products simultaneously can be retained Generally employs explicit variation points in the architecture indicating Architecture-Centric Adaptation where design decisions may diverge from product to product In the absence of explicit architecture the engineer is left to reason about adaptation Product Component Table Helps us decide whether creating a product line is viable or feasible from memory from source code Group Components into Features Not a mechanical process Architecture can serve as the primary focus of reasoning about potential Attempt to identify (mostly) orthogonal features, or features that would be adaptations beneficial in different products Descriptive architecture is the reference point Reconstitute Products from Features Activities, Agents, and Entities Use technical and business knowledge to identify which combinations form Adaptation management and evolution management can be separated into three feasible or marketable products that will be constructed types of activities Strategic refers to determining what to do Modeling Product Line Architectures Architectural models need to be diversified with information about variation Tactical refers to developing detailed plans for achieving the strategic goals points and features Operations refers to the nuts-and-bolts of carrying out the detailed plans Not all ADLs have good support for this Categories of Techniques Exceptions include Observing and collecting state Koala Analyzing data and planning change xADL 2.0 Describing change descriptions These ADLs have explicit support for capturing variation points Deploying change descriptions Effecting the change Selection Product-line selection is the process of extracting a single product architecture Architectures/Styles that Support Adaptation (or smaller product line) from an architectural model that contains explicit Explicit models points of variation First-class connectors ADLs such as Koala and xADL 2.0 can do selection automatically with tools Adaptable connectors Message-based communication Product Lines for Evolution Products in a product line don’t have to exclusively capture alternatives …others? They can also capture variation over time Architectures/Styles Supporting Adaptation Application programming interfaces (API) Product Lines for ‘What-If’ Analysis In addition to alternative products and different versions of the same product, Scripting languages product lines can capture different potential products Plug-ins Selection can be used to quickly generate product architectures for potential Component/object architectures products Event interfaces These can be checked for certain properties or subjected to more rigorous The Special Problems of On-the-fly Change analysis for feasibility or quality The principle of quiescence Can also be used to generate new product ideas A node in the active state can initiate and respond to transactions. The state identified as necessary for reconfiguration is the passive state, Implementation Issues Important to partition implementations along variation-point boundaries node must respond to transaction Keeping evolving architectures and version-controlled source repositories (e.g., not currently engaged in a transaction that it initiated RCS, CVS, Subversion) in sync it will not initiate new transactions Unifying Products with Different Heritage Often, the idea to create a product line emerges after several products have been implemented and commonality is noticed Strategies include No product line It may be more expensive to create a product line or there may not be enough commonality One master product One product architecture becomes the basis for the product line Hybrid A new product line architecture emerges out of many products Seems ideal but can be hard in practice Architectural Styles, DSSAs, Product Lines Architectural Styles Can be general or domain-specific Provides general guidelines for diverse kinds of applications; focus on –ility development DSSAs Domain specific; includes elaborate domain model and specific reference architecture Product lines Explicit set of related products with common aspects Objectives Concepts What is domain-specific software engineering (DSSE) The “Three Lampposts” of DSSE: Domain, Business, and Technology Domain Specific Software Architectures Product Lines Relationship between DSSAs, Product Lines, and Architectural Styles Examples of DSSE at work Koala An ADL and tool-set for developing product lines of consumer electronics A successor to Darwin in terms of structural modeling One of the first ADLs to capture points of variation explicitly Has tight bindings to implementations such that architecture descriptions can be “compiled” into application skeletons Lunar Lander in Koala No product line features yet Note similarities to Darwin, xADL 2.0 xADL 2.0 Archipelago visualization is derived from Koala Lunar Lander PL in Koala Switch construct routes calls to one of two potential data stores ‘Diversity interface’ lets game logic component select callee from external config component Same IDataStore interface ensures call compatibility Software Defined Radios Variation points in radio configuration, board configuration, software configuration SDR in xADL 2.0 A domain-specific software architecture (DSSA) Domain Model A domain model is a set of artifacts that capture information about a domain Functions performed Objects (also known as entities) that perform the functions, and on which the functions are performed Data and information that flows through the system Standardizes terminology and semantics Provides the basis for standardizing (or at least normalizing) descriptions of problems to be solved in the domain Domain dictionary : Defines vocabulary for the domain Information model : Describes the entities and data in the domain Feature model : Defines how entities and data combine to provide features Operational model : Defines how data and control flow through entities (Partial) Domain Dictionary Info Model: Context Info Diagram Defines high-level entities Defines what is considered inside and outside the domain (or subdomains) Defines relationships and high-level flows Info Model: Entity-Relationship Diagram Defines entities and cardinal relationships between them Info Model: Object Diagram Defines attributes and operations on entities Closely resembles class diagram in UML but may be more abstract Feature Model: Feature Relationship Diagram Describes overall mission operations of a system Describes major features and decomposition Feature Model: Use Case Diagram Defines use cases within the domain Similar to use case models in UML Feature Model: Representation Diagram Defines how information is presented to human users Operational Model: Data Flow Diagram Focuses on data flow between entities with no notion of control Operational Model: Control Flow Diagram Focuses on control flow between entities separate from data flow Operational Model: State Transition Diagram Focuses on states of systems and transitions between them Resembles UML state diagrams Reference Requirements Mandatory Must display the current status of the Lunar Lander (horizontal and vertical velocities, altitude, remaining fuel) Must indicate points earned by player based on quality of landing Optional May display time elapsed Variant May have different levels of difficulty based on pilot experience (novice, expert, etc) May have different types of input depending on whether Auto Navigation is enabled Auto Throttle is enabled May have to land on different celestial bodies Moon Mars Jupiter’s moons Asteroid Domain-Specific Software Architecture Definition: Definition. A domain-specific software architecture (DSSA) comprises: a reference architecture, which describes a general computational framework for a significant domain of applications; a component library, which contains reusable chunks of domain expertise; and an application configuration method for selecting and configuring components within the architecture to meet particular application requirements. Reference Architecture Definition. Reference architecture is the set of principal design decisions that are simultaneously applicable to multiple related systems, typically within an application domain, with explicitly defined points of variation.