Characteristics of a Christian Leader: Competence Chosen: The starting point for any Christian leader is discipleship. Unless we know we are chosen, children of a loving God, we will lead from an insecure place, constantly twisting our privilege of a leadership position to meet our own needs I lead from God’s love not for his love Prayer is the foundation of my leadership I seek to obey Jesus’ commands I study the Bible to know God more deeply I meet with a person to whom I am accountable Chosen Call Character Community Call: Christian leaders need to respond to God’s particular purpose for our life. We need to know how God has shaped us and how he wants to use us. Do what you are … Spiritual gifts, Heart’s desire, Abilities, Personality, Experience Character: Character is foundational to everything. You can be a gifted person, a talented leader … but without godly character it all falls apart. Character shines through in how we treat people on a day-to-day basis, who we are when we are under pressure and when no-one else is looking. Just as he who called you is holy, be holy in all you do (1 Peter 1.15) Character is important because people won’t follow those they can’t trust; character issues push leaders off the rails and people model themselves on their leaders. Competence: … builds on Chosen, Call and Character Leaders lead themselves. Watch your life and your doctrine (1 Timothy 4.16) Leaders embody kingdom values (e.g. people have intrinsic worth, truth is found in relationship) Leaders discern, articulate and implement God’s vision Leaders develop other people Community: Christian leadership is not meant to be solo, but a team experience where the gifts of the team complement and balance one another. Christian leaders will submit themselves to learn from others and work with others for the common goal of bringing glory to God. James Lawrence, Growing Leaders, brf, 2004 Mavis Payne, 2011 SU Mission Director’s Personal Leadership Goals Name: Mission: Date: Characteristics of a Christian leader: lives out of who they are in Christ (Chosen) works consistently with who they are (Call) reflects God’s character in their life (Character) is competent in leading themselves, discerning & implementing God’s vision & investing in others (Competence) o understands their leadership style & leads with others (Community) Competence o o o o Chosen Character Call Community o Using the scale 0 – 5 (where 0 is low/not at all and 5 is high/consistently) assess yourself against the five characteristics of Christian leaders: Chosen Call Character Competence Community o What areas of your leadership would you like to improve and develop? o Identify three personal goals for your leadership this year. o What strategies will you put in place to achieve these goals? o What resources, training or assistance would you value to assist you in your leadership development? Mavis Payne, 2011