AAPTO-PKR 2015-2016 Room Parent Guide, K-5

American Academy
Room Parent
Thank you for volunteering to be a room parent. The students, the teachers,
fellow parents & school greatly appreciate your time & talent.
Revised: 9/9/2015
What is a Room Parent?
The primary purpose of the room parent is to host classroom parties, act as the liaison between PTO
and parents and encourage volunteers to help with carpool and the lunch/recess needs to make life
smoother for your teacher and the American Academy team.
The room parent is someone who volunteers to assist the teacher. The extent of parental involvement
varies from teacher to teacher, so one year you may be very involved, and the next you may find
yourself with very little work.
They are willing to meet the needs of the classroom with planning, communication and by recruiting
volunteers. The room parent and the teacher establish a sense of community among the families in
their classroom; therefore, respect for the various beliefs and ideas of the families in the classroom, as
well as the American Academy administration is essential.
**Please keep student information private.** Student data is confidential and should not be shared
with anyone, other than the teacher, in any way by the room parent. All requests for student or
family information MUST go through Joanie Wherry, not the front office staff or teachers. Joanie
can be contacted at 720-292-5280 or jwherry@aak8.org.
Room parents should not take photographs in the classroom for parties or other classroom events.
Some students will not have media approval, and the teacher cannot share that information with room
parents, so you will not know which students must be excluded and whose image cannot be shared. If
you would like to put together a password-protected Shutterfly photo-sharing account for your
teacher’s classroom, please ONLY use photographs taken by the teacher and therefore mediaapproved by the parent.
Many teachers rely on parent helpers to cut, make copies, organize work folders, help with centers,
assist with field trips and organize book orders. However, due to concerns about student information
release, there will be no more signups for Friday folders.
Room parents are a liaison between the teacher, the PTO and the parents of the other children within
the classroom, as well as other room parents.
I hope you enjoy this year as a Room Parent and please let me know if you have any questions. Please
send questions to:
RP Assistant Coordinator and liaison for KindiePrep, Kindergarten and 1st grade:
Kaeli Sandhoff at kaelisandhoff@gmail.com
RP Assistant Coordinator and liaison for 2nd & 3rd Grade:
Mari Peterson at mari.peterson@ucdenver.edu
RP Coordinator and liaison for 4th & 5th Grade:
Sarah Sexton bodybasicsonbroadway@msn.com
Monica Fernandez, PTO Social Chair at monicafernandez.aaprkpto@yahoo.com
Thank you Room Parents! Let’s have a great year!
2015-2016 Room Parent Responsibilities
The following are the major activities Room Parent(s) are required to lead:
1. Meet with your teacher to determine their unique needs and expectations:
Please do this as soon as possible. In your initial meeting, a fun idea is to offer to bring
your teacher lunch and visit with him/her on their lunch hour. This is a critical meeting as
responsibilities will vary greatly teacher by teacher. Your teacher will also provide you
with the final classroom family contact list. This is made available from your teacher and
final copy after October 1st from the front office staff or from your teacher prior to October
2. Introduce yourself to your classroom parents: Send an email to your parents
introducing yourself as Room Parent. Examples are in the back. Make sure you include
the primary communication path between you (as the Room Mom(s)) and the parents.
You can include current activities that you seek volunteers for and let the parents know if
you will be using signupgenius.com or how you will track volunteer information.
3. Collect $25 from each Family: Based on RP input from previous years, we are
requesting a $25 donation from each family to cover the cost of classroom parties,
Teacher Appreciation Week, and end of year teacher gift. This collection is not
mandatory but will help eliminate the need for a number of requests for items for parties,
4. Keep detailed track of funds collected and monies spent: Please keep track of
all collections from the families as well as all money spent and receipts. This is a good
thing to have another parent to help with. Be sure to notify your parents when you do
receive their contribution, as well as how it will be spent and tracked throughout the year.
An example of a RP excel spreadsheet is attached and will be electronically available to
all room parents.
5. Pamper your Teacher: Coordinate recognition of teachers' birthdays. Some
suggestions include bringing in a flower and sign a group card or make individual cards.
If your teacher’s birthday is in the summer you can celebrate their half birthday. You can
also set up a “Just Because Basket” so the kids can drop special gifts anytime they want.
Coordinate a special Birthday Lunch for the Teacher.
6. Teacher’s Favorite Things List: Teachers are asked to fill out and drop their
‘Favorite Things List’ on their personal AA page under the Downloads section. Let your
parents know about this download throughout the year in your communications to them.
7. Coordinate Class Parties: see attachment for rules and guidelines
8. Help coordinate and execute Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week: May 2-6, 2016 Room Parents implement the activities planned by the Teacher Appreciation Committee.
More information will come closer to date.
9. Cleaning Crew: Check with teacher on this. Organize volunteers to clean/wipe-down
desks and commonly used surfaces to cut down on the spread of colds/viruses/flu daily,
weekly or however often the teacher feels it is needed. Must be arranged with Teacher
so that it is completed while the kids are out of the classroom.
10. Reminder: Parents get hours for volunteering!!! Please remember to communicate that
to the parents.
Respect the teacher's wishes. Just because "Mrs. Smith did it this way last year",
does not mean all teachers to be alike in their needs. Teacher’s needs and wishes
will change from year to year.
Take responsibility for the room. Keep it clean & nice. If you are not at the party,
designate a responsible party to clean up the room.
Be as organized as possible at the beginning of the school year, and you will find that
all the other parents will sign up to help more, and follow through with the
commitments they have made to help.
Send out volunteer opportunities and reminders as soon as possible.
You can delegate the lead of tasks such as having one parent "Chair" each different
party. That gives others the chance to be involved, and doesn't put undue burden
(financial or time) on one individual.
A Room Party plan is essential to keeping track of all of your needs for parties and
events. An example is included that some have used in the past (see attachment
"Room Party Checklist"). Send one copy to each volunteer on the list two weeks prior
to the party. The party "Chair" can then follow up with a phone call or e-mail a few
days before the party. Never assume that everyone will just show up as planned.
Remember to be sensitive to Food Allergies (gluten, peanut and dairy free). Always
check with the teacher to identify the types of foods that can be served to all
students. Be sure those who sign up to bring items are reminded as well. Party foods
have to be store bought and sealed. Homemade items are not allowed.
Organize a binder or folder to gather the class list, parent list, and notes from the
teacher, filled-out "volunteer" forms, Room Party Checklists, and any other
Classroom parties take place during the school day and are set by the teacher.
Teachers delegate the party times to their Room Parents.
One suggestion is to work with other room parents within your grade to plan parties
and duties. Parties that are rotated every 15min (i.e. game, craft, movie) seems to
work best and help the room parents keep costs low and distribute duties during the
It is suggested that parties be concluded by 2:30pm and parent volunteers exit the
school by 3:00pm. (Carpool starts at 3:35 pm and we need students to have cleaned
up, collected books and homework, coats and backpacks, and be ready to go when
the bell rings and their carpool numbers are called).
If attending a party after 2:00 PM, party volunteers or other parents arriving for
parties should give the front desk their carpool numbers. NO students will be
dismissed early after parties! The volunteer’s students’ carpool numbers will be
entered into the carpool system as usual and they will be dismissed at 3:35 pm with
the bell. The volunteers and other parents may wait for their student(s) at the
Student Entrance outside.
Room Parents need to help get people out and are responsible for final clean-up in
the classrooms or have volunteer spots filled to do the clean up. In other words,
please get all other parents out by 3:00 pm and if there is still cleaning left to do, the
room parents and/or volunteers need to stay and help the teacher with that clean-up.
Our maintenance staff will place extra garbage bags in the garbage cans for
classrooms to use to collect party garbage. Room Parents should then place all
garbage bags, tied up and secure, in front of the door to the classroom at the end of
the parties.
The Room Parents are the "hosts" of the party, although the teacher will always
attend the party.
The 2015-16 Classroom Party for K-5th are:
Fall Party: Thursday, October 29th, 2015
Holiday Party: Friday, December 18th, 2015
Valentine's Day: Thursday, February 11th, 2016
End of the Year Celebration (optional)-sometimes teacher-driven
Every teacher has different expectations. Be sure to talk to them before
planning the event.
Room Parent Guidelines &
Rules for a Successful Year
1. All communication with the students and parents needs to be related to school or your
specific classroom. It is not okay to send out (or forward from another parent) anything
that is negative about a teacher, another parent, or negative/persuasive opinions about
an event/circumstance that happened. Please seek advice if anything like this
2. ALWAYS BCC people on emails. Parents do not want their emails sent to everyone.
So as a rule ALWAYS bcc.
3. CLEAN UP. Please clean up thoroughly after any & all room parties. You can wrap up
the party a bit early and engage the kids to help.
4. NOOOOOO crumbly food. Crumbs are a nightmare for janitorial services.
5. Water only. No juices or sodas – even if clear.
6. No Cupcakes- the combo of cake and frosting is a nightmare for clean up with carpet.
7. Use only food decoration items sized like M&M’s, Skittles and Red Hots that can be
picked up by hand instead of glitter and nonpareils and jimmies.
8. All parties should be done (including clean-up) by 2:30pm and you & all parent helpers
should try to be out of the school by 3:00pm.
9. This is a role to help your teacher – not to discuss your child. If you have child/school
questions & issues specific to your student please keep separate. This is not a free
pass to get access to the teacher & classroom.
10. DO NOT try to do it all. Delegate as often as possible. If you are having difficulty,
please feel free to contact us.
11. As a general suggestion, younger siblings should not be in the classroom. Every
teacher has a different view on this and you should do your best to encourage your
teacher’s preference among your class parents.
12. Remember, NOT ALLOWED: Christmas, Kwanza or Hanukkah (Santa Claus, Nativity,
Dreidels, etc…)
ALLOWED: Generic Holiday decorations (Holly leaves, pine
boughs, snowflakes, etc…)
PTO and School Sponsored
Events to Support
Fun Run Fundraiser: September 30, 2015 This is the school’s first (of two) large
fundraisers of the school year. It is a great chance to get to know the kids and participate in
an active and enjoyable event that involves our kids as the main “fund-runners!” This year
the Fun Run committee has asked room parents to help the teacher with creating a
classroom banner that will be used during the opening ceremony and to introduce the class
as they prepare their runners.
Spring Soiree: April 16, 2016 This is a HUGE fundraiser for our school. Room parents are
expected to organize or DELEGATE organization of a classroom project that will be
auctioned off at the Spring Gala. This project should incorporate the work of all of the
children in the classroom. Utilize your talents or the talents of an eager parent volunteer to
make a special item that will raise funds for American Academy. Due dates on the above
projects will be given to you when they are established.
Teacher Appreciation Week: May 2-6, 2016 A fun way to show our teachers how much
we appreciate them and every year the teachers love it! The Teacher Appreciation
Committee will provide us with a standard daily activity to appreciate our teachers. Your job
is to help implement this for your teacher. Mark this week on your calendar and get ready to
have lots of fun taking care of our teachers.
Support of Social/Spirit Events and Fundraising Events- Throughout the year, we will have
several social events for the students and fundraising events for the school. Your support
and attendance is greatly appreciated. You can generate excitement for these events in the
classroom by just spreading the word or inviting your teacher and parents to attend.
Teacher’s Name (grade) GRADE CLASSROOM PARENTS
Dear Parents:
Now that the school year is underway, I look forward to working with (Teacher’s Name) and each of you in contributing
to a successful year! I would like to introduce myself as Room Parent (RP) for (Teacher’s Name & Grade) grade class.
My name is (RP’s Name(s) I have ( # ) children at AA-American Academy, (List your kids and grades). This is our
(second) year at AA and we love our teachers! If you are new to AA-American Academy - Welcome!
Ro o m Pa r en t(s) ( RP) : My job is to coordinate, recruit and support our teacher throughout the year with your help
and support. Your participation is strictly voluntary and always greatly appreciated. With that in mind, I’m currently in
need of a second co-room parent. I would love any help. If you are interested please sign-up on (Teacher’s Name) site or
email me.
Cla s sro o m Pa rt i es : We plan on having a super year of celebrations to include 1) Fall party (date), 2) Holiday party
(date), and a 3) Valentine’s Day party (date). As RP I will try to host/organize classroom parties and to offer many ways
for you to be involved as parents and get volunteer hours.
Sh utt erfly PR I VA T E S it e & Co mmu n ica t io n: Collectively, the (grade) RP and teachers have decided to
create one main site for all of (grade?) grade. The site will include: 1) important information, 2) volunteer sign-ups for
parties, 3) other school-wide events, 4) view individual class directories, and 5) all members can post pictures/videos of
class events. The site is private and only visible if you have accepted an invitation sent by us. In order for us to invite
you to the site, we must have a release (see 2nd page) from you agreeing with a few basic guidelines as requested by the
school. Once shutterfly authorization form is received; I will: 1) add you to the site, 2) send you a confirmation email,
and 3) then watch for an email invite from Shutterfly to join our site!
Note: Shutterfly has a great app that you can download called the Shutterfly Share App. Make sure you choose the shared site app
version not regular shutterfly).
Other Class Specifics: Sign-ups such as Friday folders, room cleaning, library helpers etc. will be facilitated by (Teacher’s name) and
can be found on her AA page.
Fu nd ing : All RP’s in the school have been asked to collect $25 from every student to cover the food, games, and
crafts for the three classroom parties. GREAT NEWS! As a thank you for your donation, you will receive 2 volunteer
hours! If you have multiple children, every $25 you donate counts as an additional 2 hours. (i.e. kid 1 $25 + kid 2 $25 =
$50 = 4 hours). All funds will be carefully budgeted using a spreadsheet that you are welcome to access at any time.
Please note: YOU are responsible for logging your own 2 volunteer hours per donation on the PTO page of the AA
Any remaining party funds will be put towards a special gift for (Teacher’s name) for teacher appreciation week. Please
note: the $25 does NOT cover the Spring Soiree project and we may still ask for donations of items and time related to
that project. More information on the Spring Soiree to come in the next few months. (If you are interested in helping with
that project, I would love to hear from you now even though it is several months away.)
Future Volunteer Opportunities: 1)Fun Run, 2)Helping with our three classroom parties, 3)teacher appreciation week,
and 4)the Spring Soiree classroom project. I will post these opportunities on the Shutterfly site as soon as we have it up
and running! Other information and activities to follow.
I look forward to working with all of the 2nd graders and their parents. If you have any additional questions, comments,
or suggestions, please do not hesitate to email me. My email address is (Your Email Address) and (Cell number).
Thank you,
RP Name(s) (Your child’s name)
Please print this page & fill out the shutterfly authorization form below and send it along with your $25
cash or check donation as soon as possible but NO LATER than Friday, September 24th in a sealed envelope with
your child, to either give to (Teacher’s Name) or deliver to the front desk of the school in an envelope with (RP Names).
Please cut & paste the shutterfly authorization form below and respond to it by email @ (RP email
address) as soon as possible so that I can add you to our site and start communicating! Then please send your $25 cash
or check donation as soon as possible but NO LATER than Friday, September 24th in a sealed envelope with your
child, to either give to (Teacher’s name) or deliver to the front desk of the school.
Please write: 1) your child’s name, 2) (TEACHER”S NAME) name and 3) my name on the front of the envelope.
Checks should either be made payable to: (your name) or Cash.
American Academy - (TEACHER”S NAME & GRADE) Grade
Name of child:
Parent Name:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Parent Name:
☐ Same as above
I would like to help with:
I give permission for photos of my child to be posted on the second grade class shutterfly site:
I give my approval to publish my name, phone, and email addresses on the second grade shutterfly site:
Parent Signature:
The site is only available to (GRADE?) grade families at American Academy 2015-2016.
Class Money Log & Volunteer Mark-list
Parents Name
Total Contributions
The Columns below mark X once completed/accepted
Yes to
Only to
The above columns allows a visual
that all parents had a turn to volunteer
1st page
2nd page
Items Purchased:
End of YR Gift
Total Money Used
Total Contributions
Total Money Used
Money Remaining
Added total cash on hand
Cash 4
Room Party Checklist
Party Occasion: ☐ Fall Party Date: ____/____/____
☐ Valentine’s Party
☐ Holiday Party
Date: ____/____/____ ☐ Other
Date: ____/____/____
Date: ____/____/____
Teacher Name & Grade:
Party Chairperson (Name/Phone #):
Budget: $____________
☐ Parents will contribute: $_____________
Teacher Preferences/Recommendations:
1. Game #1
2. Game #2
3. Video
4. Craft #1
5. Craft #2
6. Decorations
7. Book
8. Snack #1
9. Snack #2
10. Paper Goods (plates,
napkins, and cutlery)
11. Beverage/cups
12. Favors (treat "bag",
goodies, items to match
the theme)
13. Set Up/Clean Up
(Parents volunteering to help with the games, craft, book reading, and set up/clean up need to attend the party,
and have all necessary items for their assignment. Parents contributing paper goods, snacks, decorations and
favors can send the "contribution" in to the chairperson prior to the party if they are unable to attend.)
Contingency Plans:
American Academy (Grade?)
To: ____________________________ (parent name)
For: (Teacher’s name)
This is to confirm that we have received your contribution of $_____________ and/or
(items) for our class for
(Please remember to log in your 2 volunteer hours per donation on the PTO page of the AA website.)
Thank you again for supporting our classroom this year!
Your Room Parents,
RP Name
RP Name
Dear Parents,
This is to confirm that we have received your contribution of $25.00 for our class for the Fall/Holiday
& Valentine Parties. (Please remember to log in your 2 volunteer hours per donation on the PTO
page of the AA website.)
Thank you again for supporting our classroom this year!
Your Room Parents,
RP Names
Our Teacher’s Birthday!!!
Our teacher, (Teacher’s Name), has a birthday coming up on (Date). So, we thought we'd celebrate her big
day on the same day (Day, Date) (if you are not in town, please contact us to make different arrangements).
You may choose to participate in all, some or none of the following. This is strictly voluntary:
• Card Shower- have your child make/buy a birthday card for (teacher’s name). (I would encourage them
to make them and bring it on (date) Tuesday).
Gift Card Tree- purchase a gift card from one of the places on her favorite things list...you choose the
amount and the place. I will put a yellow envelope in the front office to collect them all (so it will be a
surprise for her).
Treats- someone can bring in one of her favorite treats that morning...Starbucks! If I could get another
volunteer to bring another that afternoon that would be great. Please email me if you are interested.
Again, these things are all voluntary. I will send out reminders earlier that week.
Thank you all for all that you do to support our kids and teachers. If you have any questions or any other
ideas, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
(RP(s) Name(s) (Room Parents)
Hello Wonderful _______Grade Families,
December is a busy time of year so let's squeeze one more thing into the mix. ;) (Teacher’s Name) birthday
is DAY, Date!! She/he works so hard and does such an amazing job with our children. So wouldn't it be nice
to take a day to celebrate her. You may choose to participate in all, some or none. It is up to you.
BIRTHDAY CARD - Please have your child make (or buy) a birthday card.
GIFT CARD TREE - Purchase a small gift card (perhaps from her favorite things list- Target, Kohl's,
Amazon, Starbucks, Hobby Lobby, Barnes and Noble…)
BIRTHDAY TREAT - Would one person like to drop off treats on (DAY, DATE)? Please email me if you
are interested.
As a SURPRISE, If the kids can bring in the cards and/or gift cards by DATE (and put them in the yellow
manila envelope in the classroom labeled (Room Parents) we will put them all together into a pretty card tree.
Thanks so much for your help!!
RP(s) Name & Email Address
Room Parent Farewell Letter to Class Parents
To the Wonderful Parents of (Teacher’s Name) Class,
I would like to thank all the parents for helping throughout the year with volunteering in the
classroom, field trips, fundraising and parties. Without all your help and participation, the kids could
not have had so much fun this year. I wanted you to know it was greatly appreciated. Thank you for
a great year. Attach are the pictures of the teachers end of the year gift from all her class and Field
Have a great summer!
Your Room Mom,