Christian Service Requirements Our Lady of Loretto Middle School Service to our communities is an integral part of our Catholic faith. Our Lady of Loretto is dedicated to fostering in all their students a call to serve those who are in need. As our students mature and move up in the grades, Christian Service becomes a more integral part of their own Catholic faith. Our Lady of Loretto strives to instill in every student the compassion to look outside of themselves by reaching out to their surrounding communities and volunteering their time and energy to helping those in need. In doing so children will discover their own capacity to give and serve. All middle school students are required to complete a certain number of Christian Service hours per grade. It is our hope that each student will look to the needs of the communities they are in and strive to do more than what is just required of them. As your student serves, they are responsible for first obtaining approval of their planned Christian Service from their Religion teacher, keeping a log of the services they engaged in, as well as completing the required paperwork reflecting on their service. As the parent of an OLL middle school student, it is your responsibility to guide your student towards the service opportunities that they are most passionate about, that are most realistic in their ability to serve, and to keep them on track with the completion of this requirement. We have set specific criteria for the types of Christian Service that will qualify for this requirement. First, they must receive approval from their religion teacher on the type of Christian Service they are planning on volunteering for. They must volunteer with community organizations that are in need. Their hours must be completed outside of normal school hours (no hours between 7:45am and 3:00pm will be accepted). Finally, the Christian Service must be a volunteering of their time with no compensation given to themselves. It is the middle school student’s responsibility to keep up with the completion of this requirement. Incomplete paperwork will not be accepted. The completion of their required number of hours along with the proper completion of the paperwork will be reflected in their religion grade. The students must be completed with their hours and have all their paperwork turned in by Tuesday, April 30th, 2013. It is the hope that all of our students will understand the importance of service in our communities and why it is a foundation of our Catholic faith. It is our ultimate goal for each student to continue way past their required hours and realize that they can make a difference in their own communities. Christian Service Requirements Our Lady of Loretto Middle School ___________________________________________ Student’s Name I am requesting approval to volunteer my time with the following service opportunity: Organization: _________________________________________________________________ Type of Service I will be providing ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _____________ Approved _____________ Not Approved - Reason why - _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ ________________________________________ Religion Teacher’s Signature Christian Service Requirements Our Lady of Loretto Middle School Service Requirement Log Student’s Name: ______________ Grade: _______________ Name Of Organization Type of # of Service Hours Supervisor’s Name Supervisor’s Dates of Signature of Phone # Service Supervising Adult Sixth Grade Students = 10 hours of service Seventh Grade Students = 15 hours of service Eighth Grade Students = 20 hours of service