----- Forwarded Message ----From: "Patapsco Heritage Greenway," <patapscofriend@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, July 21, 2014 1:04 PM Subject: IMPORTANT - erroneous info. being spread about PHG and our proposed management plan Thank you to many of our members and other volunteers who have recently emailed us or posted messages on FACEBOOK about information that has recently been circulated through the Sierra Club's email system and webpage to encourage their members to vote against PHG's efforts to create the Patapsco Heritage Greenway certified heritage area. Yes, we are very aware of the Howard County Sierra Club's campaign to discredit our efforts to protect and enhance the Patapsco Valley, including the Patapsco State Park. The Patapsco Heritage Greenway is a non-profit, 401C3 organization, not a private organization. To set the record straight and correct the erroneous information being circulated, PHG President John Slater posted yesterday on the Sierra Club Face Book page: "There is a difference between a Management Plan for the Patapsco Heritage Greenway and a Management Plan (MP) for the Patapsco State Park. What will be discussed by Howard County Council is whether to endorse the proposed MP for the Patapsco Heritage Greenway and that has nothing to do with a MP for the park. The two different management plans should not be confused. Also - when the Patapsco Heritage Greenway MP gains State certification then the park will be eligible for grant funding via the PHG. The Patapsco State Park has been a part of the PHG "Recognized Heritage Area" for the past 17 years and we have had a very positive and fruitful partnership with the Patapsco State Park (owned by the Department of Natural Resources - DNR) all that time. In fact the park has benefited from numerous projects and events put on by PHG whether it was for the design and installation of historic interpretive signs in the Avalon Visitors Center or hundreds of stream clean ups or holding numerous environmental educational events in the Patapsco State Park. Here are a few environmental accomplishments PHG has completed over the last 8 years: Engaged over 13,000 volunteers in PHG activities 71,003 volunteer hours Collected over 313 tons of trash in the Valley Planted 413 trees in riparian buffers Over 100 river sections/streams being monitored 231 watershed cleanups 20,908 pounds of invasive plants removed 343 tons of trash removed (equal to 62 full grown African elephants) PHG has been a valuable partner with the Patapsco State Park. DNR wrote a letter of support to the Maryland Heritage Area Authority endorsing PHG's effort to create a Management Plan to gain State Certification. The park has every thing to gain and nothing to lose. The park has total control over their own land. PHG has NO control over the park's land. Never has and never will. DNR likes their parks to be in Heritage Areas. In fact most if not all of the 12 existing Heritage Areas include State Parks in their boundaries. It provides them a level of both recognition and protection. The Mission Statement of the PHG: The Patapsco Heritage Greenway Inc. is dedicated to preserving, protecting, interpreting and restoring the environment, history and culture of the Patapsco River Valley. It has guided the PHG well for the past 17 years. With State Certification PHG will be able to increase it's efforts to bring a positive focus on a unique Heritage Area full of both environmental and historical resources that need protecting. Protecting an enhancing these resources will benefit our community and continue to enhance our quality of life." For some odd reason that we still do not understand, the Howard County Sierra Club continues to fight us at every turn. Go figure. It's not easy running around trying to put out all these fires. We urge you to please take a few moments NOW to email a few short words in support of Council Resolution 96-2014 to councilmail@howardcountymd.gov or better yet, please show up and testify tonight at 6:30 pm at the County office building, located at the George Howard Building, 3450 Courthouse Drive, Ellicott City, MD. If you have not read the proposed plan to see the correct facts for yourself, you can read it in its entirety at http://www.patapscoheritagegreenway.org/Revised%20Draft%20PHG%20Pl an%206.23.14-web.pdf We also urge you to visit PHG's photowebsite to see all of the different activities and programs our members, staff and volunteers have accomplished in the past several years at http://patapscofriend.smugmug.com/ Thank you for your support!