34th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PRODUCTION ENGINEERING 28. - 30. September 2011, Niš, Serbia University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF UPSETTING OF PRISMATIC BILLETS BY V-SHAPE DIES WITH EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION Dragisa VILOTIC1, Miroslav PLANCAK1, Sergej ALEXANDROV2, Aljosa IVANISEVIC1, Dejan MOVRIN1, Mladomir MILUTINOVIC1, 1 Faculty of Technical Science, University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovica 6, Novi Sad, Serbia vilotic@uns.ac.rs, plancak@uns.ac.rs, aljosa@uns.ac.rs, movrin@uns.ac.rs, mladomil@uns.ac.rs 2 Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Science, 101-1 Prospect Vernadskogo, 119526 Moscow, Russia sergei_alexandrov@yahoo.com Abstract: Upsetting processes represent an elementary operation which is often integrated into complex technological processes of cold and hot bulk metal forming. These processes also have significant role in material formability analyses. In this paper, results obtained by numerical simulation of upsetting of prismatic specimens by V-shape dies in cold condition are presented. Numerical simulation is performed using Simufact Forming program package. Results obtained by numerical simulation of upsetting of prismatic billets with square section of material C45E steel by V-shape dies with die angle of 120° are verified experimentally. Key words: Upsetting, Numerical simulation, V-shape dies, Prismatic billets 1. INTRODUCTION Upsetting processes have an important role in the technology of bulk metal forming. For the upsetting of prismatic or cylindrical billets, flat dies are most often used, although upsetting can be obtained whit tools of different geometry. Given in [1] is the stress analysis in deformation zone in upsetting of workhardening material by cylindrical dies. The load and average pressure as a function of die stroke were determined and compared to results obtained experimentally. In paper [2] stress analysis of upsetting prismatic billet with concave-curve dies is obtained. Solution of contact stress and forming load, i.e. distribution of contact stress and forming load in upsetting cylinder by conical dies is presented in [3]. a) b) c) Fig.1. Upsetting with dies of various geometry: a) cylindrical dies [1] b) conical dies [4] c) spherical dies [5] Various modes of upsetting of prismatic and cylindrical billets find their application in the analysis of formability of materials. Upsetting with dies of various geometry are presented on Fig.1. [1, 4, 5]. Determination of stress-strain state in the processes of metal forming is one of the most important tasks of the applied theory of plasticity. The knowledge of stressstrain enables determination of the process parameters and analysis of material formability. There are three groups of methods which enable stressstrain and forming load determination: Theoretical Experimental Numerical In this paper results obtained by numerical simulation of upsetting of cylinder by V-shape dies in Simufact Forming programming package and the results obtained experimentally are presented. Experimental part of the paper was conducted in the Laboratory for Technology of Plasticity at the Department of Production Engineering in Novi Sad. The upsetting of prismatic billets made of steel C45E material was performed by V-shape dies on Sack und Kiesselbach hydraulic press of 6,3 MN rated force. Two series of billets with square section were used. 2. NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF UPSETTING PRISMATIC BILLETS BY V-SHAPE DIES Numerical analysis of upsetting of prismatic billets by Vshape dies was performed using the finite element method in Simufact Forming v.10 programming package. The finite elements method is modern method of numerical analysis and represents a method of direct analysis. Unlike the other numerical methods it is based on physical discretization. Fig.4. and Fig.5. shows stress distribution at the end of upsetting process for billets series PH and PS. Maximum die stroke for upsetting of the billet series PH was 20mm and for series PS maximum die stroke was 17mm. It can be concluded that maximum effective stress for series PH in the end of the process is 1205MPa, Fig.4., and for series PS that value is 1149MPa, Fig.5. It can be seen that maximum effective stress in both series are concentrated on the contact surface of the billets. Fig.2. Upsetting by V-shape dies On Fig.2. beginning of the process of upsetting of prismatic billet by V-shape dies is given. The dies and models used in simulation were modeled in CAD package Solid Edge V18 and then imported to the Simufact Forming program. Two series of billets were used and initial dimensions are given on Fig.3. (a, b). SlMesh Tetra mesher with 2mm element size was used, Fig.3. (c). Dies used in simulation were set as rigid bodies and press velocity was 1mm/s. Fig.4. Distribution of effective stress for billets series PH Fig.5. Distribution of effective stress for billets series PS Series PH a) Series PS b) SlMesh Tetra c) Distribution of the effective stress inside the billets series PH along x direction is given on Fig.6. and for billets series PS on Fig.7. Planes, in which appropriate effective stresses act, are 5, 10 and 15 mm offsitted from the reference point in y direction for series PH and 4, 8 and 12mm for series PS. It can be seen that for both series value of effective stresses decreases with increasing of x coordinate. Fig.3. Initial dimension of the billets 2.1. Simulation results By 3D numerical simulation of upsetting of prismatic part by V-shape dies the information on stress-strain state and forming load diagram as function of die stroke were obtained. In the simulation, the flow curve for C45E steel determined by Rastagaev's technique and approximated by the below equation was used: k 289,671 668,779 ef0,3184 [ MPa] (1) where: k -flow stress ef -effective strain Fig.6. Distribution of effective stress along x direction for billets series PH Friction between contact surface of dies and billet was defined with coefficient of friction μ = 0,12. Fig.8. shows distribution of effective plastic strain for billets series PH. Distribution of effective plastic strain for billets series PS is given on Fig.9. upsetting was performed with coefficient of friction μ = 0,12. Fig.7. Distribution of effective stress along x direction for billets series PS From Fig.8. and Fig.9. it can be concluded that for both series maximum plastic strain is concentrated on the contact surface of billet. For billets series PH maximum plastic strain is 1,681 and for billets series PS that value is 1,501. Fig.10. Sack&Kiesselbach Hydraulic Press Fig.11. shows billet series PH before and after deformation. From Fig.11. can be seen that the shape of the billets after deformation is the same as shape of billet in the end of simulation process. Fig.11. Billet series PH before and after deformation Fig.8. Distribution of effective plastic strain for billet series PH In the end of the process the billet cracked. The crack appeared on the both lateral sides of billet in y,z plane. Upsetting of the billets series PH was performed with the maximum die stroke of 20mm. From the diagram in Fig.12. it can be concluded that the forming load obtained by simulation is higher than in the experiment, and the difference is approximately 6%. In the last phase, between 18mm and 20mm forming load obtained in simulation is 40% higher than forming load obtain experimentally. Fig.9. Distribution of effective plastic strain for billet series PS Forming load diagram as function of die stroke is shown on Fig.12. and Fig.14. 3. EXPERIMENTAL TEST OF FORMING LOAD Experimental test of changing of forming load depending of the die stroke was conducted on Sack&Kiesselbach hydraulic press of 6,3MN rated force (Fig.10.). The billets compressed in the experiment were made from C45E steel. Billets geometries performed in experiment were identical to the ones used in simulation, Fig.3 (a, b). The dies used in the experiment were polished and Fig.12. F-s diagram for billets series PH Billet from second series before and after deformation is given on Fig.13. In the end of the process billet cracked. Upsetting of the billets series PS was performed with the maximum die stroke of 17mm. From Fig.13 it can be seen that the shape of the billet after deformation is same as shape of billet in the end of simulation process. higher than the load obtained in experiment. It should be mentioned that the maximum forming load obtained by simulation is by 6%-18% higher than in experiment, and in one moment that difference reaches 40%. Also, it can be concluded that the effective plastic stress for billets in both series decreases with increasing of x coordinate. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This paper is a part of the investigation within the project EUREKA E!5005 financed by Serbian Ministry of Science and Technological Development. Authors are very grateful for the financial support. REFERENCES Fig.13. Billet from series PS before and after deformation Diagram on Fig.14. shows that during the entire process the forming load obtained by simulation was negligible higher than the load obtained by experiment. From Fig.14. it can be concluded that the forming load obtain by simulation and experiment is almost the same after die stroke of 8mm, but then, from 8mm to the end of the process forming load obtained by simulation is higher than in experiment. Difference between forming load in simulation and experiment in the end of the process is approximately 18%. [1] VILOTIĆ, D., SHABAIK, A.H. (1985) Analisys of upsetting with profiling tools, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 107, pp. 261-264 [2] LIN, S.Y. (2002) Stress analysis of upsetting with concave curve dies, Journal of Material Processing Technology, Vol. 213, pp 59-68 [3] VILOTIĆ, D., VUJOVIĆ, V., PLANČAK, M. (1994) Determination of contact stress in upsetting of cylinder by cone-concave dies, Metallurgy and New Materials Researches, Vol. II, No. 1-2, pp. 105113 [4] VILOTIĆ, D., PLANČAK, M., GRBIĆ, S., ALEXANDROV, S., CHIKANOVA, N. (2003) An approcach to determining the workability diagram based on upsetting test, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Vol.26, pp 305310 [5] VILOTIĆ, D., CHIKANOVA, S., ALEXANDER, S. (1999) Disc upsetting between spherical dies and its aplication to the determination of forming limit curves, Jurnal of Strain Analysis, Vol. 34, pp [6] ROBERT, D. COOK Finite Element Modeling for Stress Anlysis, University of Wiskonsin-Madison, 1995. CORRESPONDENCE Fig.14. F-s diagram for billets series PS 4. CONCLUSION Upsetting processes occur as production phases in most technologies for cold and warm bulk forming. They are performed with tools which geometry often differs from the standard plane geometry. Analysis of processes in plastic forming technology requires the stress-strain state to be determined as well as the basic process parameters. For these reasons various method are used, e.g. theoretical, experimental, numerical. This paper presents a comparative view of results obtained by simulation in Simufact Forming program package and results obtained experimentally. For the experiment and simulation V-shape dies and prismatic billets are used. From the analysis of presented results it can be concluded that forming load obtained in simulation is negligible Dragisa VILOTIC, PhD, University Professor, Faculty of Technical Science, Trg Dositeja Obradovica 6, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia, vilotic@uns.ac.rs Miroslav PLANCAK, PhD, University Professor, Faculty of Technical Science, Trg Dositeja Obradovica 6, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia, plancak@uns.ac.rs Sergej ALEXANDROV, PhD, Institute for Problems in Mechanic, Russian Academy of Science, 101-1 Prospect Vernadskogo, 119526 Moscow, Russia, sergei_alexandrov@yahoo.com Aljosa IVANISEVIC, MSc, Research Assistant, Faculty of Technical Science, Trg Dositeja Obradovica 6, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbai, aljosa@uns.ac.rs Dejan MOVRIN, dipl. ing, University Assistant, Faculty of Technical Science, Trg Dositeja Obradovica 6, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia, movrin@uns.ac.rs Mladomir MILUTINOVIC, Mr, University Assistant, Faculty of Technical Science, Trg Dositeja Obradovica 6, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia, mladomil@uns.ac.rs